Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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Ir----:==------ .- .-_.~':'".::::..:.::---. -~-.--~ .. ~-~~r.l~Nt - MERIDIAN.-.---~....MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD.-_.-._._" -.. --.- -""1f.=r===.Cnne on for consideration the Flo.ttOl' <strong>of</strong> appointing a school trustee to fill to vac'lncy ~re".tedhy the eXDiro.tion <strong>of</strong> J0110S C. fIartsfie1d tern 0"1 <strong>January</strong> 1, 1951, 1.'here lfr. Hartsfj.e1d~ontinued to serve lmtil his Sllccessor Cll10.l5::'10d. !ll::le!'ln3.n ?obert ~J. Hickey <strong>of</strong> Hard Fournonin3.ted D. H. l'archlxmks to serve lmti1 <strong>January</strong> 1, 1956. There being no other nominations,moticn "laS c1eu1y nac1e, seconded ond passed hy a tmanimous vo·~e that t~le said D. H.Harchba:r...ks be and he is hereby declared a membe!' <strong>of</strong> t1::e School Doard. His terr! to expireon <strong>January</strong> 1, 1956.Cm'o on for consideratj.on the Taatter <strong>of</strong> a ro.ise in sRlar:r for James R. TidHell and after acareful consideratiGn <strong>of</strong> the natter, Aldermn.r~ Br:n J. Hilbun moved t'h8.t I-1r. T ici.'Ne 11' s salarybe r::dsed to ;;:;165.00 per month lmtil <strong>January</strong> 1, 1952. This motion H8.S se~onded b~! Alc1erm0nH. S. S:Lsl~, }JPcssed unanimously and it 1s so ordered.C",.~ne on,'or cO!1siderntion th3 natter <strong>of</strong> a refund on tax paid 011 R8ceipt # 45<strong>14</strong> h~r 'SillyR.ex ':ilson ?nc1 after a '1isc'.lssion <strong>of</strong> the natter and after the fact 1.JaS brought to theattention <strong>of</strong> the l:ayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen that Hr. '.'ilson 6id not reside in <strong>Oxford</strong>,T 1 0ticn w1.cc\ made by A1derE'!8.n 3en J. Eilbun, seconded b~;, Alclermc.'l.Y' H. S. Ssisk and pass edtman:Lmcusly o.nd it 'vlaS ordered that I·Jr. 1,·[ilson bo ref1..mded ()3.30 the anount <strong>of</strong> tax raidhy said IIr. 1-Jilson. The <strong>City</strong> Clerk is hereby authorized to issue 'vTarrant il~ sRid amountto Hr. Hilson.The "Jc,.tter <strong>of</strong> payin::; The :,~o!:d. Du:lclers :2qui~Y.lent Company ::'or Crouler '~'rnctor h01][;ht ['ronthen1 in .June 1951 C:E\m8 on for consideration. After a cliscussion <strong>of</strong> the matter, motionHD.3 nar::.G by Aldernal1 ]e]-, J. E ilbun, seconded hy r~lder''D.n H. S. Sink end pass8cl unanimouslythat ;';500.00 bo raid each month D.nell.:)!) Clerk L1 hereby autborized an,l insf:ructed to issuevarront for ':;500.00 each T:1onth for S8.111e.Alclernan ej. C. Elliott T:lcvcd tIW adopticD <strong>of</strong> -[;1;0 foJJ.mling ordinance '?Cnc AlderE'!8.n U. T.Ch9.ndler sec:ondecl t!-le Elotion.The ordinance Has read PEcl adopted section. b;' section r:nd tben as

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