Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


176Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation of the Strength of Wrought Iron Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)632 0.5 2.5 28 33725 50728633 0.552 2.72 28.6 36982 49726634 0.554 2.77 29.6 32054 50197635 0.601 2.97 31.6 37102 49087636 0.601 2.99 20 38646 49351637 0.654 3.25 31.1 28575 49118638 0.653 3.21 29.8 38818 49641639 0.653 3.2 29.6 38444 46865640 0.725 3.63 28.1 34934 49539641 0.728 3.62 31.2 38437 46250642 0.726 3.55 31718 49676643 0.8 4 30.2 37996 49437644 0.801 3.97 29.7 39687 49314645 0.805 4.04 30.4 35790 49710646 0.8 4.1 30.5 33819 49736647 0.875 4.3 29.5 NA 48559648 0.875 4.3 29.5 26110 48560649 0.875 3.85 32.5 25364 49225650 0.874 4.37 29.4 320505 48922651 1.01 5 29 32676 48308652 1.19 5.88 30.8 35790 48473653 1 4.93 31 35790 46982654 1 4.89 31.2 29284 47301657 0.5 2.46 26 32340 50178658 0.5 2.4 29.1 32300 50178659 0.5 2.41 28.2 31991 50165660 0.552 2.73 31.1 37401 49935661 0.55 2.73 29.6 26826 49877662 0.53 2.72 31.3 31224 49962663 0.55 2.68 25.5 32302 50825664 0.601 2.93 32.4 41067 49175665 0.603 3 32.1 NA 49024666 0.602 2.99 32.1 38386 48853667 0.654 3.26 27.6 37806 49267668 0.653 3.22 28.4 32323 49865669 0.653 3.25 28.2 29859 50015670 0.725 3.62 29 36350 50143671 0.726 3.6 26.9 32466 49676672 0.727 3.6 28.5 31588 49867673 0.801 4.01 30.2 37497 49266

177Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation of the Strength of Wrought Iron Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)674 0.8 4.05 29.9 34615 49438675 0.876 4.36 28.2 39741 48531676 0.875 4.31 29.4 36587 48809677 0.802 4.01 27.5 29693 48597678 1.004 4.96 31.2 34408 46862679 1.01 5 29.2 38192 51422680 1.01 5 27 39940 52420681 1.13 8 24.5 35493 49850682 1.13 8 23.7 35493 50448683 1.25 9 13.6 39608 52485684 1.25 9 21.7 39608 52974685 1.38 10 20.8 39037 52406686 1.38 10 17.5 39170 52272687 1.5 13 23.9 34522 50367688 1.5 13 25 35653 51273689 1.62 13 23 34934 49684690 1.61 13 25.5 35854 51375691 1.74 13 27 35996 50464692 1.74 13 25.5 35912 50630693 1.87 13 19.1 36416 49380694 1.87 13 25.5 34818 50109695 2.01 13 NA 35297 47777696 2.01 13 NA 36432 47967697 2.24 37.5 20 31059 48112698 2.24 37.5 20.4 31415 48898699 2.09 11 26.7 32002 48965700 2.1 12 27 31931 49364701 2.5 37.5 20.5 30456 47507702 2.5 37.5 20.6 29060 47181703 2.34 14 17.9 28644 48407704 2.38 14 16 29220 48550705 0.504 2.57 22.5 38596 51128706 0.502 2.43 22.8 0.7771 50530707 0.552 2.67 22.8 40534 49709708 0.601 2.96 17.8 NA 48819709 0.65 3.18 23.9 36467 51838710 0.727 3.64 23.7 34208 49144711 0.802 3.97 23.9 38992 48792712 0.877 4.19 24.1 37042 49370713 1.055 4.99 NA 31892 48280

176Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation <strong>of</strong> the Strength <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wrought</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)632 0.5 2.5 28 33725 50728633 0.552 2.72 28.6 36982 49726634 0.554 2.77 29.6 32054 50197635 0.601 2.97 31.6 37102 49087636 0.601 2.99 20 38646 49351637 0.654 3.25 31.1 28575 49118638 0.653 3.21 29.8 38818 49641639 0.653 3.2 29.6 38444 46865640 0.725 3.63 28.1 34934 49539641 0.728 3.62 31.2 38437 46250642 0.726 3.55 31718 49676643 0.8 4 30.2 37996 49437644 0.801 3.97 29.7 39687 49314645 0.805 4.04 30.4 35790 49710646 0.8 4.1 30.5 33819 49736647 0.875 4.3 29.5 NA 48559648 0.875 4.3 29.5 26110 48560649 0.875 3.85 32.5 25364 49225650 0.874 4.37 29.4 320505 48922651 1.01 5 29 32676 48308652 1.19 5.88 30.8 35790 48473653 1 4.93 31 35790 46982654 1 4.89 31.2 29284 47301657 0.5 2.46 26 32340 50178658 0.5 2.4 29.1 32300 50178659 0.5 2.41 28.2 31991 50165660 0.552 2.73 31.1 37401 49935661 0.55 2.73 29.6 26826 49877662 0.53 2.72 31.3 31224 49962663 0.55 2.68 25.5 32302 50825664 0.601 2.93 32.4 41067 49175665 0.603 3 32.1 NA 49024666 0.602 2.99 32.1 38386 48853667 0.654 3.26 27.6 37806 49267668 0.653 3.22 28.4 32323 49865669 0.653 3.25 28.2 29859 50015670 0.725 3.62 29 36350 50143671 0.726 3.6 26.9 32466 49676672 0.727 3.6 28.5 31588 49867673 0.801 4.01 30.2 37497 49266

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