Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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I\MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>1 CITY OF OXFORDDEMENT - MERIDIANCamEl on for considerc.tion the 11'1.ttor <strong>of</strong> ·;lo.yinc~ ~homas E. Ethrid[1,o for his :Jervices inconnectiol' uit}, the ho.ndlinc; <strong>of</strong> thr "~::25S,000.00 Spccial:3t.reet Im~)rovenent notes <strong>of</strong> the('it~T <strong>of</strong> Oyford. Aftor due consirl.e:ration, Aldermttn Ben J. Hilb1.m moved that Hr. Ethridgebe paid:~750.00 for services already rendered, and the t'emaininr:250.00 ',!~1en the deal iscom:;-11otod. This motion 1JQ3 seconded, passed tmo.nimollsly, G.nd the Clerk i:J hereby authorizedto issue check to ThoTrlEl.s =t. Ethrid,:;e in tho amount <strong>of</strong> ,'::750.00.- "Caw' on for C0l1SJ.0era-Clon the 111'.1.tter <strong>of</strong> delinquent taxos fer George ~;inter and aftere. ~liscussion <strong>of</strong> t!10 m"tter, !\ldor~n Ben J. Hilbun moved that the fol101:JinC reductionsbe nade on tho follmri.n:::; assessments:l'-~ntel"s lIen's ,St.ore :J.l;~loo.rinG roo' Pa~e :02, Line 15, <strong>of</strong>'~he 1948 AssessI:1ent RollFixtures reduced to::500.00, Herch2ndise redtwoc1 to :::1,500.00.1.1inter f s Hen's StoTe apr'82.rinG on Po.:--;e 110, Line 13, <strong>of</strong> the 191J-9 Assessment RollFixt1J.-es reduced to ";750.00, Herchr>.l1.c1.ise"l,OOO.OOThis motion H8.S socondod by Aldern"".n n.obert '1. Hickey, passed unanimously o.nr1. it isso ol·derecl.Came on for consideration tl1e H'1tter <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> c~ro.ntinc; Hr. Du10n !~izeI~ermi3sion to use some <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>'s In.nel near tbe Veterans HousinG 1.;nit for pasture.Aft',oyo Q discussio·· <strong>of</strong> the Lk").ttor, AldeTIT,rm Bon J. Hilbun movw' that l:Ir. Hize beal101:!ed to use said land for said purpose. Ald8rman Hobert VI. Hic1:ey seconded themotion and it p

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