Conference programme - The European Foundation Centre

Conference programme - The European Foundation Centre Conference programme - The European Foundation Centre


ESTADO DE SERGIPETribunal de ContasSETOR DE LICITAÇÃORECIBO DE RETIRADA DE EDITAL PELA InternetTERMO DE RECEBIMENTO DO EDITAL DO PREGÃO PRESENCIAL Nº 10/2010 – TCE-SEEMPRESA: ____________________________________________________________________.ENDEREÇO: ___________________________________________________________________CNPJ DA EMPRESA: _____________________________________________________________.TELEFONE: ___________________________. FAX:__________________________________E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________.PESSOA PARA CONTATO: _________________________________________________.Retiramos cópia do instrumento convocatório da licitação acima identificada, através do acesso àpágina ____________________, ____ de _______________ de 2010.Senhor Licitante,________________________________AssinaturaVisando comunicação futura entre o Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Sergipe e todas as empresasque retirarem o Edital, solicito de vossa senhoria preencher o recibo de retirada do edital e enviar oTermo de Recebimento pelo fax (79) 3216-4368/4476, pelo e-mail? ou entregarna sala da Comissão Permanente de Licitação, no endereço citado acima.A falta do preenchimento e a não remessa do recibo de retirada do edital à Comissão Permanente deLicitação do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Sergipe exime esta Administração da comunicação deeventuais retificações ocorridas no instrumento convocatório e de quaisquer informações adicionais.Aracaju (SE), 29 de outubro de 2010.Janaelson de Souza AlmeidaPregoeiroPregão Presencial nº 10/2010Avenida Conselheiro João Evangelista Maciel Porto, s/nº – Bairro Capucho CEP 49081-020 - Aracaju – Sergipe.Telefone (79) 3216-4368 - Fax: (79) 3216-4420CNPJ: 13.170.790/0001-031

ESTADO DE SERGIPETribunal de ContasSETOR DE LICITAÇÃORECIBO DE RETIRADA DE EDITAL PELA InternetTERMO DE RECEBIMENTO DO EDITAL DO PREGÃO PRESENCIAL Nº 10/2010 – TCE-SEEMPRESA: ____________________________________________________________________.ENDEREÇO: ___________________________________________________________________CNPJ DA EMPRESA: _____________________________________________________________.TELEFONE: ___________________________. FAX:__________________________________E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________.PESSOA PARA CONTATO: _________________________________________________.Retiramos cópia do instrumento convocatório da licitação acima identificada, através do acesso àpágina ____________________, ____ de _______________ de 2010.Senhor Licitante,________________________________AssinaturaVisando comunicação futura entre o Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Sergipe e todas as empresasque retirarem o Edital, solicito de vossa senhoria preencher o recibo de retirada do edital e enviar oTermo de Recebimento pelo fax (79) 3216-4368/4476, pelo e-mail? ou entregarna sala da Comissão Permanente de Licitação, no endereço citado acima.A falta do preenchimento e a não remessa do recibo de retirada do edital à Comissão Permanente deLicitação do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Sergipe exime esta Administração da comunicação deeventuais retificações ocorridas no instrumento convocatório e de quaisquer informações adicionais.Aracaju (SE), 29 de outubro de 2010.Janaelson de Souza AlmeidaPregoeiroPregão Presencial nº 10/2010Avenida Conselheiro João Evangelista Maciel Porto, s/nº – Bairro Capucho CEP 49081-020 - Aracaju – Sergipe.Telefone (79) 3216-4368 - Fax: (79) 3216-4420CNPJ: 13.170.790/0001-031

CONTENTSProgramme at-a-glance 6EFC photo competition - Cast your vote! 8Satellite events 10<strong>Conference</strong> by day - Thursday 26 May 13<strong>Conference</strong> by day - Friday 27 May 15<strong>Conference</strong> by day - Saturday 28 May 19Interactive showcase 21Evening networking 22Site visits 23Practical information 26Not yet an EFC member? 27Save the date 27STRANDS OVERVIEWThis year, to facilitate delegates’ planning, the <strong>programme</strong> sessions are dividedinto several strands. Each strand has been assigned a particular colour to helpdelegates identify them easily throughout the <strong>programme</strong>. <strong>The</strong> strands are asfollows:S Satellite eventCB Capacity buildingC Communications and researchL Legal and fiscalN NetworkingT <strong>The</strong>matic debatesFOLLOW US...www.efc.beTwitter: @the_EFC using tag<strong>Foundation</strong><strong>Centre</strong>RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANSand Facebook5

PROGRAMME AT-A-GLANCE*Please note that a number of events are by invitation only. <strong>The</strong>se are marked with an asterisk for your convenience.WEDNESDAY 25 MAYPAGE PLACE STRAND08:30 - 14:30 Network of <strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>s (NEF) partnership session* 10 Sala XVI S09:00 - 18:00 8 th meeting of the foundations from Portuguese speaking countries* 10 Sala III S09:30 - 13:00 EUSTORY: <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> alliance for learning active democracy citizenship* 10 Sala VI S09:30 - 17:00 Donors and <strong>Foundation</strong>s Networks in Europe (DAFNE) summer meeting* 10 Sala XIII S10:00 - 13:00 Spotlighting African philanthropy 10 Sala VII S13:00 - 18:30 Impact Island: A workshop on impact analysis 10 Sala XV S14:30 - 17:30 Cloud computing: <strong>The</strong> opportunity and challenge for <strong>European</strong> foundations 11 Sala XI Sand their grantees14:45 - 18:00 NEF general assembly* 11 Sala XVI S15:00 - 18:00 Industrial sites and urban renewal: <strong>The</strong> role of foundations 11 Sala V S15:30 - 17:30 Fostering volunteering in Europe: What foundations can do 11 Sala VI S16:00 - 18:00 EFC Management Committee meeting* 11 Sala XVII S19:00 - 20:00 Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme (YEPP) networking cocktail* 11 Terrace S20:00 - 22:30 EFC Governing Council and DAFNE dinner* 11 Sala Gourmet STHURSDAY 26 MAYPAGE PLACE STRAND09:00 - 12:30 Dive into our Interactive Showcase! 12 Sala XV S09:00 - 12:30 EFC Governing Council meeting* 12 Sala III S09:00 - 13:00 <strong>European</strong> Environmental Funders Group meeting 12 Sala VI S09:30 - 12:30 In the sea of communications, you have to make shore* 12 Sala XIII S09:30 - 12:30 Launch of the research report: "<strong>European</strong> foundation giving in support of 12 Sala XII Swomen and girls - How much, what, how?"09:30 - 12:30 Learning for Well-being: A policy priority for children and youth in Europe - 12 Sala V SA movement for change*09:30 - 12:30 Old money, new ideas: How foundations can change Europe 12 Sala VII S12:30 - 14:30 Lunch14:30 - 15:30 OPENING PLENARY 13 Sala I & II15:30 - 16:30 Networking break15:30 - 18:00 SITE VISITSVisit to Casa das Histórias Paula Rêgo 23Visit to the Oriente Museum 2316:30 - 18:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONSCommunications: Finishing touch or integral part of <strong>programme</strong> development? 13 Sala VI CResponsible investment: Titanic struggle or voyage of discovery? 14 Sala VII CB<strong>The</strong> role of philanthropy in supporting reform agendas 14 Sala III TYou convinced us, we want to collaborate: Where do we start? 14 Sala XII & XIII N19:00 - 23:00 EVENING NETWORKINGDinner at Casino Estoril 22EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

