Single-Stranded DNA Phages

Single-Stranded DNA Phages

Single-Stranded DNA Phages


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Modern Microbial Genetics, Second Edition. Edited by Uldis N. Streips, Ronald E. YasbinCopyright # 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.ISBNs: 0-471-38665-0 Hardback); 0-471-22197-X Electronic)6<strong>Single</strong>-<strong>Stranded</strong> <strong>DNA</strong> <strong>Phages</strong>J. EUGENE LECLERCMolecular Biology Division, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food and DrugAdministration, Washington, District of Columbia 20204I. Introduction ................................... 145II. History and Classification. . ...................... 146III. The Virions .................................... 147IV. Genetic Organization............................ 148A. Isometric <strong>Phages</strong> ............................ 149B. Filamentous <strong>Phages</strong>.......................... 152V. Phage Life Cycles . .............................. 154A. Adsorption and Penetration................... 1541. Isometric <strong>Phages</strong>.......................... 1542. Filamentous <strong>Phages</strong> . ...................... 155B. <strong>DNA</strong>Replication............................ 1561. SS!RF ................................. 1572. RF!RF................................. 1593. RF!SS ................................. 160C. Phage Assembly and Release . . . ............... 1611. Isometric <strong>Phages</strong>.......................... 1612. Filamentous <strong>Phages</strong> . ...................... 162VI. RNABacteriophages ............................ 164A. Double-<strong>Stranded</strong> RNA Bacteriophages . ........ 164B. <strong>Single</strong>-<strong>Stranded</strong> RNABacteriophages . . ........ 165VII. Uses in Biotechnology ........................... 165A. Cloning and Sequencing Vectors ............... 165B. Hybridization Probes . . ...................... 168C. Site-Directed Mutagenesis .................... 168D. Plasmids with Phage Origins of Replication ..... 169E. Phage Display Technology Using FilamentousBacteriophages .............................. 170VIII. Concluding Remarks ............................ 170I. INTRODUCTIONAlthough the discovery of the smallest bacteriophagescan be traced to 1927, interest inthem intensified only after R. L. Sinsheimerdemonstrated in 1959 that the particles containa single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>genome. Theresearch spurred by these featuresÐthe smalland single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>genomeÐled overthe next 20 years to revelations of fundamen-

146 LECLERCtal information on the frugal uses of nucleotidesequence, of viral and host mechanismsfor <strong>DNA</strong>replication, and of host functionsadapted for viral reproduction. The fX174phage that Sinsheimer studied was an importantparticipant in the first era of molecularbiology, largely phage biology, whichculminated in the total in vitro synthesis ofinfectious fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>. During the secondgreat era, fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>was the first genometo be entirely sequenced and engineered derivativesof M13 and f1 genomes were themost commonly used vectors for sequencingcloned <strong>DNA</strong>.In this chapter we describe the life cycles,genetics, and biochemistry of the two generalclasses of single stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phages: thespherical or isometric phages, includingfX174 commonly called fX), S13, and G4,and the rod-shaped or filamentous phagesM13, fl, and fd. Two other classes of bacteriophages,the isometric single-stranded anddouble-stranded RNAphages, will only bebriefly discussed. Finally, we review some ofthe current and novel uses of the singlestranded<strong>DNA</strong>phages, which continue tohave a significant place in genetics and biochemistryresearch.II. HISTORY ANDCLASSIFICATIONThe initial characterization of the smallestphages of enteric bacteria came from measuringthe sizes of bacterial viruses by filtrationand sedimentation analyses see reviewby Hoffman-Berling et al., 1966). S13 wasshown to have a particle diameter of 25mm, less than one-fourth the size of Tphages. Subsequent electron micrographs offX174 showed a similar size; the particleswere polyhedral and contained a knob orspike at each of 12 axes of symmetry Hallet al., 1959). Several fX-like phages havesince been identified, differing in serologicalproperties and preferences for hosts amongstrains of Escherichia, Shigella, and Salmonella.Taking into account their morphologyand nucleic acid content, the phages are currentlyclassified together as isometric <strong>DNA</strong>phages. Members of the isometric group thathave been studied to varying degrees includefX174, S13, G4, St-1, fK, and a; they seemto have conserved from a common ancestora similar morphology, genome organization,and protein functions, while differing significantlyin nucleotide sequence. The phages ofthe isometric group are virulent; that is, theykill and lyse their host bacteria at the end ofthe phage life cycle.The initial impetus for studying the smallphages was the limited size of their genomes;the potential existed for completely definingthe genetic content and organization ofhomogeneous <strong>DNA</strong>and for understandingall viral functions upon infection of host cellssee Sinsheimer, 1966, 1991). The realizationof these goals started with the early studiesof fX174 by Sinsheimer and on S13 by 1.and E.S. Tessman. Characterization of thephage <strong>DNA</strong>s showed unusual features thatcontrasted sharply with the known propertiesof double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>Sinsheimer,1959a,b; Tessman, 1959): fX <strong>DNA</strong>reactedwith formaldehyde and was precipitatedwith lead ions, indicating that the aminogroups of the purine and pyrimidine baseswere accessible and not involved in basepairing; ultraviolet absorption of fX <strong>DNA</strong>was dependent on temperature over a widerange, unlike double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>, whichshows a sharp transition upon denaturation;and the density of the <strong>DNA</strong>, its light-scatteringproperties, and degradation by nucleasewere more like denatured than native <strong>DNA</strong>.An extensive series of radiobiological experimentsshowed that the inactivation constantsof S13 and fX phages for incorporated 32 Pwas near unity, that is, every disintegrationbreaks a single strand of <strong>DNA</strong>and causeslethality Tessman et al., 1957; Tessman,1959). Finally, determination of the basecomposition of fX <strong>DNA</strong>revealed ratios ofA:Tˆ 0.75 and G : C ˆ 1.3, unlike A T wand G C in double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>; inwretrospect, the genome of the single-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>phage was the exception that provedChargaff's rule for complementary basepairing in double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>. Since ex-

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 147periments with both intact phage and purified<strong>DNA</strong>exhibited unusual properties forgenomic <strong>DNA</strong>, it was concluded that eachphage particle contains one <strong>DNA</strong>moleculein single-stranded form.The description of single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>in fX and S13 phages led quickly to similarfindings for another class of small phages,the filamentous group, specific for E. colithat contain the male fertility factor F ‡ seePorter, this volume). One rationale for thesearch that yielded male-specific phages wasthat sensitivity to phage infection, amongother properties, might distinguish F andF ‡ or Hfr bacteria Loeb, 1960). In 1963 thedescriptions of three new single-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>phages were reported: f1 Zinder etal., 1963), fd Marvin and Hoffmann-Berling,1963), and M13 Hofschneider, 1963),isolated respectively from sewers in NewYork, Heidelberg, and Munich. It was soonshown that the isolates were closely relatedand, in fact, they may be considered mutantsof the same phage Salivar et al., 1964). Besidestheir specificity for male hosts, explainedby the requirement for F pili duringadsorption, other properties of these phagesdiffer significantly from the isometric group:no cell lysis occurs during their life cycles,and the phage particles are long, thin, andflexible, without heads or spikes. Indeed, itwas initially difficult to distinguish the phageparticles from the pili of host bacteria. Thesesmall phages, measuring about a micron inlength, are classified as filamentous <strong>DNA</strong>phages, or FV, for filamentous viruses;more specifically, M13, fl, and fd are classifiedas Ff phages, denoting filamentousphages that require the pili encoded by Fconjugative plasmids for infection seereview by Marvin and Hohn, 1969). <strong>Phages</strong>of the filamentous group are ubiquitous andinclude If and IKe phages, which require, forinfection, pili specified by conjugative plasmidsof the I and N incompatibility groups,respectively, and phages that infect Pseudomonasand Xanthomonas.After infection by Ff phage, progenyphage are extruded into the medium as hostcells continue to grow, albeit at a slower rate;phage plaques are visible only because of theslower growth rate of infected cells. Amongthe samples from which the f1 turbid plaqueformerswere discovered Loeb, 1960), clearplaques were also evident and were separatelychosen for study; designated f2, theyturned out to be the first RNAphages describedLoeb and Zinder, 1961). IsometricRNAphages, now isolated on every continent,form a group about as diverse as theisometric <strong>DNA</strong>phages. They are obviouslyfascinating for study of their mode of replication,particularly exploited in the cases ofQb and f2. In addition, f2, MS2, R17, andQb became the workhorses for studies on themechanism of translation and the ideal substratesfor developing RNAcomposition andsequence methodology. For comprehensivediscussions on all aspects of these phages,the reader is referred to RNA <strong>Phages</strong>, editedby N.D. Zinder 1975), and reviews by Fiers1979) and Van Duin 1988).III. THE VIRIONSThe single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>of the isometricphages is enclosed in a capsid of icosahedralsymmetry, its 20 faces requiring 60 identicalsubunits arranged on a sphere Fig. 1). It hasbeen noted that such an arrangement is commonlyfound for virus constructionÐicosahedralsymmetry allows the subunits toenclose a larger volume than other types ofsymmetry see review by Denhardt, 1977).Sixty molecules of gene F protein fulfill thisrole as the major capsid protein. At each of 12vertices of the icosahedron is a spike or knobthat may be considered a short, primitive tail;the five gene G proteins and one gene Hprotein that compose each spike are likelyinvolved in host recognition and attachmentto the cell surface. Within the icosahedralshell of 25 nm to 36 nm including the spikes),the <strong>DNA</strong>forms a densely packed core, itsphosphate groups neutralized by polyaminesand the positive charges of virion proteins. Inaddition, the core contains a minor virionprotein, from gene J, which may be involvedin condensation of the viral <strong>DNA</strong>.

148 LECLERCFig. 1. Schematic representation of the fX174icosahedron. A spike of gene H and gene G proteins,represented by the filled area, is located at the apexof each fivefold axis of symmetry. It is surrounded bygene F coat proteins, represented by stippled areas.Reproduced from Hayashi, 1978, with permission ofthe publisher.)In sharp contrast to the fixed fX spheres,the size of filamentous phage particles is determinedby the length of <strong>DNA</strong>containedwithin them, suggesting a fundamentally differentmechanism for phage morphogenesis.Approximately 1% of Ff phage preparationsis composed of ``miniphage'' particles Fig. 2),with 0.2 to 0.5 times the length of normalparticles and <strong>DNA</strong>Griffith and Kornberg,1974; Enea and Zinder, 1975; Hewitt, 1975),and ``polyphages,'' which contain multiplegenomes in multiple-length particles Salivaret al., 1967; Scott and Zinder, 1967). Anormal particle of 900 nm length and 6 to 9nm width contains a circular strand of <strong>DNA</strong>in a protein coat of five proteins reviewed byMarvin, 1998). The particle is a protein tubesheathing the <strong>DNA</strong>, made up of about 2700molecules of the a-helical gene VIII protein,its subunits overlapping and likened to scaleson a fish Marvin et al., 1974). At one end ofthe tube are four or five copies each of geneIII and gene VI proteins, involved in adsorptionof phage at the tip of an F pilus, and atthe other end are similar numbers of geneVII and gene IX proteins. The <strong>DNA</strong>is embeddedin the 2 nm core of the particle, itscircular single strand lying like a stretchedoutloop in the tube. Afascinating result ofmorphogenesis is that the loop of <strong>DNA</strong>isalways oriented the same way, gene III sequencesat the gene III protein-bearing endof the particle and, at the other end, anintergenic region encoding the initiation sitesfor <strong>DNA</strong>replication Webster et al., 1981).IV. GENETIC ORGANIZATIONThe inability to digest ends of fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>by exonuclease treatment led Sinsheimer tosurmise that the <strong>DNA</strong>is circular. This assumptionwas confirmed by physical studiesFiers and Sinsheimer, 1962) and electronmicroscopy Freifelder et al., 1964). GeneticFig. 2. Electron micrograph of an MI 3 bacteriophage filament and two miniphage particles. Courtesy ofJ. Griffith, University of North Carolina.)

