CONTENTS1 Short Title, Extent and Commencement1.1 Short Title1.2 Extent1.3 Commencement2 General Provisions2.1 Applicability of Regulations2.2 Relaxation/Exemption Powers2.3 Interpretation2.4 Penalties3 Definitions3.1 Accessory Building3.2 Accessory Use3.3 Authority having Jurisdiction3.5 Balcony3.6 Basement / Cellar3.7 Betterment Charge3.8 Building3.9 Building Height3.10 Building Line3.11 Chajja3.12 Chowk or Courtyard3.13 Clean Industry3.14 Competent Authority3.15 Conservancy Lane3.16 Corridor3.17 Covered Area3.18 Customary Home Occupation3.19 Detached Building3.20 Development3.21 Drain3.22 Dwelling3.23 Executive Authority3.24 Floor3.25 Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R)3.26 Garage Private3 27 Garage Public3.28 Group Housing Scheme3.29 Habitable Room3.30 Low Cost Housing3.31 Layout3.32 Means of Access3.33 Mezzanine Floor:3.34 Occupancy or Use Group3.34.1 Assembly Buildings3.34.2 Business Buildings3.34.3 Educational Buildings3.34.4 Hazardous Buildings3.34.5 Industrial Buildings3.34.6 Institutional Buildings

<strong>CONTENTS</strong>1 Short Title, Extent and Commencement1.1 Short Title1.2 Extent1.3 Commencement2 General Provisions2.1 Applicability of Regulations2.2 Relaxation/Exemption Powers2.3 Interpretation2.4 Penalties3 Definitions3.1 Accessory Building3.2 Accessory Use3.3 Authority having Jurisdiction3.5 Balcony3.6 Basement / Cellar3.7 Betterment Charge3.8 Building3.9 Building Height3.10 Building Line3.11 Chajja3.12 Chowk or Courtyard3.13 Clean Industry3.14 Competent Authority3.15 Conservancy Lane3.16 Corridor3.17 Covered Area3.18 Customary Home Occupation3.19 Detached Building3.20 Development3.21 Drain3.22 Dwelling3.23 Executive Authority3.24 Floor3.25 Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R)3.26 Garage Private3 27 Garage Public3.28 Group Housing Scheme3.29 Habitable Room3.30 Low Cost Housing3.31 Layout3.32 Means of Access3.33 Mezzanine Floor:3.34 Occupancy or Use Group3.34.1 Assembly Buildings3.34.2 Business Buildings3.34.3 Educational Buildings3.34.4 Hazardous Buildings3.34.5 Industrial Buildings3.34.6 Institutional Buildings

3.34.7 Mercantile Buildings3.34.8 Multi Storeyed Buildings3.34.9 Office buildings (Premises)3.34.10 Residential Buildings3.34.11 Storage Buildings3.34.12 Whole Sale Establishments3.35 Open Space3.36 Owner3.37 Parking Space3.38 Permanent Open Air Space3.39 Plinth area3.40 Plot3.41 Plot Coverage3.42 Reconstruction3.43 Row Buildings3.44 Semi Detached Building3.45 Service Road3.46 Service Industry3.47 Site or Plot3.48 Site Corner3.49 Site Depth of3.50 Site Double Frontage3.51 Site, Interior or Tandem3.52 Street3.53 Street Level or Grade3.54 Street Line3.55 Storey3.56 Storage3.57 Tenement Dwelling Unit3.58 To Abut3.59 To Erect3.60 Water Course3.61 Major Water Course3.62 Minor Water Course3.63 Width of Road3.64 Non-Conforming Building or Use3.65 Building Set Back3.66 Light Industry3.67 Clean Industries4 Procedure for Securing Development Permission4.1 Application for Building Permission4.2 Application for Layout Development Permission4.3 Fees/Charges for Building Permission and Layout Development Permission4.3.1 Building PermissionA) Scrutiny FeeB) Security DepositC) Development Charges4.3.2 Layout Development PermissionA) Scrutiny FeeB) Security DepositC) Development Charges

4.4 Application Requirements and Documents to be furnished with DevelopmentPermission Application4.4.1 Building Permission4.4.2 layout Development Permission4.5 Plans and Specifications to be prepared by Registered Architect/Engineer4.6 Grant or Refusal of Permission4.6.1 Grant or Refusal4.6.2 Time Limit4.6.3 Scrutiny of the Resubmitted Plan4.7 Duration of Sanction / Renewal of Development Permission4.8 Cancellation/Revocation of Permission4.9 Penalties4.10 Suspension of Permission4.11 Grant of Development Permission4.12 Review of Rejection of Development Permission4.13 Liability4.14 Development without Prior Legitimate Permission4.15 Deviation during course of Construction5 Inspection and Occupancy Certificate5.1 Inspection5.2 Occupancy Certificate6 Licensing, Qualifications and Competence of Professionals/TechnicalPersonnel6.1 Licensed Professionals/Technical Personnel6.2 Penalties and Revocation of License6.3 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence for LicensedArchitects6.4 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence for LicensedEngineers6.5 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence for Structural Engineer/Designer6.6 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence for Surveyors6.7 Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements for Town Planner6.8 Duties and Responsibilities of Licensed Technical Personnel7 Layout Regulations7.1 Applicability7.2 Road Widths7.2.1 Residential and other types of Layouts (other than Industrial Layout)7.2.2 Industrial Layouts7.3 Open Space and Space for Amenities7.4 Additional Amenities and Facilities in case of Large Layouts7.4.1 Residential and other types of Layouts (other than Industrial Layout)7.4.2 Industrial Layouts7.4 Master Plan / Zonal Plan Provisions7.5 Minimum Plot Sizes8 Building Regulations8.1 Residential Buildings8.1.1 Minimum Plot Sizes8.1.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and Setbacks8.1.3 Parking Requirements8.1.4 Open Space Requirements8.2 Educational Buildings

8.2.1 Minimum Plot Sizes8.2.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and Setbacks8.2.3 Parking Requirements8.2.4 Open Space Requirements8.3 Institutional (Medical), Assembly, Public Buildings and Public OfficeComplexes8.3.1 Minimum Plot Sizes8.3.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and Setbacks8.3.3 Parking Requirements8.3.4 Open Space Requirements8.4 Commercial / Mercantile Buildings8.4.1 Minimum Plot Sizes8.4.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and Setbacks8.4.3 Parking Requirements8.4.4 Open Space Requirements

8.5 Factory / Industrial Buildings8.5.1 Minimum Plot Sizes8.5.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and Setbacks8.5.3 Parking Requirements8.5.4 Open Space Requirements8.6 Multi storeyed Buildings8.7 Lighting and Ventilation Requirements for Buildings8.8 Premium on Floor Area Ratio (FAR)9 Setbacks on Major Roads in the Master Plan for TUDA Region and ZonalPlan for Tirupati10 Zoning and Use Regulations10.1 Proposed Land Uses10.2 Use Zone Table10.3 Grouping of Uses10.4 Non Confirming Uses11 Parking Requirements12 Conservation and Harvesting of Rain Water12.1 Percolation Pits or Trenches12.2 Terrace Water Collection12.3 Open Ground12.4 Any Other Method13 Restriction of Building Activity in Vicinity of Certain Areas13.1 Water Bodies13.2 Restricted Zones13.3 High Tension Electricity Transmission Lines13.4 Railway Line14 Conservation of Listed Buildings, Areas, Artifacts, Structures andPrecincts of Historical and / or Aesthetical and / or Architectural and / orCultural Value and / or Natural Value (Heritage Buildings and HeritagePrecincts)14.1 Applicability14.2 Restriction On Development / Redevelopment / Repairs Etc.14.3 Preparation of List of Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts14.4 Power to Alter, Modify or Relax Regulations14.5 Hearing etc., to Persons likely to be Affected14.6 Permission to make Alterations to Heritage Buildings / Heritage Precincts14.7 Grant of Transferable Development Rights in cases of Loss of DevelopmentRights14.8 Maintaining Sky Line14.9 Repair Fund14.10 Grading of the Listed Buildings / Listed PrecinctsAnnexuresA Form No. 1 Application for Building PermissionB Form No. 2 Application for Layout PermissionC Form No. 3 Undertaking by Owner of Layout Development to Fulfill allDevelopment Requirements (On Rs 100 Judicial Stamp Paper)

D Form No. 4 Occupancy CertificateE Form No.5 Application for Licensing of Technical PersonnelF Listing of Heritage Structures

1 Short Title, Extent and CommencementIn exercise of the powers conferred by Sub Section (1) of Section 59 of the AndhraPradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, the Tirupati Urban DevelopmentAuthority hereby makes the following Regulations; namelyDRAFT GENERAL <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> CONTROL REGULATIONS.1.1 Short TitleThese regulations may be called the Draft General Development ControlRegulations for the Tirupati Urban Development Authority Area, 1981 includingTirupati Zone, Tirupati Municipal Area and Tirupati Non Municipal Area.1.2 ExtentSubject to the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act,1975, these Regulations shall apply to all development works within the limits of theTirupati Development Authority Area, Tirupati Municipal Area, Tirupati NonMunicipal Area and Tirupati Zone and be extended to other areas within thedevelopment area from time to time.1.3 CommencementThese Regulations shall come into force on and from the date prescribed in thenotification of the sanction of the Master Plan for TUDA Region and Zonal Plan forTirupati Zone.They shall be read with the prevalent regulations and GOs issued by the Governmentand Competent Authority. All regulations and bye-laws or parts there of which maybe in conflict with these regulations will be invalid to the extent they are soinconsistent, with effect from the date from which these regulations come into force.

2 General Provisions2.1 Applicability of RegulationsThe uses permitted in these Regulations are subject to the overall conformity with theMaster Plan and Zonal Plan, which are notified from time to time. These Regulations willnot prohibit the existing uses of lands and buildings that have been lawfully establishedprior to the coming into force of these Regulations; provided that where the existing usesof lands and buildings that have been lawfully established prior to the coming into force ofthese Regulations; provided that where the existing use is a non confirming one, i.e., a useunder which these Regulations will not be permissible; provide further, that it will be opento the Authority to order the discontinuance or continuance subject to such restrictions andconditions as may be imposed by it, of an existing use which is non confirming and whichin its opinion is injurious to the particular use zone.2.2 Relaxation/Exemption PowersThe Government or any other Authority shall have no powers hereafter to relax any sitefrom the provisions of these Regulations either in part or in total.2.3 InterpretationIn these Regulations, the use of the present tense includes the future tense, the masculinegender includes the feminine and the neutral, the singular number includes the plural andplural includes the singular. The word ‘person’ includes a corporation, individual writingincludes printing and typing and signature includes thumb impression made by a personwho cannot write if his name is written near to such thumb impression.If any question or dispute arises with regard to interpretation of any of these Regulations,the decision of the Competent Authority shall be final.2.4 PenaltiesAny person contravening any of the aforesaid regulations or any of the provisions of theDevelopment Plan shall on such contravention be liable to a punishment as provided in theAndhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, and Rules framed thereunder as inforce from time to time.

3 DefinitionsIn these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms and expressionsdefined as follows shall have the meaning indicated against each of them.The terms and expressions not defined in these regulations shall have the same meaningassigned to them as in Municipalities Act Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) 1956 retainedin section 391 of Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act 1965, The Andhra Pradesh UrbanAreas (Development) Act, 1975 and National Building Code of India.3.1 Accessory BuildingA Building separate from the main building on a plot and containing one or morerooms for necessary use such as servants quarters, garage, store rooms or such areasas may be classified by the Competent Authority.3.2 Accessory UseAny use of the premises subordinate to the principal use.3.3 ActMeans the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975.3.4 Authority having JurisdictionMeans the Authority which, has been created by a statute and which, for the purposeof administering the General Development Control Regulations shall be the TirupatiUrban Development Authority.3.5 BalconyMeans a horizontal cantilevered projection, including a hand rail or balustrade, toserve as passage or as sitting place.3.6 Basement / CellarMeans the lower storey of a building or complex, which is below or partly belowground and to be used only for parking of vehicles3.7 Betterment ChargeMeans a charge levied by the technical approving authority for ensuring off siteservices and amenities to the area3.8 BuildingMeans any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever materials constructedand every part thereof whether used as human habitation or not. It includesfoundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services,fixed platforms, verandahs, balcony, cornice or projection part of a building oranything affixed thereto or any wall enclosing or intended to enclose any land orspace and signs and outdoor display structures. Temporary structures for publicpurpose such as fairs, exhibitions, etc. in the form of tents shamianahs and tarpaulinshelters, erected for temporary and ceremonial occasions with the permission of theAuthority shall not be considered as building.

3.9 Building HeightMeans the vertical distance measured in the case of flat roof from the average levelof the ground around and contiguous to the building or as decided by the Authority tothe highest point of the building adjacent to the street wall and in the case of pitchedroofs, upto the point where the external surface of the outer wall inter-sects thefinished surface of the sloping roof, and in the case of gables facing the road, themid-point between the eaves level and the ridge. Architectural features serving noother function except that of decoration shall be excluded for the purpose of takingheights.3.10 Building LineThe line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining a street or an extension of astreet of future street may lawfully extend. . It includes the line prescribed, if any, inany scheme and/or development plan. The building line may change from time totime as decided by the Authority.Note: This term is synonymous with ‘Set Back Line’3.11 ChajjaMeans a sloping or a horizontal structural overhang usually provided over openingon external walls for providing protection from sun and rain3.12 Chowk or CourtyardMeans a fully or partially enclosed space permanently open to sky within thebuilding at ground level and serves as lighting and ventilating space besides foroutdoor activities, etc.3.13 Clean IndustryMeans industries, which do not throw out any smoke, noise, offensive odor orharmful industrial wastes and employing not more than 40 workers with/withoutpower.3.14 Competent AuthorityMeans any person or persons or Authority or Authorities authorized by the TirupatiUrban Development Authority/ Tirupati Municipality as the case may be to performsuch functions as may be specified. Different persons or Authorities may beauthorized to perform different functions.3.15 Conservancy LaneMeans a lane intended to be used mainly for scavenging purposes and not forproviding primary access to any road, street, dwelling, house, hut or building.3.16 CorridorMeans a common passage or circulation pace including a common entrance hall in abuilding3.17 Covered AreaMeans ground area covered immediately above the plinth level by the building butdoes not include the area covered by compound wall, gate, cantilevered porch,portico, slide swing, uncovered' stair case, chajjas and the like.

3.18 Customary Home OccupationMeans occupation conducted only by persons residing in the dwelling, the area forsuch use not exceeding 25 % of the total floor area of the dwelling and without anypublic display of goods.3.19 Detached BuildingA building whose walls and rooms are independent of any other building with openspaces on all sides as specified.3.20 DevelopmentDevelopment with all its grammatical variations means the quarrying out of buildingengineering, mining or other operations in, or over, or under land or water or themaking of any material change, any building or land, or in the use of any building orland and includes development and layout and sub-division of any land and “todevelop” shall be construed accordingly.3.21 DrainMeans a system or a line of pipes, with their fittings and accessories such as the manholes,inspection chambers, traps, gullies, floor traps and used for drainage of building or yardsappurtenant to the buildings within the cartilage. It includes an open channel forconveying surface water or a system for the removal of any liquid3.22 DwellingMeans a building or a portion thereof which is designed or used wholly or principallyfor residential purposes. This shall not include boarding or rooming houses, tents,tourist camps, hotels or other structures designed or used primarily for transientresidents.3.23 Executive AuthorityMeans the executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat which sanctions and releasesthe permissions and undertakes to ensure that the construction activity / layoutdevelopment activity is carried out in accordance with the sanctioned plans, etc3.24 FloorThe lower surface in a storey in a building. General term ‘Floor’ unless otherwisespecifically mentioned shall not refer to a mezzanine floor.NOTE: The sequential numbering of floor shall be determined by its relation to thedetermining entrance level. For floors at or wholly above ground level and thelowest floor in the building with direct entrance from the road, street shall be termedas floor 1. The other floors above floor 1 shall be numbered in sequence as Floor 2,Floor 3 etc., with number increasing upwards.3.25 Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R)The quotient obtained by dividing the total covered area (plinth area) on all floors bythe area of the PlotF A R = Total Covered Area on all the Floors------------------------------------------------Plot AreaNote: The term F.A.R is synonymous with Floor Space Index (F.S.I).

