Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD35~Iii... ------.------.. ------.. --.----.--.. -.----.... -----:~=====DEMENT - MERIDIAN; ....___. _ ....#-i._.__._.__"'-'_ .....__. _ ...__._-._._._.c.:_'_..' .-'-___._._._._.-'-___ ... _ ..__._ .•...______.. _.___.._ .'-_.. _ •..•._.__............- ..•_ .••....'_'__ • -..--.......... r=1; .29930030030030130130130230230230230330330L~30,130!~ .305306307308,3093103113123133JJ}315316,316316317318319320321322323324325326327328328293293standard ~-Telders Supply Go., shop SUI)1ilies<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto P['.rts Co., supplies for equ.:i·rmcnt repairs<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto P2.rts Co., SurIilies for sho:!,<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto PD.l'tS Co., Sl.1.J':::,lios for rolice car repnirsEotts Brothers IIarduct:!'.'8, sl'Y'}llios for equip. repairsHC'tts :3rotters Harc1.\Jaro, suppli8s street mnir1tenanceNotts -=:rothors Earchmre, SH1'l'lios for sanitation dellartnentOzbl'rn-:\bston C: Co., shor 3u:r'1~liosOzburn-Abston 8.~ Co., 3uT:pl-i.os {'or :'01:; co car repail'sOz;'m.rn-!l hst01l e: Co., tire ,,11(' tuiJe for serviC'o trnckOzburn-:~1,stoY' t: Co., f:::r(1 br~lt for "lus],or motorOle Hiss Service Station, valve stens,(~roD.so & stop lOt1kOle :liss Service Sttion, +Sre an,1 tube for service trllckH. :rl. Eall, sharpenin;; tools for street maintenanceH. R. Hall, shar::*lninc:; }a,1!m mouor and makinr: blade for mOHerlI. R. Eo'll, sharpeninf1, 2 lmm mOl.'ersDalrymple Equipment Co., carburetorF. ~1. Be~J, an,1 Son, l,arts an,l. labor on equipmontFatton-Courtnoy H8.rd1!nrc, supplies for repairsHuggins and Hilbun Hotor Co., Gas for poljce carThe J. E. Neilson Co., shovels anr, filesNyers and Knir;ht Equipment Co., pitch fork n.n' ~:asPidGeon-Thomas Iron Co., 50 lbs. Hiy;inr: raGs31JJott Hard~Jo.::re Co., com. brick for street (John Cullen),Standard Ser"ice St?tion, transmission greaseElliott Hard',ro.re Co., sup:,lies for street maintenance<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co., 100 tons <strong>of</strong> asphalt IS 1:;8.50J. B. C'1.r:onter anr~ Son, 2 tires am1 tubesJ. B. Car:!,enter anrJ Son, 50 cals. J-:eroseneJ. B. Ccr!,onter aYlr; Son, 1 faD beltGethricht-Reed Drug Co., merthj olate an r1 banrl air,sOx?ord As:!,halt Co., 10 hrs. slopinG Abernatlw' s ~Tardli.4f1- Service St.,tion, ,"Tease D.:'10 luiJricationP. A. '\Hlson, ~::a3 , Hash, rease, etc. Police carl!'nited Gns Cor:rorD.tion, April and Hay bill Police Sto.tionBoyce G. Bratton, care <strong>of</strong> priso'v~rsSOl,ther:l Boll 'fel. & Tel. Co., May bill Police Office<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co., 7:~- Hrs. grac1ing Freeelr:1an T01mPhill:: ps Clinic, J1lD.dieal treatment for ~Hllis BurtC. G. Hus:e;ins E: Son, supplies street maintenance!{usseE Fude;e, gravelD3.ley L111nbcr Co., naterial for street maintenanceDaley LUf,lber Co., snp!,lies for repairsStandard Oil Co., gas a11c 1 . oil for service truckStandctrd Oil Co., gas an(~ oil for service truckTOTAL_. SCI-iOeL __ l"HND .... 0..----1i-2 J. D. Cole, snlar;'f for Hay39 Tl,e First Nr'.tional Bank tax ,vi thheld for April40 C. T'. Fi lmer, Deput~T ClerIc, pa~rrolll1aoT 15, 1951ii-I The GoneralF1md, transfer'e3 C. P. Fulmer, De:nuty Clerk, payroll Hay 30, 195<strong>14</strong>f1- Hississippi School Supply Co., naterial for instruction.1~5 The Hurley Company, Inc., miscellaneous supplies1:-6 Elliott Lumber Co., supplies for repairs47 Hississippi School Sup!,ly Co., janitor supplies48 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., may bill Elem. School/",,9 The Office Suy:rrly Co., supplies for ins ruction50 Heynolds P. 8.: H. and Elec. Service, Darts anrl. ser"ice51 The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle, supplies52 Georgia School <strong>Book</strong> Depository, Inc., admin. expense53 S. C. rro<strong>of</strong>, materb.l for instruction54 Elliott Hard'v!are Co., sl}.pplics for renairs55 <strong>Oxford</strong> Electric '.... 0., projector lamp ane1 Service56 University Hir,!1 School, U. H. S. tuition57 lJnited Gas Corporation, ellS bill for April and Hay58 Hiss Rich"rdfr,n, petty cash59 University H, igh School, supplies for 6th grade picnic61 UniversHy HiZh School, tlming tuo pianos60 University High School, oxtrn clerical '\wrk62 Tho J. E. i'Tailson Co., n~.trol picnic62 The J. E. Neilson Co., coal Por Negro School(.J <strong>City</strong> Grocery Company, supplies for Home Ee. Dept.G4 <strong>Oxford</strong> Colored Hasonic Lodge, rent for lvIay65 <strong>Oxford</strong> Electric Co., service66 <strong>Oxford</strong> Light and Water Plant:Grammar School ~;;70.68 - April bill, ;?53.l0 Hay bill66 Colored School - ~?60. 72 ~ May billTOTAL~ -~. -.---~---- ...._.2/1-3227?43,223227239

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