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 149recombination tests using phage mutants alsoestablished that the genetic map of S13 iscircular Baker and Tessman, 1967). Indeed,determining the number and organizationof genes on the circle largely depended onthe analysis of phage mutants, which affectedhost range or plaque morphology orwere conditionally lethal. The conditionallethal mutants, either temperature sensitiveor suppressible, were the most useful becausethey identified the gene products essential forphage development; hundreds of mutants forboth the isometric and filamentous phageshave been collected. In order to enumeratethe phage genes, genetic complementationtests were used, wherein mutations areassigned to different genes if two conditionallethal mutants, infecting cells together undernonpermissive conditions high temperatureor in suppressor-free hosts), produced progenyphage. In this way seven genes in bothfX174 and S13, and eight genes in the Ffphages, were identified. Although thesenumbers are now revised with the availabilityof nucleotide sequence information, it shouldbe noted that the bulk of our knowledge onthe viral genes and their protein functionscomes from the work on these extensive setsof phage mutants. See Pratt, 1969, for areview of the early genetic work.)The new era for analysis of genome organizationstarted with the complete nucleotidesequence determination of fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>Sanger et al., 1977). Entire sequences arenow known for phages fX174 revised inSanger et al., 1978), G4 Godson et al.,1978) fd Beck et al., 1978), M13 van Wezenbeeket al., 1980), fl Beck and Zink, 1981),Hill and Peterson, 1982), and IKe Peeters, etal., 1985). Although much remains to belearned about the functions encoded inphage genes, the goal of a complete knowledgeof their organization is nearly realized.In addition the sequences provide a richsource of information for evolutionary description.In the isometric group, fX174with 5386 nucleotides and G4 with 5577 nucleotidesshow considerable variability; inaddition to the different lengths of thegenomes, the coding regions show 33% nucleotidechanges. Differences are particularlyevident in the region of the genome involvedin the regulation of <strong>DNA</strong>replication; as discussedlater, these phages indeed have differentmechanisms for initiating replication.There is no significant homology betweenthe phage genomes of the isometric groupand the filamentous group. As anticipated,the nucleotide sequences of the Ff phagesM13 6407 nucleotides), fd 6408 nucleotides),and f1 6407 nucleotides) are nearlyidentical, showing 97±99% homology, andmost of the base substitutions do not resultin amino acid changes. Although the geneorganization for the Ff phages and the N-specific phage IKe is identical, overall homologyis only about 55%. Particular divergencehas occurred for the IKe proteinrequired for binding the infecting phage tohost pili, providing one molecular basis forthe host ranges of F-specific as opposed to.N-specific phages.The genetic organization for representativephages is depicted in Figures 3 and 4, givingfX174 for the isometric group and M13 forthe filamentous group. The maps are drawnto show clockwise transcription of fX <strong>DNA</strong>and counterclockwise transcription of M13<strong>DNA</strong>. The polarities of the mRNAs of bothphages in fact correspond to that of the viral<strong>DNA</strong>s, making the single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phages plus-strand viruses; that is, all transcriptionfor gene expression occurs on thecomplementary, minus strand of replicatedphage <strong>DNA</strong>. The gene-encoded functionsare also summarized in the figures; overallsimilarities between the phages may be noted,particularly in the clustering the initiationsites for complementary strand synthesis ofcommon functions for <strong>DNA</strong>replication andphage morphogenesis. For the following discussion,however, it is best to diverge hereand treat the groups separately.A. Isometric <strong>Phages</strong>The fX genome contains 11 genes Fig. 3),roughly grouped corresponding to the functionsof phage <strong>DNA</strong>replication and phage

150 LECLERCFig. 3. Genetic organization and gene products of fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>. The numbers in the inner circle indicatethe first nucleotide of the initiation codon for the respective protein, numbered from a unique Pst I restrictionendonuclease cleavage site position 5386/1). The protein functions if known) and their molecular weightsderived from the <strong>DNA</strong> sequence) are given outside the circle. The direction of transcription for the majortranscripts on fX <strong>DNA</strong> and the approximate positions of the initiation sites for complementary strandsynthesis n 0 recognition site) and viral strand synthesis are indicated by arrows. IR, intergenic region.Reproduced from Baas, 1985, with permission of the publisher.)morphogenesis. Transcription starts at threepromoters preceding clusters of genes whoseproducts are used at different stages, or indifferent amounts, during the life cycle:genes Aand A*, for proteins controllingthe early functions of <strong>DNA</strong>replication andshutting off host <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis; genes B, C,and K, for proteins involved in early steps ofcapsid morphogenesis and <strong>DNA</strong>maturationgene K function is unknown); and genes D,E, J, F, G, and H, whose products are usedin phage morphogenesis and host cell lysis. Amain mRNAterminator is located betweengenes H and A; other termination signalshave been mapped, but since readthroughoccurs, the potential exists for more transcriptionof the morphogenesis genes whoseproducts are needed in greater supply seeFujimura and Hayashi, 1978). In additionto the coding sequences, untranslated intergenicregions IR) ranging from 8 to 110nucleotides are found at the borders of genesJ, F, G, H, and A. Although their completefunctions are probably not known, they arecertainly used efficiently: all contain a ribosomebinding site for the proximal gene; theH/Aspace has the gene Apromoter; andthe IR between F and G contains a recognitionsite for proteins that initiate <strong>DNA</strong>replication.

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 151Fig. 4. Genetic organization and gene products of Ff phage <strong>DNA</strong>, represented by the M13 genome.Proteins and sequence positions are noted as in Figure 3; numbering begins at a unique HindII cleavage site6407/1). The direction of transcription is indicated by the arrow and the location of promoters is shown bybars outside the circle. Promoters indicated by open bars are not active in vivo; see text.) IG, the mainintergenic region; terminator, the main termination site for transcription. Reproduced from Baas, 1985, withpermission of the publisher.)The most astonishing result revealed bythe fX nucleotide sequence, combined withprotein and mutant analyses, was the discoveryof overlapping genes, or one stretch of<strong>DNA</strong>coding for more than one proteinBarrell et al., 1976; Smith et al., 1977; Weisbeeket al., 1977). As shown in Figure 3, geneB lies totally within gene A, and gene Ewithin gene D. Sequence analysis of G4<strong>DNA</strong>revealed an eleventh gene, K, thatspans both genes Aand C; it is also presentin fX174 Shaw et al., 1978). The mRNAsfor overlapping genes are translated fromribosome binding sites within the precedinggenes and read in different frames. Indeed,for five nucleotides that overlap genes A, C,and K, all three possible reading frames areused! Apriori one might expect that thesimultaneous use of a coding region in tworeading frames would severely restrict thesequence differences between the genes infX and G4. In that sense the 22±23% nucleotidechanges observed for overlappinggenes in the two phages are extraordinary;necessarily fewer nucleotide differences arethird position or other conservative changes,leading to higher than average amino aciddifferences Godson et al., 1978).Another translational control mechanismserves to expand the use of the fX genome ingene A. The 37 kDa gene A* protein isformed by reinitiation of translation at anAUG codon within gene A mRNA, whichencodes the entire 56 kDa protein Linney

152 LECLERCand Hayashi, 1974). Proteins of differentfunctions are specified. The same translationalphase is used, so the amino acid sequenceof the A* protein is identical to thecarboxy-terminal half of Aprotein. Accordingly,nonsense mutations that block synthesisof gene A* protein also terminate gene Aprotein, but not the overlapping gene B proteinread in a different frame Weisbeek etal., 1977).Although there can be argument aboutconsidering the Aand A* sequences as separategenes, it is clear that five proteins A,A*, B, C, and K) share a <strong>DNA</strong> sequencethrough the use of transcriptional and translationalcontrol mechanisms. These extensionsof the ``one gene±one protein''hypothesis display a variety of means forthe frugal usage of nucleotide sequence inthe small phage genomes for ``deriving themost protein from the least <strong>DNA</strong>'' Pollocket al., 1978). The extra coding capacity isequivalent to nearly 1500 bp, 27% morethan if the <strong>DNA</strong>were used only once Weisbeekand van Arkel, 1978). Maybe constraintson <strong>DNA</strong>content imposed by thesize of the icosahedral phage particles, orthe morphogenesis process, led to theexpanded use of available sequence. Mutantsof fX174 have been constructed to test themaximum genome size that can be packaged;inserts greater than 3±4% of the genomewere highly unstable Russell and Miller,1984). It has been noted that in the filamentousphages, with little constraint on genomesize, fX-like overlapping genes do not occurand use is made of a prominent intergenicregion Kornberg and Baker, 1992).Multiple uses for shared <strong>DNA</strong>sequencealso present interesting puzzles for describingthe evolution of new protein function.For instance, gene E protein, required forhost cell lysis, may have evolved its membrane-relatedfunctions by mutagenesis of apreexisting gene D. The third position of ahigh proportion of gene D codons containsU; the overlapping gene E, its reading frameone nucleotide downstream, then containsthe U residues in the second codon position.Such codons specify amino acids, such asleucine, that are hydrophobic, of the kindfound in polypeptides that interact with thecell membrane Barrell et al., 1976).B. Filamentous <strong>Phages</strong>The ten gene products of the Ff genome canbe assigned to three functional groups, theirgenes arranged counterclockwise on the mapof Figure 4: <strong>DNA</strong>replication proteins, theproducts of genes II, X, and V; the coatproteins from genes VII, IX, VIII, III, andVI; and morphogenesis proteins from genes Iand IV. Promoters have been identified invitro in front of all genes except VII andIX, although not all of these promoters areused during infection; apparently the in vivorequirements for transcription are morestringent than those in vitro Smits et al.,1984). Two intergenic regions exist. Asmallone of 59 nucleotides between genes VIII andIII contains the main transcription terminator,so transcription from strong upstreampromoters leads to much more expression ofgene VIII major coat protein) than gene IIIminor coat protein) from its promoter. Thelarge intergenic region between genes IV andII, referred to as IG, contains multiple regulatoryelements for replication, transcription,and phage morphogenesis. Few nucleotidesotherwise separate the genes of Ff phages, oroverlaps of a few nucleotides occur, so thatthe 5 0 regulatory elements promoters andribosome binding sites) for several geneslie within the coding sequences of precedinggenes. In phage Ike 55% identity to theFf genome), the genetic organization ishighly similar, yet the controlling elementsare quite different Stump et al., 1997). InFf phage, for instance, translation of proteinVII is coupled to that of protein V, whilein Ike it is not coupled. Yet, the same levelsof protein are produced Madison-Antenucciand Steege, 1998). It is suggested that thereis a biological or evolutionary significanceto maintaining the same basic genetic arrangementin the filamentous bacteriophages,while control mechanisms haveevolved.