3. 26 Garage PrivateMeans a building or portion thereof designed and used for parking of private ownedmotor driven or other vehicles.3 27 Garage PublicMeans a building or portion thereof designed other than a private garage, operatedfor gain, designed or used for repairing, servicing, hiring selling or storing or parkingmotor driven or other vehicles.3.28 Group Housing SchemeA Housing scheme, wherein dwelling houses are not constructed in separateindividual plot but where a group of buildings is proposed in one plot.3.29 Habitable RoomMeans a room occupied or designed for occupancy by one or more persons for study,living sleeping, eating, kitchen (if it is used as a living room), but not includingbathrooms, water closet compartments, laundries serving and storage pantries,corridors, cellars, attics and spaces that are not used frequently or during extendedperiods.3.30 Low Cost HousingMeans housing development and schemes for socially and economically weaker /backward sections of the society at affordable costs of built-up area and services. Therequirements and construction specifications are as instructed by the Governmentfrom time to time. It includes low cost housing undertaken by public agencies, cooperativesocieties, government or semi-government bodies and also privatedevelopers with express permission of the collector.3.31 LayoutMeans the laying out a parcel of land or lands into building plots with laying of roads/ streets with formation, leveling metalling or black topping or paving of the roadsand footpaths, etc. and laying of the services such as water supply, drainage, streetlighting, open spaces, avenue plantation etc.3.32 Means of AccessMeans an access to a building or plot from an existing public street or road through aroad / street / pathway.3.33 Mezzanine Floor:An intermediate floor, between two floor levels above ground level.3.34 Occupancy or Use GroupThe principal occupancy for which a building or a part of a building is used orintended to be used, for the purposes of classification of a building according to theoccupancy, an occupancy shall be deemed to include subsidiary occupancies whichare contingent upon it. Buildings with mixed occupancies are these buildings inwhich more than one occupancy are present in different portions of the building.3.34.1 Assembly BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building where groups of people congregate orgather for amusement, recreation, social, religious, patriotic, civil, travel andsimilar purposes. For example, theatres, motion picture houses, assembly halls,

city halls, town halls, auditoria, exhibition halls, museums, marriage halls,gymnasium, restaurants, places of worship, dance halls, club rooms, passengerstations and terminals of air, surface and other public transportation services,recreation places and stadia.3.34.2 Business BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building which is used for transaction ofbusiness for the keeping of accounts and records for similar purposes, doctor’sservices facilities, court houses, record and reference libraries shall beclassified in this group in so far as principal function of these is transaction ofpublic business and the keeping of books and records.3.34.3 Educational BuildingsMeans any building used for school, college or day-care purposes for morethan 8 hours per week involving assembly for instruction, education, orrecreation incidental to educational buildings.3.34.4 Hazardous BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building which is used for the storage,handling, manufacture or pro-cessing of highly combustible or explosivematerials or products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity and/orwhich may produce poisonous fumes or explosions for storage, handling,manufacturing or processing which involve highly corrosive toxic or noxiousalkalies, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flame fumes explosive,mixtures of dust or which result in the division of matter into fine particlessubject to spontaneous, ignition.

3.34.5 Industrial BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building or structure, in which products ormaterials of all kinds and properties are fabricated assembled or processed likeassembly plants, laboratories, power plants, smoke houses, refineries, gasplants, mills, dairies, factories etc.3.34.6 Institutional BuildingsMeans any building or part there of which is used for the purposes such asmedical or other treatment, or care of persons suffering from physical ormental tension in which the liberty of the inmates is restricted. Institutionalbuildings ordinarily provide sleeping accommodation for the occupants. Itincludes hospitals, sanitary, custodial instructions and penal institutions likejails, prisons, mental hospitals and reformatories.3.34.7 Mercantile BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building, which is used as shops; stores,market, for display and sale of merchandise either wholesale or retail, Office,storage and service facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise and locatedin the same building shall be included under the group.3.34.8 Multi Storeyed BuildingsMeans all buildings with more than four floors (including the ground floor) orwhose height is 18 meters or more measured from the average level of thecentral line of the street on which the site abuts, provide that staircase rooms,lift rooms, chimney and elevated tanks above the top most floor andarchitectural features shall not be included in the numbers of floors incalculating the height of building.3.34.9 Office buildings (Premises)Means the premises whose sole or principal use is to be used as an office or foroffice purpose; "office purposes" includes the purpose of administration,clerical work, handling money, telephone and telegraph operating andoperating computers and "clerical work" includes writing, book-keeping,sorting papers, typing, filing, duplicating Punching cards or tapes, machinecalculating drawing of matter for publication and the editorial preparation ofmatter for publication.3.34.10 Residential BuildingsThese shall include any building in which sleeping accommodation is providedfor normal residential purposes with or without cooking or dining or bothfacilities. It includes one or two multi-family dwelling lodging or roominghouses, dormitories, apartment houses and flats, residential hotels and privategarages.3.34.11 Storage BuildingsMeans any building or part of a building used primarily for the storage orsheltering of goods, wares merchandise" like ware-houses, cold storages,freight depots, transit sheds, store houses, public garages hangers, truckterminals grain elevators barns and stables.3.34.12 Whole Sale EstablishmentsMeans establishments wholly or partly engaged in whole sale trade,manufacturers' whole sale outlets including related storage facilitieswarehouses and establishments engaged in truck transport including trucktransport booking agencies.3.35 Open SpaceAn area, forming an integral part of the site, left open to the sky.

3.36 OwnerMeans the person who receives the rent for the use of the land or building or wouldbe entitled to do so if they were let.Note: the term Owner is synonymous with the term Applicant, it also includes:a) an agency or trustee who receives such rent on behalf of the owner.b) a receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any court ofcompetent jurisdiction to have the charge of or to exercise the rights of the owner.c) an agent or trustee who receives the rent of or is entrusted with or is concernedwith any buildings devoted to religious or charitable purposes.d) a mortgagee or a leaseholder so empowered.3.37 Parking SpaceAn area enclosed or unenclosed, over or open sufficient in size to park vehicles,together with a drive way connecting the parking space with a street or alley andpermitting ingress of the vehicles.3.38 Permanent Open Air SpaceAir space is deemed to be permanently open if:a) It is a street or it is \ encroached upon by no structure of any kind: andb) Its freedom from encroachment in future by a structure of any kind is assuredeither by law or by contract of by the fact that the ground below it is a street oris permanently and irrevocably appropriated as an open space:Provided that in determining the open air space required in connection withconstruction work on a building any space occupied by an existing structure may if itis ultimately to become a permanently open air space, be treated as if it were alreadya permanently open space.3.39 Plinth areaMeans the built up covered area measured at the floor level of the basement or of anystorey.3.40 PlotMeans a continuous portion of land held in a single or joint ownership other than theland used, allotted, earmarked or set a part for any street, lane, passage, pathway,conservancy lane or for any other public purpose.3.41 Plot CoverageMeans the ground area covered by the building and does not include the area coveredby compound wall, gate, cantilever porch, chajja, well, septic tank, open platformand the like. It is expressed as percentage of the site / plot area.3.42 Reconstructionof a building means and includes(a) The re-erection wholly or partly of the building after more than one half of itsactual content has been pulled down or burnt down or fallen down at one timeor at different times,(b) The conversion of a building into a factory, shop, office, warehouse, school orinstitution, one or more dwelling house, or a place of worship.3.43 Row BuildingsMeans a row of houses with only front rear and interior open spaces.

3.44 Semi Detached BuildingA building detached on three sides with open space as specified.3.45 Service RoadMeans a lane from a wider street provided at the front of a plot for service purposes.3.46 Service IndustryIndustries, which are not engaged in the manufacture of goods or articles, but aremainly concerned with the repair, maintenance, servicing and / or other jobbingwork.

3.47 Site or PlotA parcel piece of land enclosed by definite boundaries.3.48 Site CornerMeans a site at the junction of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets.3.49 Site Depth ofMeans the mean horizontal distance between the front and rear site boundaries.3.50 Site Double FrontageA site having a frontage on two streets other than a corner plot.3.51 Site, Interior or TandemMeans a site access to which, is by a passage from a street whether such passageforms part of the site or not.3.52 StreetMeans any highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passageway, carriageway,Footway, square, place or bridge whether a through fare or not over which the publichave a right of passage or access or have passed and had access uninterruptedly for aspecified period, whether existing or proposed in any scheme and includes all bundschannels, ditches, storm water drains, culverts, sidewalks, traffic islands, roadsidetreesand hedges, retaining walls, fences, Barriers and railings within the street lines.3.53 Street Level or GradeMeans the officially established elevation or grade of the central line of the streetupon which a plot fronts and if there is no officially established grade, the existinggrade of the street its mid-point.3.54 Street LineMeans the line defining the side limits of a road/street.3.55 StoreyThe portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surfaceof the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between anyfloor and the ceiling next above it.3.56 StorageMeans a place where goods are stored.3.57 Tenement Dwelling UnitMeans an independent dwelling unit with a kitchen.3.58 To AbutMeans to abut on a road such that any portion of the building is fronting on the road.3.59 To Erectto erect a building means:(a) erect a new building on any site whether previously built upon or not;(b) to re-erect any building of which portions above the plinth level have been pulleddown, burnt or destroyed; and

(c) conversion from one occupancy to another and subdivision of occupancy intomore than one,3.60 Water CourseMeans a natural channel or an artificial one formed by training or diversion of anatural channel meant for carry-ing storm and wastewater.3.61 Major Water CourseMeans a water course which carries storm water discharging from a contributing areaof not less than 160 Ha.Note:-The decision of the authority as regards the calculation of the contributing areashall be final.3.62 Minor Water CourseMeans a watercourse which, is not a major one.3.63 Width of RoadMeans the whole extent of space within the boundaries of road when applied to anew road, as laid down in the surveys of the city or development plans or prescribedroad lines by any Act or Law and measured at right angles to the course or intendedcourse of direction of such road.3.64 Non-Conforming Building or UseMeans a building, structure or use of land existing at the time of commencement ofthese regulations and which does not conform to the regulations pertaining to thezone in which it is situated.3.65 Building Set BackMeans the distance by which, any building or structure shall be separated from theboundary lines of the plot.3.66 Light IndustryMeans Industries which, do not throw out excessive smoke, noise, offensive odor orharmful industrial wastes, employing not more than 100 workers and using power ofnot more than 100 h. p. Such Industries except in the case of foundries and smithiesdo not consume any solid fuel.3.67 Clean IndustriesIndustries, which do not throw out any smoke, noise, offensive odour or harmfulindustrial waste and employing not more than (101) workers and with or withoutpower.

4 Procedure for Securing DevelopmentPermission4.1 Application for Building Permission4.4.1 No person shall carry out any development or building construction activity withoutobtaining permit from the Authority, except in the following cases and unlessexempted by State or Central Acts/Rules/Orders:A) No prior sanction of building application is necessary for the construction ofindividual residential buildings in plots up to 100 sq m and height restricted to 10m. i.e., Ground + 2 Upper Floors (without stilts) subject to the followingconditions:(i) such plot should be less than or equal to 100 sq. m as per the following:(a) Part of an approved layout or sub-division(b) Allotted by or purchased from a public agency like Housing Board,Housing Corporation etc.(c) Covered by pattas issued by Revenue Department(d) T. S Record or Registered Sale Deed of Date prior to the date of theseorders.(ii) The construction shall be carried out, strictly in accordance with the MasterPlan/Zonal Development Plan and General Development ControlRegulations.(iii) The owners shall file with the Local Authority, copies of drawings ofproposed building along with necessary fee/charges as fixed by the LocalAuthorities together with attested copies of ownership documents and layoutplan before undertaking the construction.(iv) The owner shall file with the Local Authority an undertaking stating that heshall leave and surrender land for road widening, if any, free of cost and he willnot violate any rules, building bye-laws, and that in case of violations the LocalAuthority would be at liberty to summarily remove such deviations withoutprior notice and at owners cost.(v) Such application filed with the Local Authority shall be valid for a period of 3years for completion of building and it would be mandatory to file buildingcompletion certificate with the concerned Local Authorities.B) In respect of construction of individual Residential buildings in plots up to 300 sq.m and height upto 10 m i.e. Ground + two Upper Floors (without stilts) no priorapproval from the Local Authority/ Urban Development Authority is necessary,provided; that such type of individual residential buildings are got approved fromempanelled licensed personnel i.e qualified Architects, Engineers, Town Plannersand surveyors; and it shall be ensured by the licensed technical personnel that theconstruction is undertaken and carried out as per the approved building plans.Such plots should form part of a layout or sub-division approved by theCompetent Authority. Further,(i) The licensed technical personnel shall be completely and solely responsible forensuring that such residential building conforms to all regulations, bye-laws,other stipulations in force.(ii) The construction shall be commenced by the owner only after filing with theLocal Authority a copy of the building drawings approved by the licensedtechnical personnel along with prescribed fee/charges as fixed by the LocalAuthority together with attested ownership documents, copy of layout/subdivisionetc. in the prescribed format.

(iii) The owners shall file an undertaking stating that he shall leave & surrenderthe land affected in road widening if any, free of cost and that, he shall notviolate any Regulations, bye-laws or the approved drawings signed by thelicensed technical personnel and in case of any violations, the Local Authoritywould be at liberty to summarily remove the same without prior notice at theowners cost.(iv) Such building drawings approved by the licensed technical personnel shall bevalid for three years from the date of filing a copy of approved buildingdrawing with the Local Authority. Building completion certificate shall befiled by the owner with the Local Authority through the licensed technicalpersonnel within this period.(v) If it comes to the notice of the Local Authority that the approval of buildingdrawings are in violation of rules or if the facts have been mis-represented inthe following cases, the licensed technical personnel will be held solelyresponsible and his license will be liable for cancellation, disqualifications etc.(a) If the building proposal is approved in a plot forming part of unauthorizedlayout or sub-division.(b) If the building proposal is approved in violation of Zoning Regulations,Bye-laws Master Plan/ Zonal Development Plan etc.(c) If the building proposal is approved in a plot of 300 sq m or less but thesame is actually having an extent more than 300 sq m on ground.(d) Where the dimensions of the plot are not tallying with documentary plan,ground situation to that of sanction plan by licensed technical personnel.(e) If the site details are wrongly represented in the If it comes to the notice of the Local Authority that the owner after obtainingsanction of building by the licensed technical person takes up the constructionin violation of Rules, Regulations etc and against sanctioned plan, action willbe taken against such construction as per rules including demolition by theLocal Authority.vii) The Local Authority shall also monitor the construction of above buildingsand take necessary action against unauthorized constructions/deviations as perrules.4.1.2 However, any person can also apply to the concerned Local Authority for sanctionin respect of buildings in plots up to and including 300 sq m4.1.3 For all other types of residential and non-residential buildings prior writtenpermission of the Local Authority/ Urban Development Authority is necessary.Application shall be made in writing in the prescribed Form No. 1. The applicationshall be accompanied by documents described in Regulation 4.4 along withfee/charges prescribed in Regulation Application for Layout Development PermissionEvery owner who intends to carryout development of land into layout and sub-divisionshall give an application in writing to the Authority about their intention in the prescribedForm No. 2.

