Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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i 432-DEMENT - MERIDIANMINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDY ou are 11 'Y'ther notified tllat said I :ayor aY'.rl 302rd <strong>of</strong> Aldel'nen Hill bein session for the DlU',)OSe <strong>of</strong> hearinG objections to s,qic] assessments nnd saidrolls and disallo',mnces i'or a:o:olications for homestead eX8:'1:rtions uhir.h naybe filed, s2id c1oetint; to be held at the court room <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> 1:all <strong>of</strong> s?idCHy <strong>of</strong> November l3-t.h, 1951, at 7:30 L :l. '),n(:l I,Jill remain in session fromday to day until dis"Closing <strong>of</strong> all such objections so filed.Hitnes3 ~,ho siCl18.tlU'8 ane1 seal <strong>of</strong> tho Cit:v <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, I~issi'3sip-"i thi3the 22nd day <strong>of</strong> October, A. D., 1951.---The matter <strong>of</strong> hel"lostead exemptions Hhich 1-lere disallovred ':r the Homestead Exemption Division<strong>of</strong> the State Tax Commission and returned to the <strong>City</strong> for d::is-'~,osition C3.r:1e un for dis~ussion FIndaction, such eX8r:1ptions oeing those <strong>of</strong> :Esta H. Anderson, Jennie G. Dunlap, I-Iargaret 2. Dunlap, l':innie R. Hilden, .Tosenh C. :'>01070111I erman Ii:. Taylor , Edith Banks, HI's. Lola A. Bounds, HI's. i}. 1;]. Elliott, and El tQn L.Hooker.FindinG thn,t the ]eputy Clerk had already furnj shed each <strong>of</strong> the above 1-1ith a copy <strong>of</strong> the disalJ.o\wncE-, had given 30 days in 1-rhich +'0 protest-, or pay such disalloHance, and finding thatno ob,jection h.-,d been filed, it vlaS ordered that the action <strong>of</strong> the Tax Commission beaccepted and that the <strong>City</strong> Clerk bo ordered. to collect the disal] 01.Jed tax exeYlption in cases1-rhere it had net been paid after having beer. notifiod <strong>of</strong> the rlisa"ilovr9,nce by the fol10Hingnamed persons:HtGIE OFiCTAL11.1: L1.Q.MJI ASSI§.§ •Hrs. Esta IT. ~.nderson ~~1560Hiss Jer.r..ie G. Dun1a-1' ~?4950Hiss Hargaret E. Dunlap :::;4950HI's. l:innie '3. l·lilrlen :,"3970Al:omrr OIUG.ALIO..JRD __ .~'~39?0A: IOUlIT REASOl:J JOJ.,~1560 Property not occupied by theApy-lirant - Property Rented.~:;)1237 Exerlption al10,-red on nore than theapT'l~_ can~~' s port.ion <strong>of</strong> property.:;1237 Exemrtion 8J 10Hod on Dore tl'anap'-l~ cant t S portion <strong>of</strong> property.,:19(",5 An a";JartT~,ent r81"i;ed or available ::"orrent or occupied by another farii1yBroup.Jose'ph C. Po,Jell.':3120:;;3120Property not occu:r;ied by £l.pplicant •It \.Jas found that the fo110vring named persor:s had filed objections (in vrri ting or oral); andt'at after discussion ~mcl invostigation, it Has ordored that the <strong>City</strong> Clerk IOTIIard the 01~­,jections to the :;tate Tax Ccnmission ::"or furt}~cr consideration inasmuch as He believe t::1at ~~heexe:r.'ption sho~"'ld be a1lOHed:IU.I:Jc--; 01'l1PPLI.QhN'l .Al 101:1,1'REcTECTg:2R;i;i\son FOnREJI~CT I_C:llAF:t-UC[I.NT'SOD.ECTIONEdith Banks:.~1250The deed reC'erence Given doesnot coverc,hr; propeJ:,ty described:L1 thc; R'),!Jl" ~ation.Error in deod- correctionhas '-;een nS.de 011 Page 11,'Sock 109 i;:'l tho :i.ecord <strong>of</strong>Deeds <strong>of</strong> Lafayet.te COlUl'ty.- "lIrs. Lela A. BOlU1O.SThe Application Has notsigned by tho a:;'DEcantAuthorized dau;?;hter, ],IrJ.J. R. Kilgore, to signa~'rlication.Hrs. ~-l.':1. Elliot.t-';5000Prol)orty not occ~J.piedt:1e ai,,')l:c[;l1tlWThe a~,plicnl1ttte f,rOrorty.occupiesElton L. :100ko1'Bxe~·l':::ltion alloHcd on noT'ethan the o.l'!;licant' s eligil)lePO}'tiOll <strong>of</strong> l~h -: rro?er·~=/'.ocmoc1, ',ut sep2.J:''1 te­lor..Jc'int:!.~"ly o~~T]jed.. r:------.-~-.~--'" ---'"-.~~--. ------~-------.------~----,-1,,-

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