CCGPS Assessment Rubric First Grade Informative/Explanatory

CCGPS Assessment Rubric First Grade Informative/Explanatory

CCGPS Assessment Rubric First Grade Informative/Explanatory


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IdeasELACC1W2Exceeds Expectations4A. The writing is focused on aclearly named topic that isintroduced with descriptivelanguage<strong>CCGPS</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong><strong>First</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> <strong>Informative</strong>/<strong>Explanatory</strong>Unit__________Date____________________Meets Expectations3A. The writing is focused on anamed topic (e.g. with atitle or opening sentence)Approaching Expectations2A. The topic is unclear ormay not be namedExpectations Not Met1A. No topic is evidentTeacher CommentaryB. The topic is clearlysupported with manyrelevant factsB. The topic is supported withsome relevant factsB. The topic is occasionallysupported with relevantfactsB. No facts are included orfacts do not support thetopicELACC1W5aOptional toassessC. Not applicableC. Student used a graphicorganizer to pre-writeC. Student attempted to usea graphic organizer to prewriteC. No pre-writing evidentELACC1SL5Optional toassessD. Illustrations or visualdisplays clarify and enhancethe writingD. Illustrations or visualdisplays clarify or supportthe writingD. Illustrations or visualdisplays may not alwaysclarify or support thewritingD. No illustrations or visualdisplays or they do notsupport the writingELACC1W7ELACC1W8E. Information from multiplesources (e.g. experiences,books, internet, interviews)is usedE. Information from morethan one provided sourceis usedE. Information fromexperiences or providedsources is limitedE. No information fromexperiences or providedsource(s) is usedOrganizationELACC1W2A. Student writes an A. A. Student writes aninformational text by usinga conventional non-fictiontext structure to effectivelydeliver the information (e.g.informational text bynaming a topic and thensupporting the topic withsome factscomparison/contrast, stepsin a process, topic/subtopic,etc.)A. Student attempts to writean informational text butdoes not name a topic orwrites a story about thetopic rather than aninformational pieceA. Student does not name atopic or provide facts tosupport itB. Writing contains a closingthat restates the main ideaor summarizes the mostimportant informationB. Writing contains asentence that brings asense of closure to thepieceA. B. Writing contains a phraseor sentence that attemptsto bring closure to thepiece, but does not do soeffectively (e.g. “The End”)B. No closing sentence orphrase is evidentHall County Public Schools 7/27/12

StyleELACC1L1A. A variety of sentencestructures are usedA. Different types ofsentences are usedA. Mostly simple sentences orpattern sentences (I like…, Ilove…) are usedA. Sentences are repeated,consistently incomplete, ordo not make senseELACC1L6B. Descriptive language isused throughout the text.May include figurativelanguage.B. Some descriptive languageis usedB. Descriptive language islimitedB. No descriptive language isusedConventionsELACC1L2A. Writing is free ofcapitalization andpunctuation errors. Writeruses more complexpunctuation whereappropriate.A. Writing has few errors incapitalization andpunctuationA. Writing has several errorsin capitalization and/orpunctuationA. Errors in capitalizationand/or punctuation makewriting difficult to readELACC1L2B. Words using commonspelling patterns and highfrequency words are spelledcorrectly. Untaught wordsare spelled phonetically.Word wall patterns are usedto spell other words.B. Most words using commonspelling patterns and highfrequency words arespelled correctly. Mostuntaught words are spelledphonetically.B. Paper has several spellingerrorsB. Spelling errors make paperdifficult to readELACC1L1C. Subjects and verbs alwaysagreeC. Subjects and verbsconsistently agreeC. Subjects and verbs agree attimesC. Subjects and verbs do notagreeELACC1L1D. Not applicableD. Prints with appropriatespacing between wordsand/or sentencesD. Spacing between wordsand/or sentences isinconsistentD. No spacing between wordsand/or sentencesELACC1W6: With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration withpeers. Yes__________Tool Used?____________________ No__________Hall County Public Schools 7/27/12

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