4.3 Fees/Charges for Building Permission and LayoutDevelopment Permission4.3.1 Building PermissionA) Scrutiny FeesA person applying for building permission shall have to pay scrutiny fees along with hisapplication to the Competent Authority at the following rates:No. Area Rate1 For residential buildings with height restricted to Rs. 5/sq m of total built up10 m. i.e., Ground + 2 Upper Floors (without stilts) area subject to a minimum2 For multi storeyed buildings, apartments,commercial buildings, institutional buildings,industrial buildings usescrutiny fee of Rs. 500Rs. 7/sq m of total built uparea subject to a minimumscrutiny fee of Rs. 700The Scrutiny Fee shall be payable at the same rate in both Tirupati Zone (includingTirupati Municipality, Tirupati NMA, Trichanur, Avilala), Growth Centers & ExpansionZone around Village Settlements and Rest of TUDA RegionB) Security DepositA security deposit in cash or back guarantee or F.D.R pledged with the Local Authority atthe rate specified below, shall be payable to the Local Authority in case of all buildingpermission applications for apartments/ group housing/ institutional and commercialbuildings in plots having an area of 300 sq m and above.No AreaRate.1 Tirupati Zone (including Tirupati Municipality,Tirupati NMA, Trichanur, Avilala), Growth CentersRs. 100/sq m of total builtup areaand Expansion Zone around Village Settlements2 Rest of TUDA Region Rs. 50/sq m of total builtup areaThe security deposit will be refunded by the Local Authority only on production ofOccupancy Certificate issued by the concerned Local Authority.C) Development ChargesA person applying for building permission shall have to pay development charges alongwith his application to the Competent Authority at the following rates:No. Type of UseTirupati Zone (including TirupatiMunicipality, Tirupati NMA,Trichanur, Avilala), GrowthCenters and Expansion Zonearound Village Settlements (Rs. /sq m)Rest of TUDA Region(Rs. / sq m)Land Built up Space Land Built up Space1 Residential 10 20 5 102 Commercial 15 30 10 253 Industrial 15 30 10 25

4 Institutional 10 20 5 105 Others 10 20 5 10Note: For Layout Development Charges refer 4.3.2 (C)4.3.2 Layout Development PermissionA) Scrutiny FeesEvery application shall be accompanied with the Scrutiny Fee at the rate of Rs. 5 per 10 sqm of the entire area of the layout.The Scrutiny Fee shall be payable at the same rate in both Tirupati Zone (includingTirupati Municipality, Tirupati NMA, Trichanur, Avilala), Growth Centers & ExpansionZone around Village Settlements and Rest of TUDA RegionB) Security DepositFor the due fulfillment of the obligations like the development of infrastructure facilities inthe layout imposed on the owner a Security Deposit by the way of a Bank Guarantee shallbe made for a minimum period of not less than 3 years or a non interest bearing cashdeposit at the following rates:No AreaRate.1 Tirupati Zone (including Tirupati Municipality,Tirupati NMA, Trichanur, Avilala), Growth CentersRs. 6/sq m of total area ofthe layoutand Expansion Zone around Village Settlements2 Rest of TUDA Region Rs. 3/sq m of total area ofthe layoutThe security deposit shall be returned to the applicant after fulfilling the layout conditionsand after granting final approval for the layout.C) Development ChargesThe requisite Layout Fee / Development Charges shall be levied after the preliminaryscrutiny of the application. The development charges shall be levied at the following rates:No. Type of Use Tirupati Zone (including TirupatiMunicipality, Tirupati NMA,Trichanur, Avilala), Growth Centersand Expansion Zone around VillageSettlements (Rs. Per sq m)1 Residential 10 52 Commercial 15 103 Industrial 15 104 Institutional 10 55 Others 10 5Rest of TUDARegion(Rs. Per sq m)4.4 Application Requirements and Documents to be furnishedwith Application4.4.1 Building PermissionA) Key Plan (Location Plan)A Key Plan (Location Plan) drawn to a scale of not less than 1:1000 showingboundaries of the site with respect to the neighbourhood land marks.B) Site Plan

The site plan submitted with the application for permit shall be drawn to a scale of1:500 and shall show:(1) The boundaries of the site and of any contiguous land belonging to theowner thereof(2) The position of the site, in relation to neighboring street(3) The name of the street in which the building is proposed to be situated, ifany(4) All existing buildings standing on, over or under the site(5) The position of the building, and of all other buildings (if any) which theapplicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in relation to (1)(i) The boundaries of the site and in case where the site has been partitioned,the boundaries of the portion owned by the applicant and also of the portionsowned by others(ii) All adjacent streets, buildings (with number of storeys and height) andpremises within a distance of 12 m of the site and of the contiguous land (ifany) referred to in (1); and(iii) If there is no street within a distance of 12 m of the site, the nearestexisting street(iv) Location of RWHS with it its cross section and specifications(6) The means of access from the street to the building, end to all the buildings(if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous and referred to in(1)(7) Space to be left around the building to secure a free circulation of air,admission of light and access for scavenging purpose and projection (if any) on tothe open space;(8) The width of the street (if any) in front and of the street (if any) at the sideor near the buildings(9) The direction of north point relative to the plan of the building;(10) Any existing physical features, such as wells, drains, trees, etc;(11) The ground area of the whole property and the breakup of covered area oneach floor with the calculations of percentage covered in each floor in terms of thetotal area of the plot as required under the regulations governing the coverage ofthe area(12) Aerial, electric supply line, water supply and drainage line(13) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the AuthorityC) Sub Division/Layout PlanIn the case of development work, the notice shall be accompanied by the layout/subdivisionplan, which shall be drawn on a scale of not less than 1:500 containing thefollowing:(1) Scale used and North Point(2) The location of all proposed and existing roads with their existing andproposed prescribed widths within the land(3) Dimensions of plot along with building lines showing the setbacks withdimensions within each plot(4) The location of drains, sewers, public facilities and services, and electricallines, etc(5) Table indicating size, area and use of all the plots in the subdivision layoutplan(6) A statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under roads,open spaces for parks. Playgrounds, recreation places and development planreservations, schools, shopping and other public places along with their percentagewith reference to the total area of the site proposed to be sub divided

(7) In case of plots which are sub-divided in built-up areas in addition to theabove, the means of access to the sub-division from existing streetsD) Building PlansE) Service PlanF) Parking Details and ArrangementsF) Particulars of DevelopmentG) Ownership TittleH) Attested Copy of Receipt for Payment of Building Permission Scrutiny Fee4.4.2 Layout Development PermissionA) The layout owner(s) shall execute an agreement on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamppaper that they shall fulfill all the conditions within the time schedule and as perspecifications (Annexure – Form No. 3) and shall submit it along with theApplication Form.B) The application shall be accompanied by a site plan/key plan (4 copies) drawn to ascale of not less than 1:1000 showing the site in relation to the surroundingssuperimposed on a village map showing the following details within a radius of100m:- topo details- existing public roads- approach road to the site- sanctioned layouts around the site- electric lines- telephone lines- vankas / streamsThe site proposed for development shall be shown in red.C) The application shall be accompanied by a detailed plan of the proposed site drawnto a scale of 1:500 superimposed on revenue field sketches showing the followingfeatures:- Boundaries of site with measurements and field numbers- Proposed road pattern and blocks with measurements- Community / open space with measurements- Alignment of existing and proposed roads as per Master / Zonal DevelopmentPlan- Statement showing area of the layout, number of plots, category of plots andland uses - area under plots, area under roads and open space and percentage tothe total area- physical details and permanent features – approach to the site, electrical &telephone lines, wells, drains/channelsD) A true copy of the ownership title deed attested by a Gazetted OfficerE) A non encumbrance certificate for not less than 13 years for the lands underreferenceF) A certificate from the Revenue authorities not below the rank of MRO/RDO statingthat the lands under reference are patta lands.4.5 Plans and Specifications to be prepared by Licensed TownPlanner/Architect/Engineer/Structural Engineer/SurveyorThe plan and particulars prescribed under Regulation 4.4 shall be prepared and signed bylicensed town planner/architect/engineer/structural engineer/surveyor. The procedure forlicensing and qualifications of technical personnel shall be as laid down in Regulation 6.

4.6 Grant or Refusal of Permission4.6.1 Grant or RefusalThe Competent Authority may either sanction or refuse the plans and specificationsor may sanction them with such modifications or directions as it may deem necessaryand there upon shall communicate its decision to the person giving notice in theprescribed form.4.6.2 Time LimitThe time limit for disposal of building permission applications is as followsa) Individual Residential Buildings 15 daysb) Other Building 30 daysIf within the specified time period mentioned above the Authority fails to intimate inwriting to the person or body who has submitted the application for building sanctionits decision of refusal or sanction, such applications together with plans andstatements shall be deemed to have been sanctioned. Provided the deemed sanctionshall not be constructed as authorizing any such person or body to carryout theconstruction or works in contravention or against any regulations bye-laws or anyother law in force.4.6.3 Scrutiny of the Resubmitted PlanOnce the plan has been scrutinized and objections have been pointed out, the ownermaking application shall modify the plan, comply with the objections raised andresubmit it. No new objections shall be raised when they are resubmitted aftercompliance of earlier objections. The authority shall scrutinize the resubmitted planand if there shall be further objections, the plan shall be rejected.4.7 Duration of Sanction / Renewal of Development Permission4.7.1 Layout PermissionThe permission for layout development shall remain valid for two years duringwhich the layout work shall be completed and if not completed or commenced, thepermission can be revalidated on application subject to the rules then in force andpayment of 20% of the fees and charges. Development Permission can be extendedfor a period of one year at a time for a maximum of three years.4.7.2 Building PermissionThe permission for building construction shall remain valid for two years duringwhich the construction work shall be completed and if not completed or commenced,the permission can be revalidated on application subject to the rules then in force andpayment of 20% of the fees and charges. Development Permission can be extendedfor a period of one year at a time for a maximum of three years.4.8 Cancellation/Revocation of PermissionThe development permission if secured by any person by any misrepresentation or byproducing false documents will be treated as cancelled/revoked.4.9 PenaltiesIn the event of violation of these Regulations, if the owner is guilty of an offence theAuthority shall take action against the person as per Section 41 of the Act.

4.10 Suspension of PermissionDevelopment permission granted under the relevant section of the Act will deemed to besuspended in cases of change of ownership, resignation by any of the licensed personneltill new appointments are made. Any work on site during this time shall be treated asunauthorized development without permission.4.11 Grant of Development PermissionShall mean acceptance of the Authority of the following requirements:i) Permissible built-up areaii) Permissible FARiii) Height of a building and its various storiesiv) Permissible open spaces, set backs etc., enforced under regulationsv) Permissible use of land and built spacesvi) Arrangements of stairs, lifts, corridors and parkingvii) Minimum requirements of high-rise buildings including N.O.C. from FireOfficer/Fire Safety Consultant as appointed by the Appropriate Authorityviii) Minimum requirement of sanitary facility and other common facility.ix) Required light and ventilation.Provided that it shall not mean acceptance of correctness, confirmation, approval orendorsement of and shall not bind or render the Authority liable in any way in regard to:i) title of the land or building.ii) easement rights.iii) Variation in area from recorded areas of a plot or a building.iv) structural reports and structural drawings.v) workmanship and soundness of material used in construction of the Location and boundary of the plot.4.12 Review of Rejection of Development PermissionA) After rejection of building applications on technical grounds and within seven daysof such refusal the architect/licensed technical personnel and owner may representthe case to the Competent Authority. After hearing, the concerned Authority shallcommunicate its decision on the representation within ten days of such hearing.B) If the architect or owner or both are not satisfied with the decision on theirrepresentation then he may file a review petition along with 25% of permit feetogether with reasons and grounds for reviewing earlier decisions. The reviewpetition shall be referred to an SELECT COMMITTEE whose decisions shall befinal.C) The SELECT COMMITTEE shall be constituted by the Competent Authority.4.13 LiabilityNotwithstanding any development permission granted under the Act and theseRegulations, any person undertaking any development work shall continue to be whollyand solely liable for any injury or damage or loss whatsoever that may be caused to anyone in or around the area during such construction and no liability whatsoever in thisregard shall be cast on the Authority.

4.14 Development without Prior Legitimate PermissionIn cases where development has already started/commenced on site for which developmentpermission in writing of the Competent Authority is not obtained, but where thisdevelopment on site is in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, thedevelopment permission for such work on site without the prior permission may be grantedby the Competent Authority on the merits of each individual case. For such developmentworks, over and above such other charges/fees may be otherwise leviable, the additionalamount shall be charged on total built up area as per the following rates:1 Application for development permission is made but 5 times ofregulationdevelopment is commenced as per submitted plan.No.4.3.1(A)2 Application is made but development has been 10 timesof regulationcommenced but not as per submitted plan.No.4.3.1 (A)3 Application for development permission is not made and 15 times ofregulationdevelopment is commenced.No.4.3.1(A)4. All other open uses including layout and sub-division of land. 2 timesof regulationNo. 4.3.2 (A)Note1 The Competent Authority may reduce the above fee upto 50% (only) depending on themerits of the case2 Minimum additional amount shall be Rs. 1000 for residential and Rs. 5000 forothers.4.15 Deviation during course of ConstructionNotwithstanding anything stated in the above regulations it shall be incumbent on everyperson whose plans have been approved to submit revised (amended) plans for anydeviations he proposes to make during the course of construction of his building work andthe procedure laid down for plans or other documents here to before shall apply to all suchrevised (amended) plans.

5 Inspection and Occupancy Certificate5.1 InspectionIn respect of commercial complexes/Group Housing/Multi storeyed buildings and othernon-residential complexes, the Competent Authority shall carryout mandatory inspectionof the construction at:(a) foundation stage(b) plinth level and(c) first and upper floor level5.2 Occupancy CertificateThe completed building shall be allowed to be occupied/used only after issue of“Occupancy Certificate” by the Competent Authority on the basis of submission ofbuilding completion certificate by architect and owner (Form No. 4).

