Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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366II~.I~.~~.--., DEMENT - MERIDIANMINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDWill Lcrw1s appeared betore the Mayor aDd Board ot Alderma with the f'ollwing resolutioa:Wkereas, the First Presbyterian Church :1Jl thelhlited. states, <strong>of</strong>' Oxt'ord, Mississippi, (a]:so called the PresbyterianChurch ia <strong>Oxford</strong>, Mississippi) has been in the actual possessioDot a part ot a street hereiBaf'ter described tor at least7; or 100 years as we bellve aDd using it as a part <strong>of</strong>' the churchlot upon which the church editice is built, duriJIg all ot whieatime the Dll1ll1cipall ty <strong>of</strong>' <strong>Oxford</strong>, MiSSissippi, has .. ever claim.ed.the said street, or ill 8.'fq way, so tar as we know or belive, disturbedthe possessioJII. <strong>of</strong>' tu said church ot said street; alld Whereas,said street has Dever been opened or used as a street by' said DlUlIicipallty,w, whereas, said street is still UJIlused and UJIlo~MC1, aDd,whereas, under the circumstances it is right and proper, aDd iaaccord with equity and justice, that the DlUllicipality ot <strong>Oxford</strong>,MissiSSippi, cOl1vey and quit claim to the elders ot said chUrchthe street hereiJaat'ter described, f'or &JII.d in cODSideratiOJll. ot OAeDollar in cash;Theretore, beit resolved by the MA,'or and Bo&rd <strong>of</strong>'Aldermen ot the DlUlIicipality ot Oxf'ord, Mississippi, :1Jl regularmeeting assembled, that the lIlUD.icipallty ot <strong>Oxford</strong>, said state,sell aad convey \lJlto the elders ot the church at'oresaid in consideratioDot One dollar iD cash, the f'oll~ described street,to wit:starting at the southeast corner ot JA)t No. 18,thence west along the ,south line <strong>of</strong>' said lot 18a distance <strong>of</strong>' 12; teet more or less to the west lineot the said church IS property; thence south aJ.oJlgthe west liDe ot the property ot the said FirstPresbyterian Church in the U. S. <strong>of</strong>' Oxf'ord, Mississippi,to the south liDe ot a 30 toot street lJingbetWeJl said Lot 18 and Lot No. 21; thence east alOllgthe north line <strong>of</strong>' city lot No. 2l a distance <strong>of</strong>' 12;teet more or less to the Dortheast CarDer ot saidlot 21; thence north across said street 30 f'eet tothe point <strong>of</strong>' beginning, containjng 3750 square f'eetmore or less iD Section 21, township 8, range 3, assame, together with the two lots, are laid down aDddesignated on the map or plat <strong>of</strong>' <strong>Oxford</strong>, Laf'ayetteCounty, Mississippi, said map being OIl file iD thecity hall thereot, and a copy on file in the ottice<strong>of</strong>' the clerk <strong>of</strong>' the chancery court ot the county

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