Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


152Table A.1 Wrought Iron Bar Tensile Strength Reported by KirkaldyIndex Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent Index Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent(in) (psi) Elongation (%) (in) (psi) Elongation (%)101 1.03 62,298 24.9 151 0.81 59,767102 1.02 60,565 152 0.81 57,387103 1.03 59,390 153 0.70 63,373 18.6104 1.03 59,202 154 0.70 60,244105 1.00 65,166 26.5 155 0.70 58,207106 1.00 62,635 156 0.70 57,188107 1.00 60,069 157 0.77 57,328 19.1108 1.00 59,320 158 0.77 57,328109 0.69 62,451 20.5 159 0.77 56,667110 0.69 60,876 160 0.77 55,297111 0.69 58,756 161 0.76 59,070 17.3112 0.69 58,228 162 0.76 58,452113 0.78 61,805 23.8 163 0.76 57,190114 0.78 60,020 164 0.76 55,653115 0.78 60,020 165 1.15 59,276 23.8116 0.78 59,135 166 1.16 58,658117 0.77 67,876 20.2 167 1.15 58,135118 0.78 67,198 168 1.15 57,362119 0.80 65,622 169 1.02 59,726 22.3120 0.77 64,871 170 1.02 59,726121 1.00 65,701 24.4 171 1.02 58,732122 1.00 63,634 172 1.02 58,252123 1.00 61,602 173 0.90 59,104 19.2124 1.00 58,678 174 0.90 58,796125 1.00 62,885 26 175 0.90 58,180126 1.00 62,635 176 0.90 56,595127 1.00 60,817 177 0.77 59,820 17.6128 1.00 59,570 178 0.77 59,820129 1.00 64,133 25.6 179 0.77 56,694130 1.00 64,133 180 0.77 53,266131 1.00 63,634 181 1.13 64,575 17132 1.00 59,642 182 1.12 62,495133 1.00 58,036 30.2 183 1.13 62,201134 1.00 57,757 184 1.13 54,245135 1.00 57,039 185 1.01 66,363 19.1136 1.00 56,004 186 1.01 64,895137 1.00 59,998 26.6 187 1.00 60,069138 1.00 59,570 188 1.00 60,069139 1.00 59,320 189 0.90 62,229 20140 1.00 58,571 190 0.90 62,229141 0.75 58,632 22.5 191 0.89 60,453142 0.75 58,190 192 0.89 60,453143 0.75 55,463 193 0.77 66,553 17.3144 0.75 54,575 194 0.77 66,373145 0.89 63,604 22.2 195 0.77 64,390146 0.89 62,344 196 0.77 61,864147 0.89 61,714 197 1.15 61,594 16.7148 0.89 61,263 198 1.15 60,840149 0.81 60,528 22.4 199 1.15 58,521150 0.81 59,387

153Table A.1 (continued) Wrought Iron Bar Tensile Strength Reported by KirkaldyIndex Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent Index Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent(in) (psi) Elongation (%) (in) (psi) Elongation (%)200 1.15 52,348 250 0.70 55,078201 1.04 60,722 16.4 251 0.75 59,330202 1.02 59,965 252 0.75 58,000203 1.04 59,272 253 0.75 58,000 19.4204 1.02 57,738 254 0.75 54,766205 0.90 66,683 15.8 255 0.75 52,547206 0.90 63,505 256 0.75 51,596207 0.90 62,845 257 0.75 48,870 16.6208 0.90 62,845 258 0.75 47,095209 0.77 63,547 18.8 259 0.67 62,411210 0.77 62,705 260 0.71 60,621211 0.77 61,804 261 0.70 60,317 17.7212 0.77 59,493 262 0.74 59,512213 1.00 60,817 23.2 263 0.74 57,690214 1.00 59,569 264 0.90 48,987215 1.00 59,569 265 0.90 47,664 21.6216 0.98 58,351 266 0.90 47,384217 0.99 56,121 21.3 267 0.90 47,384218 0.92 61,296 268 0.91 49,505219 0.92 61,296 269 0.93 49,022 16.9220 0.92 57,134 270 0.92 47,534221 0.92 55,913 23.7 271 0.90 46,869222 0.87 58,823 272 0.89 55,190223 0.87 56,515 273 0.91 49,049 27.8224 0.87 56,515 274 0.89 49,418225 0.87 56,515 21.3 275 0.88 44,600226 0.78 60,695 276 0.91 65,516227 0.77 60,541 277 0.95 56,447 26.4228 0.77 59,700 278 0.92 52,923229 0.72 57,976 23.7 279 0.92 52,334230 0.79 56,316 280 0.76 54,070231 0.76 61,106 281 0.75 53,739 13.3232 0.76 59,316 282 0.76 53,205233 0.76 58,884 20.9 283 0.77 52,665234 0.75 58,886 284 0.76 57,526235 0.75 63,577 285 0.75 57,290 15.3236 0.75 62,626 286 0.75 54,626237 0.75 61,678 16.9 287 0.76 54,070238 0.75 59,013 288 0.88 49,671239 0.75 59,900 289 0.87 47,519 24.8240 0.75 59,457 290 0.87 49,167241 0.75 59,013 21.6 291 0.86 45,234242 0.75 58,506 292 1.00 47,459243 0.81 68,848 293 1.00 46,450 16.6244 0.81 56,104 294 1.00 44,703245 0.81 55,726 19.4 295 1.00 44,453246 0.81 47,248 296 .75*1 58,661247 0.70 59,226 297 .75*1 57,520 19.2248 0.70 58,789 298 .75*1 55,960249 0.70 56,606 21.6 299 .75*1 55,437

