Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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I.MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD~-~ '.'363I----- .._..._--.--------,--_.._--_..---_.._-----------,-,---- --..-.-_._---- -- ...... -._----,--.. ------_._---,-:=-======'DEMENT - MERIDIAN.__ c_.-#--... _.. ,C,C.C.C..____. _-'-'--'C_._'___•.____-,'--I,I Il3811-3853863873883G92552873{'':>:J~3643 0n/~L06.3(:'01;.11/:-12le13/JJy/,15il-161+171 .. 1$LI-3111-19419419i~2042<strong>14</strong>.22!;-2j.':.2/;-/~.?51:2642.642~Ch",rle3 G. stone, salary for Jtme -:':35.40 tax '.rithhr11dBe8.tricc H. Stone, salary for June -:~4.80 tax l.l:ithheldLafayette C01.mty Health Departmenth~fayette County Library, pro-rataCh~.ncery Clerk, h'1fayette GOlmty, rest roomJ. H'. }:rice, salc'lry for JuneO:dord Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce, advertisement (:l,~ethodist Conference)The First Nation~l Bame, tax uithheld for HayC. ~). Fulmer, De:r'ut~r Clerk, }'a;:T!'oll June 15, 1951C. J? Fn]Jner, Deputy C ler1-::, retty cashlJoyle Luther, salary for Jtu1eRolD.nd Leister, sala::1 for JuneG. r. Fl1L'l1.or, De}!'llty C10rl~, rnyroll for J'lme 30, 1951Delta Clcer'1j_ccl Co., bleached multifo1d -Gol'clsHone Ice Co., ice boo~'.: for Ge,,~etcrJ' crmTSouthern Be:ll Tel. &. Tel. Co., I~ngineer' OfficeScnthern 13ell 7el. G: 7e1. Co., Fire Denartr:lontSouthorn Boll Tel. &. TeJ. Co., Cit? HallNntio!lc'J.1 FroQt1c-Gs Co., Janitor suppliesUnited Tobncco n11::1 Gandy Co., janitor suppliesEeynold:::; P. r.~ H. and E1ec. Service, supplies and laborOx:r:'ord Hotor Co., sUYlpl:i es for repairs ~i'ir8 truckHetts Brothers Ea:c'chm.re, ::lUliplies i;emetaryl-Totts lrot1'.el'S E2.rcbc.re, ::::unp15 os - Vets. AntsNetts Brothers IIo.rci.,lar'3, s'Ll~'pliGS - Cit;',' Hall upkeepJ. 11. 01ivor, and Co., },oHEir rom'ler for Ceraetary less c:'..'edit Hemo.Uniteo G::\s Cor~J(lration, ~c;as bill <strong>City</strong> H all (2 months)Burroughs A.dcUnC Ihchine Co., service froT:' <strong>July</strong> 50 to <strong>July</strong> 51<strong>Oxford</strong> Insu:r~nce A,'e'ency, bond for J.. H. Uillnl·f. II. l1inJ:lor, auc'l.i t for p~riod onaec. 3/3/51TOT] L. l(ot.c11in·'Cj Co., pndsThe <strong>Oxford</strong> Ea,:;le, 1e::;2.1 ~dvortiGinG'l'l:e <strong>Oxford</strong> E:3.C'10, <strong>of</strong>:':'ice sunplies<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts, sUDplj_os "or Cemetnry'l'OTALAHOmTT---178 ::::2]je • Eo178 75.20136 162.5011+8 32.501<strong>14</strong> 15.00115 100.00166 150.00Vo.rious 100.10Vo.rious 323;00~h.ricus 11.17135 90.67135 G9.33VariCius 323.75127 9.40120 5.00124 10 •. S3135 15.5012LI- 6.75]27 71;..75127 (..51111-9 ~5.801.35 5.93120 11.50<strong>14</strong>9 10.78155 .60120 2.36123 29.32<strong>14</strong>6 16.40156 /,.0.00131 75.00l'e6 G.67122 25.85ACCOUHT lTQ.<strong>14</strong>6 ])).• 051,'20 -4.50_;',;3,996.17t,/+071 .. 081,09~.o9288353,,).(/.JuuLI-I0397/,291:-30'432433L:331;.34.LI-35!:.36/.361,,.37'/,38la91 .. 40l:-L!-1i /.-421..43444/.,45L)+'6/J;-7!...M'!~lrC/)~8'!r-~:~~, ,t).-+--t-".'//)LI-50J. t:;n'.r.;' v/51G. D. PD.rker, salary for June - ::::31.40R. ~. Tj_dHell, so.bry for JtmeIra ,Hills, snb.r~T for JuneIrD. Hills, S[l.lary for JtmeThe 'First National Balli-=:, tax Hitbheld for HayC. p. Fulnor, De-uty Cler l -, pa~rroll June 15, .1951C. :So FulDer, Deputy Gler~'::8 :Lor equ:\F~ent repairsOyford Auto P::rts, Sl'_~~l)l:iCS for re;'airsS~J.:i_o·tt I!nrc:: ..\:~.ro Co., '!1~t.cri~.1 for reraira:2:l1~.ot t I!crd~ .. f~.:Cc Co., ou:r:.)l-~ esOzburn-Abston [: Go., :::lU1';)l l .0S:'01' equi'~'L'ontOz1)u.~n-PJx3tO:'l [: Co., ;]l1IYll~_cs :Lor I"or'l~.1~'1sS(YLltl:crn ,S11~.!~.il~- r,o., 'r.!, ... tcY' 11030 for s~')ril~':lc~.r8~cirs?~t;,,">,J./ "" (:168. to225 165.00223 26.88228 26.87235 31.40Various 1,267.18217 & 243 1.95236 13.35Various 1,056.06229 18.90227 6.002L;3 1.80229 10.00239 10.00239 33.9720 1':.08227 2.86237 3.45239 ~,9.35237 9.45227 1.88~.39 21.15;cireo.se 227 1;..60227 51.84239 562.50237 3.68,':27 8.05227 .30239 79.21243 lL.G2?37 le3.53"'~Q,."'./ '" .83227 7.75239 .'25.27:?29 .3.78227 9.M,237 (./~6227 2C:.22!irII___ Ii .. __________ .

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