6 Licensing, Qualifications, and Competence ofProfessionals/Technical Personnel6.1 Licensed Professionals/Technical PersonnelThe Competent Authority, following a due process to be specified from time to time, shalllicense Architects, Engineers, Structural Engineers/Designers, Surveyors and TownPlanners as Licensed Architects, Engineers, Structural/Engineers/Designers, Surveyors andTown Planners. Minimum qualifications and experience required for being considered forlicensing are specified below. Applications for registration should be made using FormNo. 5. The Competent Authority shall prescribe a registration fee which shall be payableby all registered professionals6.2 Penalties and Revocation of LicenseResponsibilities of licensed professionals are specified below in relevant regulations. TheCompetent Authority shall define a due process for determining whether a registeredprofessional has failed in discharging his responsibilities. The due process shall include anopportunity for the licensed professional to be heard. Licensed professionals, who aredeemed to have failed in discharging their responsibilities, are liable to be penalized and/ortheir license is liable to be revoked. Penalties for failing to discharge their responsibilitieswill be specified by the Competent Authority.6.3 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence forLicensed ArchitectsA) Qualifications1) A Bachelors Degree in Architecture/Diploma in Architecture which is consideredto be equivalent to a Bachelors Degree in Architecture by the Council of Architecture2) Registration with the Council of Architecture3) Associate Member of Indian Institute of Architects4) 2 years of experience of preparing architectural design, detailed drawings andspecifications.B) CompetenceThe licensed architect shall be competent to carry out the work related to buildingpermission and shall be entitled to submit:1) all plans and related information connected with building permission2) structural details and calculations for building on plot up to 500 sq m and up to 3storeys or 11 m3) certificate of supervision and completion for all buildings6.4 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence forLicensed EngineersA) Qualifications1) A Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering, or, a Diploma in Civil Engineering, or aqualification recognized to be their equivalent by the All India Council for TechnicalEducation,2) 2 years of experience of preparing architectural designs, detailed drawings andspecifications for a person holding a Bachelors Degree or its equivalent, and, 5 years

of experience of preparing architectural designs, detailed drawings and specificationsfor a person holding a Diploma or its equivalent.B) CompetenceThe licensed engineer shall be competent to carry out the work related to buildingpermission and shall be entitled to submit:1) all plans and related information connected with building permission/layoutdevelopment permission2) structural details and calculations for building on plot up to 500 sq m and up to 5storeys or 16 m3) certificate of supervision and completion for all buildings/layouts6.5 Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements forStructural Engineer/DesignerA) Qualifications1) A Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering, or, a Masters Degree in CivilEngineering, or, a qualification recognized to be their equivalent by the All IndiaCouncil for Technical Education2) Associate Member in Institute of Civil Engineers3) 5 years of experience of preparing structural designs, detailed drawings andspecifications of high rise buildings and special buildings for a person holding aBachelors Degree or its equivalent, and, 3 years of experience of preparing structuraldesigns, detailed drawings and specifications of high rise buildings and specialbuildings for a person holding a Masters Degree or its equivalent.B) CompetenceThe licensed structural engineer/designer shall be competent to carry out the workrelated to building permission and shall be entitled to submit:1) all plans and related information connected with building permission developmentpermission2) structural details and calculations for all buildings3) certificate of supervision and completion for all buildings6.6 Minimum Qualifications, Experience and Competence forSurveyorsA) QualificationsSurveyor 1:1) Diploma in Civil Engineering with two years experienceOR2) 3 years architectural assistantship or intermediate in Architecture with 2 yearsexperienceSurveyor 1I:1) Draftsman in Civil Engineering from ITI with 5 years of experience underArchitect/EngineerB) CompetenceSurveyor 1:

1) all plans and related information connected with building permission developmentpermission on plots up to 200 sq m and up to 2 storeys2) certificate of supervision of buildings on plots up to 200 sq m and up to 2 storeysSurveyor 1I:1) all plans and related information connected with building permission developmentpermission on plots up to 200 sq m and up to 2 storeys2) certificate of supervision of buildings on plots up to 200 sq m and up to 2 storeys6.7 Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements forTown PlannerA) Qualifications1) Post Graduate Degree in Planning2) Associate Member of ITPIB) Competence1) all plans and related information connected with building permission developmentpermission on plots up to 200 sq m and up to 2 storeys2) certificate of supervision for development of land of all areas6.8 Duties and Responsibilities of Licensed Technical PersonnelThe duties and responsibilities of licensed technical personnel shall be as follows:A) It will be incumbent on every licensed Technical Personnel, in all matters in whichhe may be professionally consulted or engaged, to assist and co-operate with theCompetent Authority in carrying out and enforcing the provisions of the TirupatiMunicipality Act and these Regulations.B) Every licensed Technical Personnel shall in every case in which he may beprofessionally consulted or engaged, be responsible, so far as his professionalconnection with such case extends, for due compliance with the provisions of theTirupati Municipality Act and these Regulations or such Regulations which may beapplicable to the circumstances of the particular case and in particular it will beobligatory on him to satisfy himself that a qualified and competent Mistry orInspector of Works is constantly employed and present on the work to supervise theexecution of all work and to prevent the use of any defective material therein and theimproper execution of any such work.C) In every case in which a licensed Technical Personnel is professionally concerned inconnection with any building or work upon any premises in respect of which a rightto require a set-back has accrued or is about to accrue to the Commissioner/ViceChairman under the provisions of the said Act, or any of them, it will be incumbenton such Licensed Technical Personnel to as certain whether "the regular line of thestreet" has been prescribed and whether any portion of the said premises is requiredfor the street or under any pretence whatever, be a party to any evasion or attemptedevasion of the set-back (if any) that may be required.D) In every case in which a Licensed Technical Personnel is professionally concerned inconnection with any building or work upon any premises designed or intended to beused or any purposes in respect of which the written permission or license of theCommissioner, is prescribed by the said Act as a necessary condition to theestablishment or use of such premises for such purpose, it shall be incumbent on suchLicensed Technical Personnel, so far as his professional connection with such caseextends, to see that all conditions prescribed by the said Act, or these Regulations for

the time being in force there under, in respect of premises designed or intended to beapplied to such use, are duly fulfilled or provided for.E) A Licensed Technical Personnel shall not carry out any work in connection with anybuilding or other erection an a plot of land leased or agreed to be leased by theMunicipal Corporation/Urban Development Authority on contravention of any termor condition of the lease or agreement for lease.F) When a licensed Technical Personnel ceases to be in the employment for thedevelopment work, he shall report the fact forth with to the Competent Authority.

7 Layout Regulations7.1 ApplicabilityA) The Regulation shall apply to the entire Tirupati Development AreaB) These regulations shall apply for the following:i) When more than one building is proposed on any land except for accessorybuildings, the owner of the land shall submit proposal layout of buildings orsub division of entire contiguous holding.ii)When development of any tract of land is proposed which includes divisionand sub-division into plots for various land uses.C) The above includes all categories and types of development wherein theseregulations shall be applicable viz.,i) All types of residential development viz, plotted type, group housing schemes etcii) All types of commercial, institutional and industrial developmentiii) Development of mixed land usesiv) Any other type of development schemesD) All development work shall confirm to the respective provisions and stipulationsmade under regulations. If there is a conflict between the requirement of theseregulations and the requirements and stipulations in force, the requirements of theseregulations shall prevail.Provided, however, that for low cost housing schemes undertaken by variousgovernment departments or T.U.D.A or any local body, separate provisions andstipulations shall be applicable as decided by the Authority.Provided, however, road setbacks stipulated in Regulation 10 shall prevail in caseany of the stipulated roads abuts the proposed development work.7.2 Roads WidthsThe proposed roads shall have the following widths depending upon their length, therequirements of the prospective traffic junction and also subject to the provisions ofthe Master Plan or Zonal Development Plan.7.2.1 Residential and other types of Layout (other than Industrial Layouts)The minimum width of access road shall be 12 m and depending on the length of theaccess road the width shall be as indicated below:Length of accessroad (m)Width of accessroad (m)Width of splayrequired (m)Carriagewidth(m)Up to 240 12.0 2.0 4.0Above 240 to 400 15.0 3.0 7.0Above 400 to 1000 18.0 4.5 11.0Above 1000 24.0 4.5 11.0In no case the development shall be permitted unless it is accessible by a publicstreet, of width not less than 9.0 m7.2.2 Industrial LayoutsThe access road shall be dependent upon the function, prospective traffic and lengthof the proposed access road and shall have the following minimum widths.

The width of the access road shall depend on the function, prospective traffic andlength of the proposed access road. The minimum widths shall be as indicatedbelow:

Length ofaccess road(m)Width of access road(m)Width of splayrequired (m)Up to 600 13.0 3.0 7.0Above 600 18.00 or more asdecided by theAuthority4.5 11.0Carriage width(m)In no case the development shall be permitted unless it is accessible by a public streetwidth of not less than 12.0 m7.3 Open Spaces and Space for AmenitiesThis regulation seeks to encourage formation of larger layouts so as to enableformation of wider roads and creation of large open spaces.In any layout or sub-division for residential, commercial, industrial or any other typeof development the minimum open space for parks, play areas, recreational space,amenities etc., shall be provided as indicated below:No Size ofLayout1 Up to 0.5ha2 Above0.5 ha to3 ha3 Above 3ha to 6 ha4 Above 6ha to 10haAbove 10haMinimumOpen Space/Space forAmenitiesNil13% of thelayout area12% of thelayout area11% of thelayout area10% of thelayout areaRemarksIn lieu of the open space, two times the valuefixed by the Registration Department, of theproposed open space equivalent to 10% of thelayout area must be paid to CompetentAuthority*Minimum 10% of the layout area shall beprovided as open space. Additional 3% shallbe provided towards development of amenitiesOR in lieu of the same, market value fixed bythe Registration Department may be paid toCompetent Authority*Minimum 10% of the layout area shall beprovided as open space. Additional 2% shallbe provided towards development of amenitiesOR in lieu of the same, market value fixed bythe Registration Department may be paid toCompetent Authority*Minimum 10% of the layout area shall beprovided as open space. Additional 1% shallbe provided towards development of amenitiesOR in lieu of the same, market value fixed bythe Registration Department may be paid toCompetent Authority*Open Space to be provided

*The amount so levied will be utilized to finance the Master Plan and ZonalDevelopment Plan Proposals such as roads and development of conservation zones.The open space provided shall as far as possible be provided centrally in one placeand shall be of regular shape.No such open spaces shall admeasure less than 450 sq m and the minimumdimension shall in no case be less than 10 m.Every such open space shall have an independent means of access.7.4 Additional Amenities and Facilities in case of Large Layouts7.4.1 Residential and other types of Layouts (other than Industrial Layout)In case of layouts for residential, commercial and other types of development,exceeding 20 ha in area, in addition to the stipulated open spaces / space foramenities in Regulation 7.3, the following additional community amenities andfacilities shall be provided:No Type of Amenity/Facility Minimum area required1 School 5000 sq m2 Shopping Centre 500 sq m3 Electric Sub Station 12 x 12 m7.4.1 Industrial LayoutsIn case of industrial layouts exceeding 20 ha in area, in addition to the stipulatedopen spaces / space for amenities in Regulation 7.3, the following additionalcommunity amenities and facilities shall be provided:No Type of Amenity/Facility Minimum area required1 Labour Welfare centre 1000 sq m2 Shopping centre 500 sq m3 Bus station 2000 sq m4 Electric sub-station 900 sq m7.4 Master Plan / Zonal Plan ProvisionsAny layout or sub-division shall take into account the provisions of the Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan such as roads, conservation zones, facilities such as railwaystations, solid waste sites, truck terminal etc. If the land is affected by any provisionthe authority may agree to marginally adjust the location of such reservation to suitthe development without altering the area of such reservation.7.5 Minimum Plot Sizes• The minimum area of residential plots intended for individual private detached/semidetached buildings facing a 12 m wide road shall not be less than 100 sq m and theminimum width and length of any such plot shall not be less than 8 m and 12 mrespectively.• The minimum area of residential plots intended for individual private detached/semidetached buildings facing above 12 m wide road shall not be less than 150 sq m and theminimum width and length of such plot shall not be less than 9 m and 16 mrespectively.

8 Building Regulations8.1 Residential Buildings8.1.1 Minimum Plot SizesA) Row Housing1) Minimum Site Area 1000 sq m2) Maximum Plot Size 125 sq m3) Minimum Plot Size 50 sq m4) Minimum width of plot 4.5 to 8.0 m5) Minimum width of internal road 9 m6) Maximum No. of plots permissible in a row 8B) Individual Residential BuildingsMinimum Plot size100 sq mC) Group Housing / Apartment SchemesGroup Housing Schemes means the development of buildings having FIVE or moremultiple dwelling units and common services on a given site or plot, in single ormultiple blocks, without customary sub-division of land by way of individual plots.Minimum Plot Area450 sq m (net area)In case of Multi Storeyed Apartments the Minimum Plot Area shall be 1000 sq m(net area)8.1.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and SetbacksA) Row Housing1) Minimum space between two blocks/rows 6 m2) Building set backs Front3.0 mRear1.5 mIn case the plot abuts a Master Plan / Zonal Plan road the setbacks prescribedin Regulation 9 shall be maintained3) Maximum height of the building 6.0 m (Ground+ 1 Upper floor)4) Corner Plots shall be splayed with 3 m

B) Individual Residential Buildings1) For buildings up to 10 m in heightTirupati Zone, Growth Center, Village ExpansionPlot Size (sq m)FAR on Max Coverage SetbacksProp MP/ZP Roads Front Rear Other SidesBelow12m12 to18 mAbove18 mBelow 1212 to18mAbove18 mmBelow 50 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 0.75 - -50 to below 75 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.00 1.00 0.5075 to below 100 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.25 1.00 0.50100 to below 150 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.50 2.00 1.00150 to Below 200 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 2.00 2.00 1.25200 and upto 300 1.25 1.33 1.50 As per Setbacks 3.00 2.00 1.50Above 300 tobelow 500500 to below10001000 to below20002000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 1000 sq m or40% which everis higherTUDA RegionPlot Size (sq m)1.25 1.33 1.50 As per Setbacks 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001.25 1.33 1.50 50% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001.33 1.40 1.60 50% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.00FAR onProp MP/ZP Roads12 to Above18 m 18 mBelow12mMax Coverage3.00 4.00 6.00 3.00Below 12m1/4 th of plotwidth with1.5 m on oneside ORwhere 1/4 th ofside setbackis more than6 mminimum of3 m on eachsideSetbacks*Front Rear Other Sides12 to Above18m 18 mBelow 50 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 0.75 - -50 to below 75 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.00 1.00 0.5075 to below 100 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.25 1.00 0.50100 to below 150 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 1.50 2.00 1.00150 to Below 200 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per Setbacks 2.00 2.00 1.25200 and upto 300 1.40 1.50 1.60 As per Setbacks 3.00 2.00 1.50Above 300 tobelow 500500 to below10001000 to below20002000 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 1000 sq m or40% which everis higher1.40 1.50 1.60 As per Setbacks 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001.40 1.50 1.60 50% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001.50 1.60 1.70 50% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.003.00 4.00 6.00 3.00* In case the plot abuts a Master Plan / Zonal Plan road the setbacks prescribed in Regulation 9 shall be maintainedii) For buildings in plots having area above 300 sq m maximum height shall be 13 m i.e.,ground + 3 floors including the height of the plinth.In addition to the setbacks prescribed above there shall be an increase of 1 m on all sidesfor every increase of 3 m in the height of the building above 10 m1/4 th of plotwidth with1.5 m on oneside ORwhere 1/4 thof sidesetback ismore than 6m minimumof 3 m oneach side

C) Group Housing / Apartment Schemes1) Minimum Abutting Road Width:Group Housing shall be permitted on 12 m and above wide roads. However, GroupHousing shall also be permitted on 9 m wide road subject to handing over 3 m wide strip ofland on the frontage of plot to the Local Authority free of cost, subject to the condition thatthe remaining plot shall be 450 sq m or more.The Local Authority shall have the area and utilize it for public purposes. Construction ofcompound wall will be permitted after leaving 3 m wide strip.1) For buildings up to 12 m OR Stilt + 3 floors in heightTirupati Zone, Growth Center, Village ExpansionPlot Size (sq m) FAR on MaxCoverageProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow12m12 to18 mAbove 18mSetbacks*Front (as per roadwidth)Below 12 to Abov12 m 18m e 18mOtherSides450 to below 1000 1.25 1.33 1.50 40% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001000 to below 1.33 1.40 1.60 40% 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.002000Above 2000 1.40 1.50 1.75 40% 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00TUDA RegionPlot Size (sq m) FAR on MaxCoverageSetbacks*Prop MP/ZP RoadsBelow12m12 to18 mAbove 18mFront (as per roadwidth)Below 12 to12 m 18mAbove 18mOtherSides450 to below 1000 1.40 1.50 1.60 40% 3.00 4.00 6.00 3.001000 to below 1.50 1.60 1.70 40% 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.002000Above 2000 1.75 1.85 2.00 40% 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00* In case the plot abuts a specific Master Plan / Zonal Plan road the setbacks if prescribed in Regulation 9 shall bemaintained.2) For buildings above 12 m and up to 18 m (stilt + 5 floors in height)Tirupati Zone, Growth Center, Village ExpansionPlot Size (sq m) FAR on MaxCoverageProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow 12 to12m 18 mAbove 18mSetbacks*Front (as per road width)Below 12 to Abov12 m 18m e 18mOtherSides450 to below 1000 1.25 1.33 1.50 40% 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00

1000 to below 1.33 1.40 1.60 40% 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.002000Above 2000 1.40 1.50 1.75 40% 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00TUDA RegionPlot Size (sq m) FAR on Max Setbacks*CoverageProp MP/ZP RoadsFront (as per road width) OtherBelow 12 to AbovBelow 12 to Abov Sides12m 18 m e 18m12 m 18m e 18m450 to below 1000 1.40 1.50 1.60 40% 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.001000 to below 1.50 1.60 1.70 40% 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.002000Above 2000 1.75 1.85 2.00 40% 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00* In case the plot abuts a specific Master Plan / Zonal Plan road the setbacks if prescribed in Regulation 9 shall bemaintained.

