JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom

JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom JDBC Developer's Guide - Supra - Cincom


PreparedStatementCincom ORDB JDBC Driver does not support streams for column data. Thefollowing methods are not supported:♦♦♦♦void setAsciiStream(int paramaterIndex, java.io.InputStream fin,int length) throws SQLException;void setBinaryStream(int paramaterIndex, java.io.InputStream fin,int length) throws SQLException;void setCharacterStream(int paramaterIndex, java.io.Reader reader,int length) throws SQLException;void setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)throws SQLException;Cincom ORDB JDBC Driver does not support date/time methods that take analternative calendar. The following methods are not supported if the calendarparameter is not the calendar for the current time zone:♦♦♦void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException;void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException;void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) throwsSQLException;Cincom ORDB JDBC Driver does not support storing of Blob and Clob data incolumns. You can store references to ordbGlo instances by using the setRefmethod. The following methods are not supported:♦♦void setBlob(int paramaterIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException;void setClob(int paramaterIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException;RefThe java.sql.Ref interface does not support the following methods:♦void setObject(Object value) throws SQLException;JDBC Developer's Guide, P25-9504-03 Page 80Chapter: 5. Cincom ORDB JDBC NotesSection: Supported JDBC 3.0 interfaces

ResultSetCincom ORDB JDBC Driver only supports ResultSets that areTYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursors, and CONCUR_READ_ONLY concurrency, andCLOSE_AFTER_COMMIT_holdability. The following java.sql.ResultSet methodsare not supported:♦ boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦void afterLast() throws SQLException;void beforeFirst() throws SQLException;void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException;void deleteRow() throws SQLException;boolean first() throws SQLException;int getRow() throws SQLException;void insertRow() throws SQLException;boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException;boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException;boolean isFirst() throws SQLException;boolean isLast() throws SQLException;boolean last() throws SQLException;void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException;void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException;boolean previous() throws SQLException;void refreshRow() throws SQLException;boolean relative(int rows) throws SQLException;boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException;boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException;boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException;void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException;All updateXXX methods.JDBC Developer's Guide, P25-9504-03 Page 81Chapter: 5. Cincom ORDB JDBC NotesSection: Supported JDBC 3.0 interfaces

ResultSet<strong>Cincom</strong> ORDB <strong>JDBC</strong> Driver only supports ResultSets that areTYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursors, and CONCUR_READ_ONLY concurrency, andCLOSE_AFTER_COMMIT_holdability. The following java.sql.ResultSet methodsare not supported:♦ boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLException;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦void afterLast() throws SQLException;void beforeFirst() throws SQLException;void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException;void deleteRow() throws SQLException;boolean first() throws SQLException;int getRow() throws SQLException;void insertRow() throws SQLException;boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException;boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException;boolean isFirst() throws SQLException;boolean isLast() throws SQLException;boolean last() throws SQLException;void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException;void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException;boolean previous() throws SQLException;void refreshRow() throws SQLException;boolean relative(int rows) throws SQLException;boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException;boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException;boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException;void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException;All updateXXX methods.<strong>JDBC</strong> <strong>Developer's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>, P25-9504-03 Page 81Chapter: 5. <strong>Cincom</strong> ORDB <strong>JDBC</strong> NotesSection: Supported <strong>JDBC</strong> 3.0 interfaces

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