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 153The sequence of the 508-nucleotide intergenicregion, IG, of the Ff phage genomes isgiven in Figure 5, drawn to depict the extensivesecondary structure of the multiregulatoryunit. At its ends are the stop site andstart site for gene IV and gene II proteins,respectively, and within the region are theorigins for both complementary and viralstrand replication, a rho-dependent transcriptionterminator, a sequence requiredfor morphogenesis of the phage, and thegene II promoter. Transcription terminationin the presence of the host rho factor occursin the Ahairpin map position 5565 in Fig.5) on the 5 0 side of IG. Hence no mRNAissynthesized in the rest of the intergenicregion. That IG is the business end of thegenome of phage <strong>DNA</strong>replication and packagingis evidenced by the propagation forminiphage, containing IG but no intact cistrons;in the presence of wild-type helperphage to provide phage proteins, these subparticlesoutgrow the wild-type phage Griffithand Kornberg, 1974; Enea and Zinder,1975; Hewitt, 1975). Furthermore insertionof IG into the pBR322 cloning vector yields,again in the presence of helper phage, transducingphage particles that contain singlestranded,chimeric plasmid <strong>DNA</strong>Clearyand Ray, 1980; Dotto et al., 1981). Thereforethe noncoding region contains the cis-actingelements sufficient for controlling the initiationand termination reactions of <strong>DNA</strong>replicationand for initiating <strong>DNA</strong>packagingreviewed by Zinder and Horiuchi, 1985).Although fX-like, out-of-frame overlappinggenes are not found in the Ff phages,reinitiation of translation at an internalAUG codon in gene II mRNA does serveto expand the use of the genome in a manneranalogous to gene Aof fX, and curiously, ina gene encoding a protein of analogous functionin <strong>DNA</strong>replication. The carboxy-terminal27% of gene II protein is identical toFig. 5. <strong>DNA</strong> sequence of the intergenic region IG) of Ff phage <strong>DNA</strong>, drawn to indicate potentialsecondary structures. The fd <strong>DNA</strong> sequence is given, with numbering from a unique Hind II cleavage site6408/1), and base exchanges in other Ff phages are indicated as follows: parentheses, exchange in fl only;brackets, exchange in M13 only; no parentheses or brackets, exchanges in both fl and M13. See text fordiscussions of functions encoded in hairpins A±E and initiation sites for complementary strand c-strand) andviral strand v-strand) <strong>DNA</strong> synthesis. Reproduced from Beck and Zink, 1981, with permission of thepublisher.)

154 LECLERCgene X protein, so that gene products of42 kDa and 13 kDa are encoded in the samesequence and reading frame Yen and Webster,1981). Studying the in vivo functions ofthe products from in-frame overlappinggenes presents an interesting challengeÐinthe overlapping region, a mutation in onegene necessarily affects the other gene, unlikeout-of-frame overlaps. Fulford and Model1984) did a clever analysis by site-specificallymutagenizing the gene X initiationcodon, AUG, to an amber termination)UAG codon so that no gene X protein ismade. They then propagated the phage inamber-suppressing cells carrying gene X ona plasmid. In the absence of the complementinggene X on the plasmid, the amber mutantcould not grow; it produced no singlestranded<strong>DNA</strong>for progeny virions, indicatinga specific requirement for gene X proteinfunction in phage <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis.V. PHAGE LIFE CYCLESThe consequences for the host bacteria aredrastically different in the cases of infectionby isometric phages or filamentous phages.Isometric phages are virulent and lyse thehost cell after about 30 minutes of infection,which yields about 200 progeny phage percell. Filamentous phages grow in their hostas parasites, more akin to plasmids, and thehost cells continue to grow, divide, and extrudeseveral hundred phage per cell generation.Avariety of control mechanisms areused throughout the phage life cycles, eitherto ``manage their own course of developmentand streamline the exploitation of the haplesshost'' in the case of isometric phages, orin contrast for the Ff phages, to ``stage arapid coup and then install a stable newregime'' Fulford et al., 1986). Although thephage groups will often be treated togetherin the following description of life cycles, itwill be useful to keep in mind the fundamentallydifferent phage and host relationshipsthat ensure efficient viral reproduction. Forpurposes of the description, stages of the lifecycle will be designated adsorption and penetration,<strong>DNA</strong>replication, and phage assemblyand release, but in reality these stagesoverlap and contain several steps.A. Adsorption and PenetrationThe extraordinary accomplishment of phagesis that one infecting particle so quickly andefficiently gains control of the host syntheticapparatus, in competition with the hostgenome a thousand times its size. The adsorptionand penetration stages at the onset ofsuccessful infection unfortunately remainthe least well-understood aspects of the infectionprocess for the small phages. Ageneralmodel was proposed for a ``pilot'' proteinthat guides the phage and its <strong>DNA</strong>throughmany stages of development, from cell surfaceinteractions through <strong>DNA</strong>replicationJazwinski et al., 1975a). Although propertiesof the proteins encoded by gene H of theisometric phages and gene III of the Ff phagesfulfill many of the criteria for a pilot function,evidence does not strongly support suchmultifunctional roles for one phage proteinsee Tessman and Tessman, 1978; Raschedand Oberer, 1986). But it is still useful toconsider how the phage genome is deliveredto a site available for immediate replication,as a consequence of the phage adhering to thecell surface and penetrating the cell membrane.1. Isometric phagesFor the isometric phages, the 12 spikes of thecapsid are the adsorption organelles, eachcomposed of one molecule of H protein surroundedby 5 molecules of G protein. Asmight be expected, phage mutations thataffect the host range and adsorption ratesmap not only in genes G and H, but also ingene F for the coat protein see Tessman andTessman, 1978). The early work that pointedto adsorption occurring at a spike involvedsome good inference. Hutchison et al. 1967)infected E. coli with both wild-type fXphage and host range mutants in gene H),yielding progeny phage that containedcapsids with varying proportions of wildtypeand mutant subunits. Homogeneousfractions of phage from the mixed progeny

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 155could be prepared by electrophoresis, sothese workers compared the host rangephenotype of hybrid capsids with their subunitcomposition, estimated from electrophoreticmobility. With the assumption thatall subunits must be mutant to adsorb to theextended host, the results nicely conformed,on a statistical basis, with 5 subunits at theadsorption site. Since a fivefold axis of symmetryexists at each of the 12 vertices of thefX icosahedral particle, Hutchison et al.1967) suggested that a spike at the vertex isresponsible for adsorption. Their inferencewas supported by the results of experimentson the adsorption of phages to cell wall fragmentsand their attachment, viewed by electronmicroscopy, at the tip of a vertexBrown et al., 1971). The cellular componentfor phage interaction is lipopolysaccharideLPS) in the outer cell membrane Incardonaand Selvidge, 1973; Bruse et al., 1991), and itis the H protein that interacts specificallywith LPS Suzuki et al., 1999). Differentbacteriophages have adopted a wide varietyof specific cell surface molecules as receptors;even the closely related phages fX174 andS13 differ, in that N-acetylglucosamine onthe lipopolysaccharide chain is required forbinding fX, but not S13 Jazwinski et al.,1975b). S13 adsorbs to specific polysaccharides,requiring either hexose with substitutedalpha-d-glycopyranosyl groups or heptosewith the same groups in a different positionBruse et al., 1989).The adsorption stage of infection is reversible;infectious phage particles can be detachedfrom cells, for instance, by EDTAtreatment. The next complex steps of``injecting'' phage <strong>DNA</strong>into the cell arepoorly understood. For most bacteriophagesan eclipse stage has been defined duringwhich infectivity of the phage particles forfresh cells is irreversibly lost, presumablybecause of conformational changes in thecapsid proteins and/or their removal fromviral <strong>DNA</strong>. The removal of coat proteinsduring eclipse of fX and S13 is coupled toreplication of the viral <strong>DNA</strong>. Curiously, atleast one of the gene H proteins remainsattached to the <strong>DNA</strong>enters the cell and isinvolved, as assessed by mutant studies, inthe replication of phage <strong>DNA</strong>Jazwinskiet al., 1975a). The possible multifunctionalroles of H protein led to the aforementionedproposal for its pilot function, but the functions)of the wild-type H protein at eachstep of infection need to be determined inorder to adequately evaluate the model. Anotherintriguing result is that both adsorbedphage and its replicated <strong>DNA</strong>occur at zonesof adhesion between the outer and innermembranes of E. coli Bayer and Starkey,1972). Does the cell surface receptor directinfecting <strong>DNA</strong>to membrane sites withimmediate access to the <strong>DNA</strong>replicationmachinery? These observations need clarification,not only for understanding phagebiology but also because the phage systemsprovide exceptional models for exploringhow viruses so effectively gain control ofhost metabolism.2. Filamentous phagesThe specificity of filamentous phages formale host bacteria provides the clue thatadsorption involves the conjugative pili oftransmissible plasmid-bearing strains. Electronmicrographs indeed show adherence atthe tips of a phage filament and a pilus, whileF-specific RNAphages are shown attachedto the sides of F pili. It is considered unlikely,however, that the pilus is used to conductphage <strong>DNA</strong>in a manner analogous toconjugation see Marvin and Hohn, 1969).Rather, the whole pilus with attached phagemay be retracted into the cell surface, or thephage may be guided down the pilus to areceptor on the cell surface. The ability ofcells lacking pili to propagate phage, for instanceafter transfection using viral <strong>DNA</strong>,indicates that pili are used solely at the adsorptionand/or penetration stages of infection.Acell envelope protein, encoded by theE. coli fii locus, is required for penetration,but not adsorption, by phages f1 and IKeSun and Webster, 1986). Since fii mutantsare proficient for infection by the isometric<strong>DNA</strong>phages and RNAphages, as well as for