FRIDAY 27 MAYPAGE PLACE STRAND07:45 - 08:45 <strong>The</strong> role of philanthropy in development: Lessons from Bihar 15 Sala Estoril S09:00 - 10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONSEvaluating communications for greater impact 15 Sala VI CFrom relief to reconstruction: <strong>The</strong> Haiti case 15 Sala VII TMatchmaking or third wheel? <strong>The</strong> role of philanthropic infrastructurein collaboration15 Sala XII & XIII NOceans: What philanthropy needs to know 16 Sala III T10:30 - 11:15 Networking break11:15 - 12:45 SPECIAL PLENARY 16 Sala I & IIOCEAN GOVERNANCE IN EUROPEA new frontier: Challenges and opportunities for <strong>European</strong> foundations12:45 - 14:15 Lunch14:15 - 15:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONSBridging science and policy, connecting science and the citizens 16 Sala VI CDine at the legal and fiscal buffet! 17 Sala XII & XIII LDiversity in Europe: A crisis of tolerance? 17 Sala III TKeeping afloat: New strategies for changing times 17 Sala VII CB15:00 - 18:00 SITE VISITSVisit to the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum 24Maritime sites of Cascais 2415:45 - 16:15 Networking break16:15 - 17:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONSA new tool for citizens: Bringing the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Statute to life 18 Sala VII LCultural education 18 Sala VI TFinancial crisis: What have we learnt? 18 Sala III TShould we collaborate in politically challenging contexts? 18 Sala XII & XIII N18:00 - 23:30 EVENING NETWORKINGVisit to Lisbon Oceanário followed by walking dinner at the Portugal Pavilion 22SATURDAY 28 MAYPAGE PLACE STRAND09:00 - 10:30 22 nd EFC AGA of members (EFC members only) 19 Sala III09:00 - 11:00 Dive into our Interactive Showcase! - Portuguese Style 19 Sala XV S10:30 - 11:00 Networking break11:00 - 12:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONSAdrift in a sea of information: Finding the right management system 19 Sala VI CGlobal Philanthropy Leadership Initiative: Advancing philanthropy in a global context 19 Sala XII & XIII THow do you secure your independence? Tell people what you are doing 20 Sala III CBPlaying by the rules: Tax exemptions for market activities and EU competition regulations 20 Sala VII L12:30 - 14:00 CLOSING PLENARY 20 Sala I & II14:00 - 16:00 Closing lunch15:00 - 18:30 Global Philanthropy Leadership Initiative meeting* 20 Sala VI S15:30 - 19:00 SITE VISITGuided tour of Lisbon's museums 25RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS7

FGHIJF. Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr - Holding the "knowledge of the heard words" © 2010 João Monteiro/IMVFG. International Fund for Animal Welfare - Penguin Plunge © 2011 IFAW/T. SamsonH. Realdania - Fostering urban activity © 2010 Leif TuxenI. <strong>The</strong> Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund - Campaigners taking a stand for young people in trouble © 2010 Nadia BettegaJ. <strong>The</strong> Jerusalem <strong>Foundation</strong> - Flight 2010 © 2010 Matan IsraeliIn this fifth edition of the competition, all thematic invites you to vote for your favourite. In your conferenceconstraints have been lifted, with members encouraged to bag you will find your voting card, which you can fill in andsubmit photos which encapsulate how their support makes return to the EFC stand or registration desk before 18:00a difference. In this <strong>programme</strong>, and exhibited during the on Friday 27 May.conference, you will find the 10 finalists. In reaching thefinal, these 10 have already demonstrated that, in addition <strong>The</strong> winning photo will be announced during the Closingto artistic skill, ‘every picture tells a story’. <strong>The</strong> EFC now Plenary on Saturday 28 May.RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS9

SATELLITE EVENTSWEDNESDAY 25 MAY*Please note that a number of satellite events are by invitation only. <strong>The</strong>se are marked with an asterisk for your convenience08:30 - 14:30Sala XVIS09:00 - 18:00Sala IIIS09:30 - 13:00Sala VIS09:30 - 17:00Sala XIIIS10:00 - 13:00Sala VIIS13:00 - 18:30Sala XVSNetwork of <strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>s (NEF) partnership session*Organised by: NEFDuring this practical workshop the NEF partners will embark on a search for synergies and engage in strategicalliances with the aim to build the future of the <strong>European</strong> Project. Alert <strong>Foundation</strong> will guide participantsthrough this innovative practice for knowledge sharing.8th meeting of foundations from Portuguese speaking countries*Organised by: Centro Português de Fundações<strong>The</strong> 8th meeting of the <strong>Foundation</strong>s from the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) will focuson “Development and Sustainability”.Lunch and breaks will be offered to participants. <strong>The</strong> event will take place in Portuguese.EUSTORY: <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> alliance for learning active democracy citizenship*Organised by: Körber StiftungA meeting of the EUSTORY Alliance, a <strong>European</strong> civil society initiative fostering education and active democraticcitizenship and shared ownership of Europe among young <strong>European</strong>s. With its projects and initiatives, theEUSTORY Alliance helps young <strong>European</strong>s aged 15-30 to develop their skills as responsible <strong>European</strong> citizensand to take action for a democratic and sustainable Europe.Donors and <strong>Foundation</strong>s Networks in Europe (DAFNE) summer meeting*Organised by: DAFNERepresentatives and members of DAFNE will discuss issues of common interest regarding the development ofthe network, the foundation sector and organised philanthropy in Europe.Spotlighting African philanthropyOrganised by: African Grantmakers’ Network (AGN)During this session, the African Grantmakers' Network will provide an update on its evolution to non-membersand also review the network's efforts to strengthen African philanthropy through knowledge building,organisational capacity development, advocacy for an enabling policy environment, peer learning, andrelationships with philanthropic networks of the global North.Impact Island: A workshop on impact analysisOrganised by: Bernard van Leer <strong>Foundation</strong>, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Erasmus <strong>Centre</strong> for StrategicPhilanthropy (ECSP), Fondazione Cariplo and the Working Group on Peace and Social Justice PhilanthropyThis workshop will focus on impact analysis by reflecting upon how foundations view evaluation, investigatinghow contexts can influence decisions, analysing strategic approaches for applying various tools and methods,exploring practical tools and methods and seeing how evaluation results can be used and communicated tomake a difference.EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

