Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD0------DEMENT - MERIDIAN"'-._- ;;-The foregoing bid being the only one received and atter due consideration, AldermanRobert W. Hicke;r moved that said bid be accepted. This motion was seconded by AldermanH. S. Sisk and passed tm8Dimous~ and it is so ordered.I '1* * * * * * *Pursuant to an advertisement in The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle for bids on sand and gravel to be receivedup until 7:30 P. M., <strong>July</strong> 3, 1951, bids from the fellowing '(Jere received:E. G. Walker - Batesville, MississippiJ. T. Harris, Batesville, MississippiA. H. Willard, Avalon , MississippiRuss ell Fudge, <strong>Oxford</strong>, MississippiArter a careful consideration <strong>of</strong> the foregoing bids, Alderman B. O. Elliott moved thatthe bid from Russell Fudge be accepted it being the best and lowest bid. This motiOnwas seconded by Alderman Robert W. Hickey,~passed unanimously and it is so ordered.* * * * * * *Af1 application from Lois Hillhouse to operate a taxi in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> was presentedto the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen, and atter due consideration, Alderman Ben J. Hilbunmade a motion that this application be granted. This motion was seconded by AldermanRobert W. Hickey, and the application was unanimously approved. Mr. Hillhouse wasgi van Badge Iro. l28* * * * * * *An application from HI". Leonard Reid to operate a taxi in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> was presentedto the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen, and atter due conSideration, Alderman ire T~ .Cbamhrmade a motion that this application be granted. This motion was seconded by AldermanRobert W. Hickey, and the application was unanimously approved. Mr. Reid was given BadgeNo. 100.* * * * * * * *~ application from Mr. William J. Nelson to operate a tazi in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> was presentedto the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen, and atter carefully considering the application, AldermanAlderman Robert W. Hickey moved that this application be granted. This motion was secondedby lldeman B. O. Elliott, and the application was unanimously approved. Mr. Nelson wasgiven Badge # 126.* * * * * * * *Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> approval. <strong>of</strong> taxi permits outside <strong>of</strong> Board Meetingsand atter a discussion <strong>of</strong> the matter, Alderman B. O. Elliott moved that no taxi permit beapproved except at meetings <strong>of</strong> the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen at the <strong>City</strong> Hall. Thismotion was seconded by Alderman Robert W. Hickey, passed tmanjmously and it is so ordered.* * * * * * * *Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> Gill W. Johnson going to state College to study thetesting and the adjusting <strong>of</strong> electric meters in a school there. After a .discussion <strong>of</strong>the matter Alderman H. S. Sisk moved that the <strong>City</strong> pay Mr. Johnson's expenses while atstate College. Alderman B. O. Elliott seconded the motion, it passed unanimously and isso ordered.* * * * * * * *Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> an increase in light and water deposits and att~Mr. Harrison reported the results <strong>of</strong> a study <strong>of</strong> the matter he recommended to the Mayor andthe Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen that the following amotmts be required for deposits on lights and waterin residences:$5.00 Ligats Only$5.00 Water$2.50 Stove$2.50 Water HeaterAfter a discussion <strong>of</strong> the matter, Alderman Ben J. Hilbun moved that the foregoing aiDotmtsbe required for deposits. Alderman H. S. Sisk seconded the motion, it passed unanimouslyand is so ordered.* * * * * * * *.~,

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