156 LECLERCconjugation, analysis of Fii function shouldaid in understanding the penetration step forthe filamentous phages.Much information is available on the rolesof Ff phage proteins during the adsorptionand penetration stages; an extensive literatureon the subject is thoroughly discussedby Rasched and Oberer 1986). Asummarypicture that we have, partly based on modelstudies Griffith et al., 1981), is as follows.Gene III protein is located at one end of thephage filament, probably in an ``adsorptioncomplex'' with gene VI protein. During adsorptionto the cell, the complex appearswith a ``knob-on-stem'' structure; the knobis the amino terminus of gene III proteinattached to the pilus tip and the stemanchoring the phage is the carboxyl terminusattached to the phage coat of gene VIII proteinGray et al., 1981). During eclipse, atransition occurs in the gene VIII protein itloses a-helical structure), contracting thephage filament to a spheroid as <strong>DNA</strong>isejected, its gene III end first, through a rupturedgene III protein end of the particle.The opposite end of the <strong>DNA</strong>loop, containingIG, remains associated with the phagecoat, possibly attached to the gene VII and/or gene IX proteins. How <strong>DNA</strong>release fromthe phage proteins) is accomplished is notknown. The uncoating of the viral <strong>DNA</strong>iscoupled with its replication to a doublestrandedform on the inner cell membrane.Monomers of gene VIII protein are stored inthe membrane, so essentially the wholephage is resorbed during infection. Sincegene III protein from the phage coat is alsofound in the inner membrane, associatedwith the replicative form RF) of phage<strong>DNA</strong>, a pilot function for gene III proteinhas been suggested, analogous to that for fXgene F protein Jazwinski et al., 1973,1975a). Some specific objections to the proposedpilot function are that the gene IIIprotein is on the opposite end of the phagefrom IG, which controls the initiation of<strong>DNA</strong>replication, and that gene III proteinis not needed for phage <strong>DNA</strong>replication,either in vitro or during transfection withpurified <strong>DNA</strong>see Rasched and Oberer,1986). As with fX, the coordination ofevents during eclipse and the involvementof the cell membrane need further investigation.B. <strong>DNA</strong> ReplicationThe two special features of the genomes ofthe single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phages made themfascinating for studying their modes of reproduction.First, that the genomes are smallsuggests that even when frugally used, theyare mostly devoted to genes specifying phagemorphogenesis and structure, leaving littleroom for <strong>DNA</strong>replication enzymes. Second,their single-stranded nature requires them tobe converted to a double-stranded form as aprerequisite for most <strong>DNA</strong>transactions, inparticular, transcription for the expression ofany phage-encoded proteins that function inreplication. Necessarily the phages then relyon host enzymes for <strong>DNA</strong>replication. Kornbergand Baker 1992) considered the mechanismsof viral replication as ``windows oncellular replication''; indeed, the workcarried out using the fX, G4, and M13 orfd) systems led to the discoveries of most ofthe proteins used for the replication of E. coli<strong>DNA</strong>see Firshein, this volume).The usefulness of the small, singlestranded,homogeneous, and biologicallyactive phage <strong>DNA</strong>s as templates for <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis was demonstrated in a dramaticexperiment reported in 1967. The so-calledGoulian, Kornberg, and Sinsheimer experimentshowed that <strong>DNA</strong>polymerase I fromE. coli, provided primer fragments and deoxyribonucleotideprecursors, could totallycopy pure fX174 circles. Synthesis wasaccurate since the products of the in vitroreaction, sealed by polynucleotide ligase,produced progeny phage in transfectionassays Goulian et al., 1967). The importantseries of enzymological studies that followedwere carried out using reconstituted in vitrosystems, starting with purified phage <strong>DNA</strong>sas templates for <strong>DNA</strong>replication in extractsof uninfected cells R. B. Wickner et al.,1972; W. Wickner et al., 1973). Cell extracts

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 157were then fractionated and the purified componentsadded back together in reconstitutionassays to achieve replication activity.Alternatively, specific components from extractsof wild-type cells were added tomutant cell extracts, devoid of replicationactivity, in order to recover activity in complementationassays, much like genetic complementation.It was in using these assays todetect activity during the purification andanalysis of the <strong>DNA</strong>replication proteins,and the template <strong>DNA</strong>s from fX, G4, orM13 phages that have different requirementsfor the initiation of <strong>DNA</strong>replication, thatthe biochemical pathways for the conversionof viral single strands to double-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>were reconstructed in vitro. For workingout the enzymology of later steps in replication,which utilize phage-encoded proteins,similar methods were employed starting withextracts of phage-infected cells.Preceding the enzymological work, pioneeringstudies by Sinsheimer and colleaguesdefined the intermediate structures of replicatedfX <strong>DNA</strong>observed during the courseof infection see review by Sinsheimer, 1968).The studies relied on marking the infecting<strong>DNA</strong>molecules with density isotopes andradioactivity, and then analyzing the in vivoreplication products in cell extracts by centrifugationto equilibrium in CsCl2 gradients,in order to follow the conversion ofsingle-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>to forms of newly synthesized<strong>DNA</strong>. Phage <strong>DNA</strong> was distinguishedfrom the cellular <strong>DNA</strong>in extractsby transfection of spheroplasts, a methodthat had recently been worked out for fX<strong>DNA</strong>Guthrie and Sinsheimer, 1960). Thesewere the studies that defined the circular,double-stranded ``replicative form'' RF) of<strong>DNA</strong>as the product of replication on aninfecting viral single strand SS). ParentalRF, consisting of the viral SS <strong>DNA</strong>theplus strand) and a complementary nascentstrand the minus strand), is then replicatedin a semiconservative process to produce apool of progeny RF. No evidence for freeprogeny SS <strong>DNA</strong>in the cell was found; itsappearance only in phage particles impliedthat SS <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis is coordinated with<strong>DNA</strong>packaging in the fX system. Ray andcoworkers, whose studies defined the replicationrequirements and intermediates duringM13 infection, found a pool of intracellularsingle strands late in infection, suggesting adifferent mode of packaging <strong>DNA</strong>in the Ffphages Ray and Sheckman, 1969; also seereview by Ray, 1977).From a combination of biophysical, genetic,and enzymological studies, we nowrecognize three steps in the replication ofphage <strong>DNA</strong>, for both the isometric andfilamentous phages: 1) SS!RF, the synthesisof a complementary strand to produceparental RF <strong>DNA</strong>, is carried out by hostenzymes that exist prior to infection; 2)RF!RF, the replication of parental RF toyield progeny RF <strong>DNA</strong>, requires phageencodedenzymes in addition to those ofthe host and produces RF <strong>DNA</strong>adequatefor phage-specific transcription; and 3)RF!SS, the replication of RF <strong>DNA</strong>to yieldthe progeny viral strands that are packagedinto phage particles. Acomplicating featureof RF replication is that the process is asymmetric,unlike the concerted leading and laggingstrand synthesis of most doublestranded<strong>DNA</strong>s. That is, replication on anRF molecule uses the complementary strandas template to produce one progeny viralstrand, thereby forming another RF molecule;the ``old'' viral strand is peeled away,to re-enter the RF pool via the SS!RFmode) or to be sequestered for packaging inphage coats. Which course is followeddepends on the stage of infection and is subjectto elaborate controls. The following onlysummarizes the highlights of each step inphage <strong>DNA</strong>replication, with emphasis onthose control mechanisms. All aspects aredescribed beautifully in <strong>DNA</strong> ReplicationKornberg and Baker, 1992) and detailedreviews of the research can be found in Marians1984) and Baas 1985).1. SS!RFThe reactions used in common by the singlestranded<strong>DNA</strong>phages for complementary

158 LECLERCstrand synthesis are chain elongation by<strong>DNA</strong>polymerase III holoenzyme, gap fillingby <strong>DNA</strong>polymerase I, ligation of the duplexcircles by polynucleotide ligase, and formationof the superhelical RFI molecules by<strong>DNA</strong>gyrase <strong>DNA</strong>topoisomerase II). Inaddition all of the phage <strong>DNA</strong>s are coatedwith single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>-binding proteinSSB) upon infection; the protein is requiredfor replication, and it may protect the exposedsingle strands from endonucleolyticdegradation. The differences among thephages that made them favorite models forhost <strong>DNA</strong>replication are in the initiationreactions for de novo synthesis on infectingsingle strands. As depicted in Figure 6, RNAprimer formation on the three representativephage <strong>DNA</strong>s is accomplished by three differentenzyme systems. In the case of the filamentousphages, the host RNApolymeraserecognizes the duplex regions of hairpins Band C Fig. 5) and synthesizes approximately30 nucleotides of RNAprimer on hairpin C.The duplex region is the only phage <strong>DNA</strong>not coated with SSB, but its binding to the<strong>DNA</strong>released from the hairpin upon primerformation may terminate RNAsynthesis.This simple, efficient system makes use of aplentiful enzyme, RNApolymerase holoenzyme,for priming <strong>DNA</strong>replication, and isFig. 6. Pathways for the initiation of complementarystrand synthesis by RNA priming on singlestrandedphage <strong>DNA</strong>s. SSB, single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>binding protein from E. coli. Reproduced fromBaas, 1985, with permission of the publisher.)well suited for the parasitic lifestyle of thefilamentous phages. In contrast, the virulentisometric phages use enzymes that are inshorter supply. G4 phage as well as St-1,a3, and fK) use E. coli primase, the DnaGprotein, for RNAprimer synthesis in asimple reaction like that of RNApolymerase.The hairpin recognized by DnaG primaseresides in the IR between genes F andG in G4 <strong>DNA</strong>, while complementary strandorigins of similar sequence are located betweengenes G and H in the <strong>DNA</strong>s of St-1,a3, and fK. The most complex reaction iscarried out on fX and S13) <strong>DNA</strong>see Marians,1984). Aprepriming complex of hostproteins is constructed at the n 0 recognitionsite now called the primosome assemblysite or PAS) in the IR between genes F andG. The prepriming event is necessary forassociation of the DnaG primase, forming aprimosome that functions as a ``mobile promoter''for synthesizing RNAchains onfX174 <strong>DNA</strong>Arai and Kornberg, 1981).Although the synthesis of one primer onfX <strong>DNA</strong>probably suffices for the <strong>DNA</strong>polymerase III-mediated extension to thewhole complementary strand, the primingsystem can generate primers repeatedlyduring processive movement around the<strong>DNA</strong>circle. The primosome moves in thetemplate 5 0 ! 3 0 direction, opposite the directionof primer formation and <strong>DNA</strong>chaingrowth. Since lagging strand synthesis ofchromosomal <strong>DNA</strong>occurs in discontinuoussteps away from the replication fork, thesystem is an attractive model for the repeatedpriming needed for initiation of Okazakifragments see Firshein, this volume).The results of in vivo analyses and hostmutant studies are in total agreement withthe well-defined biochemical pathways forSS!RF conversion. What has not beendemonstrated in an in vitro system are functionsfor the products of Ff gene III andisometric phage gene H, implicated by phagemutant studies to have a role in complementarystrand synthesis. Their putative pilotfunctions could well be dispensable in solubleenzyme systems, or the pilot hypothesis

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 159may simply be wrong. It is clear, however,that synthesis of the parental RF occurs atthe membrane, coupled to the uncoating ofphage particles during penetration. Whetherthe discovery of membrane-associated functionschanges the current picture of the SS-RF replication pathway remains to be seen.2 . RF!RFKey participants in RF!RF replication arethe phage initiator proteins, the productsencoded by gene Aof the isometric phagesand gene II of the filamentous phages. Eachof these proteins is a site-specific endonuclease-ligasethat acts on the viral strand ofRF molecules, first to introduce a nick at theorigin of viral strand replication and, afterreplication of the strand, to religate the``old'' viral strand circle. The origin sequenceis located in IG of the Ff phage genome and,strikingly, in gene Aof the isometric phagescf. Figs. 3 and 5). The purpose of the nick isto provide a 3 0 -OH terminus for extension by<strong>DNA</strong>polymerase III holoenzyme. Otherproteins required for RF replication are thesingle-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>-binding protein SSB)and another host protein, the product ofthe E. coli rep gene. As a component of thereplication complex, the Rep protein acts asa helicase to unwind the duplex <strong>DNA</strong>ofRF ahead of the replication fork, usingits ATPase activity to provide energy forstrand separation. SSB then coats the separatedstrands. Upon completion of one roundof replication, the viral strand is acted uponagain by the initiator protein, cleavingthe regenerated origin sequence to free theviral strand and ligating it to form a viralstrand circle. Progeny RF continues asymmetricsynthesis in this rolling circle modeGilbert and Dressler, 1968), while the displacedsingle-stranded circle is again incorporatedinto double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>by theSS!RF mode. Hence two mechanisms forinitiation are used during RF!RF replication:covalent starts at the cleavage siteson RF viral strands for continuous viralstrand synthesis, and one of the processesof RNApriming for complementary strandsynthesis, which is required anew on eachviral strand.Although the fX gene Aprotein and Ffgene II protein have analogous functions inRF replication, they display several differencesin reaction mechanisms. Gene Aproteinbecomes covalently linked to the 5 0 -phosphate at the origin cleavage site, theenergy of the phosphodiester bond beingconserved throughout the replication cyclefor recircularization of the viral strand. Thereplicative intermediates are described aslooped rolling circles, consistent with the Aprotein-5 0 terminus remaining associatedwith the replication complex at the 3 0 growingend of the chain. This mechanism allowsgene Aprotein to act processively: the Aprotein is transferred to progeny RF duringthe concerted cleavage and ligation reaction,and the replication cycle continues. In contrast,gene II protein action is distributive;the protein is either released after viralstrand cleavage or it forms a weak complexwith the complementary strand. Hence thesubsequent replication step may utilize anothergene II protein, and the energy forcircularization comes from cleavage of theviral strand after replication. How the 5 0end of the linear viral strand becomes associatedwith its 3 0 end for closure is not clear.An event special to the isometric phages islikely a control step late in RF!RF synthesis.About halfway through infection, host<strong>DNA</strong>synthesis ceases, either because oneor more proteins used for replication ofboth phage and host <strong>DNA</strong>are in limitedsupply or because of the specific action of aphage-encoded protein. The best candidatefor the latter mechanism would be the geneA* protein, which results from the translationalrestart within gene A, because somemutants in the distal part of gene Afail toshut off host synthesis Martin and Godson,1975). As such, gene A* function may bepart of a control system for the switch toRF!SS synthesis; the production of progenyRF from viral strand circles also ceasesafter a burst of RF synthesis, and then <strong>DNA</strong>replication is committed to the RF!SS stage