14:30 - 17:30Sala XIS14:45 - 18:00Sala XVIS15:00 - 18:00Sala VSCloud computing: <strong>The</strong> opportunity and challenge for <strong>European</strong> foundations and their granteesOrganised by: TechSoup GlobalOver the next five years, cloud computing is predicted to hold enormous promise for enabling innovation whileincreasing cost savings for both foundations and their grantees. Cloud solutions offer a lower cost of adoptionand operation, are more flexible and dynamic, and easily scalable in many environments and conditions includingpost-disaster settings. When coupled with the potential for low-cost, always-connected mobile devices, even inlow-bandwidth areas, it is easy to believe that a dramatic shift can happen in the relatively near-term. TechSoupGlobal will host a workshop which brings together cloud technology experts and foundations to collectivelyexplore the impending shift to cloud computing and the opportunities and challenges associated with it.Participants will explore the significant potential of cloud computing in achieving greater innovation and socialimpact while exploring privacy issues and implications for cloud in the policy landscape.NEF general assembly*Organised by: NEF<strong>The</strong> NEF general assembly, a group of thirteen independent foundations, will offer participants an opportunityto discuss current projects developed by foundations eager to cooperate at <strong>European</strong> level and to decide on thelaunch of new projects, as well as NEF's activities, administration and finances.Industrial sites and urban renewal: <strong>The</strong> role of foundationsOrganised by: Fondazione Adriano Olivetti and Institusjonen Fritt OrdThis is a seminar with tangible challenges: What to do with industrial buildings which until recently were proudlandmarks in the life of cities? All over Europe – from the pioneering Olivetti company plant in Ivrea, Italy, to thespectacular hydro-electric and heavy industry in Odda, Norway, we find significant factory environments, onceplanned by some of the best architects and engineers, now in a sad state of decline. In such situations, whatcan grantmaking foundations possibly do to stimulate the necessary interplay of imaginative ideas, political andfinancial mobilisation – and more dynamic processes of cooperation?PowerPoint case presentations and introductions by leading experts: Pier Vittorio Aureli, Berlage Institute(Rotterdam), Architectural Association Institute (London); Patrizia Bonifazio, DiAP-Politecnico di Milano; StuartSmith, <strong>The</strong> International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCHI); and NorbertTempel, Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Industriekultur.15:30 - 17:30Sala VIS16:00 - 18:00Sala XVIIS19:00 - 20:00TerraceS20:00 - 22:30Sala GourmetSFostering volunteering in Europe: What foundations can doOrganised by: EFC and Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio (ACRI)Volunteering is a fundamental asset of the social environment and this workshop aims at drawing an outline ofpolicies that foundations implement in different countries in Europe to support its growth. Different strategiesof foundations will be presented, starting from the original framework of the Italian voluntary support system,and continuing with other <strong>European</strong> examples.Moderated by Maurizio Gubbiotti, Consiglio del Forum Terzo Settore, this session will feature presentations byMaria do Céu Baptista Ramos, Fundação Eugénio de Almeida; Stuart Etherington, National Council of VoluntaryOrganisations; Hans Fleisch, Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen; and Giorgio Righetti, ACRI.EFC Management Committee meeting*Organised by: EFC<strong>The</strong> members of the EFC Management Committee will convene for this triennial meeting.Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme (YEPP) networking cocktail*Organised by: YEPPEFC Governing Council and DAFNE dinner*Organised by: EFC<strong>The</strong> dinner will honour Emílio Rui Vilar's successful EFC chairmanship and will also launch the Raymond Georisbiography, 'A Quiet <strong>European</strong> Gardener'.RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS11

SATELLITE EVENTSTHURSDAY 26 MAY09:00 - 12:30Sala XVS09:00 - 12:30Sala IIIS09:00 - 13:00Sala VIS09:30 - 12:30Sala XIIIS09:30 - 12:30Sala XIISDive into our Interactive Showcase! (See page 21 for more information)Meet funders, colleagues and partners in a vibrant atmosphere for a morning of presentations, debates and newideas. Two sets of three one-hour presentations will take you deeper into the world of partnerships, foundationprojects and much more!EFC Governing Council meeting*Organised by: EFC<strong>The</strong> elected members of the EFC Governing Council will convene for this biannual meeting.<strong>European</strong> Environmental Funders Group meetingOrganised by: EFC Environmental Funders GroupJoin a lively discussion on the role of science in reaching political goals and changing public attitudes inaddressing environmental challenges; learn about collaborative strategies in areas such as climate change andconnecting language diversity and biodiversity; get a snapshot of the state of environmental funding in Europe;and engage with peers on how to strengthen <strong>European</strong>-level learning and cooperation among foundations.In the sea of communications, you have to make shore*Organised by: EFComEx (<strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Communications Exchange)EFComEx is a group of communications professionals working for foundations who wish to share their expertiseand help one another communicate better the work of their foundations. One year after its establishment andthe first steps of the network, the group will gather for an informal meeting in order to establish a first contactand provide members with the possibility to meet their peers and discuss issues of mutual interest.Launch of the research report: '<strong>European</strong> foundation giving in support of women and girls -How much, what, how?'Organised by: Mama Cash<strong>The</strong> launch of a unique report by Mama Cash, the <strong>Foundation</strong> Center and the EFC that provides insight into theoverall scope, distribution and diversity of <strong>European</strong> foundations’ funding, with a particular focus on fundinggoing to women and girls.09:30 - 12:30Sala VS09:30 - 12:30Sala VIISLearning for Well-being: A policy priority for children and youth in Europe - A movement for change*Organised by: Learning for Well-being Consortium of <strong>Foundation</strong>s<strong>The</strong> Learning for Well-being Consortium of <strong>Foundation</strong>s of Europe wishes to take this opportunity to reviewthe draft policy glossary it is developing, ‘Learning for Well-being: A Policy Priority for Children and Youth inEurope’, with foundations interested in contributing to its development and dissemination. A new paradigm fora new century, the policy glossary aims to support a shift in the way we think about children, learning and healthand to provide a conceptual and strategic framework and the basis for a common language for policy makersin Europe. It addresses all policy sectors concerned with children and youth affairs, and reflects state-of-theartknowledge and interdisciplinary research on 'learning for well-being'. It outlines principles for policies atdifferent levels of governance and proposes ways to put them into practice. <strong>Foundation</strong>s are invited to review,comment and provide examples based on their work.Old money, new ideas: How foundations can change EuropeOrganised by: Fundação Calouste GulbenkianThis session will be centred around two main topics, 'Shaping Europe for the future' which will analyse therole of <strong>European</strong> foundations as funders of projects, <strong>programme</strong>s, and research and will then provide a guideto the <strong>European</strong> Social Innovation Initiative: why, what and how to get involved. Exciting examples of projectspromoted or supported by foundations will be presented during the session.EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

