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Section 5ReferencesMatevski V. & Melovski L. 2003 Analysis of aPotential IPA Network – Republic ofMacedonia. Skopje May 2003National Biodiversity Strategy:TheFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia( L. & Brajanoska R. 2004 PlantProtection & IPAs in the Republic ofMacedonia. Oral Presentation at PlantaEuropa IV ( (Former YugoslavRepublic)By Ljup˘co Melovski & Vlado MatevskiMacedonia (FYR) covers an area of almost 26,000 km 2 withmountain terrain in the west and east, and lowland habitats in thecentral part. Macedonia (FYR) borders Bulgaria, Greece,Albaniaand Serbia and contains two biogeographic zones, the Alpine andthe Continental. The valleys have a strong Mediterraneaninfluence and Macedonia has a very high level of local and Balkanendemic species, and relict species in the mountains, forest and“steppes” of the lowlands. Macedonia (FYR) is a member of theCouncil of Europe.National IPA teamNational coordinators: Ljup˘co Melovski and Vlado Matevski (University of Sv. Kiril &Metodij, Skopje)Other contributors: Mitko KostadinovskiMain funder: REC through the ‘Plants Along the Borders’ ProjectBackground to the projectThis represents the first phase of identification of IPAs in Macedonia (FYR).All existingdata have been collated, potential sites identified and a preliminary assessment ofavailable information on threats to potential IPAs, completed. Further work on nationalRed Listing, habitat classification and fieldwork to verify and collect data will be required.The coordinators have expressed their interest in continuing with their work.Map of potential IPAs and cross-border IPAs in Macedonia (FYR)Current IPA statisticsTotal number of potential IPAs: 42No of cross-border IPAs: 7 with Greece, 5 with Albania, 2 with Bulgaria, 3 with Serbiaand Crna Gora Kosovo72

MacedoniaCriteria and methodologyCriterion A: 102 species,Ai (4),Aii (12),Aiii (34),Aiv (52)Criterion B: used partiallyCriterion C: 54 threatened habitats, Ci (6), Cii (48)The main challenges in applying the methodology were in the lack of national Red Lists,the lack of national species on European threat lists, the lack of species, habitat andvegetation mapping data, the lack of information for many taxonomic groups, such asfungi, and in general the age of the data.Protection, threats and conservation issuesThreat assessments were made for each of the IPAs and the results show that poorforestry management (intensified forest management and deforestation) is a widespreadthreat to IPAs, development (recreation, tourism and urban) are also major threats, asare water extraction and management systems, and agricultural expansion particularlyarable and horticulture.LUP˘CO MELOVSKINid˘ze (Kajmak˘calan, Belo Grotlo, Zmejca, Dobro Pole) is a cross border IPA withGreece.Recommendations• Completion of national Red List for plants• Additional research to update plant distribution and habitat data• Mapping of vegetational units• Identification of the boundaries of potential IPAs• Definition of protection status, land ownership and threats for IPAs• Inclusion of IPAs in sectoral policies• Raising public awareness• Capacity building for plant conservation73

MacedoniaCriteria <strong>and</strong> methodologyCriterion A: 102 species,Ai (4),Aii (12),Aiii (34),Aiv (52)Criterion B: used partiallyCriterion C: 54 t<strong>hr</strong>eatened habitats, Ci (6), Cii (48)The ma<strong>in</strong> challenges <strong>in</strong> apply<strong>in</strong>g the methodology were <strong>in</strong> the lack of national Red Lists,the lack of national species on European t<strong>hr</strong>eat lists, the lack of species, habitat <strong>and</strong>vegetation mapp<strong>in</strong>g data, the lack of <strong>in</strong>formation for many taxonomic groups, such asfungi, <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> general the age of the data.Protection, t<strong>hr</strong>eats <strong>and</strong> conservation issuesT<strong>hr</strong>eat assessments were made for each of the IPAs <strong>and</strong> the results show that poorforestry management (<strong>in</strong>tensified forest management <strong>and</strong> deforestation) is a widespreadt<strong>hr</strong>eat to IPAs, development (recreation, tourism <strong>and</strong> urban) are also major t<strong>hr</strong>eats, asare water extraction <strong>and</strong> management systems, <strong>and</strong> agricultural expansion particularlyarable <strong>and</strong> horticulture.LUP˘CO MELOVSKINid˘ze (Kajmak˘calan, Belo Grotlo, Zmejca, Dobro Pole) is a cross border IPA withGreece.Recommendations• Completion of national Red List for <strong>plant</strong>s• Additional research to update <strong>plant</strong> distribution <strong>and</strong> habitat data• Mapp<strong>in</strong>g of vegetational units• Identification of the boundaries of potential IPAs• Def<strong>in</strong>ition of protection status, l<strong>and</strong> ownership <strong>and</strong> t<strong>hr</strong>eats for IPAs• Inclusion of IPAs <strong>in</strong> sectoral policies• Rais<strong>in</strong>g public awareness• Capacity build<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>plant</strong> conservation73

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