Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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~~~ ~~~~4219099109109119129139139<strong>14</strong>915917918919920921921921922923924924924924925925926926926926927928929929929930936937938939941941941Dalrymple Equipment Co., supplies for equipment repairsStandard Oil Company, Esso Extra # 1Standard Oil Company, Esso Motor OilStandard H'elders Supply Co., supplies for shopF. vI. Belk and Son, labor on tractorOzburn-Abston & Company, supplies for shopOzburn-Abston & Company, supplies for equpment repairsHome Ice Company, ice booksBlue and lihite Service Station, wash and greaseP. A. Wilson, 11'1/10 gallons <strong>of</strong> gasThe <strong>Oxford</strong> EaBle, 50 ribbons for ~. olir.e Dept.Lewis Supply ompany, water hose<strong>Oxford</strong> Motor Company, one springJ. B. Carpenter and Son, tire and tube for truckJ. B. Carpenter and Son, tire and tube for truckJ. B. Carpenter and Son, ieroseneRussell Fudge, truck hire and gravelElliott Hardvlare Co., suppliesl1etts Brothers Hardware, suppliesMetts Brothers Hardware Co., shop suppliesMetts Brothers Hardware Co., suppliesl1etts Brothers Hardware Co., supplies for repairsShaw and Sneed Hardware Co., suppliesShal.l and Sneed Hardware Co., supplies for equipment repairs<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts Co., supplies for repairs<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts Co., supplies for equipment repairs<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts Co., supplies for repqirs<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts Co., supplies for shopM. R. Hall, sharpening toolsE. N. Lowe, 45 Hrs. truck hire @ ~3.00<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co., labor slagging streets<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co., 94 hrs. truck with spreader<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co., 85 tons <strong>of</strong> asphaltSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Sept. bill Police OfficeBoyce G. Bratton, care <strong>of</strong> prisonersDaley Lumber Company, supplies for street mainJ.enanceMyers and Knight Equipment Co., labor and suppliesThe J. E. Neilson Co., mm·Ter partsStandard Oil Company, gas for Police CarStandard Oil Company, gas for service truckStandard Oil Company, gas for serJice truck237243238243237243227239228224210227239230240238239239229243239227239227223227237243239239236239239216211239237239224238228$48.9111.0425.657.204.0013.734.0010.004.753.556.0054.03.1569.0034.4121.3953.766.3510.803.807.652.705.651.301.226.5055.729.1312.30135.00292.67282.00722.5023.3237.0034.3427.884.0029.6647.88__]),2.50 __$5,843.0712010110210310526112612261326<strong>14</strong>26152616261726182619262026212622202326.~~2625262626272628262926302631263226332634263526362637J. D. Cole, salary for SeptemberThe First National Bank, tax withheld for AugustJ. R. Hayfield, labor~{. C. l,{right, laborC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Sept. 15, 1951Mrs. Betsy Martin, salary for September - $8.33 Ret.,301Various322322332Hrs. Hattie Richardson, Sept. salary - ;F;10.66 Ret., ~~38.20 w,LhMrs. ~vight Young, Sept. salary, 88.33 Ret., $17.80 w/hMiss Louise Blasingame, Sept. sala~J, $8.66 Ret., ~~19.20 w/hMrs. Dorothy Kuyrkendall, sept. salary, ~~8.66 Ret., $19.20 "l/hl-Irs. Arthur Hayes, salary for Sept. $6.66 Ret., ~~9.90 w/hMrs. T. H. Godbold, salary for Sept. $9.29 Ret, :::;42.10 W/HMrs. George Gleason, salary for Sept., $6.66 Ret., ~19.90 H/hMiss Robbie Eades, salary for Sept. ~~6.00 ret. - $17.00 w /hHrs. Margaret George, salary for Sept, $6.66 ret., 029.90 w/hMiss Orene Halsell, salary for Sept. $6.66 Ret,}OIr. Robert i'Jork, salary for Sept. :~3.33 Ret.Miss Virginia l,.lhite, salary for ,Sept. - $11.90 tax withheldMrs. Ann Howard, salary for Sept. ~~6.66 Ret., $9.90 tax ,,,hithheldMrs. C. C. Stacy, salary for Sept. - $9.90 tax whithheldMrs. Virginia Booth, salary for Sept. - ~~8.33 Ret., $7.80 tax w/hPIrs. Aaron Condon, salary for Sept., ~~6.33 Ret., $8.40 tax withheldMrs. Mary Elmore, salary for Sept., $6.33 Ret.,Hrs. Lila Talmadge, salary for Sept. $6.33 Ret, $8.40 tax withheldDr. H. E. Keye, salary for Sept. ~)29.20 tax ,,,ithheldMrs. Blanche F. Aldrich, salary for Sept. $6.33 Ret.Mrs. Clyde Thompson, salary for Sept. - 33.30 tax withheldMiss Faye Cooper, salary for Sept. - ;;12.70 tax withheldMr. Hade Johnson, salary for Sept. ;:55.77 Ret., ~;16.30 tax withheldMrs. Doris Yerby, salary for Sept., $28.40 tax withheldS ~ G. Gooden, salary for September ~;7 .33 RetirementHazeltine Gooden, salary for September, $6.00 Retirement'>52.00410.0560.0030.00126.78208.33217.80182.20188.80188.80150.18181. 93<strong>14</strong>0.10127.00130.10160.0080.0054.76150.10150.10192.20<strong>14</strong>3.60152.0011+3.60187.46152.0071.70115.07122.37129.93176.00<strong>14</strong>4.00L-.~~Il . _______ .....II~----~~~~~~~~~~~~----~

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