160 LECLERCfor the production of phage. No abruptcessation of RF!RF synthesis occurs duringfilamentous phage infection, and RF!RF synthesis occurs simultaneously withRF!SS synthesis, albeit at a reduced rate.Of course, host macromolecular synthesis iscontinuous for the steady-state productionof filamentous phage.3. RF!SSAlthough RF!SS replication uses theenzyme systems for viral strand synthesis alreadydescribed, phage-encoded proteinshave the predominant roles at this stage. Forthe isometric phages, SS <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis iscoupled to phage maturation, wherein viralstrands are immediately encapsidated in aviral protein complex, the prohead, ratherthan being coated with SSB for subsequentdoubling up by complementary strand synthesis.The prohead is comprised of the morphogenesisproteins from genes B, D, F, G,and H, and import of <strong>DNA</strong>to the proheadutilizes the products of the maturation genesC and J. Since mutant forms of the morphogenesisproteins block SS <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis,protein-<strong>DNA</strong>or protein-protein interactionsthat differ from those in RF!RF synthesismust be operating at the RF!SS stage. In thecase of the filamentous phages, SS <strong>DNA</strong>synthesisand phage morphogenesis are notcoupled. Rather than being packed immediately,the nascent SS <strong>DNA</strong>is coated with aphage-specfic single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>-bindingprotein, the product of gene V. Progeny SS<strong>DNA</strong>accumulates in the cell in these nucleoproteincomplexes, to be transferred to themembrane for <strong>DNA</strong>packaging.Since the rolling-circle mode accountsfor viral strand synthesis during both theRF!RF and RF!SS stages of <strong>DNA</strong>replication,what controls the switch that is essentialfor efficient viral reproduction? Theanswer probably lies in the absolute andrelative amounts of phage-induced proteinsin the host cell, which vary during the timecourse of infection; note, for instance, thatfor both the isometric and filamentousphages, E. coli SSB protein that coats thenascent SS strands in RF!RF synthesis isreplaced with phage-specific proteins duringRF!SS synthesis. The most developedmodel to explain the fate of SS <strong>DNA</strong>comesfrom the work of Fulford and Model 1988a,b) on the control of f1 <strong>DNA</strong>replication alsosee review by Fulford et al., 1986). By theirmodel, three multifunctional phage proteinsmodulate the rates of <strong>DNA</strong>replication,favoring either RF multiplication or SS<strong>DNA</strong>destined for phage particles. The geneII protein that initiates all synthesis on RFmolecules also enhances the doubling of viralstrands, possibly by competing with gene Vprotein for binding the hairpin origin sitesused for SS!RF conversion. Conversely,the cooperative binding of gene V proteinto SS <strong>DNA</strong>inhibits the conversion to RF,perhaps by melting out the hairpin regions,and sequesters viral strands for packaging.In addition unbound gene V proteinÐathigh concentration late during infectionÐacts as a translational repressor for gene IIprotein synthesis, further thwarting RF productionModel et al., 1982; Yen and Webster,1982). Gene V protein therefore appearsto gauge the ratio of SS to RF moleculesduring the course of infection: if low, unboundprotein made from excess RF) inhibitsgene II protein synthesis and checksthe accumulation of RF; if high, the proteinis bound up in nucleoprotein complexes andgene II protein advances SS!RF andRF!RF conversions. Subsequent experiments,however, have shown that protein Vcontrol of protein II synthesis is dispensible;it may be ancestral Zaman et al., 1992).Finally, the gene X protein, its synthesis tiedto that of gene II protein and also repressedby gene V protein, appears to antagonize geneII protein actions in RF production. Identicalto the carboxyl third of gene II protein,maybe it binds to the same sequence, butwithout catalytic activity or the ability toovercome gene V protein.) The interplay ofthe three phage-encoded proteins involved in<strong>DNA</strong>replication, from genes II, X, and V,may thus describe the regulatory circuit thatkeeps phage productionin a long-term steady

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 161the process was reconstituted using purifiedcomponents Aoyama et al., 1983). The reactionsare concerted because the prohead andgene C protein are required for <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis;therefore the third stage of phage <strong>DNA</strong>replication is more complex than viral strandsynthesis in the second stage. The steps in theprocess are summarized as follows Hayashi,1978; Burch and Fane, 2000):Fig. 7. Model for RF!SS <strong>DNA</strong> replication and productionof fX174 virions. The nicked replicativeform of <strong>DNA</strong>, in a complex with gene A proteinRFII-A), is replicated asymmetrically in the presenceof the prohead, <strong>DNA</strong> polymerase III holoenzyme,and the E. coli rep protein. In a concerted reaction,the ``old'' viral ‡) strand is packaged into the phagehead to produce the mature fX phage particle.Reproduced from Aoyama et al., 1983, with permissionof the publisher.)state, implying that Ff phages have evolvedmeans to limit growth appropriate to the capabilityof their host bacteria. In this regard itmay be worthy to recall the surmised functionof the fX gene A* protein in shutting off host<strong>DNA</strong>synthesis, and possibly in the abruptswitch to phage SS <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis. In geneticorganization, gene A* is analogous to the Ffgene X. Since gene X protein functionappears to discourage RF production, theremay be functional similarities too, except thatgene A* protein evolved to fit the virulent lifecycle of the isometric phages.C. Phage Assembly and Release1. Isometric phagesFigure 7 shows a model for RF!SS replicationand packaging reactions on fX174<strong>DNA</strong>, based on in vitro studies in which1. Five gene B internal scaffolding) proteinsbind to the underside of five moleculesof gene F capsid protein 9Svedberg) andlikely trigger conformational changes in theupper surface of the 9S particle Dokland etal., 1999). This then favors further interactionwith five molecules of gene G spikeprotein 6Svedberg) into a 12S particle, preventingself-aggregation of the 9S particles.2. Twelve of the 12S particles, 240 copiesof the gene D ``external scaffolding'' protein,and twelve copies of the gene H protein formthe 108S prohead.3. The displaced viral strand from RF!SSsynthesis is associated with 60 copies of thegene J protein and introduced into the proheadto form a compact 50S complex. Gene Aand C proteins are required at this step.4. Gene Aprotein catalyzes the <strong>DNA</strong>cleavage and recircularization steps, freeingthe viral strand circle from RF <strong>DNA</strong>.5. Maturation of the phage particle requireselimination of the internal scaffoldinggene B) protein to form a 132 S complexand subsequent removal of the external scaffoldinggene D) protein, to form the maturephage as a 114S particle.The mature bacteriophage contains 60copies each of the F protein 426 aminoacids), G protein 175 amino acids), J protein37 amino acids), and twelve copies of the Hprotein 328 amino acids). Most of the protein-proteininteractions arise from the interfacesof the F and G proteins. Pentameric Fand G proteins form the assembly intermediates9Svedberg and 6Svedberg) and ultimatelythe pentameric G protein spikes arestabilized, centered at the fivefold vertices

162 LECLERCof the F protein phage coat McKenna et al.,1994).The COOH-terminus of the gene B productinternal scaffolding protein) is necessaryfor specific coat protein interactions, thoughthe internal scaffolding proteins from thevarious phages in this group can crossfunctionBurch and Fane, 2000).However, eventhough the external scaffolding proteins proteinD) have significant homology among thedifferent phages of the group, the stages ofmorphogenesis outlined above are highly specificfor each of the phages and foreign Dproteins inhibit morphogenesis Burch andFane, 2000). Of two domains in the D protein,one probably blocks formation of theprocapsid while the other inhibits <strong>DNA</strong>packaging. Therefore the individual phagescan control self-morphogenesis at this level,as has been noted in other bacteriophages andanimal viruses as well Marvik et al., 1995;Spencer et al., 1998).The lytic cycle of isometric phage infectionends with the release of about 200 phageparticles per cell reviewed in Young, 1992).Cell lysis specifically requires the gene Eproduct; when cells were infected with agene E am mutant of fX and lysed artificially,the burst size averaged 2000 particlesper cell Hutchison and Sinsheimer, 1966)!The E protein does not function as a lysozyme.The N-terminal region of the proteinis very hydrophobic, similar to signal peptidesinvolved in membrane transfer, so Eprotein interaction with the membrane islikely Barrell et al., 1976). It is also the N-terminal 35 amino acids that are required forthe lysis activity. The lysis reaction has adependence on the host protein SlyD, amember of the rotamase cis-trans-isomerase)protein family, which may help proteinE accumulate in the membrane Roof et al.,1994). Isolation of phage E mutants thatplated on slyD hosts demonstrated thatSlyD activity is dispensable and led to theidentification of the mraY gene, encodingtranslocase I, as the true target of protein Eaction. Since the translocase forms the firstlipid-linked intermediate in cell wall biosynthesis,cell lysis then appears to result frominhibition of cell wall synthesis Bernhardt etal., 2000). Incidently, it had been noted thatthe mechanism of protein E lysis is quitesimilar to that for penicillin Roof andYoung, 1993).2. Filamentous phagesAn overview of the morphogenesis of filamentousphages is that gene V protein, whichcoats nascent viral <strong>DNA</strong>, is exchanged forgene VIII protein as the nucleoprotein filamentis extruded through the cell membranereviewed by Russel, 1991; 1995). Twoaspects of this directional membrane processmake it a fascinating model for nucleoproteinmembrane interactions. The first is thenature of the ``morphogenetic signal'' encodedin IG of the phage genome: Howdoes a regulatory sequence direct the initiationof the packaging process at the membrane?Second, the major coat protein fromgene VIII is found associated only with themembrane of infected bacteria. How the proteinis deposited there and then utilized forphage architecture without disrupting thecell are fundamental and yet unansweredquestions in membrane biology.The replacement of gene V protein bycapsid proteins during morphogenesis requiresa specific nucleotide sequence encompassingmuch of hairpin AFig. 5) Dottoand Zinder, 1983). The delineation of themorphogenetic signal came from experimentswith cells that contain the plasmidvector pBR322 carrying segments of IGCleary and Ray, 1980; Dotto et al., 1981).Upon infection with helper phage, progenyparticles that transduce ampicillin resistancewere assessed as a measure of packaged chimeric<strong>DNA</strong>. The efficient production oftransducing particles required both hairpinAand the complete origins for <strong>DNA</strong>replication,interpreted to mean that, in the presenceof phage proteins, the chimeric plasmid<strong>DNA</strong>can be replicated in the phage mode assingle-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>and then encapsulated,as is phage <strong>DNA</strong>. Hairpin A is required forpackaging transducing particles were re-

