Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD~=:-:-=,--,-.,,----.----=-.- .. -----cc-.------,,-------------.---------.. ---------.----- .. ---------.--, DEMENT - MERIDIANI ~-.'- ~....:::----,-------.----- .... ---.-----":.:.,.:..:..:.-. ---.. ----.:....:.::....- ~ ----. --.. -- -".-~-- .. - .. ----- "-' --"'----'.,.-.-42 51JAfter due consideration <strong>of</strong> tho foregoing bids, Alderman Ben J. Hilbun made a motion thatthe bid from Nolan Company, Jackson, Hississippi be accepted, it being the best andlOi>lest bid. Alderman Robert H. Hicl:ey seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.**************************Pursuant to an advertisment in The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle for bids on 2 100 KVA 2400 Volt primary120-240 volt secondary single phase transformers; 4 75 KVA sinsle phase transformers;and2 37t KVA single phase transformers to be received up until 7:30 P. M. October 2, 1951,the following bids were received:Kuhlman Electric Co., 11emphis, Tenn:2 - 100 KVA 2400/4l6OY Primary, 120/240 voltsecondary, 60 cycle, single phase, OISCDistribution Transformers, ~~ Standard with4-21:-% taps belm] normal, with 2 HV PocketBushings.Net Price each _____..______ __ _ ______$736.004 - 75 KVA DittoNet Price Each - - ----------------------- $590.642 - 37t KVA DITTONet Price Each ---------------------------Allis-Chalmers Hanufacturing Co., Memphis, Tenn.2 - 100 KVA, 60 cycle, single phase, 55 OC rise, oilimmersed, self-cooled, outdoor typw transformers.High voltage 21,00 volts '-lith 4 ... 2~ taps belo\-,normal. Low voltage 120/240 volts. Transformersequipped i.Ji th high voltage angle bushings •••••••• $736.00 net each.4 - 75 KVA transformers, as above •••••••••••••.•••••• ;~590.64 net each2 - 37t KVA transformers as above ••••.••••••••••••••• $361.56 net eachSouthern Supply Co., Jackson, Tenn:2 - 100 KVA Conventional Distribution Transformerssingle, phase, 60 cycles, 55 deg. C rise, oil ir.~ercedself-cooled, rated 2400/4l6OY - 120/240 volts, completewith oil and all st"lndard accessories and with two 2t% full capacitytaps above and below 2400 volts, each........... ::~782.924 - 75 KVA Conventional Distrivution Transformers, single-phase,60 cycle, 55 deg. O. rise, oil immersed self-cooled, rated2400/4l60Y-120!240 volts, compoete with oil and standardaccessories and with plus or minus two 2k% full capacity tapseach • •••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•..••..• $628.362 - 37t KVA Conventional Distrifintion Transformers, single-phase,60 cycle, 55 deg. C. rise, oil ir~ersed self-cooled, rated2400/4160-120/240 volts, complete with oil and standardaccessories and two 2Mb full capacity taps above and belo", normaleach.......................................... $361.56Line Material Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin:2 - 100 KVA-120/?-40V Secondard single phaseTransformers ••••••••••••••••••.•••••• each $736.004 - 75KVA - ditto ....................... each2 - 37~- KVA - ditto ••• .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• eachGraybar Electric Co., Inc., St. Louis, Mo.:2 - 100 KVA 2400/l20-2f~0 sin' 'Ie phase t.ransformersG. E. #2t1:I'Z7 •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••4 - 75 KVA 2400/120/240 volt sinr;le phase TRANSfor""'8rsc. E. #26H26 •• • • • . •• • • . • • . . . . • • • • . . . • . .. . • • • • ~590.64 Each2 - 37t KVA 2400/l20-240V Sinrile phase transformersG. E. # 26H24 ••••••••••••••••.••••••••.••••• $361.56 EachTennessee Valley Elec. Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn.:2 - Wagner type HEX, 100 KVA, 2400/4l6OY to 120/240volt 60 cycle, single phase, 55 degrees, OISCtransformers with 2-2t% F. C. taps above andbelow normal and standard NEMA accessories ••••• $736.00 Each4 - Wagner type HEX, 75 KVA, other't-lise same asa Dove •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• $ 590.64 EachIL-... __ . ____ _II

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