APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media

APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media

APC Symmetra RM 4–12 kVA UPS Installation Manual - APC Media


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CHAPTER 4: MESSAGESPowerView Message Meaning Corrective ActionThresholdAlarm(continued)Redundancy is belowalarm threshold.Actual power module redundancy hasfallen below the user specifiedredundancy alarm threshold. Eitherpower module(s) failed or the load hasincreased.Option 1: If possible, installadditional power modules.Option 2: Decrease the load.Option 3: Use the PowerView todecrease the redundancy alarmthreshold.(Startup>Setup>Alarms>Redundancy)Runtime is below alarmthreshold.The predicted runtime is lower than theuser specified for the minimum runtimealarm threshold. Either the batterycapacity has decreased or the loadincreased.Option 1: Allow the batterymodules to recharge.Option 2: If possible, increasethe number of battery modules.Option 3: Decrease the load.Option 4: Use the PowerView todecrease the minimum runtimealarm threshold.(Startup>Setup>Alarms>Runtime)BypassBypass is not in range(either freq or voltage).The frequency and/or voltage are out ofacceptable range for bypass. Thismessage occurs when the <strong>UPS</strong> is onlineand indicates that the bypass mode maynot be available if required. The systemmay starton-battery.Option 1: Decrease thesensitivity to input frequency.(Startup>Setup>OutputFreq)Option 2: Correct input voltageto provide acceptable voltageand/or frequency.Bypass contactor stuck inbypass position.Bypass contactor stuck inon-line position.The <strong>UPS</strong> is positioned in the bypassposition and cannot go on-line.The <strong>UPS</strong> is positioned in the on-lineposition and cannot go to bypass.Call your contract serviceprovider or <strong>APC</strong> TechnicalSupport.<strong>UPS</strong> in bypass due tointernal fault.The <strong>UPS</strong> has transferred to bypassmode because a fault has occurred.<strong>UPS</strong> in bypass due tooverload.The load exceeded the system powercapacity. The <strong>UPS</strong> has switched tobypass mode.Option 1: Decrease the load.Option 2: If possible, add powermodules to the system.System is in MaintenanceBypass.The <strong>UPS</strong> is in bypass because themaintenance bypass switch is in the Onposition.No corrective action necessary.20

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