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 163duced 100-fold in its absence) and the viralstrand sequence plus strand) must be locatedin cis arrangement to the <strong>DNA</strong>that ispackaged, although it can be separated fromthe rest of IG by thousands of nucleotides.Finally, the morphogenetic signal is notneeded for either viral or complementarystrand <strong>DNA</strong>synthesis Dotto and Zinder,1983). How the morphogenetic signal inhairpin Aworks is not understood. It maybe recognized by membrane-bound gene VIIand/or gene IX proteins during the initiationof morphogenesis, because 1) the Ahairpinis located on the gene VII/IX protein end ofthe phage filament Shen et al,, 1979; Websteret al., 1981) and 2) that is the end of thephage extruded first from the host cell Lopezand Webster, 1983). Three to five copiesof the proteins encoded by gene VII and geneIX are present at the leading end of the virusparticle Russel, 1995). There is also evidencethat protein VII and protein IX may interactwith the packaging signal for bacteriophage<strong>DNA</strong>and that protein VII interacts withprotein VIII, the major coat protein Endemannand Model, 1995). Indeed, the minorcoat proteins seem to define the ends of thephage particle; the end bearing the gene IIIand VI proteins is these first to penetrate thecell and the last to leave. The functions of theminor coat proteins must be known in orderto describe phage assembly and extrusion.The gene IV protein product is requiredfor phage assembly. It is an integral membraneprotein, usually located in the outermembrane of infected cells. It is rich incharged amino acids and has extensive b-sheet structure, similar to many outer membraneproteins. It is produced as a precursorprotein, and then cleaved as it is transportedto the outer membrane. While membraneintegration is independent of phage assembly,this protein may be vital for extrudingmature phage Brisette and Russel, 1990).Not much is known about another phageprotein essential for morphogenesis, theproduct of gene I.The gene VIII protein has been studied inmuch more detail than the other coat proteinsÐitis abundant in the infected cell andit has been a popular model for intrinsicmembrane proteins see Wickner, 1983).The protein is synthesized in precursorform with an N-terminal signal peptide of23 amino acids, which is cleaved after associationwith the inner membrane by a hostpeptidase. The mature protein of 50 aminoacids is stored as an integral membrane proteinwhen it is not being used as a phage coat.In the membrane the orientation of the geneVIII protein is the same whether it is insertedfrom the inside during synthesis and processing)or from the outside during thepenetration step of infection): the basic C-terminus exposed to cytoplasm, the centralhydrophobic interior anchoring the proteinin the lipid bilayer, and the acidic N-terminusin the periplasm. The N-termini arealso exposed on the phage coat.) The hydrophilicterminus of the protein about 50% oftotal protein) is in a-helical conformationwhen present in the membrane, while almost100% a-helices exist in the phage coat Nozakiet al., 1978). The transition may takeplace during the exchange of gene V proteinfor gene VIII protein ca. 1500 molecules for2800 molecules, respectively). Webster andCashman 1978) picture the gene VIII moleculesstacked in the membrane; a group ofthe C-terminal chains protruding into thecytoplasm interact with the viral <strong>DNA</strong>during or after release from gene V protein,taking on total a-helical conformation asthey envelope the <strong>DNA</strong>; another group ofC-terminal ends is then available to the nextportion of <strong>DNA</strong>until the particle is extrudedfrom the cell. Such a mechanism would allowthe particle size to adjust to different genomelengths, observed in natural infection as thesmall proportion 1%) of miniphages andpolyphages. In this respect it is extraordinarythat the normal phages have maintainedgenome lengths within one nucleotide ofeach other in M13, fd, and fl.Another aspect of the assembly of filamentousphages that deserves comment isthe curious role of a host factor in the process.An E.coli gene called fipA, required

164 LECLERCspecifically for the assembly step as assessedby mutant studies, turned out to encodethioredoxin, the cofactor for reduction ofribonucleoside diphosphates to deoxyribonucleotidesby ribonucleotide reductaseRussel and Model, 1985; Lim et al., 1985;also see review by Fulford et al., 1986). Thehost function of thioredoxin in phage assemblyapparently does not involve redox reactions,however; it is the reduced form of theprotein, or the conformation of the reducedstate, that has been adapted for use in thepackaging pathway. Some mutants of thephage gene I can grow on fipA mutant hosts,taken as evidence for an interaction betweenthioredoxin and the gene I product, but thelatter protein's function is not known either.Since E. coli itself grows with mutant thioredoxins,normally an abundant protein, investigationsinto the role of thioredoxin inphage assembly may reveal an unimaginedproperty of the protein used in host metabolism.VI. RNA BACTERIOPHAGESAlthough this chapter and others in thisvolume have concentrated on bacteriophagescontaining <strong>DNA</strong>genomes, the readershould be aware that other classes of bacteriophages,like mammalian viruses, utilizeRNAfor their genetic information. In thissection we discuss bacteriophages that useRNAgenomes in either double-stranded orsingle-stranded form. The discussion will bebrief, but will provide the reader withenough information and references to initiatefurther study. Comprehensive informationcan be found in The Bacteriophages,Vol. 2, edited by Calendar 1992).A. Double-<strong>Stranded</strong> RNABacteriophagesBacteriophage f6 is a well-characterizedRNAbacteriophage virulent for Pseudomonasspecies of bacteria see de Haas et al.,1999; Mindich, 1999). The phage has agenome consisting of three segments ofdouble-stranded RNAs, small; m, medium;and l, large) and a lipid envelope surroundingthe virus Li et al., 1993). The virions arespherical, 86 nm in diameter, and have surfaceprojections from the membrane as 8 nmlong spikes of protein P3 anchored by proteinP6. The nucleocapsids are isometric and56 nm in diameter. The virus utilizes thespike to attach to male pili of its principalhost, Pseudomonas syringae. As mentionedabove, the strategy for pilus-specific bacteriophagesis to depend on the retractionof the pilus to reach the bacterial surface.There the bacterial outer membrane and bacteriophagemembranes fuse, releasing the nucleocapsidand protein P5, a lysozymelikeprotein, into the periplasm of the bacterialcell. Protein P5 then digests peptidoglycanand permits the nucleocapsid to reach theinner membrane Mindich and Lehman,1979). The nuclecapsid breaches the innermembrane through a step that requires theenergized membrane and protein P8 Romantschuket al, 1988; Ojala et al., 1990).P8 releases from the complex and activatesa four-protein polymerase complex in thenucleocapsid, which replicates the viralgenome. Recently several other dsRNA-containingbacteriophages, differing from f6,have been isolated Mindich et al., 1999).Some of these fuse directly with the outermembrane of the susceptible bacteria, bypassingthe pilus requirement.The assembly of the virus is well documentedand has been replicated in vitroGottlieb et al., 1990). The nucleocapsidenzyme complex shields the replication ofthe virus from the cytoplasm and utilizesphage products. The framework for the complexis made up of protein P1 85 kDa) and isthe site where RNAbinds. The P2 protein75 kDa) is the RNA-dependent RNA polymeraseused for genome duplication. The P4and P7 proteins are involved in ‡) strandpackaging and the fidelity of synthesis. Thethree RNAsegments are packaged successivelyand processively. One model suggeststhat empty particles can bind only the smallsegment of RNA; once s has been packaged,the sites for m and l segments appear insuccession until all three segments have

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 165been packaged. Onodera et al., 1998). Thefilled procapsids then are covered by proteinP8 to become nucleocapsids and then areenveloped by the lipid membrane Gottliebet al., 1990). The morphogenesis of thesebacteriophage resembles in many ways thatof the mammalian reovirus.B. <strong>Single</strong>-<strong>Stranded</strong> RNA BacteriophagesThis brief review will concentrate on bacteriophageMS2 see Stockley et al., 1994).MS2 is 275 mm in diameter with no tail andinfects F pilus-displaying bacteria. Thegenome is a ‡) sense single strand of RNAcontaining 3569 nucleotides. This genomeencodes four genes coding for the phagecapsid protein, the maturation protein proteinA), the replicating RNA-dependentRNApolymerase, and a lysis protein. Thereare overlapping genes in this phage with thegene for the lysis protein spanning both thecapsid protein and replicase-specifying genesFiers et al., 1976). Following adsorption tothe F pilus, the single Aprotein in the phageis split proteolytically into fragments of 15and 24 kDa. The fragments remain attachedto the RNAas the pilus is retracted; thecomplex reaches the bacterial surface andpenetrates the membrane. The protein Afragments have no further documented rolein phage maturation Van Duin, 1988). Thephage RNArecruits host ribosomes and, byregulating the level of expression by bothribosome binding and translation controls,produces the required level of proteins forphage assembly and the lysis of the infectedcell.The bacteriophage uses interesting geneticmeans to control the level of expression fromthe RNAgenome during phage maturation.For instance, at the 5 0 end of the RNAmoleculea stem-loop structure forms, which caninteract with a single dimer of the coat proteinLago et al., 2001). As the level of coatprotein rises, this binding is complete andinhibits ribosome binding to sequences inthe 3 0 end that are needed for the expressionof the replicase. Consequently the achievementof the proper level of coat proteinssignals that the replication of RNAmoleculescan cease and further maturationmay ensue. The RNA-coat protein complexthen attracts further capsid dimers and acopy of the maturation protein A. This ultimatelyresults in a self-assembled capsid. Itis suggested that the free energy change thatresults from capsid formation may providethe momentum for this assembly.The replicase for the RNAbacteriophageis inaccurate. This has been studied moreextensively in Qb where the misincorporationrate is between 10 3 and 10 4 per nucleotideper replication cycle Van Duin, 1988).This is due to the lack of a 3 0 to 5 0 proofreadingnuclease in the replicase. Frequentdeletions are also noted, presumably due toregions of homology or perhaps to hairpinloops in the RNA. At any rate, though theremust be selection for a wild-type RNA, thepopulation of Qb phage contains many variants.The genomes of these RNAs phagesexhibit a significant degree of secondarystructure, which may prevent annealing betweenthe ‡) and ) strands of RNA.The genome of MS2 bacteriophage ischaracterized by an overlapping lysis gene.The protein from this gene is responsible forlysing the host bacterium at the end of theinfection. Control of lysis protein expressionis coordinated with that of the coat protein.When coat gene translation terminates,translation of the overlapping lysis gene istriggered Benhardt et al., 2001). Asecondarystructure in the RNAprevents lysis genetranslation in the absence of coat gene translation.It is assumed that the same ribosomeswitches from coat gene to lysis gene translation.With the lysis of the cell, the cycle forthe single-stranded RNAbacteriophage isconcluded.VII. USES INBIOTECHNOLOGYA. Cloning and Sequencing VectorsAs far back as the 1978 Cold Spring Harbormonograph The <strong>Single</strong>-<strong>Stranded</strong> <strong>DNA</strong><strong>Phages</strong> Denhardt et al., 1978), six reports

