Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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85\.'-'---....::==..-'-=. =MINUTE BOQK No. <strong>14</strong>, _CI.TY OF OXFORD---_._--.-------.----------.---.-.--..-...---~===.. = ... = .. _ ..'--'_.--"'-_.. -.;......... . , c.; . .:.;____ ~;._. '__-"-';'.--'_"'::':...:_.-=_ .....__. .___........_____ "... _. ____." __ .....":_·';::"::;;C'C-=,F,"'-==(a) R6V'enue shall first be used for the payment <strong>of</strong> all current operating expenses,ia:luding salaries, wages, cost <strong>of</strong> materials and supplies, power at Ylholesale, and insurance.(b) From remaining revenues lltmicipality shall next currently provide for the p~ntat maturity <strong>of</strong> interest accrued on all System Indebtedness, and for amortization charges and/orsinking fund payments thereon.(c) Thereafter, revenues shall be used currently to set up reasonable reserves for re- /placerrents, new CCl'lstruction, and contingencies, andto prO'lide a reasonable anPunt <strong>of</strong> cash workingcapital."Ii(d) From remaining revenues Municipality may thereafter pay into its lieneral Fund areturn on its investment, as provided in the Financial and Accounting Policy in the Schedule <strong>of</strong>Terms and Conditions attached hereto.(e) Fran renaining revenues Municipality may thereafter pay into its General Fund a taxequivalent as . provided in the Financial and ACecnnting Policy in the Schedule <strong>of</strong> Terms andCondi tions attached hereto.(f) All remaining revenues shall be considered surplus revenues and shall serve as abasis for the reduction or elimination <strong>of</strong> surcharges to consumers, and thereafter for the reduction<strong>of</strong> rates; provided, however, that Municipality may, subject to the consent <strong>of</strong> Authority,devote part or all <strong>of</strong> such surplus revenues to the purchase or retirement <strong>of</strong> System Indebtednessprior to maturity. Surplus revenues shall be computed as <strong>of</strong> June 30 <strong>of</strong> each year.10. Payment 'ifir Municipality's Energy Requirements. Municipality agrees to make paymentsinto its electric funds from appropriate gene raJ. or special funds for all electric service requiredby Municipality for street lighting, water pumping, and other operations and uses, at theresale rates prescribed in section 8 here<strong>of</strong>.11. Terms and Condi tims. Attached hereto and hereby made a part here<strong>of</strong>, is a "Schedule <strong>of</strong>Terms ana Conditions." The provisions <strong>of</strong> this schedule may from time to time be changed orsupplem~nted by wri tten agreement <strong>of</strong> Municipality and Authority. It is understood and agreed thatthe several provisions <strong>of</strong> this schedule, with such changes as may from time to time be adoptedpursuant hereto, as well as the several provisions <strong>of</strong> this contract and <strong>of</strong> the Schedule <strong>of</strong> Ratesand Charges, are <strong>of</strong> the essence <strong>of</strong> this contract.II\.Notwithstanding a.1V other provision <strong>of</strong> this contract, including without limitation theprovisions <strong>of</strong> the Schedule <strong>of</strong> Terms an:! Conditions, the amunt <strong>of</strong> Municipality's initial investmentin the electric system for purposes <strong>of</strong> this contract shall be determined by Illbtracting thebonds and other liabilities assumed by the electric system from the assets transferred to theelectric system, all as <strong>of</strong> JanUiry 1, 1951, the assets so transferred and the liabilities aoassuned to be determined as hereinafter provided in this paragraph. The assets to be transferredto the electric system, determined as <strong>of</strong> <strong>January</strong> 1, 1951, shall consist <strong>of</strong> the following:1. The value <strong>of</strong> Municipality's distribltioo system as determined bythe Authority's inventory andappraisal there<strong>of</strong>.2. Thirty JJo11ars ($30) per kilowatt <strong>of</strong> the installed capa.city <strong>of</strong> thegenerating plant.3. All electric system accounts receivable as <strong>of</strong> <strong>January</strong> 1, 1951.4. Organization expense in the amount <strong>of</strong> Five Thousand Dollars (~?5,OOO).5. The actual value <strong>of</strong> materials arxi. supplies.6. Trust fund accounts applicable to issued and outstanding bonds as~edby the electric system.7. The amount <strong>of</strong> any cash transferred to the electric system as <strong>of</strong> <strong>January</strong>1, 1951.,1..-The liabilities to be assumed by the electric system, determined as <strong>of</strong> <strong>January</strong> 1, 1951, shallconsist <strong>of</strong> the following:1. The issued arxi. outstanding bonds <strong>of</strong> Municipality <strong>of</strong> the 5i% issue<strong>of</strong> <strong>July</strong> 1930.2. The issued and outstanding bonds <strong>of</strong> Uunicipality <strong>of</strong> the 2~ and 1%issues <strong>of</strong> April 1946.3. Any additional outstanding bonds which were issued, and the proceeds<strong>of</strong> which were used, exclusively for electric system purposes.4. All electric system accounts payable am custaner deposits as <strong>of</strong>Jarmary 1, 1951.It is understood arr.i agreed that, if the sum <strong>of</strong> the above itemized liabilities should exceed thesum <strong>of</strong> the above itemized assets, the aDnlnt <strong>of</strong> l4unic ipality' 8 initial investnent in the electricsystem shall be zero and the issued am outstanding bonds <strong>of</strong> Municipality listed above to be,.I,t-__ ~ ____ ~il ___ .. ___ . _______ _

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