Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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91~Mlt-JU"[f,_ .BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXfORDOEM-EN! - MERIDIAN'--""I,lIl-'-'----''----''---'-'-'=-'----''''=''-====:.-~, --'=-' --" ;-" '-'-=- .~-,---,,=~=-" '-' ---' -' -==-,;,,,--".=,,---,-,_, .. ,,,-, _____ '=c. .... -,---,--"- '''-~~''-'=-====;F=~l(b) Maxi.mum rteturn.Adjustments in Municipality's investment in the electric systemshall be made as necessary fran time to time am in any case at the end <strong>of</strong> each fiscal year.Municipality shall receive a return on this investment each month.not to exceed one-half (!) <strong>of</strong>. one (1) percent per DDnth, canputed on the basis 0 f the investm~t as <strong>of</strong> the last day <strong>of</strong> the monthnext preceding. In the event revenues <strong>of</strong> the electric system sufficient for the payment <strong>of</strong> suchretuzn are not available, an amount equal to the portion <strong>of</strong> the computed return not paid shall beadded to lt4micipality's investment at the end <strong>of</strong> each fiscal year.(c) Payments in Lieu <strong>of</strong> Taxes. Municipality may take from the electric department revenuesor funds far the general funds <strong>of</strong> Uunicipality an amount in lieu <strong>of</strong> taxes (representing a fair sharen<strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> government propa--ly to be borne by it s .electric distribution systEIII.) to be determined:'subject to the terms am conditions hereinatter stated.(1) To the extent surplus revenues are available after the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> aUitems set forth in subsections (a) through (d) <strong>of</strong> section 9 <strong>of</strong> the Power Contract, 16micipalitymy take fran the electric departnent revenues or funds for the general funds <strong>of</strong> Municipality ananrunt calculated by applying the prevailing nnmic ipal property tax rate to the value <strong>of</strong> theproperty used in electric operations within the municipal limits.(2) To the extent surplus revenues are available after the satisfaction <strong>of</strong>. allitems set forth in subsections (a) through (d) <strong>of</strong> section 9 <strong>of</strong> the Power Contract, lfunicipalitymay take from the electric department revenues or fmds for the gemral fums <strong>of</strong> Municipalityan amcunt calculated by a pp1ying the prevailing county and state tax rates to the value. <strong>of</strong> theelectric system; provided, however, that if lfunicipality shall, directly or indirectly, arxlvoluntarily or otherwise, make allY' payment or paynents out. <strong>of</strong> electric system revenues or fundsto the state am!

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