Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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..Mt~l)TEBOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDO:='EM=EN:-:-t:-C::"M-::::~R=15-:-:-'AN----'-----'---""--'-=-"-~-:--C --_. . .........---l< ..._._....-=-----"~_ .-'-'=~ ... ",-,,--_..__ .:-=-_._...-...____'-'-___ ==-.. : _~_'_.:._'__._ _.:._.:...:c.:._ _'__'_..__..____._ ..._ ..' .. _.___• __. ___.___._.. ____•__._Tennessee Valley AuthoritySCHEDUIE OF RATES AND CHARGES11=Wholesale Power Rate - Schedule AAVAILABILITYPrimary power purchased fer resale available to states, counties, municipalities, andcooperati ve arga'lizations <strong>of</strong> citizen s a' farmers.RATEDemand ChargeNinety cents per kilowatt <strong>of</strong> demand p3 r month.Energy (;hargeFirst ••.•••.•••• 100,000 kilowatt-hours consumed perNext •••...•••••. 200,000It n Itllext ...........• 700,CXXJ"Excess over ••••• l,OOO,OOOrtIt" " "month"at 4mills per lew-hour" 3 It Itrt rt2.5 " 2 " " "Charge for energy in excess <strong>of</strong> 360 times the total denand as hereinafter defined shallbe subject to a reduction <strong>of</strong> 0.5 mill per kilowatt-hour from the otherwise appli:able rate ..DETElWINATION OF DEUANDThe demand for any month for which determination i s made shall be defined as the highest.average load measured in kilowatts during W41 60 consecutive minute period <strong>of</strong> the month, but, atthe Authority's option, when the power factor is foo.nd to be lower than 85 percent, the demandshall be defined as 85 percent <strong>of</strong> the highest average kilovolt-amperes measured during any 60consecutive minute period d the JlDnth.. J4INn.tUM UONTHLY BILLNinety cents per kilowatt <strong>of</strong> demand, but in no case shall the minimum bill be less thanthe charge for 60 percent <strong>of</strong> the highest demand occulTiql; during any month within the previousconsecutive twelve-month period.AUDN AteE FOR SALES TO RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERSAuthority will adjust bill so that the energy charge shall be 2 mills per kilowatt-hourfar at least so much energy as may be sold by Dis tril:u tor urn er th e residential resale schedule.at 4 mills per kilowatt-hour •.SINGLE-POINT DELIVERYThe above rates are basad upon the supply <strong>of</strong> service through a single delivery andmetering point, and at a single voltage. Separate supply for the same customer at other points<strong>of</strong> delivery, cr at different voltage, shall 1:>e separately metered and billed.Standard Res:id ent:is.i Rate - Scpedule B-1AVAILABILITYAvailable for domestic use to all residential customers served fran local alternatingcurrent distribution systems. Service under th e standard liesidential Rate shall apply only toelectric service in a single Jrivate dwelling andits appurtenances, the major use <strong>of</strong> which isfor lighting and hwsehold appliances, for the p3rsonal canf'ort and c

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