166 LECLERCrevealed the development of the M13, f1, andfd genomes as carriers for foreign <strong>DNA</strong>, thatis, cloning vectors. Several features of the lifecycle of the filamentous phages commendtheir use for the cloning and subsequent manipulationsof <strong>DNA</strong>:1. There are few constraints on the size ofinsertions, since the Ff phages allow thepackaging of larger than unit-length <strong>DNA</strong>although inserts < 5 kb are the most stable).2. The phages do not lyse host bacteria,allowing the expression of cloned genes orselective markers on vector <strong>DNA</strong>. Hencerecombinants can be propagated andhandled either as phage or as phage-infectedcells.3. The replication cycle yields RF <strong>DNA</strong>that is like plasmid <strong>DNA</strong>for all of its technicaluses in genetic engineering, such as inrestriction enzyme digestion and ligation.4. The abundance of viral <strong>DNA</strong>Ðup to200 RF molecules per cell and phage titers> 10 12 per milliliterÐmeans that adequate<strong>DNA</strong>for analysis can be obtained from aslittle as a milliliter of cells.5. The bonus from the phage systems isthat the <strong>DNA</strong>is packaged as single strands;double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>may be cloned intoRF in either orientation, yielding the separatedstrands in unique viral strand progeny.As such, the <strong>DNA</strong> from phage particles isideally suited for the chain termination ``dideoxy'')method of <strong>DNA</strong>sequencing Sangeret al., 1977), so the greatest efforts have goneinto constructing phage vectors for rapidand efficient sequencing technology.Reviews that describe a variety of the earlyphage vectors and methodologies have beenwritten by Zinder and Boeke 1982), Messing1983), and Gelder 1986), and usefulmanuals on cloning and sequence analysisusing the phage systems are available fromthe major biotechnology vendors.The M13mp for Max Planck) phages areprobably the most popular vectors for sequencingcloned <strong>DNA</strong>. These are the ``blueplaque formers'' developed by Messing andcoworkers, in which a color system is used todetect clones, rather than the more usualcase of inactivating antibiotic resistancegenes Messing et al., 1977; Messing, 1983).An amusing account of the events leading tothe M13mp vectors emphasizes the rich historyof phage biology and lac genetics thatwere brought together in their developmentMessing, 1988; also see Messing, 1996). TheM13mp system is diagrammed in Figure 8.The vector contains an insert of 789 nucleotidesfrom the E. coli lac operon: the regulatoryregion and a lacZ 0 sequence encodingonly the amino-terminal end a-peptide) ofb-galactosidase. The lacZ gene of the hostcell is also defective, containing a deletion of93 nucleotides lacZDM15), which eliminatesamino acids 11 to 41 of b-galactosidase.Functional enzyme is produced upon phageinfection or transfection using phage <strong>DNA</strong>)by a-complementation, wherein the aminoportion of the enzyme, encoded in hybridphage <strong>DNA</strong>, complements the lacZM15 proteinof the host cell. When the hybrid phageare plated in a lawn of lacZM15 cells in thepresence of the histochemical dye 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-b-D-galactoside ``Xgal''),a-complemented enzyme hydrolyzes the galactoside,the indoyl moiety causing theplaques of infected cells to turn a deep blueFig. 8. The M13mp2vector system for cloning andsequencing <strong>DNA</strong>. An EcoRl restriction enclonucleasesite in the lacZa) gene of hybrid phage <strong>DNA</strong> providesthe cloning site for foreign <strong>DNA</strong>. The openbox represents the universal primer for sequencingcloned <strong>DNA</strong>; the filled box represents the probeprimer for labeling <strong>DNA</strong> 5 0 to the cloning site. Thedirection of <strong>DNA</strong> synthesis for primer elongation isindicated by the arrow on phage <strong>DNA</strong>.

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 167color. The blue phenotype of M13lacinfectedcells is ideal for cloning experiments:inactivation of the a-peptide by inserting foreign<strong>DNA</strong>into the lacZ 0 gene of RF <strong>DNA</strong>yields colorless plaques of infected cellsÐavivid indicator for screening recombinants.The first usable vector, M13mp2, was developedby mutagenizing the fifth codon ofthe lacZ 0 gene, creating a unique EcoRl sitefor cloning into hybrid phage <strong>DNA</strong>. Sincethe early codons can be interrupted withsmall in-frame insertions and still encode -complementing activity albeit forminglighter blue plaques), multiple restriction endonucleasesites or polylinkers have beenengineered at the cloning site in successivegenerations of M13mp vectors, making themadaptable to virtually any cloning situation.Their use is so routine that authors of publishedreports have referred to the parentvector as wild-type M13!The principal use of phage vectors is sequencingrecombinant <strong>DNA</strong>; they have littleadvantage for the expression of clonedgenes. The feature that makes the phagesystems advantageous is the provision ofsingle-stranded template <strong>DNA</strong>for the chaintermination method of sequencing. Doublestrandedinserts cloned into phage RF <strong>DNA</strong>are naturally subjected to strand separationby the asymmetric mode of Ff <strong>DNA</strong>replication;the single-stranded viral <strong>DNA</strong>carrieseither strand of insert free of the otherstrand, so template <strong>DNA</strong>can be obtainedsimply by preparing virions and extractingtheir <strong>DNA</strong>. To aid in cloning the desiredstrand, pairs of M13mp vectors have beendesigned to contain the same polylinker sequencein opposite orientations shown inFig. 9). The vectors can be cut with twodifferent restriction enzymes to producedifferent ends and then the appropriatelycleaved fragments ``force-cloned'' in eitherorientation. When two clones contain insertsin opposite orientations, the single-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>s from lysed virions hybridize in thecomplementary region; the structure migratesslower than unannealed moleculesduring gel electrophoresis, providing asimple assay for the orientation of recombinant<strong>DNA</strong>. Another feature introduced withthe use of phage vectors for sequencing is theuniversal primer, an oligonucleotide thatanneals to the vector <strong>DNA</strong>at a site flanking,and 3 0 to, the cloning site. Since the cloningsite is at the same map position in all M13mpvectors, one primer sequence is used for allrecombinant clones rather than using manydifferent primers on one recombinant <strong>DNA</strong>.In order to accommodate the limit of sequencing500 to 1000 nucleotides from asingle primer, numerous methods have beendevised for preparing nested deletions incloned <strong>DNA</strong>, systematically drawing the distalsequences of long inserts closer to theprimer site. Alternatively, small fragmentsFig. 9. Multiple cloning sites of the Ff phage cloning vectors M13mp18 and M13mp19. The amino acidsequence, given in uppercase letters, corresponds to the sequence of the amino portion of b-galactosidaseencoded in the phage vector. In-frame insertions of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites, and correspondingamino acids given in lowercase letters, are in opposite orientations in the pair of vectors. Courtesy ofResearch Products Division, Life Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD.)

168 LECLERCare randomly cloned and sequenced ``shotgunsequencing''), and the results are sortedout by computer analysis Messing et al.,1981). Many of these novel methods developedfor sequencing with the Ff vectorsare now amenable to the plasmid vectors,with the introduction of efficient protocolsfor dideoxy sequencing of double-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>Wallace et al., 1981; Chen and Seeburg,1985).The cloning sites for most of the filamentousphage vectors reside in the large intergenicspace, IG, one of the few regions of thephage genome that can be interrupted withoutaffecting viral genes. But IG is hardlydevoid of function, and an insertion such asthe lac insert in M13mp vectors has hadinteresting consequences for phage viability.The lac <strong>DNA</strong>in the progenitor of the serieswas cloned into domain B of the viral strandreplication origin at position 5867 on thesequence of Fig. 5). Disruption of this replicationenhancer, which lies downstreamfrom the recognition sequence for gene IIprotein, normally drops the activity of theviral strand origin to 1% or less. It turnsout that the viability of the M13mp hybridphages depends on a compensatory mutationwithin gene II; other mutations thatovercome domain B defects lie within geneV or in the regulatory region for gene IImRNA, all causing the overexpression ofthe gene II protein by removing gene V protein±mediatedrepression of its translationDotto and Zinder, 1984a, b). Thus qualitativeor quantitative changes in gene II proteinmake the replication enhancer largelydispensable. Nevertheless, viability is stillaffected in the case of M13mp vectors, sincethey produce titers 5- to 10-fold lower thanwild-type phages or the f1 cloning vectorsthat have insertions upstream from the<strong>DNA</strong>replication origins Boeke et al., 1979).B. Hybridization ProbesNucleic acid hybridization is a sensitive andpowerful means to study the structure andfunction of genesÐtheir numbers and sizes,their transcription, and their relatedness.The preparation of single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>probes for hybridization is another usefulapplication of the natural strand separationafforded by filamentous phage vectors. Therecombinant <strong>DNA</strong>is produced in singlestrandedform, available for annealing withoutdenaturation, and more important, it isstrand specific. The latter feature is mostsignificant for the analysis of gene transcription,since only the coding strand insertedinto the viral <strong>DNA</strong>hybridizes to mRNA.Labeled probes may be prepared by using<strong>DNA</strong>polymerase and radioactive deoxyribonucleotidesto elongate a probe primerthat anneals to vector <strong>DNA</strong>beyond the 5 0side of the vector cloning site; complementarysequences in phage <strong>DNA</strong>are synthesizedand labeled, leaving the recombinant<strong>DNA</strong>in single-stranded form. For otherapplications, strand-specific recombinant<strong>DNA</strong>complementary to the insert) can belabeled by extending the universal primerand separating it before use. Specific applicationsof these methods are given in thereview by Gelder 1986).C. Site-Directed MutagenesisChanging the regulatory or coding sequencesin <strong>DNA</strong>at will, once the geneticists' andbiochemists' dream, is now made routine bymethods of site-directed or site-specific)mutagenesis. This technology relies on thesolid phase-supported synthesis of oligodeoxyribonucleotides,so that nucleotide sequencescan be designed to contain thedesired changes. Smith and colleagues pioneeredthe methods for incorporating thechanges into a genome; they used fX174viral <strong>DNA</strong>as a model system Hutchison etal., 1978). The oligonucleotide, made complementaryto its target sequence except forthe mutation site, was used as a primer for invitro synthesis on the single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>so that the mutant sequence could be incorporatedinto the complementary strand ofduplex phage <strong>DNA</strong>. Upon transfection ofE. coli the two strands of the heteroduplexsegregate by replication; the two types ofprogeny phage produced were the wild-type

