JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom

JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom

JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom


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invoking database methods36jaccommodations.java 44Java primitive arrays 67java.sql.ResultSet.getObjectmethod 50jdbcHelloWorld.javaprogram 16jresort.java 40logging at application startup92logging for a connection 92ordbObject.getObjectmethod 51retrieving subset of arrayelement 63updating database instances33extensions, <strong>Cincom</strong> ORDBin general 28Ffiles, checking 13Ggenerating Java classes, fromDB schema 39getDriverVersion() methodexample 14getMessage method 27Iinstallation, verifying driver12Jjaccommodations.javaexample 44Javaclassescreating custom 38database names 39generating from DBschema 39relating to DB class names48samples 40native datatype mappings 25<strong>JDBC</strong>basic features 19checking directories 13datatype mappings 25definition 8determining version 14driversarchitecture 9error messages 27registering 20requirements 9specific information 20verifying installation 12logging calls 92multi-threading 86overview 8testing connection 15jdbcHelloWorld.java programexample 16jresort.java, example 40Mmapping, customcollections 73controlling 50inserting, deleting, updating55writing classes 58Oobjects, working with 31optimizing performance 87ordbjava.jdbc package,classes 28Pperformance, optimizing 87printStackTrace method 27Qquery, executing 22<strong>JDBC</strong> <strong>Developer's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>, P25-9504-03 Page 97Index

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