CONFERENCE BY DAYTHURSDAY 26 MAY12:30 - 14:30 Lunch14:30 - 15:30Sala I & IIOPENING PLENARYSpeakers will set the scene for the AGA and <strong>Conference</strong>.Welcome address: Emílio Rui Vilar, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianKeynote address: Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of the Portuguese RepublicSpeaker: Carlos Carreiras, Mayor of Cascais<strong>The</strong> following prize ceremony will take place:• Presentation of the <strong>European</strong> Mercator Fund's Raymond Georis Prize for Innovative Philanthropy in Europe byNorine MacDonald, NEF Mercator Fund15:30 - 16:30 Networking break15:30 - 18:00 SITE VISITSVisit to Casa das Histórias Paula Rêgo (see page 23 for more information)Visit to the Oriente Museum (see page 23 for more information)16:30 - 18:00Sala VICCONCURRENT SESSIONSCommunications: Finishing touch or integral part of <strong>programme</strong> development?When it comes to programming, foundations tend to spend time defining components such as goals, objectives,reporting and evaluation. Rarely is communications seen as an integral part of <strong>programme</strong> development, rather,something which is tagged on once a <strong>programme</strong> has been completed and needs a press release. However, thebenefits of involving communications staff early on are manifold. <strong>The</strong>y can help put an end to silos of informationand knowledge, providing channels through which other staff can inform one another about their work thusensuring that <strong>programme</strong>s are tied more coherently together. In addition, having a detailed and holistic viewof their foundation’s work, communications staff are also better placed to tell more compelling stories, thusincreasing the opportunities for outreach and public engagement. This session will consist of a lively debatebetween foundation professionals that have contrasting points of view on this matter. <strong>The</strong> panel will respondto questions from the audience about the advantages of mainstreaming communications into <strong>programme</strong>development, as well as the pitfalls of such an approach.Moderator: Bruce Trachtenberg, <strong>The</strong> Communications NetworkSpeakers: Maribel Königer, ERSTE StiftungBente Roalsvig, Institusjonen Fritt OrdRESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS13

THURSDAY 26 MAY (CONT’D)Sala VIICBResponsible investment: Titanic struggle or voyage of discovery?In the wake of the financial crisis and factors such as the BP oil spill, more investors, including foundations,recognise that the impact corporations have on the environment, workers and communities can seriouslyaffect the value of investments. As a result, and supported by the development of industry standards suchas the UN Principles of Responsible Investment, there is increasing concern about how environmental,social and governance (ESG) factors affect the long-term performance of investment portfolios. Someinvestors, including foundations and faith-based organisations, are also seeking to align their investmentdecisions more closely with their values or their mission. Taking into account possible future developmentsconcerned with fiduciary duty, this session will explore the practical ways in which foundations can considerESG factors when making investment decisions and use their shareholder power to positively affect thebehaviour of corporations. This session is both for foundation <strong>programme</strong> staff and for staff involved ininvestment decisions.Moderator: Lenka Setkova, FairPensionsSpeakers: Stephen Pittam, Joseph Rowntree Charitable TrustKatinka van Cranenburgh, 3iGSala IIIT<strong>The</strong> role of philanthropy in supporting reform agendasSession discussion will begin at the Arab <strong>Foundation</strong>s Forum (AFF) meeting in Beirut on 5 May 2011 and theresults will be brought to the conference for further deliberation.Popular mobilisations, revolutions and socio-economic upheavals are sweeping the region. From Tunisiato Egypt and Yemen, the face of the Middle East is undergoing rapid change as citizens call for improvedgovernance, participation and better socio-economic conditions. What do the recent uprisings mean for oursector? Should philanthropists have an interest in expanding public spaces that allow citizens/civil societyto participate in meaningful ways? Current regional upheavals necessitate that foundations take stock oftheir past strategies and methods. <strong>The</strong> sector can no longer promote development and humanitarian aidbut remain silent on issues of corruption, civic rights, and inclusive governance. This session will addressthe following key questions: how should Arab foundations adapt to new realities and help prevent a returnto authoritarian institutions? Do reform agendas themselves need redefining? What are the sectors/causesthat will benefit from regional and international cooperation? Where are the emerging areas in most need ofsustainable reforms?Moderator: Atallah Kuttab, Welfare AssociationSpeakers: Ines Harrath, TunisBarbara Ibrahim, John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement, <strong>The</strong> American University ofCairo (AUC)Moukhtar Kocache, <strong>The</strong> Ford <strong>Foundation</strong>Sala XII & XIIINYou convinced us, we want to collaborate: Where do we start?A number of foundations have recognised the fact that collaboration is essential to effect change. But onceyou buy into this rationale, how do you go about setting up a meaningful cooperation with the relevantpartners? How can small and medium size foundations get out of collaboration more than the sum of itsparts? This session will examine what institutional changes and capacities need to be in place, disentanglethe needs and set out practical steps and options on how to address these, based on lessons from a <strong>European</strong>levelcollaborative.Speakers: Juliet Prager, Joseph Rowntree Charitable TrustAntonella Ricci, Compagnia di San Paolo19:00 - 23:00 EVENING NETWORKINGDinner at Casino Estoril (see page 22 for more information)EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

CONFERENCE BY DAYFRIDAY 27 MAY07:45 - 08:45Sala EstorilSSATELLITE EVENT<strong>The</strong> role of philanthropy in development: Lessons from BiharOrganised by: Alliance Publishing Trust (APT)Can philanthropy play a bigger role in development? <strong>The</strong> June issue of Alliance has a special feature focusingon the clean energy sector in Bihar, one of India’s poorest states. What can we learn from the ‘fundingecosystem’ there? How can foundations work better with government, companies, social investment fundsand commercial funders? Much of the feature is based on conversations with people Alliance editor CarolineHartnell met on a special trip to Bihar. Panellists will be Eleanor Fink, International Finance Corporation,Caroline Hartnell and Peter Laugharn, Firelight <strong>Foundation</strong>.09:00 - 10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONSSala VICEvaluating communications for greater impact<strong>Foundation</strong>s use a diverse set of methods and tools to communicate their work, from investing in high-qualitypublications to developing media campaigns. But are these methods having the desired impact, namely thatfoundations are reaching and positively affecting their target audiences? Given the tightening budgets ofmany foundations, it is important to know which communications efforts are really paying off. <strong>The</strong> sessionwill hear from those who have set in motion an evaluation process of their communications work and willprovide tips on how others might adopt similar processes in their foundations.Moderator: Raquel Santos, RTP 2Speakers: Mandy Pursey, Charities Aid <strong>Foundation</strong>Barry A. Scholl, <strong>The</strong> Commonwealth FundSala VIITFrom relief to reconstruction: <strong>The</strong> Haiti caseThis session will examine the opportunities and challenges that foundations face transitioning fromemergency response mode to mid/long-term development work. Topics for discussion will include the valueof foundation collaboration to improve planning, efficiency, transparency and sustainability. Moreover it willexplore the possibilities of collective impact, engaging strategically and systematically with organisationsfrom different sectors.Moderator: Francis Charhon, Fondation de FranceSpeakers: Elizabeth Headon, Digicel <strong>Foundation</strong>Alejandro Villanueva, W.K. Kellogg <strong>Foundation</strong>Sala XII & XIIINMatchmaking or third wheel? <strong>The</strong> role of philanthropic infrastructure in collaborationWhat is the role of philanthropic infrastructure in enabling and supporting collaboration? How can wemake existing infrastructure work more effectively, particularly in advancing cross-border cooperation andinitiatives around complex issues? What else do funders need – what are the gaps in support mechanismsfor collaboration and how can these be addressed? <strong>The</strong> session will build on some of the key findings andrecommendations of the report commissioned by the EFC Network Building Committee and produced by FSGSocial Impact Advisors, ‘Multiplying Impact through Philanthropic Collaboration’.Moderator: Diana Leat, <strong>The</strong> Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial FundSpeakers: Franz Karl Prüller, ERSTE StiftungGiorgio Righetti, Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio (ACRI)RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS15

