Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


28Table 2.1 Average Ultimate Strength and Standard Deviation for Angle Iron, Bar, andPlate Material Tested by Kirkaldy (1862).Type of Material TestedAverage TensileStrengthStandard Deviation ofTensile StrengthAngle Iron 53,190 psi 4,910 psi (9.2%)Bar 55,420 psi 7,530 psi (13.6%)Plate 48,500 psi 5,580 psi (11.5%)

29Figure 2.1 Fracture Showing Fibrous Nature of Wrought Iron. (Aston, 1949)Figure 2.2 Cross Section of Puddling Furnace (Johnson, 1928)

29Figure 2.1 Fracture Showing Fibrous Nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wrought</strong> <strong>Iron</strong>. (Aston, 1949)Figure 2.2 Cross Section <strong>of</strong> Puddling Furnace (Johnson, 1928)

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