Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...

Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ... Evaluation and Repair of Wrought Iron and - Purdue e-Pubs ...


82value may not be very accurate but could lead to an approximate estimate of the tensilestrength.4.4 Tensile Coupon Test Results4.4.1 Resulting Fracture SurfacesAll of the fractures of the historic wrought iron tensile coupon testing weresomewhat brittle in nature. The fractured surfaces were very jagged and uneven. Thesefractured surfaces, as seen in Figure 4.4, clearly show the “grain-like” characteristic ofthe wrought iron. The long deposits of iron silicate, known as slag, separated the ironinto fibers that appear to have torn during testing.Before any of the specimens were about to fail during testing, there was no visiblenecking or any typical pre-failure behavior that is typically found in structural steel.Figure 4.5 shows a typical ductile steel failure for a sample of steel tested with the sameprocedures as the wrought iron. As the photograph demonstrates, the steel failureconsisted of a considerable amount of necking, followed by an inclined failure plane thatis typical of ductile failures.The failure of wrought iron was more brittle in nature than the aforementionedsteel. During tensile testing, a slow tearing or ripping of what could be called the grainsof the wrought iron would start to occur and then the specimen would fail almostinstantaneously. In some cases, a crack would occur at the edge of the specimen in themiddle of testing and would remain until the specimen failed in a different area afterundergoing a considerable amount of strain. Figure 4.6 shows a typical failure of awrought iron tensile test coupon immediately after it occurred.

834.4.2 Overall Results from Tensile TestingA total of thirty-five tensile coupon tests were completed for this study. Of thethirty five tensile testing coupons, four had been heat straightened, five had been welded,and one had been mechanically straightened. Initially, all the specimens were comparedwithout differentiating between specimens that had been treated. In each tension coupontest the modulus of elasticity, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, percent elongation,and strain hardening coefficient and exponent were determined. Tables 4.2 and 4.3 showthe results from the tensile coupon tests for the eyebar and round specimens.The first result determined from testing was the modulus of elasticity. Thismodulus is the slope of the elastic region of the stress strain curve for wrought iron. Theslope was found using linear regression methods, as performed with common spreadsheetsoftware, with the data found from the initial test of the tension coupons, as discussed inChapter 3.Figure 4.7 is a plot of the resulting modulus of elasticity from each tensile testingcoupon. In this plot, the results from the rectangular (eyebar) tensile coupons werecompared to the results from the round tensile coupons. The values for the modulus ofelasticity for all the tensile tests had very little variation between the square and roundtensile coupons. The average modulus of elasticity found from testing was 27,870,000psi with a standard deviation of 590,000 psi, which is only 2% of the average value.The second result determined from testing was the yield strength, which is thestress at which permanent deformations start to occur in the specimen. The yield strengthwas determined by offsetting a line, with the same slope as the Modulus of Elasticity, at astrain of 0.002 and determining where this line intersects the stress-strain curve. Figure4.8 is a plot showing the resulting yield strengths determined from testing for both therectangular and round tensile coupons. As seen in the plot, the yield strength values allfall between 25,000 psi and 35,000 psi, with little variation. The average of all the yield

82value may not be very accurate but could lead to an approximate estimate <strong>of</strong> the tensilestrength.4.4 Tensile Coupon Test Results4.4.1 Resulting Fracture SurfacesAll <strong>of</strong> the fractures <strong>of</strong> the historic wrought iron tensile coupon testing weresomewhat brittle in nature. The fractured surfaces were very jagged <strong>and</strong> uneven. Thesefractured surfaces, as seen in Figure 4.4, clearly show the “grain-like” characteristic <strong>of</strong>the wrought iron. The long deposits <strong>of</strong> iron silicate, known as slag, separated the ironinto fibers that appear to have torn during testing.Before any <strong>of</strong> the specimens were about to fail during testing, there was no visiblenecking or any typical pre-failure behavior that is typically found in structural steel.Figure 4.5 shows a typical ductile steel failure for a sample <strong>of</strong> steel tested with the sameprocedures as the wrought iron. As the photograph demonstrates, the steel failureconsisted <strong>of</strong> a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> necking, followed by an inclined failure plane thatis typical <strong>of</strong> ductile failures.The failure <strong>of</strong> wrought iron was more brittle in nature than the aforementionedsteel. During tensile testing, a slow tearing or ripping <strong>of</strong> what could be called the grains<strong>of</strong> the wrought iron would start to occur <strong>and</strong> then the specimen would fail almostinstantaneously. In some cases, a crack would occur at the edge <strong>of</strong> the specimen in themiddle <strong>of</strong> testing <strong>and</strong> would remain until the specimen failed in a different area afterundergoing a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> strain. Figure 4.6 shows a typical failure <strong>of</strong> awrought iron tensile test coupon immediately after it occurred.

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