FRIDAY 27 MAY (CONT’D)Sala IIITOceans: What philanthropy needs to knowWhat does overfishing in West Africa have to do with mass migrations into Europe? Want to know how muchyou as a tax payer in Europe are contributing to destructive fisheries subsidies? How can you know if the fishyou buy is coming from a sustainable source? Is it true that ocean waters are becoming acidic as a result ofcarbon emissions and what could be the scale of this disaster for food security worldwide? Come and join Dr.Daniel Pauly, one of the world’s most knowledgeable ocean experts. This highly interactive session will alsofeature Brian O’Riordan, an authority on artisanal fisheries in Europe and the developing world. Come andshare your own ideas and learn about current initiatives about how philanthropy can address the issues ofsustainability, seafood security, equity and social justice.Moderator: Katherine Short, WWF InternationalSpeakers: Brian O’Riordan, International Collective in Support of FishworkersDaniel Pauly, University of British Columbia10:30 - 11:15 Networking break11:15 - 12:45Sala I & IISPECIAL PLENARYOcean Governance in EuropeA new frontier: Challenges and opportunities for <strong>European</strong> foundationsIn the first decade of the 21 st century the <strong>European</strong> Union took landmark steps towards an integrated,comprehensive and multi-dimensional maritime policy, well beyond the “fisheries” narrow paradigm that usedto govern the debate on maritime affairs. Today the EU is poised to consider its maritime policy within theframework of a complex model of ocean governance where every feature is in a systemic and dynamic balancewith all the other elements. That’s why the role of different stakeholders is of vital importance for attainingthe goals of a new marine and maritime strategic thinking, from geopolitics, economics, nature conservationto transport policy, tourism, clean energy production and every other dimension comprising the seas into asustainable vision for Europe’s future. Invited speakers will identify the key elements at stake both in the EUintegrated maritime policy and in the challenges and opportunities it offers for a new era of philanthropy.Moderator: Viriato Soromenho-Marques, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianKeynote speaker: HRH Princess Laurentien of the NetherlandsSpeakers:Why are Europe’s Global Challenges calling her to look back into its Maritime Dimension?Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Consultant to the Portuguese President on Maritime Affairs<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Integrated Maritime Policy in 2011: trends and opportunitiesRoderick Sant, Policy Officer, A1-Maritime Policy, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Directorate-General, <strong>European</strong>Commission12:45 - 14:15 Lunch14:15 - 15:45 CONCURRENT SESSIONSSala VICBridging science and policy, connecting science and the citizensScience and research have a central role to play in informing policies and advancing positive change in oursocieties. However, the science and research community is not always effective in translating evidence intoclear and timely policy recommendations and communicating these to policy makers, the media and thepublic. <strong>Foundation</strong>s, as independent organisations and funders of research, are well poised to help bridgescience and policy, and connect science and the citizens, particularly around complex or controversial societalissues and challenges "on the horizon". Join us for a stimulating exchange on why and how foundations canhelp advance the role of science in society; what some of the critical areas and gaps are; and where theinnovations are.Moderator: Ingrid Wünning Tschol, Robert Bosch StiftungSpeakers: Wilhelm Krull, VolkswagenStiftungGerrit Rauws, King Baudouin <strong>Foundation</strong>EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

Sala XII & XIIILSala IIITDine at the legal and fiscal buffet!A smorgasbord of legal and fiscal issues affecting foundations awaits you at this new format session. Join us and hopfrom discussion table to discussion table sampling various legal and fiscal issues, while having your say in the debate.Resource persons will provide key information and will be guiding the discussion at each table. Menu items include:• Get your money back! Find out how your foundation can get a refund on some of the foreign withholding taxpaid on cross-border activities• <strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Court of Justice and cross-border philanthropy – How the Court’s recent decisions affect yourfoundation• What’s going on with VAT? Find out about the <strong>European</strong> Commission’s review of the current VAT system, aswell as the outcomes of a recent study and how the situation could be improved• Transparency and accountability – Have your say! A joint one year study of the EFC and DAFNE has analysedwhether existing transparency and accountability mechanisms in the <strong>European</strong> foundation sector are welldesigned and are being used to their full effect. <strong>The</strong> debate will also include a look at the transparency andaccountability measures taken at EU levelModerator: Ludwig Forrest, King Baudouin <strong>Foundation</strong>Facilitators: Göran Blomqvist, Stiftelsen Riksbankens JubileumsfondIsabelle Combes, Fondation de FranceBoudewijn de Blij, Stichting Fonds 1818Helen Donoghue, <strong>European</strong> Charities’ Committee on VATBeate Eckhardt, Swiss<strong>Foundation</strong>sLudwig Forrest, King Baudouin <strong>Foundation</strong>Sabien Khan, Wellcome TrustIsabel Peñalosa, Asociación Española de FundacionesDiversity in Europe: A crisis of tolerance?<strong>The</strong> debate about migration and integration policies in Europe is complex and at times controversial. <strong>The</strong>perceived failures of multiculturalism are being debated throughout Europe, most recently in Germany, the UKand the Netherlands. This session will address the challenges and opportunities facing Europe as its populationcontinues to grow more diverse. How can Europe move beyond the ‘us vs. them’ mindset? How should politiciansand civil society tackle the rise of radical right-wing parties? How to enhance the voice of migrants themselvesas active participants in the public debate? What should be the role of media as a key instrument to portraydiversity in our societies?Welcome remarks: Olaf Hahn, Robert Bosch StiftungModerator: Sara Llewellin, Barrow Cadbury TrustSpeakers: Rob Berkeley, <strong>The</strong> Runnymede TrustAntonio Vitorino, Former <strong>European</strong> Commissioner for Justice and Home AffairsSala VIIKeeping afloat: New strategies for changing timesCBDuring times of reduced public spending, what are foundations doing to support the needs of their grantees?Better yet, what could they be doing better? This session will take a look at approaches that foundations aretaking to support their grantees during these challenging times, moving away from traditional philanthropicexchange models (i.e. giving money) to those that involve greater engagement and assistance. <strong>Foundation</strong>professionals will share their experiences in supporting grantees, to include assistance in strengtheningpartnerships, mobilising resources, using influence to effect change, and building non-profit capacity.Research done in 'high engagement funding' (or FunderPlus) will also be presented, providing participantswith ideas on how it can be applied within the current financial context.Moderator: Ben Cairns, Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR)Speakers: Bas Arends, Oranje FondsMatthew Smerdon, Baring <strong>Foundation</strong>15:00 - 18:00 SITE VISITSVisit to the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (see page 24 for more information)Maritime sites of Cascais (see page 24 for more information)RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS15:45 - 16:15 Networking break17

