Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


78strength from the existence of pearlite is negligible. Carbon in wrought iron typicallyexists as fine precipitates of iron carbide, or cementite intermixed with the ferrite(Gordon,1988). This is because the wrought iron was never fully heated to a liquid formduring the manufacturing process, and so the carbon is not heated fully enough to formpearlite.The dark, elongated areas in the micrograph in Figure 4.1 are inclusions whichconsist of a variety of impurities like phosphorous, sulfur or silicon. The majority ofthese impurities are iron silicate and other oxides which are commonly grouped togetherand known as slag. The slag was intertwined into the microstructure of the wrought ironduring the manufacturing process where the molten slag was used to help heat the ironore. Most of the molten slag was squeezed out of the material during rolling of thewrought iron into the eyebar shape.The slag inclusions that remained in the material were typically elongated andextended along only one direction in the material. These inclusions were larger thaninclusions that are typically found in other metals such as steel. Some of these inclusionsare large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Figure 4.2 shows a typical largeinclusion found throughout the material.Figure 4.3 is a photograph of a micrograph taken of the scrap piece of steel. Thismicrograph was used to compare the microstructure of the historic wrought iron to that ofa common structural steel. The micrograph of the steel indicated that steel consisted of asmaller grain structure than wrought iron. It also shows a mixture of ferrite, pearlite andimpurities that create the microstructure of steel. The impurities, or inclusions in the steelwere much smaller and more distributed, unlike the inclusions in wrought iron.The addition of carbon in the form of pearlite increases the strength and ductilityof pure iron to form steel. Since the composition of wrought iron consists mainly offerrite with widely dispersed areas of cementite and impurities, the mechanical properties

79are not similar to that of steel and indicate the wrought iron has lower strength andductility.The non-uniform nature of the microstructure of the wrought iron caused by theamount and irregular distribution of impurities and inclusions in the material create pointsof higher stresses that initiate crack growth through out the material. This reduces thestrength and ductility of the material. The lack of uniformity also makes it difficult toaccurately determine a definite yield and ultimate strength, since the amount of inclusionsfound in wrought iron varies considerably. This variation in microstructure is the reasonwhy a significant variation in mechanical properties was observed in the historical datagathered for wrought iron.4.2 Chemical AnalysisA chemical analysis of the wrought iron test material was completed to determinethe elements present. Table 4.1 shows the results from this chemical analysis. Theelements that were found to be prevalent in Eyebars E1 and E2 included carbon,phosphorous, sulfur, and most importantly, silicon.The amount of silicon present in the wrought iron and was between 0.12 and 0.15percent by weight. In steel, silicon amounts exceeding 0.3% are sometimes used incertain heat-treatable alloy steels and electrical steels (Linnert, 1994). Silicon typicallypromotes the fluidity of the metal while it is being processed into shapes and it alsopromotes hardenability. In wrought iron, silicon can be found mainly in the slag that isdispersed in pockets through out the metal. This slag causes an overall decrease instrength, but also helps to prevent corrosion. Since slag is a major component in thedefinition of wrought iron, the presence of silicon in excess of what is typically found insteel would be a crucial step in identifying an unknown metal as wrought iron.

78strength from the existence <strong>of</strong> pearlite is negligible. Carbon in wrought iron typicallyexists as fine precipitates <strong>of</strong> iron carbide, or cementite intermixed with the ferrite(Gordon,1988). This is because the wrought iron was never fully heated to a liquid formduring the manufacturing process, <strong>and</strong> so the carbon is not heated fully enough to formpearlite.The dark, elongated areas in the micrograph in Figure 4.1 are inclusions whichconsist <strong>of</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong> impurities like phosphorous, sulfur or silicon. The majority <strong>of</strong>these impurities are iron silicate <strong>and</strong> other oxides which are commonly grouped together<strong>and</strong> known as slag. The slag was intertwined into the microstructure <strong>of</strong> the wrought ironduring the manufacturing process where the molten slag was used to help heat the ironore. Most <strong>of</strong> the molten slag was squeezed out <strong>of</strong> the material during rolling <strong>of</strong> thewrought iron into the eyebar shape.The slag inclusions that remained in the material were typically elongated <strong>and</strong>extended along only one direction in the material. These inclusions were larger thaninclusions that are typically found in other metals such as steel. Some <strong>of</strong> these inclusionsare large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Figure 4.2 shows a typical largeinclusion found throughout the material.Figure 4.3 is a photograph <strong>of</strong> a micrograph taken <strong>of</strong> the scrap piece <strong>of</strong> steel. Thismicrograph was used to compare the microstructure <strong>of</strong> the historic wrought iron to that <strong>of</strong>a common structural steel. The micrograph <strong>of</strong> the steel indicated that steel consisted <strong>of</strong> asmaller grain structure than wrought iron. It also shows a mixture <strong>of</strong> ferrite, pearlite <strong>and</strong>impurities that create the microstructure <strong>of</strong> steel. The impurities, or inclusions in the steelwere much smaller <strong>and</strong> more distributed, unlike the inclusions in wrought iron.The addition <strong>of</strong> carbon in the form <strong>of</strong> pearlite increases the strength <strong>and</strong> ductility<strong>of</strong> pure iron to form steel. Since the composition <strong>of</strong> wrought iron consists mainly <strong>of</strong>ferrite with widely dispersed areas <strong>of</strong> cementite <strong>and</strong> impurities, the mechanical properties

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