Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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..3611OEMENT - MERIDIAN- --- ---------~ ---=---'-------_.MINUTE_BOOK No.<strong>14</strong>, CIT Y 0 FOX F ~~~ ______________.. ..:~ ~..-----------------.......:~~~:---:...-.-.-------.--~--~.-.-.--..."....---:.....------;,.:..=_.. ~'.-- 1---·,I II .RECESS, RECESS, l1EGULA .. 11 f.'IEEl'nTG 7: 30 P. H. tTuLY :3, 1951IPursU3.nt to a recess order entered on June 6, 1951, the l-Iayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen J11cton <strong>July</strong> 3, 1951, in the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> A1dermen 1 s Chamber in the <strong>City</strong> H all, when e.nd"l-1here the following uere present:B. O. Elliott, Alderr'..'Ul .'1t L'lr~eDen J. II ilb1..m, Aldorn~m 'Jrlrd OneH. S. Sisl:, A1derr.18.n Hard ThreeRobort ~).Hickey, Aldorrnc.n Hard Four* * * * * * *C • ... .w... .Ha}.'rison, Superin '-endent Lic-;ht Dort.E. D LoHO, <strong>City</strong> EngineerJ. ~1 • Price, C:tty Attorney.. .C. p FuJI'ler, D'3~'llty Clor].::* * * * x ~ *After the meeting had been opened according to In"\-!, the fo110lJing business Has hadto-Hit:Upon motion m"'.de by Alderman U. T. Chn.nd1er, seconded by Alderman P..o.obert H. Hickey andpassed l..manimously , it uas ordorod the:t the J11inutes <strong>of</strong> the previous meeting be adoptedas Toad.Upon motion made by Aldernan Hilbun ,seconded by A1derrmn Hickey , andpassed lUlanimous1y, it "\-laS ordered that this Board do no"\-! adjourn sine die.IiI~--~---~Hayor/II_ll _________ ~ __--------------_~______ Jj

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