iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic

iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic

iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic


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<strong>iSR6200</strong> <strong>Intelligent</strong> <strong>Storage</strong> <strong>Router</strong><strong>Installation</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>NTPNetwork time protocol. NTP is used fordistributing the Coordinated UniversalTime (UTC) by means of synchronizing theclocks of computer systems overpacket-switched, variable-latency datanetworks.NVRAMNon-volatile random access memory.NVRAM is a type of memory that retainsdata (including configuration settings)even when power is removed. You canconfigure NVRAM settings manually orrestore them from a file.OCOptical carrier is a standardized set ofspecifications of transmission speeds thatdescribe a range of digital signals that canbe carried on synchronous opticalnetworking (SONET) fiber optic networks.The number attached to the optical carrierabbreviation, OC-12, is directly proportionalto the data rate of the bitstream ofthe digital signal.pathA path to a device is a combination of aadapter port instance and a target port asdistinct from internal paths in the fabricnetwork. A fabric network appears to theoperating system as an opaque networkbetween the adapter (initiator) and thetarget.Because a path is a combination of anadapter and a target port, it is distinct fromanother path if it is accessed through adifferent adapter and/or it is accessing adifferent target port. Consequently, whenswitching from one path to another, thedriver might be selecting a differentadapter (initiator), a different target port, orboth.This is important to the driver whenselecting the proper method of failovernotification. It can make a difference to thetarget device, which might have to takedifferent actions when receiving retries ofthe request from another initiator or on adifferent port.PCIPeripheral component interface/interconnect.A 32-bit local bus specification introducedby Intel.PCMPower and cooling module. A device thatconsists of one power supply and threefans.PIDProcess identifier. A number used by someoperating system kernels (such as that ofUNIX, Mac OS X or Windows NT) touniquely identify a process.pingA computer network administration utilityused to test whether a specified host isreachable across an IP network and tomeasure the round-trip time for packetssent from the local host to a destinationcomputer.point-to-pointAlso FC-P2P. Two Fibre Channel nodesdirectly connected (not in a loop).portAccess points in a device where a linkattaches. There are four types of ports, asfollows:• N_Port—a Fibre Channel port thatsupports point-to-point topology.• NL_Port—a Fibre Channel port thatsupports loop topology.ISR651101-00 G Glossary-7

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