Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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------~-~~----~---/;::>~~~---7r;I~:.: .. :..:;::::.:::-----." -'--RECESS REGULAR MEETINGUNITED STATES OF AMERICASTATE OF MISSISSIPPICOUNTY OF LAFAYEl'TECITY OF OXFORD* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * ~ * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * ** * **7:30 PM..May 9, <strong>1950</strong>II'iIiPursuant to a recess order on May 2, <strong>1950</strong>, the Mayor and Board ot Aldermen met at the <strong>City</strong> Hallat 7:30 PM, Tuesday, May 9, <strong>1950</strong>, when and where the tollowing were present:R. X. Williams, Mayor, PresidingBen Jack Hilbun, Alderman, Ward 1W. T. Chandler, Alderman, Ward 2H. S. Sisk, Alderman, Ward 3T. E. Combs, Alderman, Ward 4A. H. Avent, Alderman at Large*** *** ***C. P. Fulmer, Deputy <strong>City</strong> ClerkC. E. Harrison, Supt. Light & Water Dept.E. P. Lowe, <strong>City</strong> EngineerW. N. Ethridge .T. R. Ethridge~ <strong>City</strong> AttorneyC. D. Malone, ity Marshal*** *** ***Atter the meeting had been called to order, the tollowing business ws transacted:Mr. W. T. Chandler moved that the drainage ditch running through the property ot C. H. Wells onJackson Ave. which carries water trom the Madison Ave. area be repaired and improved accordingto instructions from the <strong>City</strong> Engineer. Mr. A. H. Avent seconded the moticm and it carriedlmanimously •On motion made by Alderman T. E. Combs, seconded by Alderman A. H. Avent and passed lmenimouslyit was ordered that a:.NcOllllll8lldatioD to Democratic Executive Committee to hold first primaryelection on September 19 be made.Alderman H. S. Sisk. moved that the hours ot operation or parking meters ns AM to 6 PM" be discontinuedand that "S AM to 5 PM" be enforced. Motion was seconded by Alderman B.J. Hilbunand passed lmani mbusly.The tollowing report was made to the Board by C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk:By order ot a resolution passed by the Board ot Mayor and Aldermen April 4, <strong>1950</strong>,declaring their intention to retire certain street intersection and streetimprovement bonds on September 1, <strong>1950</strong>, a certified copy ot said order was transmittedto Union Plan ers National Bank & Trust Co., Memphis 1, Tennessee, byregistered mail April lS, <strong>1950</strong>, with return receipt requested. Retura receipttor same received dated April 19, <strong>1950</strong>.On motion by Alderman W. T. Chandler, seconded by Alderman T. E. Combs and passed lmaIlimouslyit was ordered that the <strong>City</strong> Attorney prepare an amen4Jaairt to the _1ng ordinance to includeAvent Acres in the residential zone,. and also Douglass Drive.The request or w. F. New and others tor the <strong>City</strong> to connect their line with the main line inthe Stone Subdivision and charge the individuals tor connections after the work was compltedwas brought up tor discussion. On motion made, se.nded and passed unanimously it was orderedthat this request be rejected.<strong>City</strong> Engineer E. P. Lowe reported that representatives ot Oxtord Homes, Inc. had notitied himthat they would want t. get ready shortly tor building a second quota ot 54 more homes in AventAcres Subdivision, in addition to a 16 to 20 unit duplex apartment area immediately west ot thesubdiviSion, and asked tor instructions on preparing tor the new areas' development. On motionot Alderman Combs, seconded by Alderman Sisk, it was ordered on the aftirmative vote ot allAldermen present that advertisement tor bidders be made on work to be done in Avent Acres Subdivisionto accomodate the next titty-tour residences as soon as the <strong>City</strong> Engineer bas the 1/necessary specifications tor the advertisement.tIi

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