16:15 - 17:45Sala VIILCONCURRENT SESSIONSA new tool for citizens: Bringing the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Statute to life“<strong>The</strong> efficiency of the markets must be put at the service of human progress and not the opposite,” said<strong>European</strong> Commissioner of Internal Market, Michel Barnier, when he started his position in 2010. One tool tostrengthen the opportunities of the Internal Market for citizens and organisations and to provide for a newsustainable instrument to pool resources for the public good, would be a <strong>European</strong> Statute for <strong>Foundation</strong>s.<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Commission announced in the Single Market Act that it will present a regulation on a <strong>European</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> Statute by the end of 2011. During this session participants will learn about the current state ofplay regarding the legislative process and the way forward. Experts, practitioners and EU officials will discusshow the <strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Statute could be used by existing and new philanthropic initiatives.Moderator: Luc Tayart de Borms, King Baudouin <strong>Foundation</strong>Speakers: Rosa Gallego, Asociación Española de FundacionesDorota Lyszkowska-Becher, Internal Market and Services Directorate-General, <strong>European</strong> Commission RobinMillington, <strong>European</strong> Climate <strong>Foundation</strong>Sala VITCultural educationEducating young people through cultural and artistic activities provides opportunities to develop individualcreativity and enhance aspirations, achievements and skills which can help with future economic and socialdevelopment. Partnerships between cultural organisations, local communities and schools make an effectiveinstrument in extending the experiences and knowledge of children and young people as well as fightingsocial exclusion. This session will address some of the creative, innovative and diverse ways of promotingartistic expression and understanding and fostering intercultural dialogue and respect among today’s youth.<strong>The</strong> session will draw on the experiences of three different projects tackling this issue with case studies fromthe Big Noise Project, the Pangeia Kids Project and the Gulbenkian Programme for Cultural Education.Moderator: Rui Vieira Nery, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianSpeakers:Innovation, audience building and social Integration - arts and cultural education in Fundação CalousteGulbenkianRui Vieira Nery, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianBig Noise - using a children’s symphony orchestra as an engine for social changeNicola Killean, Sistema Scotland<strong>The</strong> Pangeia Kids Project - the making of traditional musical instruments as an educational toolVictor Gama, PangeiaArtsSala IIITFinancial crisis: What have we learnt?<strong>The</strong> starting point for this conversation will be a reflection on the specificities of foundation endowmentsand the implications for investment policy and strategy. It will also take into account potential regulatoryrequirements endowment investment strategies need to meet in some <strong>European</strong> countries. It will thendiscuss – through a couple of concrete examples – Boards’ choices and decisions during the depth of thecrisis, the results to date and lessons learnt. This session will also look at the impact of the financial crisison foundation spending – in the short and medium term, and how different foundations are thinking aboutmanaging their investment risks.Moderator: Karin Jestin, Fondation 1796Speakers: James Brooke Turner, <strong>The</strong> Nuffield <strong>Foundation</strong>Alasdair Mackintosh, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianSala XII & XIIINShould we collaborate in politically challenging contexts?Join us for a discussion on whether funders should collaborate when working in politically challenging contextsor (post-) conflict areas. What are the constraints and opportunities? What forms can collaboration take on?What are the perils of going alone? <strong>The</strong> panel will also share lessons learnt on dealing with unknowns, issuesrelated to the safety and security of partners on the ground, and where working together with others – withinor outside the concerned country or area – can bring about positive long term change.Moderator: Angelika Arutyunova, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)Speakers: Haki Abazi, Rockefeller Brothers FundNorine MacDonald, NEF Mercator Fund18:00 - 23:30 EVENING NETWORKINGVisit to Lisbon Oceanário followed by walking dinner at the Portugal Pavilion (see page 22 for moreinformation)EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

CONFERENCE BY DAYSATURDAY 28 MAY09:00 - 10:30Sala III09:00 - 11:00Sala XVS22 nd EFC AGA of members (EFC members only)SATELLITE EVENTDive into our Interactive Showcase! - Portuguese styleWhat are Portuguese foundations working on? What are their latest projects and accomplishments? Find outduring this two-hour tour featuring highlights of Portugal's most active organisations!10:30 - 11:00 Networking break11:00 - 12:30Sala VICCONCURRENT SESSIONSAdrift in a sea of information: Finding the right management systemIncreasingly foundations are seeking to share information in a more efficient and intuitive manner amongemployees, grantees and partners. At the same time, continuous technology developments are providingfoundations with a sea of software opportunities for information management. Internet, open source orcustomised software have a number of benefits such as providing easier access to what was once out ofreach, allowing for a greater social impact and avoiding knowledge islands within organisations. However,introducing a new information management system is not without its challenges: foundations must beready to grapple with different classification methods, manage old information, patiently instil a culture ofchange, develop user-friendly policies/procedures, etc. This session will present examples of successfullyimplemented information systems and will invite the audience to reflect on the challenges of introducingsuch systems within an organisation.Moderator: David Carrington, Alliance Publishing Trust (APT)Speakers: Thorsten Klassen, <strong>The</strong> German Marshall Fund of the United StatesAnna Nöst, ERSTE StiftungSala XII & XIIITGlobal Philanthropy Leadership Initiative: Advancing philanthropy in a global contextJoin members of the Global Philanthropy Leadership Initiative (GPLI) Task Force to learn about actions thisTask Force is developing to advance the growth and effectiveness of philanthropy in a global context andadd your voice to this challenging agenda. <strong>The</strong> work of the Task Force revolves around three key issues:improving the legal and regulatory environment for cross-border philanthropy; developing models foreffective collaboration, and establishing sustained and strategic relations with multi-lateral organisationsaround global issues and the development agenda. <strong>The</strong> GPLI is a two-year collaborative initiative of theCouncil on <strong>Foundation</strong>s, the EFC and Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS). It bringstogether some 40 leaders representing philanthropic organisations from all parts of the world. This sessionaims to raise awareness about the initiative and invite input from a wider group of philanthropic leaders. TaskForce members will lead three parallel conversations of approximately one hour – one on each of the threepriority issues. <strong>The</strong> session will conclude with brief reports from the parallel discussions and an overview ofthe next steps for the GPLI.Moderator: Gail McClure, Global Philanthropy Leadership InitiativeSpeakers:Enabling environment for cross-border philanthropyNorine MacDonald, NEF Mercator Fund and Mary Anne Rodgers, <strong>The</strong> David and Lucile Packard <strong>Foundation</strong>Collaboration - sustainable cities and peace-buildingMassimo Lanza, Fondazione di Venezia and Kevin Murphy, Berks County Community <strong>Foundation</strong>Engaging with multilateral organisationsSteve Gunderson, Council on <strong>Foundation</strong>s and Suzanne Siskel, Ford <strong>Foundation</strong>RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS19