Note:1) The distance between two blocks shall not be less than half of the height of the tallerblock or building2) It is permitted to transfer one meter of setback from one side to the other side whichneed not be uniform and at any given point such transfer should not be more than onemeter subject to maintaining building line in the front8.1.3 Parking RequirementsA) Row HousingRefer Regulation 11B) Individual Residential BuildingsRefer Regulation 11C) Group Housing / Apartment SchemesRefer Regulation 118.1.4 Open Space RequirementsA) Row HousingFor plots having an area of 2000 sq m and above, 10% of the total plot area will bereserved as open space, excluding margins and internal circulation.B) Individual Residential BuildingsNilC) Group Housing / Apartment SchemesOpen Space shall be reserved as follows:1) Plots with an area below 2000 sq m 5% of the plot area2) Plots with an area of 2000 sq m and above 10% of plot areaIn the case of group housing being developed with more than one block, the Open Spacemay be provided with the mandatory open space between the two blocks after 3 m widecirculation space is left along the building. The open space shall be provided at groundlevel and shall be open to sky.In case of group housing/ apartments ventilating spaces for water closets and bathrooms ifnot open to front, sides or rear open spaces, shall open into a ventilation shaft or size notless than 4.0 sq m with a minimum of width of 1.5 m8.2 Educational Buildings8.2.1 Minimum Plot SizesThe minimum plots sizes for educational buildings are as follows:No. Type Minimum Plot Area (sq m)1 Nursery, KG, Play Group, Creche 5002 Primary School (Class 1 to 7) 1,500High School (Class 8 to 10) 1,500Secondary School (Class 11 to 12) 2,500

3 College 20,000 or 2 ha8.2.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and SetbacksA) For buildings up to 10 m in heightTirupati ZoneEducationalBuilding TypePlot Size (sq m)FAR onProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow 12 to Abov12m 18 m e 18mMaxCoverageSetbacks (m)Front OtherSidesNursery School 800 to below 1000 1.25 1.33 1.50 40% 6 4.51000 to below 1.33 1.40 1.60 40% 6 4.520002000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 40% 6 4.5PrimarySchool/HighSchool1500 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 35% 9 6SecondarySchoolHigh School/CollegeTUDA RegionEducationalBuilding Type2500 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 35% 9 620,000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 35% 9 6Plot Size (sq m)FAR onProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow 12 to Abov12m 18 m e 18mMaxCoverageSetbacks (m)Front OtherSidesNursery School 800 to below 1000 1.40 1.50 1.60 40% 6 4.51000 to below 1.50 1.60 1.70 40% 6 4.520002000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 40% 6 4.5Primary School/ 5000 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 35% 9 6High SchoolSecondary 2500 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 35% 9 6SchoolCollege 20,000 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 35% 9 6B) For buildings above 10 m in heightIn addition to the setbacks prescribed above there shall be an increase of 1 m on all sidesfor every increase of 3 m in the height of the building above 10 m.8.2.3 Parking RequirementsRefer Regulation No. Open Space RequirementsAs per norms for educational buildings

8.3 Institutional (Medical), Assembly, Public Buildings and PublicOffice Complexes8.3.1 Minimum Plot SizesNot specified

8.3.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage, SetbacksA) For buildings up to 10 m in heightTirupati Zone, Growth Center, Village ExpansionPlot Size (sq m) FAR onMax CoverageProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow12m12 to18 mAbove 18mSetbacks (m)OfficeBuildingsFront OtherSidesOtherBuildingsFront OtherSidesBelow 200 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 6 4.5 9 6Setbacks200 to below 500 1.25 1.33 1.50 As per 6 4.5 9 6Setbacks500 to below 1000 1.25 1.33 1.50 50% 6 4.5 9 61000 to below 1.33 1.40 1.60 50% 6 4.5 9 620002000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 1000 sq m or40% whichever is higher6 4.5 9 6TUDA RegionPlot Size (sq m)FAR onProp MP/ZP RoadsBelow12m12 to18 mAbove 18mMax CoverageSetbacks (m)OfficeBuildingsFront OtherSidesOtherBuildingsFront OtherSidesBelow 200 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per 6 4.5 9 6Setbacks200 to below 500 1.40 1.50 1.60 As per 6 4.5 9 6Setbacks500 to below 1000 1.40 1.50 1.60 50% 6 4.5 9 61000 to below 1.50 1.60 1.70 50% 6 4.5 9 620002000 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 1000 sq m or40% whichever is higher6 4.5 9 6B) For buildings above 10 m in heightIn addition to the setbacks prescribed above there shall be an increase of 1 m on all sidesfor every increase of 3 m in the height of the building above 10 m.8.3.3 Parking RequirementsRefer Regulation No. Open Space RequirementsNil

8.4 Commercial / Mercantile Buildings8.4.1 Minimum Plot SizesNot specified, but Multi Storeyed Commercial Development will have a minimum plotsize of 1000 sq m.8.4.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage, SetbacksA) For buildings up to 10 m in heightTirupati Zone, Growth Center, Village ExpansionPlot Size (sq m) FAR onMax Coverage SetbacksProp MP/ZP Roads Front Rear OtherSidesBelow12m12 to18 mAbove 18mBelow 12m12to18mAbove 18mBelow 50 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 3 4 6 - -Setbacks50 to below 100 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 3 4 6 1 0.5Setbacks100 to below 150 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 3 4 6 2 1.00Setbacks150 to Below 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 3 4 6 2 1.25200Setbacks200 and upto 300 1.25 1.33 1.50 As perSetbacks3 4 6 2 1.50Above 300 tobelow 500500 to below10001000 to below20002000 and above 1.40 1.50 1.75 1000 sq m or40% whichever is higherTUDA RegionPlot Size (sq m)1.25 1.33 1.50 As per 3 4 6 3Setbacks1.25 1.33 1.50 50% 3 4 6 31.33 1.40 1.60 50% 3 4 6 3FAR onProp MP/ZP RoadsBelo 12 Abovw to e 1812m 18 mmMax CoverageBelow 50 1.25 1.25 1.33 As perSetbacks50 to below 100 1.25 1.25 1.33 As perSetbacks100 to below 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per150Setbacks150 to Below 1.25 1.25 1.33 As per200Setbacks200 and upto 1.40 1.50 1.60 As per300Setbacks3 4 6 3SetbacksFrontBelo 12w 12 tom 18mAbove 18mRear3 4 6 - -1/4 th of plotwidth with1.5 m on oneside ORwhere 1/4 thof sidesetback ismore than 6m minimumof 3 m oneach sideOtherSides3 4 6 1 0.53 4 6 2 1.003 4 6 2 1.253 4 6 2 1.50

Above 300 to 1.40 1.50 1.60 As per 3 4 6 3below 500Setbacks500 to below 1.40 1.50 1.60 50% 3 4 6 310001000 to below 1.50 1.60 1.70 50% 3 4 6 320002000 and above 1.75 1.85 2.00 1000 sq m or40% whichever is higher3 4 6 31/4 th of plotwidth with1.5 m on oneside ORwhere 1/4 thof sidesetback ismore than 6m minimumof 3 m oneach sideB) For commercial buildings above 300 sq m and above 10 m in heightIn addition to the setbacks prescribed above there shall be an increase of 1 m on all sidesfor every increase of 3 m in the height of the building above 10 m.8.4.3 Parking RequirementsRefer Regulation No. Open Space RequirementsFor plots 2000 sq m and above in area a common open space at the rate of 10% of the plotarea shall be provided excluding margins and internal circulation. In case of MultiStoreyed development common space must be provided irrespective of the plot size at therate of 10% of the plot area.8.5 Factory / Industrial Buildings8.5.1 Minimum Plot SizesFor Industrial Buildings450 sq mFor Flatted or Guild type Factories 1000 sq m8.5.2 Permissible FAR, Coverage and SetbacksIndustrial BuildingPlot Size (sq m) FAR MaxCoverageSetbacksFront Rear SidesUp to 1000 1.00 50% 6.00 3.00 1.50Above 1000 to 5000 1.00 40% 9.00 3.00 3.00Above 5000 to 15000 0.75 35% 9.00 4.50 4.50Above 15000 0.50 35% 9.00 4.50 4.50Flatted or Guild Type FactoriesPlot Size (sq m) FAR MaxSetbacksCoverage1000 and above 1.50 40% 6.00 3.00 Parking RequirementsSee Regulation 118.5.4 Open Space RequirementsNil

8.5.5 Special Regulations for Auto Nagar, Truck Terminal etc.Auto Nagar, Truck Terminal etc.Plot size (sq m) FAR on Max coverage SetbacksProp Road width Front RearOtherSidesBelow12m12to18mAbove18mBelow12m12to18mAbove18mBelow 50 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 0.75 - -setbacks50 to below 75 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 1.00 1.00 0.50setbacks75 to below 100 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 1.25 1.00 0.50setbacks100 to below 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 1.50 2.00 1.00150setbacks150 to below 1.00 1.25 1.33 As per 2.00 2.00 1.25200setbacks200 and upto 1.25 1.33 1.50 As per 3.00 2.00 1.50300Above 300 toBelow 450setbacks1.25 1.33 1.50 As persetbacks3.00 4.00 6.00 3.00 1.508.6 Multi Storeyed Buildings• Minimum plot size 1000 sq m• Minimum abutting road width 18 m and above• Minimum Front/Road Margin 0.3 H or 10 m, which ever is more• Minimum Side margins 0.2 H or 6 m, which ever is more• Maximum permissible height 30 m• Clearances required from Fire Department and Airport Authority• FAR As prescribed in Regulation 88.6 Lighting and Ventilation Requirements for BuildingsAll buildings and habitable room shall have for the admission of light and air, one or moreopenings, such as windows opening directly on to the exterior space which shall be open tosky. An interior open space shall not be less than 9 sq m up to a height of 12 m; 15 sq mup to the height of 18 m and 25 sq m up to the height of above 18 m subject to a minimumof 3 m in width. No portion of a room shall be assumed to be lighted if it is more than 7.5m away from the opening assumed for lighting that portion.s8.7 Premium on Floor Area Ratio (FAR)A premium on Floor Area Ratio shall be payable as indicated below:1 No premium on FAR shall be paid on plots up to 300 sq m2 No premium shall be paid on FAR up to 75% of the permissible FAR3 For all plots above 300 sq m in area, consuming FAR above 75% of the permissibleFAR, premium shall be payable at the following rate:

No. Use Rate per sq m of built up area1 Residential 1002 Industrial 1503 Commercial 250Note :The above rates are at 2003 rates. The rates shall be automatically enhanced by atleast 5%for every subsequent year or stipulated by appropriate GOs.

9 Setbacks on Major Roads in the Master Plan forTUDA Region and Zonal Plan for TirupatiMinimum Setbacks have been prescribed in some of the roads proposed in the Master Planfor TUDA Region and Zonal Development Plan for Tirupati Zone. These are proposedwith a view to providing additional service lanes or road widening in future. These are:No Road Name Setback1 SH 1 from Munglipattukothapalle to RMallavaram9 m (service lanes /additionalparking)2 NH 205 from Kalyani Dam to Town Club 9 mJunction3 NH 205 from Renigunta to Mulagamudi 9 m4 SH 2 from Renigunta to Balupalle 9 m

10 Zoning and Use Regulations10.1 Proposed Land Uses10.1.1 Proposed Land Uses, TUDA Region1. ResidentialR1 Residential, Growth Center and Settlement ExpansionR2 Settlement2. Agriculture3. Industrial4. Water Bodies5. ForestsOther ForestReserved Forest6. Roads and Transportation7. Infrastructure/Utilities8. Semi Public/Public/Institutional9. Special Development• Along the river• Around water bodies and channels connecting water bodies• SV Zoological Park to Kalyani Dam10. Conservation• Nature Precincts – Chandragiri Hill, Mallaya Konda and Durgasamudram Hillock• Heritage Precincts – Chandragiri, Srinivasa Mangapuram and Tiruchanur10.1.2 Proposed Land Uses, Tirupati Zone1. ResidentialR1 Residential, Growth Center and Settlement ExpansionR2 Settlement Expansion2. Commercial3. Industrial4. Agriculture5. Water Bodies6. Open Spaces7. Roads and Transportation8. Infrastructure/Utilities9. Semi Public/Public/Institutional10. Burial Ground11. Special Development / Redevelopment• Railway Station Precinct (includes Railway Station, Padmavati Choultry and SVBus stand)• Along the river• Around water bodies and channels connecting water bodies• Tirumala12. Conservation• Koneru• Govindaraja Swami Temple Complex (also includes: Hathi Ramji Mutt, SV Museum,Lakshmi Narayan Swami Temple, GS Mada Street and GN Mada Street, Huzura Streetand Old TTD Administrative Complex)• Kondarama Swamy Complex• Kapilatirtham Temple Complex

• Kothavedhi

10.2 Use Zone TableThis table gives all the permissible uses and uses permissible with the permission of the Competent Authority. In this table major groups of useshave been indicated according to the road widths. For a comprehensive list refer 10.3. This considerably simplifies the Use Zone Table.All layouts that have been approved (tentative and final) by TUDA shall be treated as residential irrespective of the land use prescribed.Uses prescribed on the lower order roads are permissible on higher order roads with the exception of location of pre primary and primary schools.

