Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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8~!MINJJTE_ BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDllElfEllT - frrRIOIAN--------------,-----.~--,,-====-===STANDARD STREET LIGHTING RATE -Schedule B-5.lAV AILABILITYAvailable for street-lighting systems, including street lighting, single systems, androadway and park lighting, for a term <strong>of</strong> not less than one year.CHARACTER OF SERVICEAltemating-current service, either series ormultiple system or in combination at option<strong>of</strong> Distributor.RATEThe rate for this service consists <strong>of</strong>two parts, as follows:I. Investment ChargeThe annual investment charge (for the cost <strong>of</strong> opEration, maintenance, taxes, and depreciatim,am for return on investIlllnt.) shall be 12 percent <strong>of</strong> the investIlllnt in the street-lightingsystem, determined as set fcrth below. Such charge shall be adjusted under the circumstances setforth below. This charge will be recomputed on <strong>July</strong> 1 <strong>of</strong> each year ani one-twelfth <strong>of</strong> the totalamual charge so computed will be billed customer monthly.II. Energy ChargeFjrst ••....••••• 250 kwh consumed per DK>nth at :3 cents per kwhNext •••••••••••• 11750 " 2 " " Next ••••••••••• 1,00011" " " " 1 cent 11"Excess over ••.•• 2,000If" " " " 0.811 11METHOD OF DETERMINOO DISTRIBUTOR t S INVESTMENTThe investIlllnt in propErty and. equipment used as a basis for the investment charge containedin this schedule shall cons! st cL the cost <strong>of</strong> such proPBrty and. equipment, including thefull amount shown in the plant. account entitled "Street Lighting and Signal Systems". If any part<strong>of</strong> the street-lighting system has not been built at the expense <strong>of</strong> Djstributor, a deduction shallbe made from the annual investment charge in the amount <strong>of</strong> 6 percent <strong>of</strong> the investment in such part.If the cost <strong>of</strong> any part <strong>of</strong> the street-lighting systElll operated by the electricity depil.rtment<strong>of</strong> Distributor is carried on the books <strong>of</strong> other munici.palities or age~ies or other JlIlnicipaldepartments· <strong>of</strong> Distributor, retirements am additaons to such property will be made by theelectr:it: ity department and charged to the department upon the books <strong>of</strong> which the cost <strong>of</strong> thepropErty is reflected, or to the other agency owning such property. The investment charge applicableto this portion <strong>of</strong> the system will be 2 percent per year.LAMP RENEWALSDistributor shall keep a record <strong>of</strong> the number and type <strong>of</strong> lamp replacements and customershall be billed monthly for the replacements during the month at actual cost to Distributor, includingappropriate overheads.RELCX: ATION OF LAMPSDjstributor shall, at the request <strong>of</strong> custaner, relocate or change existing equipment.Customers shall reimburse Distributor for such changes at actual cost, including appropriateoverheads.METER 00All energy consumed under this schedule shall be metered excepting installation where,:i1 the opinion <strong>of</strong> Distributor, metering would be impracticable.When the cQ'lsumption is metered, the meters shall be installed in or connected to thelighting circuit and Ilhe billing shall include the energy delivered. to am consumed in all circuitsand equipment used exclusite-ly for street lighting purposes. If more than me meter is used, thereadings shall be consolidated for billing purposes.When the energy is not metered and also when a meter reading is found to be in error, theconsumption for billing pur}X>ses shall be computed from the rates capacity <strong>of</strong> the lamps plus 5parcent for losses, multiplied by the nWli>er <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> use.PAYMENTThe rates included herein are net, the gross rates being 10 percent higher. In the eventthe current monthly bill is not paid within 10 dqs from date <strong>of</strong> bill, the gross rates shall apply.Service under this classification is subject to Bules ani Regulations <strong>of</strong> Distributor"SCHEDUlE Unt <strong>of</strong> energy furft~hed l6.micip~ity at each point <strong>of</strong>delivery. Should such metering equipment fail or be found inaccurate the maximum demand and amount.. -Ii!J~~~~~~~~--~~----~~--~

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