SATURDAY 28 MAY (CONT’D)Sala VIICBHow do you secure your independence? Tell people what you are doingIn the near to medium-term, it is likely that public scrutiny on foundations will be on the rise. What canfoundations do to make sure that they are ahead of the curve in relation to transparency and accountabilityso they are able to speak confidently about the roles they play? How do they justify the tax breaks theyreceive? How does this relate to the importance of good governance? In this session, a number of expertswill discuss the rising importance of transparency and accountability, providing ideas on how foundationscan ensure that their investment and support strategies are transparent and communicated to the generalpublic. Results and findings from a mapping project on foundation transparency, which looks at the existingrules and self-regulatory mechanisms including codes of conduct, done in collaboration with DAFNE, will alsobe presented with discussion on what can be learned from the project and any required future actions.Moderator: John R. Healy, <strong>Centre</strong> for Nonprofit Management, Trinity College DublinSpeakers: Nilda Bullain, <strong>European</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> for Non-Profit LawDiana Leat, <strong>The</strong> Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial FundSala VIIL12:30 - 14:00Sala I & IIPlaying by the rules: Tax exemptions for market activities and EU competitionregulationsAre tax-exempt foundations that undertake economic activities in conflict with EU competition rules?<strong>The</strong> <strong>European</strong> Court of Justice decided that an entity is regarded as an undertaking when it engages ineconomic activity (providing goods and services in the market) regardless of whether the entity is a nonprofitorganisation. If a public benefit foundation operates in an area where a competing market exists, ithas to be qualified as an undertaking even if this operational activity is directly linked to its public benefitpurpose. Mere holding of shares (even majority shareholding) does not automatically imply economic activityunless the control of the shareholding in a company leads to direct or indirect influence on the managementof the company. What is the impact for foundations? How can they engage in economic activities withoutjeopardising tax advantages?Moderator: Ewa Kulik-Bielinska, Stefan Batory <strong>Foundation</strong>Speakers: Kai Kilpinen, Council of Finnish <strong>Foundation</strong>sPieter Oostlander, Noaber <strong>Foundation</strong>Thomas von Hippel, <strong>Foundation</strong> law expertCLOSING PLENARYSpeakers will discuss how issues debated during the conference can inspire future work and goals.Closing address: Emílio Rui Vilar, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianKeynote speaker: Kathleen Cravero - Kristoffersson, Oak <strong>Foundation</strong>Speakers: Francis Charhon, Fondation de FranceJohn R. Healy, <strong>Centre</strong> for Nonprofit Management, Trinity College DublinMarco Parlangeli, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di SienaDuring the Closing Plenary the following will take place:• Presentation of the EFC Photo Competition Prize by Isabelle Schwarz, <strong>European</strong> Cultural <strong>Foundation</strong>• Presentation of the EFC Philanthropy Compass Prize by Luc Tayart de Borms, King Baudouin <strong>Foundation</strong>14:00 - 16:00 Closing lunch15:00 - 18:30Sala VISSATELLITE EVENTGlobal Philanthropy Leadership Initiative task force meeting*Organised by: Council on <strong>Foundation</strong>s, WINGS and the EFC15:30 - 19:00 SITE VISITA gathering of the members of the task force of the Global Philanthropy Leadership Initiative.Guided tour of Lisbon's museums (see page 25 for more information)EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

INTERACTIVE SHOWCASEJoin funders, colleagues and partners in the interactive showcase which will be held in Sala XV. Several organisations will share their workduring two sets of three one-hour presentations, in varying dynamic formats addressing issues on partnerships, foundation projects andmuch more! A special Portuguese edition of the fair will be held on Saturday morning. Full details of the fair displays are listed below.THURSDAY 26 MAY09:15 - 10:45SA spasso con le dita - Strolling with your fingersOrganised by: EnelCuore OnlusA Spasso con le Dita (literally "Strolling with your fingers") is an Italian national project conceived by Italy’s National Federationfor the Blind supported by the not-for-profit organisation Enel Cuore Onlus. <strong>The</strong> project promotes and encourageschildren’s literature and social integration of blind and visually impaired children through the use of tactile illustrated books.Global institutional philanthropy: A preliminary status reportOrganised by: WINGSPhilanthropy research is important because philanthropy needs to take itself seriously. And for it to be able to doso, good data is needed. ‘<strong>The</strong> Global Institutional Philanthropy (GIP): A Preliminary Status Report’ brings together,for the first time ever, disperse knowledge and data on institutional giving from countries around the world. <strong>The</strong> GIPreport is a good resource for policy makers, philanthropists, non-profit practitioners, academics and others who seekto strengthen philanthropy in their own countries and regions and to better understand the global context in whichthey work. In spite of the richness, diversity, and complexity of global philanthropy, the report identifies some clear,strong, and persistent themes that appear to be relevant in most regions.<strong>The</strong> African re-greening initiativesOrganised by: Both ENDS, Turing <strong>Foundation</strong>, <strong>Centre</strong> for International Studies - Free University of AmsterdamIn Maradi and Zinder, Niger, five million hectares of degraded land has been restored by farmers into aforested park landscape, bringing enhanced livelihoods and resilience. Discussions will look at lessons learnedto expand the scale of such successes elsewhere.11:00 - 12:30SBeing the change… 10 years of YEPPOrganised by: Internationale Akademie - Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme (YEPP), CharlesStewart Mott <strong>Foundation</strong> and Compagnia di San PaoloYEPP and its partner foundations will showcase and discuss the results of 10 years of youth and communityempowerment in disadvantaged areas across Europe, and how multi-level partnerships helped young people createsustainable change in their communities.Growing tomorrow’s citizensOrganised by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo and Compagnia di San Paolo's Fondazione per la ScuolaHow can you help your young citizens to grow and feel '<strong>European</strong>'? And what does this mean? Participating in thissession you will be able to share and discuss lessons learned from the 'Europe at School' project, promoted andconducted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, and evaluated in collaboration with Fondazione per la Scuoladi Compagnia di San Paolo. Growing tomorrow’s citizens also means to give them the opportunity for a high qualityeducation, which is the aim of two other initiatives which will be presented, jointly managed with Fondazione per laScuola: the 'Mountain Schools Academy', a training activity for teachers and directors of schools in mountain areas,and the call for 'innovation in education', about 'hands on' approach in teaching maths, science, Italian and English.<strong>The</strong> future of the EPIMOrganised by: <strong>European</strong> Programme on Integration and Migration (EPIM)Since 2005, <strong>European</strong> foundations are collaborating on migration and integration issues: Why? What are theylearning and achieving by supporting NGOs’ networks? Come and learn more about EPIM and its future!SATURDAY 28 MAY09:00 - 11:00 Discover the world of Portuguese foundationsOrganised by: Portuguese <strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Learn about our country and the projects funded by its major foundations during this eclectic showcase that willcover topics ranging from culture to voluntary work, from health to youth development and much more.RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS21

