Breast Screening Review Bibliography Bibliography to date - April ...

Breast Screening Review Bibliography Bibliography to date - April ...

Breast Screening Review Bibliography Bibliography to date - April ...


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Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Miglioretti DL, Sickles EA, Blanks R, Ballard-Barbash R, Bobo JK,Lee NC, Wallis MG, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K. Comparison of screening mammography in theUnited States and the United Kingdom. JAMA. 2003 290(16):2129-37. Erratum in: JAMA.2004 Feb 18;291(7):824.Stefanek ME. Uninformed compliance or informed choice? A needed shift in our approach<strong>to</strong> cancer screening. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2011;103(24):1821-6Suhrke P, Mæhlen J, Schlichting E, Jørgensen KJ, Gøtzsche PC, Zahl PH. Effect ofmammography screening on surgical treatment for breast cancer in Norway: comparativeanalysis of cancer registry data. BMJ. 2011 Sep 13;343:d4692Swedish Organised Service <strong>Screening</strong> Evaluation Group, Reduction in breast cancer mortalityfrom organized service screening with mammography: 1. Further confirmation withextended data, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prevention, 2006, 15 (1): 45-51Tabár L, Vitak B et al, Swedish two-county trial: impact of mammographic screening onbreast cancer mortality during 3 decades, Radiology, 2011, 260 (6): 658-663Taylor R, Morrell S et al Mammography screening and breast cancer mortality in New SouthWales, Australia, Cancer Causes and Control, 2004, 15 (6): 543-550van den Akker-van Marle E, de Koning H et al Reduction in breast cancer mortality due <strong>to</strong>the introduction of mass screening in The Netherlands: comparison with the UnitedKingdom, J Med Screen, 1999, 6 (1): 30-34Wald NJ, Murphy P, Major P, Parkes C, Townsend J, Frost C, UKCCCR multicentrerandomised controlled trial of one and two view mammography in breast cancer screening, .BMJ. 1995, 311(7014):1189-93.Waller M, Moss S, The effect of mammographic screening and hormone replacementtherapy use on breast cancer incidence in England and Wales, Cancer Epidemiol BiomarkersPrevention, 2007, 16 (11): 2257-2261Welch HG, Black WC Using au<strong>to</strong>psy series <strong>to</strong> estimate the disease "reservoir" for ductalcarcinoma in situ of the breast: how much more breast cancer can we find? Ann Intern Med.1997 Dec 1;127(11):1023-8Welch HG, Black WC. Overdiagnosis in cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2010 May 5;102(9):605-1White E, Miglioretti DL, Yankaskas BC, Geller BM, Rosenberg RD, Kerlikowske K, Saba L,Vacek PM, Carney PA, Buist DS, Oestreicher N, Barlow W, Ballard-Barbash R, Taplin SH.Biennial versus annual mammography and the risk of late-stage breast cancer. J Natl CancerInst. 2004, 96(24):1832-9.Zackrisson S, Andersson I, Rate of over-diagnosis of breast cancer 15 years after end ofMalmö mammographic screening trial: follow-up study, BMJ, 2006, 332 (7543): 689-6928

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