Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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7~iL. "-bTMENT -"MERioIAN"--'l"-II, I'T-~"~STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ~COUNTY OF WAYETTECITY OF OXFORDEXHIBIT aFaOATH OF MANAGERS OF ELECTION, CLERXS OF ELECTION AND ELECTION BAILIFF.<strong>City</strong> ot OXford, Missis.ippi, Election Precinct.I do soll!l1111lly swear that I will taithfuJ.ly pertorm JJq duties at this Special Bond Electionheld at the usual votiDg place at the <strong>City</strong> Hall in <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mi.sissippi, between the hours or7 A.M. and 6 P.M. on this the 2nd day ot May, <strong>1950</strong>, and that I will not attempt to guid., aid,dir.ct or influence ~ voter in the exercise ot his, or h.r right to TOte, except as expressl1'allowed by law, so help m. God.'sLMrs.H. D,WebsttrClerk ef ElectionlsI Mrs. "PRj. HemIC1.rk <strong>of</strong> ElectionlsI Mrs. w. C. Qpx. Sr.Clerk <strong>of</strong> E1.ctionlsI Mr.. C. E. HoreaManager ot E1eotio./a/ Mrt. Guy B. Taylor. Jr.MaDager <strong>of</strong> ElectionlsI Mrs. P. B. FurrElection BailittSubscribed and sworn to by the toregoing Manag.rs, C1.rks and Bailiff' <strong>of</strong>' E1.ction, thisthe 2nd day ot May, <strong>1950</strong>.lsI Hr •• G. B. TUlcr, Sr.Th. Mayor and Board fJt Ald.rmen having Hen, r.ad and considered the tore going r.port <strong>of</strong>the Election Commi •• ioner., dated May 2, <strong>1950</strong>, Alderman A. H. Avent ottered and _ved theadoption <strong>of</strong>' the te1low1ng r.solutionsA Rl!'80WTION APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE ELECTION COMMISSIONERS WITHIN ANDFOR THE CITY OF OXFORD, LAFAYm'TE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI" IN RELATION TO ASPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON MAY 2, <strong>1950</strong>, AND DEClARING THERESUtr OF SAID ELECTION.,WHEREAS, heret<strong>of</strong>ore, en the 7th day <strong>of</strong>' April, <strong>1950</strong>, this Mayor and Board ot Ald.rmen didadopt a certain resolution entitled:)"A RESOI1JTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDIIG OF A SPECIAL BONDELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF OXFORD, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, FORTHE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY APROPOSITION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRIC PLANT REVENUE BONDS IN THEMAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $'15,000.00 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SUBSTATION ANDTRANSMISSION LINE AND OTHER NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PRlSENT DIS­TRIBUTION SYSTEM OF SAID CITY." andWHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, the El.ction Commission.rs and the <strong>City</strong> Cl.rk didcaus. noti.. ot said Special Bond El.ction to be given by publication ot said r.so1ution, a.required by law, and did cause said Election to be held in accordance with and as required b7the laws <strong>of</strong> the Stat. ot Mi •• issippi and,b,y the af'or.said r.solution ot this Mayor and Soard otAld.rm.n; andWHEREAS, the said El.ction Commission.rs did me.t at the ottic. ret the R.gistrar in<strong>Oxford</strong>, Mi.sissippi, oa Thursday, the 27th day ot April, <strong>1950</strong>, and did revise the r.gistrationbooks ot said,<strong>City</strong> as required b,y S.ction 3239 ot the Missi.sippi Code ot 1942, aDd·did theaascertain that th.r. were thirte.n hupdreci sci 9?D! (1,301) .1eet0r8 <strong>of</strong> said Cit,. qualitie4t. participate in the afor.said .l.ction. andWHEREAS, the said El.ction COlIIIli.sicn.rs have tiled with this Mayor and Board ot Aldermenth.ir aforesaid report ot May 2, <strong>1950</strong>, concerning the holdiDg ot said .1ection, wherein it isshown that the proposition voted upon at said .l.ction vas as t.llevs:.. PROPOSITIQNShall the Cit,. ot <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi, issue its Electric Plant RevenueBonds in the maximum amount ot Seventy-tiveThousand Dollars ($75,000.00)tor the construction <strong>of</strong>' a substation and the .rection <strong>of</strong>' a transmissionlin. from the Tenn ..... Valley Authority substation to the new citysubstation and to make neceasar:y ext.nsions and improvement. to the pr •• entdistribution system ot the <strong>City</strong> ot Oxt'ord.?and that the ntDDber ot vot.s cast "FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ELml'RIC PLAN'l BONDSa was ThN. HundrtcitBd twentY=l!:t?~ , and that the number ot vot •• ca.t aAGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRIC PLANTBONDSa was F ____ ,; and ,WHEREAS, it appears, and the Mayor and Board ot Aldermen so tind, that the afor.saidpropo.ition was ass.nted to and approved at said El.ction by a majority ot the qualified .lectorsot the <strong>City</strong> ot <strong>Oxford</strong> who voted th.reon at said El.ction.N

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