Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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DEMENT - MERiDIAN_._# ___ : ._. ___ . __ C __ ."MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD- -.--------~----,.--. . . . .- - ....- ..- - -_. .- ----"~~----- ---.-wi th the said imnrovenent, an(' directinc hov! the cost and expense<strong>of</strong> tte improvement, Has to be assessed and naid; and,HHEREAS, the <strong>City</strong> Engineer h2_S comnut,~d and furnished, in the:manne}' ]:,rovided by Im,r, the amount to be Rssessed against eachriece <strong>of</strong> property abutting on said street in accordance H'ith thecost and expense there<strong>of</strong> and has reported said cost and expenseto the Hayor 2nd Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen <strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Nississippi;and,l,mEHEAS, the assessment has been filed HitI' the <strong>City</strong> 81er1: <strong>of</strong>The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi as provided in House Bi::'l No. 76<strong>of</strong> the Regular <strong>1950</strong> Session <strong>of</strong> The Legislature <strong>of</strong> The State o£'l1ississippi; and,HHEREAS, notice <strong>of</strong> assessment against said property Oi-mers hasbeen duly passed; and,1,,ffiEEEAS, all notices required by 1m-I having been given, each andevery step taken as provided by House Bill No. 76 <strong>of</strong> the RegUlar<strong>1950</strong> Session <strong>of</strong> the Legislature <strong>of</strong> The state <strong>of</strong> Hississippi, andsaid improvement having been completed; new, t]-,erefore,Be and it is hereby ordained by the Hayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen<strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississippi:Section 1. That, proceeding as required by laH, thecost and exrense <strong>of</strong> said special improvenent (s) on ____________PriceStreet Tsr Avenue- (s)aSherein-ab'()ve-setforth,-be- ~-;'~-~1.e---- -----same is her(~b-C finally a proved ane; specially assessed uponthe lots and narcels rf grounds abutting thereon as shown bythe assessment on file with the <strong>City</strong> Clerk in abook marked"Assessment bock for Local Improvernents", ano the mmers there<strong>of</strong>are hereby required to pay their resrec'ive T'rotions <strong>of</strong> thecost and eXf,ense <strong>of</strong> the said improvement, and a lien to securethe payment there<strong>of</strong> :i s hereb;v declared against said property,said snecial assessment being hereby levied.Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect andhe in force as provided by ImT.4451II.~---,,-_.---~"--"._. .,--,--"--"'-< .. -'-..:::=-..::..:-_:....;.:::.. .~-'IApproved this the 6----day <strong>of</strong> Nove,."ber, 1951.x. ~HlliamsBayorI certify that the fore£oing ordina~ce H2.S passedon the 6th day <strong>of</strong> T:ovember, 1951, 2nc~ rncorded in Ordinance <strong>Book</strong>No.2, Page (s) ________ - ____-,1Ql_______ ~ __ ., ______. __ on the_---.:1=:.3"-'t=h____. day <strong>of</strong> Novemb§Jr _________ , 1951.Alder:w.n B. O. Elliott mCNod the adoption <strong>of</strong> the folloHi!lg ordinance and Alder:'llan ',r. T • ChandlerS8~r""',~ ed the motion.Th8 ordinance vlaS read ann. adopted section by section, and then; a whole by the folloHing vote:{l.ldert:1an D. O. Elliott vot.ed yea, Alderr:1an'L T. Chandler voted. yea, Alder:rrvm Den J. Hilbunvoted Yea~ Alderl7'an H. S. Sisk voted vea." Alderman Hobert ~1. Hickey voted Yea.AIT CiD"'lT~.NCE AFPHC -rING !\JTD :-:AIGHl'r FiNAL A SPECIAL ASSESS: :EIl'l' HERE-TO l"OHE E~,T)S' BY Tm~ HAYCC Arn~O~,?J) C"7 ALD:SH:1i:F C F TPS CITYOr. OX?OR:'), HISSISSIPPI, !\>-l nL-'-,D ~rITH TF'~ !'LEEr Cli' SUDl:1JFICIPALlTY, AS ; TWYJiED ITT HCUS~ 13ILL NO. 76 Ofi' '1Ft: REGULAR<strong>1950</strong> SESSIOT C? TIC L:-;;GISL,~SUm; CF THE ST',TE CF IIISSISSIPPI,AGADrS'l.' CERTAI~T F'i.OPEPTY CI! _____ SCli'1'H -~IGIIT~~IT'l'IL_____I':> "TDC'1?T l~,r!.. (~ir.'''TT''''') : ... ilJ:d.1_,.rJ, D~~CC-)IB1:n~" G;:) rl. r.Gu ,~i~ SO"'o" '~-,' 1fl.L'J ~l-GTTm""'crl'"l E1Dbl\J.[: 0 "'T--'''"'T~-".cH.~ ,BEGn:mlTG AT .It HnS'l CIT 'nIE SCrTH EDGE CF Ul:IVEHSITY AVEL1JE~'TT) :tCTIIIG TEEI("CE 3CTi'HHARDLY ALOHG SUD S'llUET THltcrGHHALEY SlJBDIVISIOH, 1235.5 FEET, {\.lTD TEl:: O",'ilTERS T;:EREOF, m~J_TRII;GTFEl'1 ':'0 F:EFAY 'I'H:'~ A.SSESS?:EITT }:r\m~ ,~GAn;S':' T}["~In r:;;DFEF:.TY ANDLE\TyIHG S/!]1E.1.1HKmtiS, The i-layor and '303.rd <strong>of</strong> Aldermen <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>,Nississippi have duly passed a resolution declaring necessarythe snecial jYnl'over:::ent on South Eighteenth Street (s)Avenue (s), , described as South Eighteenth Street,I:Ii!:.~------1Ljl~

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