R1 Residential, Growth Center and Expansion Zone around SettlementsRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04All road widths • Residential Dwelling• Public Utility Services• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Open Spaces• Cottage Industry/Customary homeoccupation• ReligiousLess than 18 m wide • Pre-Primary• Primary School12 m and above • Apartment / Group Housing• Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt.• Institutional• High School• Secondary School• Light Home Workshop• Service Establishment• Restaurants/ Tiffins / Canteen18 m and above • Multi Storeyed Apartments/GroupHousing• Social Facility/ Amenity• Lower Order Commercial• General Entertainment• Higher Education• Hostel• Kalyan Mandapas• Lodging and Boarding24 m and above • Petrol Pump with Service Station• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Higher Order Medical Facility• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Exhibition and Mela• Special Development (IT/ Tourism)• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.4• Commercial buildings in this zone will be governedby Regulations for commercial / mercantile buildingsas specified in Regulation 8• Institutional buildings in this zone will be governed byRegulations for institutional buildings as specified inRegulation 8• Educational buildings in this zone will be governed byRegulations for educational buildings as specified inRegulation 8• In case of village expansion area and growth centeradditional uses permitted are• Light Industry• Higher Order Commercial• Cinemas/Multiplex• These will be permitted with the permission of CA• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development on roads 18 m andabove permitted

R 2 SettlementRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleby CARemarks01 02 03 04All road widths • Residential Dwelling• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Public Utility Services• Restaurants/ Tiffins / Canteen• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Open Spaces• Cottage Industry/Customary homeoccupation• Religious• Light Home Workshop• Light Industry• Service EstablishmentLess than 18 mwide• Pre-Primary• Primary School12 m and above • Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt.• Institutional• High School• Secondary School• Social Facility/ Amenity• Lower Order Commercial• Hostel• Kalyan Mandapas• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Lodging and Boarding• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.4• Commercial buildings in this zone will be governedby Regulations for commercial / mercantile buildingsas specified in Regulation 8• Institutional buildings in this zone will be governed byRegulations for institutional buildings as specified inRegulation 8• Educational buildings in this zone will be governed byRegulations for educational buildings as specified inRegulation 8• No Multi Storeyed development allowed within thesettlement area.• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations

24 m • Residential Dwelling• Apartments / Group Housing• Multi Storeyed Apartments / GroupHousing• Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Social Facility / Amenity• Kalyana Mandapa• Public Utility Services• Convention Center• Transport Facility• Higher Education• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Basic Health Services• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteen• Hotel / Motel / Choultry• Higher Order Commercial• Open Spaces• General Entertainment• Exhibition / Mela• Cinema / Multiplex• Religious• Hostel• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use maybe permitted but height, bulk andparking regulations of commercial development shallbe applicable.• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development on roads 18 m andabove permitted

45 mSH 1• Religious• Hostel• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Residential Dwelling• Apartments / Group Housing• Multi Storeyed Apartments / GroupHousing• Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Social Facility / Amenity• Kalyana Mandapa• Public Utility Services• Convention Center• Transport Facility• Higher Education• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Basic Health Services• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteen• Hotel / Motel / Choultry• Higher Order Commercial• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Heavy Commercial• Star Hotel / Resort• Open Spaces• General Entertainment• Exhibition / Mela• Cinema / Multiplex• Cottage Industry / Customary HomeOccupation• Light Home Workshop• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Special Development (Tourism/IT)• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use maybe permitted but height, bulk andparking regulations of commercial development shallbe applicable.• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development on roads 18 m andabove permitted

Alipiri & Link BusStand Node• Service Establishments• Light Industry• Religious• Hostel• Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Social Facility / Amenity• Kalyana Mandapa• Public Utility Services• Convention Center• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteen• Hotel / Motel / Choultry• Higher Order Commercial• Open Spaces• General Entertainment• Cottage Industry / Customary HomeOccupation• Light Home Workshop• Service Establishments• Light Industry• Religious• Hostel• Transport Terminal• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Star Hotel / Resort• Exhibition / Mela• Cinema / Multiplex• Special Development (Tourism/IT)• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use to the extent of 20% of the principalactivity permitted• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations

Chintala ChenuvuNode• Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Social Facility / Amenity• Kalyana Mandapa• Public Utility Services• Convention Center• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteen• Hotel / Motel / Choultry• Higher Order Commercial• Open Spaces• General Entertainment• Cottage Industry / Customary HomeOccupation• Light Home Workshop• Service Establishments• Light Industry• Religious• HostelTrichanur Node • Trust Buildings• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Social Facility / Amenity• Kalyana Mandapa• Public Utility Services• Convention Center• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteen• Hotel / Motel / Choultry• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Higher Education• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Heavy Commercial• Star Hotel / Resort• Exhibition / Mela• Cinema / Multiplex• Special Development (Tourism/IT)• LPG Cylinder Delivery Center• Higher Education• Vocational Training Institutes• Coaching Classes• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Heavy Commercial• Star Hotel / Resorts• Exhibition / Mela• Cinema / Multiplex• Special Development (Tourism/IT)• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use to the extent of 20% of the principalactivity permitted• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development on roads 18 m andabove permitted• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use to the extent of 20% of the principalactivity permitted• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development on roads 18 m and

• Higher Order Commercial• Open Spaces• General Entertainment• Cottage Industry / Customary HomeOccupation• Light Home Workshop• Service Establishments• Light Industry• Religious• Hostelabove permitted

IndustrialRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Public Utility Services• Transport Facility• Basic Health Services• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Canteens• Hotel / Motel• Higher Order Commercial• Open Spaces• Cottage Industry / Customary HomeOccupation• Light Home Workshop• Service Establishments• Light Industry• General Industrial• Restricted Industrial• Religious• Hostel• Staff Quarters• Heavy Commercial• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Obnoxious and Hazardous Industry• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Residential use maybe permitted upto 20% ofprincipal activity (total proposed FAR) as worker/staff housing. In this case height, bulk and parkingregulations of industrial development shall beapplicable.• Minimum road widths in Industrial Layouts – 12/13 m• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3

AgricultureRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleby CARemarks01 02 03 04All Roads widths • Agriculture• Obnoxious and Hazardous Activity• Agriculture Service Establishments • Quarrying/ Mining and Brick Kiln• Farm house• Slaughter House/ Tannery• Garden House• Dumping of Solid Industrial Waste• Trust Buildings• Heavy CommercialHeight• Govt / Semi Govt• Institutional• Public Utility Services• Transport Facility• Residential Schools• Service Establishments• Restricted Commercial18 m and above • Agro processing units• Vocational Training Centre forAgriculture Purposes• Transport Terminal• Kalyana Mandapas• Higher Education• University• Higher Order Medical Facility• Medical Center• Hotels/ Motels• Star Hotel / Resorts• Petrol Pump without Service Station• Petrol Pump with Service Station• Exhibition and Mela• Cinema/ Multiplex• Higher Order Entertainment• Sports Complex• Outdoor Active Recreation• Restricted Industrial• Special Development (IT/ Tourism)• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Height & Bulk Parameters:GroundMaxCoverageGarden House 10% 7.5mAgro Processing Units 5% 7.5 mTrust Buildings 15% 10 mGovt/Semi Govt 15% 10 mInstitutional 15% 10 mAll Educational 15% 10 mObnoxious & haz Activity 15% 10 mSlaughter House/Tannery 15% 10 mPoultry Farms 25% 10 mA minimum setback of 10 m all around shall bemaintained.• Dumping of Industrial Waste must be cleared by CAand must be in accordance with the provision ofSupreme Court Committee Recommendations• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development not permitted

Water BodiesRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleby CARemarks01 02 03 04• No construction / developmentshall be permitted• Fishing• Boating• Open to sky jetties for fishing• Platforms for fishing• Rain shelters• Limited development in the SpecialDevelopment / Buffer zone around theWater Body (Refer Zone - SpecialDevelopment)• Water Bodies Zone indicates all existing water bodiesas indicated in the Proposed Land Use Zoning Mapfor TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zoneOpen SpacesRoad Widths Permissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Parks• Gardens / Garden Furniture• Plant Nursery• Picnic houses / Pavilions• Cafeterias• Kiosks• Rain shelters• Open Space Zone indicates all existing designatedopen spaces as indicated in the Proposed Land UseZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone

Existing RailwayStationWest RailwayStationTiruchanurRailway StationAirportTruck TerminalRoads and TransportationPermissible DevelopmentDevelopment may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Terminal Facilities• Allied Uses – parking, petrol pumpswith/without service stations,garages etc• Transport Facilities• Public Utility Services• Basic Health Services• Lower Order Commercial• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / CanteensInfrastructure / UtilitiesPermissible DevelopmentSewage TreatmentPlantSolid Waste SiteLarge Electric SubStations• Hotels / Motels • Roads and Transportation Zone includes all proposedroads and transportation facilities indicated in theProposed Land Use Zoning Map for TUDA Regionand Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone.• Residential use maybe permitted up to 20% ofprincipal activity (total proposed FAR) as worker/staff housing.• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee RecommendationsDevelopment may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Allied Uses – parking, petrol pumpswith/without service stations,garages, tiffins/canteen etc• Transport Facilities• Public Utility Services• Infrastructure / Utilities Zone includes all existingutilities as indicated in the Proposed Land Use ZoningMap for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone.• Residential use maybe permitted up to 20% ofprincipal activity (total proposed FAR) as worker/staff housing• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and open

space requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3Semi Public / Public / InstitutionalPermissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Trust buildings• Convenience Commercial• Semi Public / Public / Institutional Zone includes all• Govt / Semi Govt• Higher Order Entertainmentexisting and proposed institutional areas utilities as• Institutional Buildings• Sports Complex / Stadiumindicated in the Proposed Land Use Zoning Map for• Social Facility / AmenityTUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Public Utility Services• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not be• Higher Secondary Schoolspermitted in this zone.• Higher Education• Residential use maybe permitted up to 20% of• Universityprincipal activity (total proposed FAR) as worker/• Basic Health Servicesstaff housing• Higher Order Medical Facility• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and open• Medical Centerspace requirements refer Regulation 8• Transport Facilities• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations• Multi Storeyed Development not permittedBurial Ground / CemeteriesPermissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• No construction / development shallbe permitted• The compound walls of active burial grounds andcemeteries shall be atleast 1.5 m high from the road


Special Development / RedevelopmentPermissible DevelopmentDevelopment may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• Transport Terminal ( Existing • Lodging and BoardingRailway Station and SV Bus Stand) • Restaurants / Tiffins / Cafeteriasand allied uses – parking, petrol • Hotel / Choultrypump without service station,vehicle repair shops/ garages etc• Transport Facility• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Public Utility Services• Open Spaces• Semi Govt and Govt• ReligiousRailway StationPrecinctAlong the River • Agriculture• Agriculture Service Establishments• Garden Houses• Social Facility / Amenity• Convention Center• Public Utility Service• Transport Facility• General Entertainment• Higher Order Entertainment• Sports Complex / Stadium• Outdoor Active Recreation• Higher Education• University• Medical Center• Religious• Kalyana Mandapa• Hotel / Motel• Star Hotel / Resorts• Cinemas / Multiplexes• Restaurants / Cafeterias / Canteens• Special Development (Tourism / IT)• Water front development as permittedby the CA• Railway Station Redevelopment Precinct is indicatedin the Proposed Land Use Zoning Map for TUDARegion and Tirupati Zone.• Maximum height permitted – 10m• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• A buffer zone of minimum 30 m and more in certainpockets has been identified along the RiverSwarnamukhi. It is indicated in the Proposed Landuse Zoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• In case if less than 10% of the plot area falls in theSpecial Development Zone, no FAR lost will betransferred to the remaining plot. In case if more than10% of the plot falls in the Special Development Zonethen deducting 10%, remaining FAR will betransferred to the remaining plot.• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Maximum height – 10 m• Ground Coverage – 30%• Minimum margin for any development from the Riverwill be 15 m• Appropriate disposal of bio medical waste inaccordance with the provisions of Supreme CourtCommittee Recommendations

Along the WaterBodiesS V ZoologicalPark to KalyaniDam• Agriculture• Open Spaces• Open Spaces• Higher Order Entertainment• Outdoor Active Recreation• Limited water front development aspermitted by the CA• Restaurants / Cafeterias• Limited development as permitted bythe Forest Department / CA• Special Development (Tourism / IT• A buffer zone of minimum 15 m has been identifiedalong the Water Bodies/Cheruvu/Gunta. It isindicated in the Proposed Land use Zoning Map forTUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• In case if less than 10% of the plot area falls in theSpecial Development Zone, no FAR lost will betransferred to the remaining plot. In case if more than10% of the plot falls in the Special Development Zonethen deducting 10%, remaining FAR will betransferred to the remaining plot.• Minimum margin for any development from the watertank will be 15 m• This zone is indicated on the Proposed Land useZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zoneConservationPermissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04Nature Precincts –Chandragiri Hill,Mallaya Konda andDurgasamudramHillock• No construction / development shallbe permitted• Limited development as permitted bythe Forest Department / CAHeritage Precincts– TUDA RegionChandragiri,SrinivasaMangapuramHeritage Precincts– TUDA Region• Agriculture• Trust Building• Semi Govt / Govt• Public Utility Services• Transport Facility• Transport Facility• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Garden Houses• Convenience Commercial• Restaurants / Cafeterias• Special Development (Tourism / IT)• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Cafeterias• Zones as indicated in the Proposed Land Use ZoningMap for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone• Precincts as indicated in the Proposed Land UseZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Maximum height permitted – 7.5• Ground Coverage – 15%• Precinct as indicated in the Proposed Land UseZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Maximum height permitted – 10m

Tiruchanur • Public Utility Services• Open Spaces• Semi Govt and Govt• Residential• ReligiousHeritage Precincts-TirupatiGovindarajaSwami TempleComplexKondarama SwamyComplexKothavedhiHeritage Precincts-TirupatiKapilatirthamTemple Complex• Transport Facility• Convenience Commercial• Lower Order Commercial• Public Utility Services• Open Spaces• Semi Govt and Govt• Residential• Religious• Transport Facility• Religious• Open Spaces• Lodging and Boarding• Restaurants / Tiffins / Cafeterias•• Limited development as permitted bythe Forest Department / CA• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Precinct as indicated in the Proposed Land UseZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Maximum height permitted – 10m• For FAR, coverage & setbacks; parking and openspace requirements refer Regulation 8• For setbacks in case of specific roads refer Regulation9• For minimum plot sizes in case of specific uses referRegulation 10.3• Precinct as indicated in the Proposed Land UseZoning Map for TUDA Region and Tirupati Zone.• Maximum height permitted – 10mForestsPermissible Development Development may be permissibleRemarksby CA01 02 03 04• No construction / development shallbe permitted• Limited development as permitted bythe Forest Department / CA• Forest Zone indicates all existing forests as indicatedin the Proposed Land Use Zoning Map for TUDARegion and Tirupati Zone.• Uses not included in Columns 02 and 03 shall not bepermitted in this zone

10.3 Grouping of UsesUses permissible have been grouped into major categories according to scale and nature of activity. In the remarks o simplify the Use Zone Table.The first column indicates the major group, the second column indicates the CATEGORY which is used in the Use Zone Table. Column 3 gives acomprehensive list of uses. This list must be updated/modified atleast every 3 years. Column 4 indicates the road width on which the use isallowed (if required) and minimum plot size for it (if required).MAIN GROUP CATEGORY COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF USES REMARKS1 2 3 4RESIDENTIALPUBLIC/PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONALResidential Dwelling Detached/ Semi-Detached Units On all roads, 100 sq mBunglowsOn all roads, 100 sq mTenementsOn all roads, 100 sq mRow Houses12 m and above, Site 1000 sq m; plot125 sq mApartment Apartment/Group housing 12 m and above, 450 sq mMulti Storyed Apartment / Group Apartment/Group housing18m and above, 1000 sq mHousingGarden House Garden House 5000 sq m, coverage 10%SEMI-Trust Buildings Registered Charitable TrustRegistered Non GovernmentOrganizationPublic Welfare ActivityGovernment and Semi Govt. Government and Semi GovernmentPublic Sector UndertakingStatutory OrganizationsLocal AuthorityPanchayat

Institutional Buildings Institutional BuildingsFACILITIES ANDPUBLIC UTILITIESSocial Facility/ Amenity Community Hall 18 m and above, 2000 sq mAssembly Hall18 m and above, 3000 sq mTown Hall18 m and above, 3000 sq mLibrary18 m and aboveAuditorium18 m and above, 2000 sq mLPG Cylinder Delivery Centre LPG Cylinder Delivery Centre 12 m and aboveKalyan Mandapas Kalyana Mandapas 18 m and above, 2000 sq mConvention Centre Convention CentrePublic Utility Services Telecom - Tel Exchange, privateservicesRadio Transmission and WirelessStationWater Supply and SewerageElectric Sub StationFire StationPolice StationPost OfficePublic Urinals / Pay & Use ToiletsGarbage Collection and DisposalTRANSPORTTransport Terminal Truck Terminal with allied uses -parking, godowns, petrol pump,garages, vehicle repair shops etcBus Depot / Station with allied uses -parking, petrol pump, garages, vehicle

