APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media

APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media

APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media


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CHAPTER 4: MESSAGESPowerView Message Meaning Corrective ActionGeneral FaultOn Battery.The <strong>UPS</strong> is in the on-battery mode. Thebattery modules are being discharged.No corrective action isnecessary.Note: Runtime is limited induration. Prepare to shutdownthe <strong>UPS</strong> and the loadequipment, or restore incomingvoltage.Need Bat Replacement.One or more battery modules are in needof replacement.Refer to module replacementprocedure.<strong>UPS</strong> Fault.A fault occurred in a power module. The<strong>UPS</strong> Fault message always occurs whenthere is a bad power module failuremessage.Call your contract serviceprovider or <strong>APC</strong> TechnicalSupport.Shutdown or unable totransfer to Batt due tooverload.The <strong>UPS</strong> has shutdown because anoverload occurred and bypass is notavailable.Option 1: Reduce the load toeliminate overload.Option 2: If possible, add powermodules to eliminate overload.Option 3: Replace failed powermodules to eliminate overload.Note: If bypass is not availablebecause of a power failure, waitfor power to be restored. If thereis a utility problem, have itcorrected.Load Shutdown fromBypass. Input Freq/Voltsoutside limits.The <strong>UPS</strong> shut the load down while it wason bypass, because the input powerwent out of acceptable range.Correct the input voltageproblem.Fault, Battery ChargerFailure.The battery charger in one or morepower module(s) failed.Refer to module replacementprocedure.Fault, Bypass RelayMalfunction.The bypass relay has malfunctioned.Call your contract serviceprovider or <strong>APC</strong> TechnicalSupport.Fault, Internal Tempexceeded normal limits.The temperature of one or more batterymodules is too hot.Replace overheated module.Refer to module replacementprocedure.21

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