Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


xiiiFigurePageFigure 5.12 Typical Turnbuckle found in and Existing Wrought Iron Bridge (Penn.Railroad, Selinsgrove Bridge, Spanning Susquehanna River, Snyder County, PA -Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record)..... 134Figure 5.13 Bent and Damaged Members from the Bell Ford Bridge........................... 135Figure 5.14 Heating and Straightening Damaged Members of the Bell Ford Bridge .... 135Appendix FigurePageFigure C.1 Diagrams Showing Location for Extraction of Specimen Machined fromEyebars.................................................................................................................... 196Figure C.2 Indentations from Hardness Testing on Wrought Iron Samples from the BellFord Bridge. ............................................................................................................ 197Figure C.3 Heating of Eyebar from Bell Ford Bridge Prior to Straightening................. 198Figure C.4 Wrought Iron Plate from the Bell Ford bridge being Heated to the “Red Hot”State......................................................................................................................... 198Figure C.5 Pyrometer Used to Determine Temperature of “Red Hot” Wrought Iron... 199Figure C.6 Rotary Grinder used to form Double V Butt Joint in Welded Specimens... 199Figure C.7 Double V Butt Joint used in Welded Specimens.......................................... 200Figure C.8 Weld Joint Utilized in Testing After Initial Root Pass ................................. 200Figure C.9 Back-grinding of Initial Root Pass before Second Weld Pass is Placed ...... 201Figure C.10 Finished Weld of Testing Specimen before Surface Grinding.................. 201Figure C. 11 Welded Tensile Coupon Test Specimen before Testing............................ 202Figure C.12 Tensile Coupon Test Specimen from Adams Mill bridge before Testing. 202Figure C.13 Grips of the 220-kip MTS Four-pole Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machine .. 203Figure C.14 Controller and Function Generator of the 220-kip MTS Four-pole Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machine Along With the Data Acquisition Center (Scanners andComputer) ............................................................................................................... 203Figure C.15 Tensile Coupon from Bell Ford Bridge in Grips of MTS Testing Machinebefore Testing ......................................................................................................... 204

xivAppendix FigurePageFigure C.16 Tensile Coupon from Adams Mill Bridge in Grips of MTS Testing Machinebefore Testing ......................................................................................................... 204Figure C.17 SATEC Impact Testing Machine Along with Cooling Bath Used in CharpyImpact Testing ........................................................................................................ 205Figure C.18 Charpy Impact Specimens Suspended in Cooling Container Before Water,Ice, Dry Ice, and/or Alcohol is Added. ................................................................... 205Figure C.19 Cooling Bath with Suspended Charpy Impact Specimens after Water and Iceis Added .................................................................................................................. 206Figure C.20 Eyebar End Connection after Strain Gages were Attached ....................... 206Figure C.21 Photograph of Attachment Utilized in Testing Eyebar End Connections inthe 220-kip MTS Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machine ............................................. 207Figure C.22 View of Eyebar End Connection Pined with Pin Inserted through the TestingAttachment.............................................................................................................. 207Figure C.23 Side View of Eyebar End Connection, Pin, and Test Attachment ............. 208Figure C. 24 Shank of Eyebar End Connection Placed in Bottom Grip of MTS Machinewith Extensometer and Strain Gages in Place ........................................................ 208Figure C.25 Chisel Hammer to Remove Surface Slag of Filler Weld in Eyebar EndConnection Repair .................................................................................................. 209Figure C.26 Eyebar End Connection A after Half of Filler Weld Repair Completed.... 209Figure C.27 Eyebar End Connection B after Half of Filler Weld Repair Completed ... 210Figure C.28 Eyebar End Connection A after Filler Weld Repair and Surface GrindingCompleted ............................................................................................................... 210Figure C.29 Eyebar End Connection B After Being Placed in MTS Testing Machine. 211Figure D.1 Weld Joint Detail Used During Testing ....................................................... 216Figure D.2 Weld Joint After Initial Root Pass................................................................ 216Figure D.3 Surface Impurities or Scale on Surface of Weld ......................................... 217Figure D.4 Back Grinding of the Root Weld................................................................. 217Figure D.5 Completed Weld Before Surface Grinding .................................................. 218Figure D.6 Weld Passes and Procedure Summary for Each Test Specimen ................. 219

xivAppendix FigurePageFigure C.16 Tensile Coupon from Adams Mill Bridge in Grips <strong>of</strong> MTS Testing Machinebefore Testing ......................................................................................................... 204Figure C.17 SATEC Impact Testing Machine Along with Cooling Bath Used in CharpyImpact Testing ........................................................................................................ 205Figure C.18 Charpy Impact Specimens Suspended in Cooling Container Before Water,Ice, Dry Ice, <strong>and</strong>/or Alcohol is Added. ................................................................... 205Figure C.19 Cooling Bath with Suspended Charpy Impact Specimens after Water <strong>and</strong> Iceis Added .................................................................................................................. 206Figure C.20 Eyebar End Connection after Strain Gages were Attached ....................... 206Figure C.21 Photograph <strong>of</strong> Attachment Utilized in Testing Eyebar End Connections inthe 220-kip MTS Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machine ............................................. 207Figure C.22 View <strong>of</strong> Eyebar End Connection Pined with Pin Inserted through the TestingAttachment.............................................................................................................. 207Figure C.23 Side View <strong>of</strong> Eyebar End Connection, Pin, <strong>and</strong> Test Attachment ............. 208Figure C. 24 Shank <strong>of</strong> Eyebar End Connection Placed in Bottom Grip <strong>of</strong> MTS Machinewith Extensometer <strong>and</strong> Strain Gages in Place ........................................................ 208Figure C.25 Chisel Hammer to Remove Surface Slag <strong>of</strong> Filler Weld in Eyebar EndConnection <strong>Repair</strong> .................................................................................................. 209Figure C.26 Eyebar End Connection A after Half <strong>of</strong> Filler Weld <strong>Repair</strong> Completed.... 209Figure C.27 Eyebar End Connection B after Half <strong>of</strong> Filler Weld <strong>Repair</strong> Completed ... 210Figure C.28 Eyebar End Connection A after Filler Weld <strong>Repair</strong> <strong>and</strong> Surface GrindingCompleted ............................................................................................................... 210Figure C.29 Eyebar End Connection B After Being Placed in MTS Testing Machine. 211Figure D.1 Weld Joint Detail Used During Testing ....................................................... 216Figure D.2 Weld Joint After Initial Root Pass................................................................ 216Figure D.3 Surface Impurities or Scale on Surface <strong>of</strong> Weld ......................................... 217Figure D.4 Back Grinding <strong>of</strong> the Root Weld................................................................. 217Figure D.5 Completed Weld Before Surface Grinding .................................................. 218Figure D.6 Weld Passes <strong>and</strong> Procedure Summary for Each Test Specimen ................. 219

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