EVENINGNETWORKINGTHURSDAY 26 MAYDINNER AT CASINO ESTORILOrganised by Cascais Municipality<strong>The</strong> Estoril Coast is the first tourist region in Portugal and was formerly known internationally as the Portuguese Riviera. <strong>The</strong>election of this region as a tourist and leisure spot goes back to the late 19 th century, and is currently considered by economicagencies as the main contributing factor in the development of Cascais. As host of the EFC 22 nd Annual General Assemblyand <strong>Conference</strong>, the village of Cascais invites all participants to a dinner at Casino Estoril. During the dinner, delegates willhave an opportunity to enjoy a typical Fado show.Venue: Casino Estoril, Praça José Teodoro dos SantosDeparture by bus: 19:00 from Hotel Cascais MiragemReturn by bus: at the end of the dinnerFor more details on departure and return, see the itinerary in your conference bag.FRIDAY 27 MAYVISIT TO THE LISBON OCEANÁRIOFOLLOWED BY WALKING DINNERAT PORTUGAL’S PAVILIONOrganised by Estoril’s Tourism OfficeOpened in 1998, Oceanário was the centerpiece of the 20 th century’slast World Fair, and eternally binds Lisbon to the Oceans. Oceanáriocontinuously develops new educational activities, focused on today’senvironmental challenges. This is one of the reasons why Oceanáriosupports multiple scientific research projects, most of which focus on biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use ofthe oceans. This visit of Oceanário will be followed by a dinner at the Portugal Pavilion.Venue: Lisbon Oceanário, Esplanada D. Carlos I, Doca dos Olivais, Parque das Nações;Portugal’s Pavillion, Doca dos Olivais, Parque das NaçõesDeparture by bus: 18:00 from Hotel Cascais MiragemReturn by bus: 23:30 to Hotel Cascais Miragem with stops at Estoril and CascaisEFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

FRIDAY 27 MAYVISIT TO THE CALOUSTEGULBENKIAN MUSEUMOrganised by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian<strong>The</strong> Calouste Gulbenkian Museum houses the art collection of CalousteSarkis Gulbenkian (1869-1955). <strong>The</strong> museum holds a collection of6,000 pieces and its galleries exhibit over 1,400 pieces divided intoEgyptian art, Greco-Roman art, Mesopotamian art, Eastern Islamicart, Armenian art, Far Eastern art and sculpture, art of the Book, decorative arts and works by René Lalique whichFundação Calouste Gulbenkian acquired directly from the artist. In painting, works by Van der Weyden, Ghirlandaio,Rubens, Rembrandt, Guardi, Fragonard, Turner, Renoir, Manet, Degas and Monet stand out.Venue: Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Avenida de Berna 45ª, LisbonMeeting point: <strong>Conference</strong> registration desk, please arrive 10 minutes prior to bus departureDeparture by bus: 15:00 from Hotel Cascais MiragemReturn by bus: 19:00 to Hotel Cascais Miragem with stop at OceanárioMARITIME SITES OF CASCAISOrganised by Cascais’ MunicipalityAwareness of the importance of Cascais' maritime heritage resultedin the construction of the King D. Carlos Sea Museum (formalinauguration taking place on 7 June 1992), which is dedicated to thememory of those connected to the oecan.<strong>The</strong> Farol-Museu de Santa Marta was originally built as both a fortand lighthouse. With renovations beginning in 2006, the building has been gven a new function while keeping itsoriginal coast signalisation purpose.Meeting point: <strong>Conference</strong> registration desk, please arrive 10 minutes prior to bus departureDeparture by bus: 15:00 from Hotel Cascais MiragemReturn by bus: 17:30 to Hotel Cascais MiragemEFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

SATURDAY 28 MAYGUIDED TOUR OFLISBON’S MUSEUMSOrganised by Lisbon’s Tourism OfficeBelém is linked to Portugal’s Golden Age of Discoveries as thesite where the famous navigators set sail to discover the world.Today it is a spacious green suburb with many gardens, parksand monuments that are well worth a visit. Amongst Belém’sattractions are the Jerónimos Monastery, the Monument to the Discoveries, the Belém Tower, the Belém Cultural<strong>Centre</strong> and Rua Vieira Portuense.Meeting point: <strong>Conference</strong> registration desk, please arrive 10 minutes prior to bus departureDeparture by bus: 15:30 from Hotel Cascais MiragemReturn by bus: 19:00 to Hotel Cascais MiragemSpecial thanks are given to the hosts and supporters of the evening networking and site visits.HOSTSSUPPORTERSRESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS25

PRACTICAL INFORMATIONREGISTRATION HOURS<strong>The</strong> AGA and <strong>Conference</strong> registration desk is where you can collect your conference bag and namebadge. Throughout the event, please feel free to direct questions to EFC staff at the desk who will bepleased to assist you. <strong>The</strong> registration desk will be open at the following times:Wednesday 25 May: 08:30 - 17:00Thursday 26 May: 08:30 - 18:00Friday 27 May: 08:30 - 17:30Saturday 28 May: 08:30 - 13:00SECURITYFor security reasons all delegates and their partners are kindly requested to wear their conference badgeto all conference events.CONFERENCE DELEGATE LISTAll participants who registered before 9 May 2011 are included in the delegates list, which is in yourconference bag. If there have been any changes in your personal details since the time of printing, pleaseinform an EFC staff member at the registration desk.CYBERCAFÉA cybercafé is located in Sala IV for participants to use. Limited printing facilities are available here.For additional facilities please use the hotel business centre, please be aware that charges may apply.WORKING LANGUAGE<strong>The</strong> working language of the conference is English, unless indicated otherwise in the <strong>programme</strong>.MESSAGE BOARDContact your colleagues via the message board located next to the conference registration desk.FEEDBACKDo you have a comment on the content or format of the conference and its sessions, were you facedwith specific issues? Do you have a suggestion? Or would you just like to share with us your generalopinion on the conference? Your opinion matters. By providing the EFC staff with your input you will behelping us to improve future events. Please take the time to fill out the evaluation survey and approachstaff should you have any feedback.GRANTSEEKINGDelegates are reminded that grantseeking, in any form, is strictly forbidden during the AGA and <strong>Conference</strong>.EFC 22 ND AGA AND CONFERENCE

NOT YET AN EFC MEMBER?JOIN NOW FOR…• A chance to be part of a rapidly growing group of forward-looking, influential foundations working to advance the publicgood in Europe and beyond• <strong>The</strong> latest on foundations active in Europe, delivered through a monthly electronic news round-up, thematic newsletters,and EFFECT magazine• Promotion of EFC member interests to the EU institutions on policy issues, close monitoring of developments that matterto foundations, and representation and advocacy from the Brussels-based EFC Secretariat• Training and exchange <strong>programme</strong>s for <strong>European</strong> foundation professionals• Expert advice, small mappings, and information services produced using EFC databases, on tap knowhow and resourcesabout what foundations are doing when, where and how• Access to interest groups which gather like-minded funders and promote the pooling of resources and expertise• Reduced rates and the opportunity to shape the content of EFC – flagship events, including the Annual General Assemblyand <strong>Conference</strong>, Grantmakers East Forum, and <strong>European</strong> Forum on Philanthropy and Research Funding• Available office and meeting space for members visiting BrusselsFor more information visit the EFC stand in the Galeria.SAVE THE DATE23 rd Annual General Assembly and <strong>Conference</strong>6 - 8 June 2012Belfast, Northern IrelandVisit for further updates.RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABILITY - THE OCEANS27

<strong>European</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, AISBL | 78, avenue de la Toison d’Or | 1060 Brussels, Belgiumt +32.2.512.8938 | f +32.2.512.3265 | |

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