Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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\41 '~='-"-===_.~=_. _MINUTE BOOK. No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXfORD... '--=' .. ~--' ___ .. ~=;="'--"'-~ ._.~ .•......•. C.7",-"_.. c'=-. __ .- ... -":C.:':' ..-=,r-~-"-"'----'--6E"'ENr':: M-~RiDIA;-------·-·------~--:::::·---· .,-,--- -"~ ·---·--·----:::--·-v~_:.-~-- ... -----~'l'he f.'o}]oH:lnr:' petition 1-'''8 nre~ented:IliTe' TU~ HONop~nTE MW0n. ~1TT) BO~,RD OTin str"lP-'-, ""1 n"Y'nviner'l h" Tit,l,,! J6,. Division 16, '\f(1hune 5, <strong>of</strong> thoVi"'''d~~-!,...,ni Cor'le <strong>of</strong>' JO/?~I')~ Con:"1t,!'llct r'P0 n~,rp '1,",~rl Sout.'h lPt'A St.reet o~rer n)1n AJorV' tlJe "lre!1 nbove h"'reinnp,,,:cri'I-Jed ldt.h bJack ton, 0'" "1uch ot.her du~"b1'" n"vAment. m~.teri"l 1'l"1 8jr'! GH,v (1f' Oyf.'(1 ...(1"lhn 11 seJpct~ .,nd ve l1(~rehlr ""'rPA t,hpt· (11"]p_t,hj ... r'I <strong>of</strong>' thp c0-;t (1n ecjf'inr'l hp"Y'r.>i.n, the n1"ns a""n snl"!cifi c"!t.i(1Y's nrenl'lred b;T t.he Cit" Eneineer Ann nop onfile in t.h", Citv '8n(1'~neerrR Off'ice be ""'vi. t};ev pre hnrA'I::w "'nnr(1vAii ,.."n pc'lon+en.?B..CTT{~~ 3..t. 1'f1l:~t. t.}.A p'r"'des specif'; Pr'l in t.h"l ?bove-ment101"]Po n1"'ns p,.,il. s-r;:;pci fiCAtiC'ns "'1'ehp"'ebv "00n+.erl "'n(l est.,bl i~h"'n ""l t,h", r'r"'re~ on ~'1hich thA "bove ","'r'l f'or-ecioinp' 1,m ... kq nret,n be c(n~tru~ten.SEG'T'Tpr /'. Th~t the nr(1n(lrt" o'.rners ",l)o~e P't'onerty qbuts ,.,loPr1 Sout.h EirthtAAnth~treetin-t.),-;-~-;~q descrihed in ~ect.:ion 1 <strong>of</strong>' t,1.--';'1 Res~lution, s}->",ll n"~r costq <strong>of</strong>' cC'n~truct:lnrthr.> qi,.:J91,'~lJr~, CU't'bFl, connecti())'1~, se",er c(1nn"'ct.j(rrs~ f'nrl nn",-t.}.i:r-il (1f thl"! cost, o~ abuttin r ,street P'1""d5n p , M"'1\,e'ling "11r'l D'0v;np in frC')'1-'- nf' r'" nbut,t:i'1f'J' on 0'" q'onrt t.1-,""~r nronr>rty,0'" be "lub;(lct to nsseSS]"1ent f(11' tr.r.> co"'t <strong>of</strong> the snecjql imnrovemen+s.~?,;;~_'1'TPi.2f. Th~t th"1 m..,terir;lfl ,.jth 1.r'hjc1.., flqjn. street if'! t,o be snecifiMJlv imnrove0 8h.,11be <strong>of</strong>' "'ny <strong>of</strong>' th"'t vY"ich j~ set forth in trp n 1"ns ..,,,r'l snAcjf'ic"t 5 ,·n"1 nreDf'red b:' the Ci t~r'Rnu:i nAer, 1·rhich have been R(lon+·ed n(l pre no" on fi 1.e '.ri th t 11P ~it," F.nO':~ n ..... er.\BBCT.'! .. Pr.r.2t, 'l'h~t. the Cit'r Cler'-

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