iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic

iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic

iSR6200 Intelligent Storage Router Installation Guide - QLogic


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<strong>iSR6200</strong> <strong>Intelligent</strong> <strong>Storage</strong> <strong>Router</strong><strong>Installation</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>comma separated values fileSee CSV file.command line interfaceSee CLI.Converged Network Adapter<strong>QLogic</strong> adapter that supports both datanetworking (TCP/IP) and storagenetworking (Fibre Channel) traffic on asingle I/O adapter using two new technologies:Enhanced Ethernet and FibreChannel over Ethernet (FCoE).CRCCyclic redundancy check. A type of checkvalue designed to catch most transmissionerrors.CSV fileComma separated values file. Each line inthe file corresponds to a row in the table.Within a line, fields are separated bycommas, each field belonging to one tablecolumn.cyclic redundancy checkSee CRC.deviceA target, typically a disk drive. Hardwaresuch as a disk drive, tape drive, printer, orkeyboard that is installed in or connectedto a system. In Fibre Channel, a targetdevice.DHCPDynamic host configuration protocol(DHCP) enables computers on an IPnetwork to extract their configuration fromservers that have information about thecomputer only after it is requested.driverThe software that interfaces between thefile system and a physical data storagedevice or network media.DS-1Digital signal 1 (DS-1, also known as T1and DS1) is a T-carrier signaling schemethat is a widely-used standard in telecommunicationsto transmit voice and databetween devices. Technically, DS1 is thelogical bit pattern used over a physical T1line; however, the terms DS1 and T1 areoften used interchangeably.DS-3Digital signal 3 (DS-3) is a digital signallevel 3 T-carrier. It may also be referred toas a T3 line.dynamic host configuration protocolSee DHCP.E_PortExpansion port. A port in a Fibre Channelswitch that connects to another FibreChannel switch or bridge device by aninter-switch link. E_Ports are used to linkFibre Channel switches to form amulti-switch fabric.EEPROMElectrically erasable programmableread-only memory. Memory that can beerased (entirely, not selectively) usinghigher electrical voltages.Enhanced EthernetAlso called data center Ethernet orconverged enhanced Ethernet. Refers tonew enhancements to the existingEthernet standard that eliminateEthernet’s inherently lossy nature andmake 10Gb Ethernet a viable storagenetworking transport.Glossary-2ISR651101-00 G

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