EDUCATIONHEALTHrepair shops etcTransport Nagar / Auto NagarHelipadRailway Container DepotRailway StationUses as specified by the RailwaysAirport AirportAllied Uses as specified by the AirportAuthority - parking, Staff Housing etcTransport Facility Bus Station/ StandMetro StationParking Lot/ComplexPre-Primary/ Primary Schools Nursery, KG, Play Groups, Crèches Less than 18 m, 500 sq mPrimary School (Class 1 to 7) Less than 18 m, 1500 sq mHigh/ Secondary Schools High School (Class 8 to 10) Above 12 m, 1500 sq mSecondary School (Class 11 to 12) Above 12 m, 2500 sq mHigher Education Technical Above 12 mResearch InstitutionAbove 12 mCollegeAbove 18m, 20000 sq mVocational Training Institutes Vocational TrainingCoaching ClassesComputer Training, Tuitions, Tutorials 18 m and aboveResidential Schools AgricultureUniversity UniversityBasic Health Services Dispensary/ ClinicDiagnostic CentreX-ray ClinicMaternity HomeNot more than 20 bedsNursing Home/ Healthcare and Related Not more than 20 beds

ActivityVetinery Clinics for household petsPathology LaboratoryRadiology CentreMedicine ShopsHealth Instrument ShopCOMMERCIALHigher Order Medical FacilityBlood BankMedical Research CentreGeneral HospitalSurgical HospitalMedical Center Specialty/ Super SpecialtyHospitals/Medical CenterConvenience Commercial Convenience Shops/ NeighbourhoodShops with a maximum area of 25 sq mService Establishment - Laundry, FlourMill ( 5 HP) etcATMSLower Order Commercial Bank 18 m and aboveProfessional OfficeGarages, Vehicle Repair WorkshopInformal MarketWeekly MarketBindingPrinting Presssaloons, ration shop, cooperative shop,vegtable shop, photocoying, STDBooths, photo shops etc18 m and above18 m and above18 m and above18 m and above18 m and above18 m and above

RECREATION/ENTERTAINMENTLodging and Boarding Lodges 18 m and aboveBoarding house18 m and aboveGuest House18 m and aboveDharmashala18 m and aboveNight Shelters18 m and aboveRestaurants/ Tiffins/ Canteen Cafeteria/ Canteens/ TiffinsRestaurantHotel/ Motel/ Choultry Hotel 24 m and above, 3000 sq mMotels18 m and aboveChoultry18 m and aboveHigher Order Commercial Office/ Business/ Mercantile BuildingShopping/ Commercial CentrePetrol Pump and Service Station Petrol Pump without Service Station 18 m and above, 1000 sq mPetrol Pump with Service Station 24 m and above, 2000 sq mHeavy Commercial Wholesale Market and Ancillary UseWarehouse or GodownIce Factory and Cold StorageStorage of Perishable GoodsStorage of Inflamable GoodsRestricted Commercial Kerosene DepotCoal DepotJunk Yard (Kabadi)Steel Stock YardTimber Mart/ Timber Stock Yard (Lati) 2000 sq mSaw MillStarred Hotel Starred HotelOpen Spaces Parks/ GardensPlay Field/ Play GroundPedestrian Pathways/ Promenades/

PlazaSmall KiosksRain SheltersPavillions, Garden FurniturePlant NurseryUrban ForestsWater Bodies/ Gunta / Cheruvu / Ponds/LakesGeneral Entertainment Art GalleryGymnasiumSwimming PoolClub 10000 sq m, ground cov 10%, G+2Exhibition / Mela Exhibition, Circus, Mela, ExpositionsCinema/Multiplex Cinema Theatre/ Motion Picture Hall 3000 sq mMultiplex3000 sq mHigher Order Entertainment MuseumPlanetariumZooAquariumBotanical GardenDrive-In-CinemaRace TrackSports Complex/ Stadium Sports ComplexStadiumOutdoor Active Recreation Amusement ParkShooting RangeWater ParkResortsNatural Reserve and Sanctuary

INDUSTRIALRecreation CampGolf CourseCottage IndustryCustomary Home Occupation/ CottageIndustryLight home workshop Light home workshopService Establishment Service EstablishmentLight Industry Light IndustrySmall FactoriesWorkshopsGeneral Industrial Non-Obnoxious and Non-Hazardous General IndustryIndustryResearch and Development for IndustryStaff / Worker QuartersOBNOXIOUS/HAZARDOUSRestricted Industrial Roofing Tiles and Cement PipesIndustryStone Cutting and Polishing IndustryObnoxious and Hazardous Activity Hospital for Infectious and Contagious 25000 sq mDiseasesJailMental HospitalAsylum/ SanatoriumSolid Waste TreatmentSewage Treatment Plant / FarmQuarrying/ Mining and Brick Kiln Quarrying of Gravel, Sand, Stone, ClayBrick KilnSlaughter House/ Tannery Slaughter House

AGRICULTURETanneryObnoxious and Hazardous Industry Obnoxious and Hazardous IndustryStorage of Explosive GoodsDumping of Solid Industrial Waste Dumping of Solid Industrial WasteAgriculture FarmingPlantationsHorticultureFarm HousePoultryDairy DevelopmentFisheriesAnimal HusbandryOpen Storage of Drying ManureAgriculture Service Establishments Repair of Agricultural Tools andEquipmentNurseryAgro-Processing Units Processing of Agro/ Farm/ MilkProductsAgro-Based IndustriesSPECIAL<strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong>GENERALVocational Training Centre forAgriculture PurposesVocational Training Centre forAgriculture PurposesSpecial Development (Tourism/ IT) Development Activity Related to 1000 sq mInformation TechnologyDevelopment Activity Related toTourism Sponsored by Tourism Dept.Cemetery and Burial Ground Cemetery and Burial Ground

Religious Building Religious Building 500 sq m, 20% plot coverageStaff Quarters Staff QuartersHostel Hostel

10.4 Non Confirming UsesExisting non-confirming developments will be discontinued after the end of useful life ofthe building/development.Any additions to non-confirming uses not exceeding the permissible FAR may bepermitted subject toa) The whole building is owned and occupied by owner onlyb) The proposed additions are for preventing undue loss or for improving theefficiency or condition of existing userc) The additions and alterations are meant for the existing user and not proposed to belet outd) Open spaces and parking is provided as per these Regulationse) The change in ownership of the establishment shall be permissible provided there isno change of uses.

11 Parking RequirementsOff street parking spaces for vehicles shall be provided for every new buildingconstructed for the first use of when the use of old building is changed to any of the usesmentioned in the below:Minimum Off Street Parking SpacesNo. Use Parking SpaceRequirement1 ResidentialRow HousingIndividualBuildingsGroupHousing/ApartmentsUpto 40 sq m41 – 60 sq m61 – 100 sq mAbove 100 sq m2 InstitutionalMedical/HealthGovernmentSemibuildingsorPublicNo stilt, cellar floor parkingis permissible for plotsbelow 300 sq mSelf Use Parking1 car / every 4 apartments5 scooters/every 6apartments1 car / every 2 apartments3 scooters/every 4apartments1 car / every 2 apartments1 scooter/every 2apartments1 car / every 2 apartments1 car / every 1 apartmentVisitor Parking (for allsizes)1 car / every 10 apartments1 scooter/every 5 flats20 sq m for every 5 beds20% of permissible built uparea3 Educational a) 20% of permissible builtup areab) 20 sq m for every 30RemarksRefer Notes belowRefer Notes below100% for carsor50% of the total parkingspace shall be reserved forcars100% for carsor50% of the total parkingspace shall be reserved forcars100% for carsor50% of the total parking

seats4 Industrial 10% of permissible built uparea5 Commercial /BusinessEstablishments6 Cinema theatres,halls, stadiums25% of permissible built uparea1 sq m for every seatspace shall be reserved forcars100% for carsor50% of total parking spaceshall be reserved for cars100% for carsor50% of total parking spaceshall be reserved for carsRefer Notes below

NotesResidential – Individual Housing1. Garage not exceeding 3 x 6 m with a maximum height of 2.5 m will be allowedabutting rear and side boundary only in case of plots 300 sq m and above in area2. No stilt floor shall be allowed in individual residential building, if a portion of theground floor is used for parking, it will be counted in the FARResidential – Group Housing Apartments1. The parking shall be provided only on stilt floors2. In plots of 1000 sq m and above where residential apartments are taken up two stiltparking will also be permitted if necessary. To facilitate this developments, heightrestriction for construction on plots of above 1000 sq m is relaxed. However, suchconstructions should adhere to the multi storied building regulations.3. In plots of 2000 sq m and above parking will be allowed in basement and on stiltfloor. The basement will be allowed from the building line on the front side, onremaining sides it will be permitted after leaving 1.5 m. from the boundary wall.4. Parking requirements shall be deemed to have been fulfilled in a residential GroupHousing Complex which is built within the maximum permissible F.A.R, if theentire stilt floor and/or basement wherever permitted is used for parking except theportion used for the staircase and lift.Commercial / Business Establishments1. On site parking may be considered in the front setback where such setback shall notbe less than 6 m and such area will have to be marked on site2. In plots with an area of 1000 sq m and above, basement/stilt or basement + one stiltfloor will be permitted for parking. The basement for parking shall be constructedwithin the building line, have minimum ramp width of 3.6 m and minimum slope of1 in 8 for clear ingress and egress of vehicles.3. In plots with an area of 2000 sq m and above, basement/basement + one stiltfloor/basement + 2 stilt floor/basement + first floor shall be permitted for parking.The basement shall not extend beyond the front of the building line. The basementcan extend up to 1.5 m from the boundary walls on the other three sides. The rampshall have minimum width of 3.6 m and minimum slope of 1 in 8 for clear ingressand egress of vehicles and shall be within the building line.

12 Conservation and Harvesting of Rain WaterThe Competent Authorities i.e., Director of Town and Country Planning, Vice –Chairman of Urban Development Authorities, Commissioners of MunicipalCorporations/Municipalities shall insist for facilities and infrastructure for conservationand harvesting rain water in all layouts and sub division for sanctioning the same.Every building in plots having an extent of 300 sq m and above shall be provided withrequired facilities and infrastructure for conservation and harvesting of rain waterdescribed in Regulation 12.1, 12,2, 12.3 and 12.4. Regulation 12.1 is compulsory andRegulation 12.2 and 12.3 OR Regulation 12.4 are optional and to be provided dependingon the site conditions.All existing buildings in Municipalities/Municipal Corporations shall construct rainwaterharvestingstructures within a period of one year from the issue of these Regulations.12.1 Percolation Pits or TrenchesThe paved surface around the building shall have percolation pits or Trenches orcombination of pits and trenches in such a way that total volume of such structures shallnot be less than 6 cum for each 100 sq m of roof top area and multiples there on.Depending on the geo-morphological and topographical condition, the pits can be of size1.2 m wide x 1.2 m long x depth of 2 to 2.5 m. The trenches can be of width 0.6 m xlength of 2 to 6 m x depth of 1.5 to 2.0 m Terrace water shall be channelised, to pits andor trenches. Such pits shall be back filled with filter media comprising of the followingmaterials.1) 40 mm Road metal as the bottom layer upto 50% of the depth2) 20 mm Road metal as the lower middle layer upto 20% if the depth3) Course sand as the upper middle layer upto 20% of the depth4) A thin layer fine sand as the top layer5) Top 10% of the pits/Trenches will be empty and a splash pad is to be provided insuch a way that roof top water falls on the splash pad.6) Brick masonry wall is to be constructed and cement mortar plaster on the exposedsurface. The depth of wall below ground shall be in such a way that the wall preventsloose soil going into pits/Trenches. The projection of the all above ground could be aminimum of 15 cm.7) Perforated concrete slabs shall be provided on the pits and trenches.12.2 Terrace Water CollectionThe terrace shall be connected to a sump or the well through a filtering tank by PVC pipe.A value system shall be incorporated to enable the first part of the rainwater collected todischarge out to the ground, if it is dirty.A filtering tank measuring 1m x 1m x 1m can be constructed near the sump. The tankcan be divided by a perforated slab and the one part shall be filled by fine sand andanother by coarse sand. The bottom portion of the tank should have a slope to avoidstagnation of water.

12.3 Open GroundWherever there is a open ground, the top soil shall be removed over a portion of theground and back filled with coarse sand to allow percolation of rain water.12.4 Any Other MethodAny other methods proved to be effective in conservation and harvesting of rainwatermay be adopted in each and every construction taken up.

13 Restriction of Building Activities in Vicinity ofCertain Areas13.1 Water Bodies1) No building activity shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies like river, lake, pondor nala, etc.2) No building activity shall be carried out within:a) 30 m from the boundary of Riversb) 15 m from the boundary of lakes with a surface area 50 ha and abovec) 9 m from the boundary of lakes with a surface area of 10 ha and above andbelow 50 had) 5 m from the boundary of lakes of surface area for less than 10 Hae) 5 m from major Nalas, Kasams and Canals that are interconnecting themajor water bodies. These are indicated in the LAND USE ZONING PLANf) 3 m from minor Nalas as indicated in the LAND USE ZONING PLAN13.2 Restricted ZonesFor building activity within the restricted zone near the airport or Defense areas / Militaryestablishments, necessary clearances from the concerned Airport Authority / DefenseAuthority shall be obtained.13.3 High Tension Electricity Transmission LinesIn case of sites in vicinity of High Tension Electricity transmission lines minimum safetydistance (both vertical and horizontal) of 3 m shall be maintained between the buildingsand the High Tension electricity lines;13.4 Railway LineIn case of Railway line, a minimum distance of 30 m shall be maintained from the edgeof the Railway property, and in built up areas where land cost is high, 12 m space shall beleft to safeguard the interest of the Railways.