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 169and the desired mutant clones. The technologywas quickly adopted for mutating recombinant<strong>DNA</strong>in the Ff cloning vectorswhen their use became widespread. In additionmethods were developed to improvethe efficiency of the process and to detectmutant clones by probing with labeledoligonucleotides see Zoller and Smith,1983).Transfection studies with heteroduplex f1molecules have shown that the genotypesamong the progeny phage strongly favorthe complementary minus) strand of theoriginal RF molecule; the complementarystrand acts as an ``master template'' so thatits genetic information dominates in the productionof progeny molecules Enea et al.,1975). Although the reasons for this phenomenonare not entirely clear, it impliesthat the progeny RF molecules from transfecting<strong>DNA</strong>are not used equally duringRF!RF synthesisÐreplication must involvethe asymmetric rolling-circle replication ofFf <strong>DNA</strong>. In practice, the heteroduplexes derivedfrom site-directed mutagenesis protocolsusually yield only 10±20% progeny fromthe mutant complementary) strand, owingto the inefficiency of the in vitro reactions,repair or mismatch correction during transfection,or unknown causes. Therefore bothbiochemical and genetic approaches havebeen developed to trick host cells intofavoring the mutant strand. Kunkel 1985)devised one of the most effective protocols,which yields 60±80% mutant progeny. Theselection relies on the host excision repairsystem for uracil residues in <strong>DNA</strong>. Uracilin <strong>DNA</strong>e.g., from deamination of cytosine)is normally removed by uracil <strong>DNA</strong>-glycosylaseencoded by the ung ‡ gene), whichexcises the base and leaves an abasic site ondeoxyribose as the first step in base excisionrepair of double-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>see Yasbin,this volume). In single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>, subsequentphosphodiester bond cleavage at theabasic site destroys the single strand. Uracilcontainingphage <strong>DNA</strong>can be obtained bygrowing recombinant phage in the presenceof uridine in an E. coli ung dut mutant strain;the uracil residues are not excised because ofthe ung mutation and the coding propertiesof the <strong>DNA</strong>are unaffected, since uracil substitutesfor thymine. The additional dut mutationinactivates dUTPase, which cleavesdUTP, also keeping uracil out of <strong>DNA</strong>.)Used as template <strong>DNA</strong>in the site-directedmutagenesis procedure, the uracil-substitutedviral strand in the resulting heteroduplexresides opposite a nonsubstitutedcomplementary strand synthesized in vitro.By transfecting an E. coli ung ‡ strain, thehost uracil glycosylase provides a strong selectionfor the desired mutant strand, bothby inactivating the viral strand of the heteroduplexand by destroying unextended template<strong>DNA</strong>. Such a high proportion oftransfectants are site-specifically modifiedthat no screening step is requiredÐa fewclones are sequenced to verify the mutantchange.D. Plasmids with Phage Origins ofReplicationAlthough the availability of single-stranded<strong>DNA</strong>from the phage vectors is advantageousfor specific applications, the smallerplasmid vectors are favored for severalreasons, including the stability of largeinserts, means for amplification to obtainlarge amounts of recombinant <strong>DNA</strong>, RNA,or protein from cloned genes, and simplybecause of their familiarity see Geoghegan,this volume). The advantages of bothsystems have been achieved by the constructionof plasmid vectors that contain theorigins of <strong>DNA</strong>replication and morphogeneticsignal ca. 500 bp) from IG of the Ffphage genome Dente et al., 1983; Levinsonet al., 1984; Zagursky and Berman, 1984;review by Cesareni and Murray, 1987). TheIG segment carried on the plasmid is normallysilent in the cell; it is double-stranded,so the complementary strand origin is notfunctional, and the absence of phage-specificproteins precludes RF replication and morphogenesis.Hence the plasmid-IG chimera istreated in all ways like plasmid <strong>DNA</strong>. Whenan application benefits from the provision of

170 LECLERCsingle-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>, the cells are infectedwith helper phage, resulting in the extrusionof particles that contain the single-strandedplasmid <strong>DNA</strong>. Although helper phage arealso produced exceeding the yield of packagedplasmid when the plasmid insert islarge), the phage <strong>DNA</strong>may not interferewith particular applications or the plasmidsingle strands may be purified. In additionan M13 derivative has been specially constructedfor use as a helper Vieira and Messing,1987). Owing to inserts in domain B ofthe viral strand origin and the altered gene IIprotein from the M13mp phages, replicationfrom the helper phage origin is less efficientthan from the wild-type phage origin on chimericplasmid <strong>DNA</strong>, resulting in helperphage titers 10- to 100-fold lower than plasmidparticles.The orientation of the IG segment in plasmid<strong>DNA</strong>determines the plasmid strandthat is packaged, since it is the viral plus)strand that is replicated during RF!SS synthesisand encodes the packaging signal.Therefore either strand of recombinant<strong>DNA</strong>can be packaged by cloning inserts inopposite orientations. Use of pairs of plasmidvectors constructed with IG inserted inopposite orientations achieves the same end.Aclever biotechnological use has been madeof the finding that the gene II proteins fromthe Ff and IKe phages are origin specific;that is, the Ff gene II protein does not acton the viral strand origin of IKe, and viceversa Peeters et al., 1986). The plasmidvector pKUN9 contains the M13 replicationorigins and packaging signal on one strandand those from IKe on the other i.e., theywere cloned in opposite orientations). Incells that bear both F-and N-specific episomes,the pKUN9 strand and the recombinantstrand linked to it are packagedaccording to which helper phage is used forinfectionÐeither M13 or IKe.E. Phage Display Technology UsingFilamentous BacteriophageM13 bacteriophage have been modified foruse in displaying foreign proteins on the bacteriophagesurface Smith, 1985; reviewed byWilson and Finlay, 1998; and see Geoghegan,this volume). Both protein VIII majorcoat protein) and protein III at tip of particle)have been used for this purpose seeDavies et al., 2000). As an example, investigatorswere able to display antibodies linkedto protein VIII and then resultant bacteriophagecould be ``biopanned'' with antigensof interest. Kang and coworkers created acombinatorial library of functional antibodiesby combining random kappa) lightchain <strong>DNA</strong>and Fd heavy chain <strong>DNA</strong>fusedto gene VIII Kang et al., 1991). They usedprotein VIII since that would allow displayall along the phage particle, rather than justat the tip. The light and heavy chains assemblein the periplasm with the Fd chainanchored in the membrane together withprotein VIII. Phage morphogenesis then assemblesa coat with the antibody on theouter surface. The phage had 1 to 24 copiesof the antibody per bacteriophage. The presenceof functional Fab on the surface of thephage could be confirmed by ELISAassay,and the isolated phage could interact withantigens. Waterhouse and coworkers utilizeda site-specific recombination system frombacteriophage P1 to fuse heavy and lightchain genes on separate replicons prior topackaging Waterhouse et al., 1993), andthen used fd filamentous bacteriophage forthe display.VIII. CONCLUDING REMARKSThe current and novel uses of the filamentousphage genomes for recombinant <strong>DNA</strong>technology are striking examples of the applicationof basic research. Athoroughknowledge of the life cycles of the phagesled to most of the developments; they weredevised and constructed with predictable outcomes.In other cases a chance occurrenceled to unexpected results, and we learnedsomething new about phage biology. It isthe natural progression of science that thebasic research on the processes of infectionby the single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phages has declined;the research groups actively pursuing

SINGLE-STRANDED <strong>DNA</strong> PHAGES 171fundamental problems have dwindled to perhapsa dozen. The irony is that the numberof laboratories using the phagesÐas tools ofresearchÐis many times that in the heydayof phage research. Several questions remainunanswered. The molecular events at the beginningand at the end of the phage life cyclesare not understood, particularly where thehost cell membranes are involved. The functionsof a few phage gene products are amatter of conjecture. Much can be learnedabout the properties of host proteins by discoveringthe functions that the phagesystems have adopted for their reproduction.The reasons for which Sinsheimer studiedthe small phages, encompassed in his descriptionof fX174 as multum in parvo Sinsheimer,1966), are still applicable for thefundamental problem of how genes encodeinformation for morphogenesis and architecture.These problems will be solved experimentally;others, like describing theevolution of the phage groups convergentor divergent?), will continue to be debated.Even if the current great era of moleculargenetics, that of the human genome, seemsfar removed from the small phages, they areinvolved there too, in new biotechnologicaluses devised for analysis of human <strong>DNA</strong>.REFERENCESAoyama A, Hamatake RK, Hayashi M 1983): In vitrosynthesis of bacteriophage fX174 by purified components.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 80:4195±4199.Arai K, Kornberg A 1981): Unique primed start ofphage fX174 <strong>DNA</strong>replication and mobility of theprimosome in a direction opposite chain synthesis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78:69±73.Baas PD 1985): <strong>DNA</strong>replication of single-strandedEscherichia coli <strong>DNA</strong>phages. Biochim Biophys Acta825:111±139.Baker R, Tessman 1 1967): The circular genetic map ofphage S13. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 58:1438±1445.Barrell GB, Air GM, Hutchison CA III 1976): Overlappinggenes in bacteriophage fX174. Nature264:34±41.Bayer ME, Starkey TIN 1972): The adsorption of bacteriophagefX174 and its interaction with Escherichiacoli, a kinetic and morphological study. Virol49:236±256.Beck E, Sommer R, Auerswald EA, Kurz C, Zink B,Osterburg G, Schaller H, Sugimoto K, Sugisaki H,Okamoto T 1978): Nucleotide sequence of bacteriophagefd <strong>DNA</strong>. Nucleic Acids Res 5:4495±4503.Beck E, Zink B 1981): Nucleotide sequence and genomeorganization of filamentous bacteriophages f1 and fd.Gene 16:35±58.Bernhardt TG, Roof WD, Young R 2000): Geneticevidence that the bacteriophage fX174 lysis proteininhibits cell wall synthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA97:4297±4302.Bernhardt TG, Wang I-N, Stuck DK, Young R 2001):Aprotein antibiotic in the phage Qb Virion: Diversityin lysin targets. Science, 292:2326±2329.Boeke JD, Vovis GF, Zinder ND 1979): Insertionmutant of bacteriophage f1 sensitive to EcoRl. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 76:2699±2701.Brissette JL, Russel M 1990): Secretion and membraneintegration of a filamentous phage-encoded morphogeneticprotein. J Mol Biol 211:565±580.Brown DT, MacKenzie JM, Bayer ME 1971): Mode ofhost cell penetration by bacteriophage fX174. Virol7:836±846.Bruse GW, Wollin R, Oscarson S, Jansson PE, LindbergAA 1991): Studies of the binding activity of phageS13 to synthetic trisaccharides analagous to bindingstructures in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichiacoli C core saccharide. Correlation between conformationand binding activity. J Mol Recognit 4:121±128.Burch AD, Fane BA 2000): Foreign and chimeric externalscaffolding proteins as inhibitors of Microviridaemorphogenesis. J Virol 74:9347±9352.Burch AD, Fane BA 2000): Efficient complementationby chimeric Microviridae internal scaffolding proteinsis a function of the COOH-terminus of the encodedprotein.Virol 270:286±290.Calendar R 1992): ``The Bacteriophages''. Vol 1. NewYork: Plenum Press.Cesareni G, Murray JAH 1987): Plasmid vectors carryingthe replication origin of filamentous singlestrandedphages. In Setlow JK ed): ``Genetic Engineering''.New York: Plenum Press, pp 135±153.Chen EY, Seeburg PH 1985): Supercoil sequencing: Afast and simple method for sequencing plasmid <strong>DNA</strong>.<strong>DNA</strong>4:165±170.Cleary JM, Ray DS 1980): Replication of the plasmidpBR322 under the control of a cloned replicationorigin from the single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phage M13.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 77:4638±4642.Davies JM, O'Hehir RE, Suphioglu C 2000): Useof phage display technology to investigate allergenantibodyinteractions. J Allergy Clin Immunol105:1085±1092.deHaas F, Paatero AO, Mindich L, Bamford DH,Fuller SD 1999): Asymmetry at the site of RNApackaging in the polymerase complex of dsRNAbacteriophagef6. J Mol Biol 294:357±372.Denhardt DT 1975): The single-stranded <strong>DNA</strong>phages,CRC Crit Rev Microbiol 4:161±223.

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