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important plant areas in central and eastern europe - hirc.botanic.hr ...

important plant areas in central and eastern europe - hirc.botanic.hr ...


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Section 5References:Maslovsky O., 1998, Pr<strong>in</strong>ciples ofdescription of Important Plant Areas <strong>in</strong>Belarus. In the Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of PlantaEuropa – the Second European Conferenceon the Conservation of Wild Plants, Uppsala1998.- P. 30.Maslovsky O., 2002, System Approach forDevelopment of a Plant ConservationStrategy for Eastern Europe. In the PlantaEuropa Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs of the Third EuropeanConference on the Conservation of WildPlants – Pruchonice, 2002.Maslovsky O., Pronk<strong>in</strong>a G. Form<strong>in</strong>g of theImportant Plant Areas Network <strong>in</strong>Belarus. In Important Plant Areas ofNorthern Eurasia. Moscow, 2004, issue 1.pp. 51-64Maslovsky O., Pronk<strong>in</strong>a G. Important PlantAreas <strong>in</strong> Belarus. In Planta Europa IVProceed<strong>in</strong>gs,Valencia, 2004(www.nerium.net/<strong>plant</strong>aeuropa/)Parfenov V., Rykovsky G.,Tretyakov D.,2004, Natural Migratory Channels as Basefor Identification of Important Plant Areasof Belarus. In Important Plant Areas ofNorthern Eurasia. Moscow, 2004, issue 1.pp.40-50.Red Data Book of European Bryophytes.ECCB:Trondheim, 1995. – 291 p.Major habitats at IPAs <strong>in</strong> BelarusForest is the major habitat on the majority of Belarussian IPAs (the major habitat oneight IPAs) <strong>and</strong> covers 62% of the area of IPAs.There is coniferous forest on all ten IPAs<strong>and</strong> deciduous forest on t<strong>hr</strong>ee IPAs. Bog is the major habitat at one IPA, <strong>and</strong> mire, fens<strong>and</strong> bog are significant features of n<strong>in</strong>e IPAs, cover<strong>in</strong>g 15% of the area of IPAs. Grassl<strong>and</strong>habitats occur at all ten IPAs (dry grassl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>in</strong> two <strong>and</strong> mesic grassl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>in</strong> n<strong>in</strong>e),cover<strong>in</strong>g 5% of the area of IPAs. Runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g water is also a key feature on allten IPAs. Constructed habitats occur on all IPAs but at between 1-5% of the area.Thereis a low level of agricultural or cultivated l<strong>and</strong> on all IPAs although one IPA has up to15% agricultural l<strong>and</strong>.Nature protection is the most common l<strong>and</strong> use on IPAs, occurr<strong>in</strong>g on eight sites.Forestry, <strong>and</strong> hunt<strong>in</strong>g are also <strong>important</strong> l<strong>and</strong> uses occurr<strong>in</strong>g on n<strong>in</strong>e <strong>and</strong> eight sitesrespectively. Recreation (seven IPAs) <strong>and</strong> agriculture (seven IPAs) are also significant l<strong>and</strong>uses at IPAs <strong>in</strong> Belarus.Qualify<strong>in</strong>g criteria for IPAs <strong>in</strong> BelarusCriterion No of Criterion A No of Criterion No of IPAs Criterion No ofA IPAs Tax. Group IPAs B C IPAsTotal sites 9 Vascular 9 Total 9 Total 10with A <strong>plant</strong>s sites with sites withspecies B CrichnesshabitatsAi 0 Bryophytes 7 C C1 (7), C2(9), Ci 10C3 (2)Aii 9 Lichens 1 D D1(6), D2(6), Cii 10D4 (5), D5(6)Aiii 0 Fungi 0 E E2 (6),Aiv 0 Algae 0HD* 9 G G1(7), G3(8) HD* 10species G4(8) habitatsBC* 9 BC* 10specieshabitats*Letter codes refer to EUNIS habitats levels 1&2;HD=Habitats Directive, BC= Bern ConventionOf the ten IPAs <strong>in</strong> Belarus, n<strong>in</strong>e qualify under all t<strong>hr</strong>ee criteria. Eight Criterion A specieshave only one IPA recorded <strong>and</strong> eleven Criterion C habitats have only one IPArecorded.Key T<strong>hr</strong>eats to IPAs <strong>in</strong> BelarusDeforestation t<strong>hr</strong>eatens the most IPAs <strong>in</strong> Belarus.The other significant t<strong>hr</strong>eats are thelack of management plann<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>tensified forest management, l<strong>and</strong> improvementmeasures, tourist <strong>and</strong> recreation pressure, fires <strong>and</strong> the absence of monitor<strong>in</strong>g.36

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