important plant areas in central and eastern europe - hirc.botanic.hr ...

important plant areas in central and eastern europe - hirc.botanic.hr ...

important plant areas in central and eastern europe - hirc.botanic.hr ...


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AcknowledgementsImportant Plant Areas <strong>in</strong> Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe:Priority Areas for Plant ConservationPlantlife International 2005Editors: Seona Anderson,Tomá˘s Ku˘sík, ElizabethRadfordPicture Editor <strong>and</strong> Publish<strong>in</strong>g: Joe SuttonDesigner: Liley Design PartnersCitation:Anderson, S., Ku˘sík,T., & Radford, E. (Eds), 2005,Important Plant Areas <strong>in</strong>Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe. Plantlife InternationalFor country sections the follow<strong>in</strong>g citation formatshould be used:e.g. Sârbu,A., 2005 IPAs <strong>in</strong> Romania. In Important PlantAreas <strong>in</strong> Central <strong>and</strong> Eastern Europe. PlantlifeInternationalPlantlife International is a charity dedicated exclusivelyto conserv<strong>in</strong>g all forms of <strong>plant</strong> life <strong>in</strong> their naturalhabitats, <strong>in</strong> the UK, Europe <strong>and</strong> across the world. Weact directly to stop common <strong>plant</strong>s becom<strong>in</strong>g rare <strong>in</strong>the wild, to rescue wild <strong>plant</strong>s on the br<strong>in</strong>k ofext<strong>in</strong>ction <strong>and</strong> to protect sites of exceptional<strong>botanic</strong>al importance. The charity carries out practicalconservation work, <strong>in</strong>fluences relevant policy <strong>and</strong>legislation, <strong>in</strong>volves its members <strong>in</strong> many aspects of itswork, <strong>and</strong> collaborates widely to promote the causeof wild <strong>plant</strong> conservation. Plantlife International hoststhe secretariat for Planta Europa, the network oforganisations work<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>plant</strong> conservation acrossEurope. Plantlife’s head office is <strong>in</strong> Salisbury, UK <strong>and</strong>the charity has a dedicated <strong>central</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>eastern</strong>European office <strong>in</strong> Bratislava.Plantlife International – The Wild Plant ConservationCharity, 14 Rollestone Street, Salisbury,Wiltshire,SP1 1DX, UKTel: +44 (0)1722 342730 Fax: +44 (0)1722 329035e-mail: enquiries@<strong>plant</strong>life.org.ukwebsite: www.<strong>plant</strong>life.org.ukISBN: 1 904749-11-9AcknowledgementsThis project is be<strong>in</strong>g carried out with the support of the Dutch M<strong>in</strong>istry of Agriculture, Nature <strong>and</strong> Food Qualitywith the PIN/MATRA funds of the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Foreign Affairs.agriculture, nature<strong>and</strong> food qualityThis publication would not have been possible without the hard work <strong>and</strong> dedication of the many members ofeach national team. Plantlife International would also like to thank the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dividuals <strong>and</strong> organisations fortheir support. Full acknowledgements for the many <strong>in</strong>dividuals <strong>and</strong> organisations <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> IPA criteriadevelopment workshops <strong>and</strong> advisory groups are given <strong>in</strong> Palmer <strong>and</strong> Smart, 2001, Important Plant Areas <strong>in</strong> Europe,<strong>and</strong> Anderson, 2002, Identify<strong>in</strong>g Important Plant Areas <strong>in</strong> Europe.IPA Advisory Group: Andrew Byfield (Plantlife International), Mart<strong>in</strong> Harper (RSPB), Melanie Heath (BirdlifeInternational), Margaret Palmer, Jane Smart (Plantlife International),Alex<strong>and</strong>er Van Opstal (M<strong>in</strong>istry of Agriculture,Nature <strong>and</strong> Food Quality, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s); Planta Europa Steer<strong>in</strong>g Committee <strong>and</strong> Advisors: Francois Boillot(Conservatoire Botanique Nationale Mediterranean de Porquerolles), Jan ˘Ce˘rovský & Jan Plesnik (Agency forNature Conservation <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong>scape Protection of the Czech Republic)), Eladio Fern<strong>and</strong>ez-Galiano (Council ofEurope),Tomas Hall<strong>in</strong>gbäck (Swedish Species Information Unit), C<strong>hr</strong>istoph Imboden,Torleif Ingelög (SwedishSpecies Information Unit), Mart Külvik (Environmental Protection Institute,Tartu), Emilio Laguna-Lumbreras(Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Generalitat Valenciana), Mira Mileva (Regional Environmental Centre – REC),Zbigniew Mirek (Institute of Botany, Kraków ,Polish Academy of Sciences), Eva Papasteriadou (University ofPatras), Claudia Per<strong>in</strong>i (University of Siena), Geert Raeymaekers (Nature L<strong>in</strong>k International / Ecosystems),Dom<strong>in</strong>ique Richard (European Topic Centre for Nature),Anca Sarbu (Botanical Garden of Bucharest,Associationof Botanical Gardens of Romania), Peter Skoberne (M<strong>in</strong>istry of Environment, Slovenia), Jane Smart (PlantlifeInternational), Jan-Willem Sneep (M<strong>in</strong>istry for Agriculture, Nature <strong>and</strong> Food Quality, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), Hugh Synge(Plant-talk); Organisers of the IV Planta Europa Conference <strong>in</strong> Valencia:Antoni Aguiella (Valencia Botanic Garden),Emilio Laguna-Lumbreras (Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Generalitat Valenciana), Nadia Bystriakova (PlantlifeInternational); Important Biodiversity Areas Group: Wagenn<strong>in</strong>gen,The Netherl<strong>and</strong>s: Guven Eken, Hans Kampf(M<strong>in</strong>istry of Agriculture, Nature <strong>and</strong> Food Quality, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), Robert Ketellar (Vl<strong>in</strong>dersticht<strong>in</strong>g, theNetherl<strong>and</strong>s),Anton Stumpel (Alterra, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s),Alex<strong>and</strong>er Van Opstal (the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Nature,Agriculture<strong>and</strong> Food Quality, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), C<strong>hr</strong>is Van Swaay (Vl<strong>in</strong>dersticht<strong>in</strong>g, the Netherl<strong>and</strong>s), Mart<strong>in</strong> Warren (ButterflyConservation, UK); IUCN, the World Conservation Union: Wendy Strahm (IUCN Gl<strong>and</strong> Switzerl<strong>and</strong>), Jamie Sk<strong>in</strong>ner,Rami Salman (IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation) Vladimir Moshkalo,Yulia Gorelova (IUCNProgramme for Russia <strong>and</strong> the Commonwealth of Independent States); Veen Ecology <strong>and</strong> the Royal Dutch Society forNature Conservation (KNNV): Peter Veen; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds: Lars Lachmann,Aidan Lonergan,Norbert Schaffer, Zoltan Waliczky; BirdLife International: for general assistance <strong>in</strong> many aspects of this project, forassistance <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g the IPA Database, Mart<strong>in</strong> Sneary (BirdLife Cambridge), for host<strong>in</strong>g the IPA CEE RegionalOffice, the Society for the Protection of Birds <strong>in</strong> Slovakia (SOVS – BirdLife Slovakia) <strong>and</strong> Rastislav Rybanik(Director SOVS). Plantlife International: Trevor Br<strong>in</strong>kman, Patrick Bliss, Joanna Bromley, Lisa Clements, JennyDuckworth,Alan Hamilton, Nicola Hutch<strong>in</strong>son, Jonathan Rudge, Frank Syratt, Jill Williams;Albania: Jani Vangjeli (Institute of Biological Researches,Albania Academy of Sciences); Belarus: KhoruzhikLeonty, M<strong>in</strong>ister of Nature Resources <strong>and</strong> Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus; Podolyako Vasily,M<strong>in</strong>istry of Nature Resources <strong>and</strong> Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, First Deputy M<strong>in</strong>ister;Laman Nikolay, Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences, Director; Belarus IPAnational team members, Parfenov Viktor, Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences;Pugachevsky Alex<strong>and</strong>er, Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences; Golod Dmitry,Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences;Yaroshevich Evgenya, Institute ofExperimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences;Tretjakov Dmitry, Belarus Botanical Society;Savchenko Vladimir, M<strong>in</strong>istry on Nature Resources <strong>and</strong> Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus;Sobolevskaja Tatjana, M<strong>in</strong>istry on Nature Resources <strong>and</strong> Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus;Gapienko Olga, Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences; Rodionov Peter,Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences; Stepanovich Iosif, Institute ofExperimental Botany of Belarus National Academy of Sciences; Participants <strong>and</strong> partners of Belarus IPA Project:M<strong>in</strong>istry of Nature Resources <strong>and</strong> Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Kasjanenko Ivan,Avgust<strong>in</strong>chyk Sergey, Molyavka Tatyana; Institute of Experimental Botany of Belarus, National Academy of Sciences,Mlynarchik (Kolesnikova) Maria, Kobzar Natalya, Rykovsky Gennady, Chancevich Ir<strong>in</strong>a,Yurchenko Evgeny, PetrikovaJanna; Belarus State University, Polyksenova Valent<strong>in</strong>a, Maksim Djus, Mastibrotskaya Ir<strong>in</strong>a, Chevkunova Anastasiya;National Park ‘Narochansky’, Luchtyk Valery; NGO Ecological Initiative, Sidorenko Oleg; Institute of Zoology ofBelarus, National Academy of Sciences <strong>and</strong> APB, Kozul<strong>in</strong> Alex<strong>and</strong>er;Association ‘Radi zhizny na Zemle’(Osipovichy), Zajceva Svetlana; Bulgaria: IPA Project Organisations <strong>and</strong> Individuals: Institute of Botany, Bulgarian2

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