14 Conservation of Listed Buildings, Areas,Artifacts, Structures and Precincts of Historicaland / or Aesthetical and / or Architectural and /or Cultural Value and / or Natural Value(Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts)14.1 ApplicabilityThis regulation will apply to those buildings, artifacts, structures and /or precincts ofhistorical and /or aesthetical and/or architectural and/or cultural value and / or naturalvalue (hereafter referred to as Listed Buildings / Heritage Buildings and Listed Precincts /Heritage Precincts) listed in Annexure G. The list may be updated/amended throughnotification(s) issued by the Government within the development area under thejurisdiction of Tirupati Urban Development Authority.14.2 Restriction On Development / Redevelopment / Repairs etc.1) No Development or redevelopment or engineering operation or additions, alterations,repairs, renovation including the painting of buildings, replacement of special featuresor demolition of the whole or any part thereof or plastering of said Heritage Buildingsor Heritage Precincts shall be allowed except with the prior written permission of theVice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority. The Vice-Chairman,Tirupati Urban Development Authority shall act on the advice of/in consultation withthe HERITAGE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE to be appointed by Government(hereinafter called “the said Heritage Conservation Committee”).Provided that in exceptional cases, for reasons to be recorded in writing, the Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority may over rule the recommendationof the HERITAGE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE.Provided further that the power to over rule the recommendations of the HeritageConservation Committee shall not be delegated by the Vice-Chairman, TirupatiUrban Development Authority to any other officer.2) In relation to religious buildings in the said list, the changes, repairs, additions,alterations and renovations required on religious grounds mentioned in sacred texts,or as a part of holy practices laid down in religious codes shall be treated aspermissible, subject to their being accordance and consonance with the originalstructure and architecture, designs, aesthetics and other special features thereof.Provided that before arriving at his decision, the Vice Chairman, Tirupati UrbanDevelopment Authority, shall take into consideration the recommendations of theHeritage Conservation Committee.14.3 Preparation of List of Heritage Buildings and Heritage PrecinctsThe said list of buildings, artifacts, structures and precincts of historical and/or aestheticaland/or architectural and/or cultural value and / or natural value to which this Regulationapplies shall not form part of the Regulation for the purpose of Section 59 of the AndhraPradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act 1975. Modifications to the list shall not amountto modification to Zoning Regulations. The list may be supplemented, altered, deleted or

modified from time to time by Government on receipt of proposals from the ViceChairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority or from the Heritage ConservationCommittee or by Government suo moto, provided that before that list is supplemented,altered, deleted or modified, objections and suggestions from the public be invited andduly considered by the Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority and / orby Government.14.4 Power to Alter, Modify or Relax RegulationsWith the approval of Government and after consultation with the said HeritageConservation Committee, the Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authorityshall have the power to alter, modify or relax the provisions of other Regulations of theZoning Regulations for Tirupati approved by the Government vide G.O.Ms.No.1123M.A., dated 13.10.81 (hereafter referred to as “the said Regulations”) if it is needed forthe conservation, preservation or retention of historical, aesthetical, culture, architecturalquality or natural beauty of any Heritage building or Heritage Precinct.14.5 Hearing etc., to Persons likely to be AffectedProvided that in case of any alterations, modifications or relaxation of any provisions ofthe Development Control Regulation will cause undue loss to the owner/lessees ofHeritage Buildings / Heritage Precincts, the Competent Authority shall give anopportunity of hearing to the said owner/lessee and to the public.14.6 Permission to make Alterations to Heritage Buildings / HeritagePrecinctsPermission to demolish or to make major alterations to Heritage Buildings may begranted only in exceptional cases by the Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban DevelopmentAuthority after obtaining the opinion of Heritage Conservation Committee and afterinviting public objections and suggestions in three local daily newspapers.14.7 Grant of Transferable Development Rights in cases of Loss ofDevelopment RightsIf any application for development is refused under this Regulation or conditions areimposed while permitting such development which deprives the owner/lessee of anyunconsumed Floor Space Index the said owner/ lessee shall be compensated by grant ofDevelopment Rights Certificate (hereafter referred to as “Transferable DevelopmentRights”) subject to the Regulations The Transferable Development Rights from HeritageBuilding may be consumed in the same municipal ward from which it originated. Theextent of Transferable Development Rights Certificates to be granted may be determinedby the Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority, in consultation with theHeritage Conservation Committee and will not be awarded unless sanctioned by theGovernment.14.8 Maintaining Sky LineBuildings included in Heritage Precincts shall maintain the sky line in the Precinct(without any high rise development) as may be existing in the surrounding area, so as not

to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of the said listed Heritage Buildings/HeritagePrecincts and rock formations by Municipal Administration and Urban DevelopmentDepartment. The development within shall be in accordance with the guidelines framedby Vice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority in consultation with HeritageConservation Committee.14.9 Repair FundBuildings included in the said list shall be repaired by the owners/lessee of the saidbuildings themselves or occupiers of the old building. With a view to give monetary helpfor such repairs a separate fund may be created, which would be kept at the disposal ofVice-Chairman, Tirupati Urban Development Authority, who will make disbursementfrom the funds in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee. Provision forsuch fund may be made through the budget of the Authority.14.10 Grading of the Listed Buildings / Listed PrecinctsHeritage Buildings/Precincts may be graded into three categories. The meaning of theseGrades and basic category for development permissions are as follows:Listing does not prevent change of ownership or usage. However such usage should bein harmony with the said listed precinct/building. Care will be taken to ensure that thedevelopment permission relating to these buildings is given without delay.

GRADE-1 GRADE-11 GRADE-111DEFINITIONHeritage Grade-11 (A & B) Heritage Grade-111comprises of buildings of comprises of buildings, andregional or local precincts of importance forAHeritage Grade-1 comprisesof buildings, and precinctsof national or historicalimportance, embodyingexcellence in architecturalstyle, design, technologyand material usage, theymay be associated with agreat historical event,personality, movement orinstitution. They have beenand are the primelandmarks of the city.B OBJECTIVEHeritage Grade-1 richlydeservescarefulpreservationC SCOPE FOR CHANGESNo interventions would bepermitted either on theexterior or interior unless itis necessary in the interestof strengthening, andprolonging the life of thebuildings or precincts orany part or features thereof.For this purpose absolutelyessential and minimalchanges would be allowedand they must be inaccordance with theoriginal.importance, possessingspecial architectural oraesthetical merit, cultural orhistorical value, though of alower scale than in HeritageGrade-1. They are locallandmarks, contributing tothe image and identity ofthe city. They may be thework of master craftsmen,or may be models ofproportionandornamentation, or designedto suit particular climate.Heritage Grade-11 deservesintelligent Conservation.Grade-11 (A) Internalchanges and adaptive reusewill be generally allowed,but external changes will besubject to scrutiny. Carewould be taken to ensurethe conservation of allspecial aspects for which itis included in HeritageGrade-11.Grade-11 (B) In addition toabove extension oradditional buildings in thesame plot or compoundcould, in certaincircumstances, be allowedprovided that extension/additional building is inharmony with (and does nottownscape; they evokearchitectural, aesthetic,natural or sociologicalinterest though not as muchas in Heritage Grade-11.These contribute todetermine the character ofthe locality, and can berepresentative of life styleof a particular communityor region and, may also bedistinguished by setting ona street line, or specialcharacter of the façade anduniformity or height, widthand scale.Heritage Grade-111deserves protection ofunique features andattributes.External internal changesand adaptive reuse wouldgenerally be allowed.Changes can includeextension, additionalbuildings in the same plotor compound provided thatextension/additionalbuilding is in harmony withand does not detract fromthe existing Heritagebuilding/precinct especiallyin terms of height and/orfaçade reconstruction maybe allowed when thebuilding is structurallyweak or unsafe or when ithas been affected byaccidental fire or any other

detract from) existingheritage building(s) orprecincts especially interms of height and façade.calamity or ifreconstruction is required toconsume the permissibleFloor Space Index and nooption other thanreconstruction is available.D PROCEDUREDevelopment permissionfor the changes would begiven by Vice-Chairman,TirupatiUrbanDevelopment Authority onthe advice of the HeritageConservation Committee tobe appointed by StateGovernment.Development permissionfor the changes would begiven by Vice-Chairman,TirupatiUrbanDevelopment Authority inconsultation with a subcommitteeof the HeritageConservation Committee.E VISTAS / SURROUNDING <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong>All development in areassurrounding HeritageGrade-1 shall be regulatedand controlled ensuring thatit does not mar the grandeurof or views from, HeritageGrade-1.Development permissionwould be given for changesby Vice-Chairman, TirupatiUrban DevelopmentAuthority itself but inconsonance with guidelines,which are to be laid downby Government inconsultation with theHeritage ConservationCommittee.

AnnexuresA Form No. 1 Application for Building PermissionB Form No. 2 Application for Layout PermissionC Form No. 3 Undertaking by Owner of Layout Development to FulfillallDevelopment Requirements (On Rs 100 Judicial Stamp Paper)D Form No. 4 Occupancy CertificateE Form No. 5 Application for Licensing of Technical PersonnelF Listing of Heritage Structures

Form No. 1 Application for Building PermissionTirupati Urban Development AuthorityAPUD Act 1975 (Under Section 13 & 14) FormNo: __________SerialToVice ChairmanUrban Development AuthorityTirupatiSirI/We hereby apply for Development Permission in T S No. / R S No. in ______________Mandal/ _________ Gram Panchayat / Municipality / Municipal Council.The names of the persons employed by me for the preparation of plans, structural detailsand supervision of works are as under:1 Registered Architect:/Engineer___________________________2 Structural reports, details and drawings by:___________________________I/We have read the General Development Control Regulations framed by the Authorityand shall fulfill my duties and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of theRelations.Name, address of the Owner/Applicant/:__________________________Developer______________________________________________________________________________Signature of the Owner/Applicant/:_________________________Developer


Declaration by Engineer/Surveyor/Architect1 I have certified the ownership document and it is in confirmation with the SitePlan2 I have inspected the site on____________ date _____________ and theapplicant/party started construction and completed up to Basement level/Lintellevel/Floor level/ the party has not commenced construction.3 After construction of building I will submit a completion certificate that theapplicant has constructed the building as per rules/regulations.4 I certify that the above statements are correct. If found otherwise my securitydeposit may be forfeited and my license may be revoked / cancelledName, address of the Licensed Architect/:__________________________Engineer / Surveyor / Planner______________________________________________________________________________Signature of the Licensed Architect/:_________________________Engineer / Surveyor / PlannerDate:_________________________Enclosed1 Location Plan2 Site Plan3 Sub Division/Layout Plan4 Building Plan5 Topo Plan6 Title deed/Ownership7 Receipt of the Scrutiny Fee (Calculated as per Regulation 4.3)8 Receipt of Development Charges (Calculated as per Regulation 4.3)

Form No. 2 Application for Layout PermissionTIRUPATI <strong>URBAN</strong> <strong>DEVELOPMENT</strong> <strong>AUTHORITY</strong> , TIRUPATIUnder Section 13 & 14 of A P U A (Development) Act, 1975ToThe Executive Authority I Vice-Chairman,Tirupati Urban Development Authority,TIRUPATI- 517 501Sir,I/We hereby apply for permission to carryout the development________________________(type of development to be stated) in the site in SurveyNo.__________________________ of Village ________________ Panchayat inaccordance with section - 13 & 14 of the A.P.U.A Act, 1975. The total area of the site is___________________ Acres/. Hectares (________________sq m).I/We enclose herewith following.1 Key plan (4 copies) drawn to a scale of not less than 1: 1000 showing the site inrelation to the surroundings and super imposed on a village map showing thefollowing details within a radius of 100 m:topo details- existing public roads- approach road to the site- sanctioned layouts around the site- electric lines- telephone lines- vankas / streams2 The detailed plan (4 copies) of the proposed site for development at the scale of1:500 super imposed on the revenue field sketches showing the following featuresand duly signed by applicant / licensed professional:- Boundaries of site with measurements and field numbers- Proposed road pattern and blocks with measurements- Community / open space with measurements- Alignment of existing and proposed roads as per Master / Zonal DevelopmentPlan- Statement showing area of the layout, number of plots, category of plots andland uses - area under plots, area under roads and open space and percentageto the total area- physical details and permanent features – approach to the site, electrical &telephone lines, wells, drains/channels

3 A true copy of the title deeds of the land duly attested by a Gazetted Officer4 A non encumbrance certificate (for 13 years) for the lands under reference.5 Receipt of the Scrutiny fee (Calculated as per Regulation 4.3)6 Receipt of the Development Charges (Calculated as per Regulation 4.3)7 Non interest bearing Security Deposit (Calculated as per Regulation 4.3)8 An agreement on Rs. 100/- non-judicial stamp paper for fulfillment of all theconditions within the time schedule and as per specificationsI/We (jointly and severally) agree to develop the infrastructural facilities to the requiredstandard and as per specifications prescribed by TUDA.I/We hereby undertake not to utilize/sell/lease dispose of any plot until all amenities areprovided as indicated in the conditions of layout, and develop all the amenities prescribedin the layout rules as per specifications.I/We undertake to hand over to the concerned local body by way of gift deed all theprivate streets or roads after development to the prescribed standards and lands set apartfor parks and play grounds, by way of registered. gift deed.I/We hereby bind myself/ourselves to fulfil all the conditions prescribed by TUDA.within one year from the date of sanction of tentative layout, failing which TUDA. willbe empowered to forfeit the security deposit and the development charges and to cancelthe provisionally approved layout.I/We request that the proposed layout may be tentatively approved to execute the works.Name of owner/s___________________________________________Signature & Date:___________________________________________Place:___________________________________________Address for correspondence:___________________________________________


Form No. 3 Undertaking by Owner of Layout Development to Fulfill allDevelopment Requirements (On Rs 100 Judicial Stamp Paper)Agreement entered into this ___________________day__________________ betweenSri/Smt ______________ _______________________________here in-after called thefirst party which term includes legal heirs and successors and the individual member andthe Tirupati Urban Development Authority represented by its Vice-Chairman (here-inaftercalled Tirupati Urban Development Authority as the second party), where by it isagreed to as follows:1 That Sri / Smt. ______________________________________________________submitted an application indicating his / her intention to make layout of the landsituated at ________________ village under Survey No____________________________2 Where as the second party agreed to grant tentative permission for making privatestreets and roads and sites on the aforesaid land with the condition that entire drainageworks, erection of water supply main, erection of electric poles, laying of WBMroads, parks with pillars and plantation in the layout should be completed by Sri /Smt._____________________________ (first party) within one year from the, dateof sanction of layout as per the specifications given by Tirupati Urban DevelopmentAuthority.3 That the first party has made' security, in the form of Bank guarantee in__________________ bank for Rs.________________ which is valid upto_____________________ as fixed by Tirupati Urban Development Authority for thefulfillment of layout conditions.4 The first party agreed to the condition that the fees/charges payable by the first partyfor confirmation of layout shall be subject to the payment of any enhanced fee orcharges that may be fixed by the second party as per the rules in force on the date ofsuch confirmation.5 The first party do hereby himself/themselves under take not to sale / dispose / use anyplot until the second party confirms the above mentioned developments.6 The first party to hereby bind himself / themselves to fulfil the above conditionsimposed by Tirupati Urban Development Authority within one year from the date ofsanction of layout, failing which Tirupati Urban Development Authority will beentitled to withhold the grant of permission for the construction of houses, or anyother enactment for the time being inforce. In case the party fails to comply with theconditions within the stipulated period, the Tirupati Urban Development Authority isempowered to forfeit the Security Deposit paid by the first party and to cancel theprovision approval of the layout. The first party or his heirs shall not be entitled toraise any objection for such recovery or action.

Signature of the First Party:___________________________________Signature of the Second Party:___________________________________WITNESS:1.2.

Form No. 4 Occupancy CertificateDevelopment on R S No. _________ / T S No. _________ in village, in______________) Mandal in the Development Area, completed and constructed as perplan prepared by_______________________________ (Architect / Engineer), under the supervision of_______________________________(Supervising Engineer / Owner)has been inspected on ________________ and I declare that the Development has beencarried out in accordance with the Development Permission No. ____________ dated________is fit for use for which it has been permitted.Chief Executive AuthorityTirupati Urban Area Development Authority

Form No. 5 Application for Licensing of Technical Personnel1 Name :2 Local Address3 Permanent Address4 Telephone No.5 Membership of Professional Body(indicate appropriate professionalaffiliation)6 Experience (No. of years)7 Previous year’s Registration No.I hereby undertake to abide by all Rules, Regulations, Standing Orders, Requisitions andinstructions given by the Authority and shall carry out my responsibilities as prescribedin Development Control Regulations. I also understand that if, I fail to perform myresponsibilities as above, the Authority will be entitled to withdraw my Registration andforfeit my Registration fee, if any.Kindly grant me a new/renewed Registration for the year ______________. RegistrationBook may be sent to me when ready. I am enclosing the relevant documents as prescribedin this form.Name of the Applicant:Signature of the Applicant:Date:_________________________________________________________________________________

REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION AS:Architect1 Copy of Certificate of academic qualifications2 Copy of registration certificate with Council of Architecture3 Copy of Membership with IIA4 Certificate of experience5 Two signed copies of passport sized photographsEngineer1 Copy of Certificate of academic qualifications2 Copy of membership certificate with Institution of Engineers3 Certificate of experience4 Two signed copies of passport sized photographsStructural Designer / Engineer1 Copy of Certificate of academic qualifications2 Copy of membership certificate with Institution of Engineers3 Certificate of experience4 Two signed copies of passport sized photographsSurveyor1 Copy of Certificate of academic qualifications2 Certificate of experience3 Two signed copies of passport sized photographsPlanner1 Copy of Certificate of academic qualifications2 Copy of membership certificate with Institute of Town Planners3 Certificate of experience4 Two signed copies of passport sized photographs

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