153Table A.1 (continued) <strong>Wrought</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> Bar Tensile Strength Reported by KirkaldyIndex Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent Index Diameter Tensile Strength Average Percent(in) (psi) Elongation (%) (in) (psi) Elongation (%)200 1.15 52,348 250 0.70 55,078201 1.04 60,722 16.4 251 0.75 59,330202 1.02 59,965 252 0.75 58,000203 1.04 59,272 253 0.75 58,000 19.4204 1.02 57,738 254 0.75 54,766205 0.90 66,683 15.8 255 0.75 52,547206 0.90 63,505 256 0.75 51,596207 0.90 62,845 257 0.75 48,870 16.6208 0.90 62,845 258 0.75 47,095209 0.77 63,547 18.8 259 0.67 62,411210 0.77 62,705 260 0.71 60,621211 0.77 61,804 261 0.70 60,317 17.7212 0.77 59,493 262 0.74 59,512213 1.00 60,817 23.2 263 0.74 57,690214 1.00 59,569 264 0.90 48,987215 1.00 59,569 265 0.90 47,664 21.6216 0.98 58,351 266 0.90 47,384217 0.99 56,121 21.3 267 0.90 47,384218 0.92 61,296 268 0.91 49,505219 0.92 61,296 269 0.93 49,022 16.9220 0.92 57,134 270 0.92 47,534221 0.92 55,913 23.7 271 0.90 46,869222 0.87 58,823 272 0.89 55,190223 0.87 56,515 273 0.91 49,049 27.8224 0.87 56,515 274 0.89 49,418225 0.87 56,515 21.3 275 0.88 44,600226 0.78 60,695 276 0.91 65,516227 0.77 60,541 277 0.95 56,447 26.4228 0.77 59,700 278 0.92 52,923229 0.72 57,976 23.7 279 0.92 52,334230 0.79 56,316 280 0.76 54,070231 0.76 61,106 281 0.75 53,739 13.3232 0.76 59,316 282 0.76 53,205233 0.76 58,884 20.9 283 0.77 52,665234 0.75 58,886 284 0.76 57,526235 0.75 63,577 285 0.75 57,290 15.3236 0.75 62,626 286 0.75 54,626237 0.75 61,678 16.9 287 0.76 54,070238 0.75 59,013 288 0.88 49,671239 0.75 59,900 289 0.87 47,519 24.8240 0.75 59,457 290 0.87 49,167241 0.75 59,013 21.6 291 0.86 45,234242 0.75 58,506 292 1.00 47,459243 0.81 68,848 293 1.00 46,450 16.6244 0.81 56,104 294 1.00 44,703245 0.81 55,726 19.4 295 1.00 44,453246 0.81 47,248 296 .75*1 58,661247 0.70 59,226 297 .75*1 57,520 19.2248 0.70 58,789 298 .75*1 55,960249 0.70 56,606 21.6 299 .75*1 55,437

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