VorderBruegge-face - NIST Visual Image Processing Group

VorderBruegge-face - NIST Visual Image Processing Group VorderBruegge-face - NIST Visual Image Processing Group

from biometrics.nist.gov More from this publisher

Photographic Comparisons:Principle of Individualization• The individualization of an item of evidenceis established by finding agreement ofcorresponding individual characteristics ofsuch number and significance as to precludethe possibility (or probability) of theirhaving occurred by mere coincidence, andestablishing that there are no inexplicabledifferences. (Adapted from Tuthill, 1994)

Class Characteristics inPhotographic Facial Comparisons• Characteristics shared by persons in agroup– Overall shape of face, chin, mouth, nose,eyes, ears …– General shape and characteristics of thehairline, facial hair, eyebrows, glasses...

Photographic Comparisons:Principle of Individualization• The individualization of an item of evidenceis established by finding agreement ofcorresponding individual characteristics ofsuch number and significance as to precludethe possibility (or probability) of theirhaving occurred by mere coincidence, andestablishing that there are no inexplicabledifferences. (Adapted from Tuthill, 1994)

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