Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


170Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation of the Strength of Wrought Iron Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)391 0.5 2.92 45 NA 55428392 0.5 2 NA 64837393 0.5 2.15 52 NA 52649394 0.5 2.15 55 NA 64431395 0.5 2.15 57 NA 60461396 0.5 2.15 45 NA 63246397 0.5 2.15 47 NA 51257398 0.5 2.15 50 NA 55400399 0.5 2.1 18.7 NA 56540400 0.5 2 21.2 NA 55555401 0.5 2.65 16 NA 55791402 0.5 2.47 20.2 NA 54849403 0.5 2.45 16.3 NA 56216404 0.5 2.45 21.2 NA 49920405 0.5 1.99 24.6 NA 58333406 0.5 2.25 25.3 NA 52705407 0.5 2 21.2 NA 56467408 0.5 1.98 21.8 NA 59132409 0.5 1.85 17.6 NA 55311410 2 22 18.2 28567 51146411 1.625 22 20 27816 51459412 1.75 20 21.2 27817 52699413 1.625 19 19.7 30087 53695414 1.5 18 18.9 27708 52155415 1.423 16 18.7 31676 54949416 1.25 14 14.2 28166 55550417 1.125 10 19.8 29476 54687418 2 9 NA NA 46151419 1.625 9.25 23.2 32074 53100420 1.75 9 17.2 31892 53472421 1.625 9 16.2 30664 53614422 1.5 8.5 22.7 32496 56505423 1.425 7.55 24 62152 58021424 1.25 7 17.6 31996 57979425 1.125 6.5 20.5 33597 59582426 1 6 26.1 33486 61115428 2 10.75 7.5 33068 49146429 2 3.2 18.8 32071 48585430 2 3.2 13.4 30066 46624431 1.825 3.2 28.1 29866 47850

171Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation of the Strength of Wrought Iron Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)432 1.825 3.18 16.7 33464 46624433 1.75 3.2 29.7 30060 48300434 1.75 3.18 28.6 32071 47850435 1.625 2.25 22.2 38862 52030436 1.625 2.27 21.1 34823 51435437 1.5 2.28 25.2 33322 49209438 1.5 2.28 25.63 31910 49758439 1.25 2.25 32.4 36821 51635440 1.25 2.25 28 36845 51034441 1.125 2.25 33.3 32022 49734442 1.125 2.25 30.2 30020 50334443 1 4.4 28.4 36129 52701444 1 4.43 24.1 35495 52715445 1 4.03 31.5 37330 55377446 1 3.9 28.9 32544 52769447 1 3.75 26.4 33830 51625448 1 3.65 31.2 33838 51848449 1 3.63 31.7 34913 53453450 2 6 26.5 24050 49768451 2 6 41.3 23574 49735452 1.9375 10 19.7 27087 49095453 1.9375 8 28 27010 48726454 1.825 11 18 33183 49512455 1.825 7.5 26 29934 51367456 1.8125 10 25.4 27700 51499457 1.8125 5 33.2 32990 51895458 1.75 11 18.1 29748 51233459 1.75 7 16.1 30222 49419460 1.625 10 16.7 27268 51127461 1.625 5.5 30 32279 50385462 1.5 6 27 32472 52156463 1.5 5 31.2 33681 53347464 1.375 6.5 25.2 33422 58296465 1.25 5.75 1.4 34188 43040466 1.125 7.25 0.7 37088 50045467 1 6 56.7 36960 56541468 1.375 6.5 9.7 35026 57486469 1.25 5.5 9.8 33740 53952470 1.125 7 17 33495 54000471 1 5.75 6 37694 60947

171Table A.5 (continued) Detailed Investigation <strong>of</strong> the Strength <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wrought</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> Bars PartII, Reported by BeardsleeTest Diameter Length Percent Elongation Elastic Limit Tensile LimitNumber (in) (in) (per original length) (psi) (psi)432 1.825 3.18 16.7 33464 46624433 1.75 3.2 29.7 30060 48300434 1.75 3.18 28.6 32071 47850435 1.625 2.25 22.2 38862 52030436 1.625 2.27 21.1 34823 51435437 1.5 2.28 25.2 33322 49209438 1.5 2.28 25.63 31910 49758439 1.25 2.25 32.4 36821 51635440 1.25 2.25 28 36845 51034441 1.125 2.25 33.3 32022 49734442 1.125 2.25 30.2 30020 50334443 1 4.4 28.4 36129 52701444 1 4.43 24.1 35495 52715445 1 4.03 31.5 37330 55377446 1 3.9 28.9 32544 52769447 1 3.75 26.4 33830 51625448 1 3.65 31.2 33838 51848449 1 3.63 31.7 34913 53453450 2 6 26.5 24050 49768451 2 6 41.3 23574 49735452 1.9375 10 19.7 27087 49095453 1.9375 8 28 27010 48726454 1.825 11 18 33183 49512455 1.825 7.5 26 29934 51367456 1.8125 10 25.4 27700 51499457 1.8125 5 33.2 32990 51895458 1.75 11 18.1 29748 51233459 1.75 7 16.1 30222 49419460 1.625 10 16.7 27268 51127461 1.625 5.5 30 32279 50385462 1.5 6 27 32472 52156463 1.5 5 31.2 33681 53347464 1.375 6.5 25.2 33422 58296465 1.25 5.75 1.4 34188 43040466 1.125 7.25 0.7 37088 50045467 1 6 56.7 36960 56541468 1.375 6.5 9.7 35026 57486469 1.25 5.5 9.8 33740 53952470 1.125 7 17 33495 54000471 1 5.75 6 37694 60947

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