Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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34l\IIr---:-c----------------------I .. • DEMENT - MERIDIAN--- - --~-.:.-------~~--MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXfORD(IlOn motion made by Alderman Robert \~. Hickey, seconded by Ben J. Hilbun and passedunanimously, it was ordered that the <strong>City</strong> Eneineer readvertise for bids onon remainder <strong>of</strong> cement.**** ***********************************Pursuant to an advertisement in The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle for bids on gravel and sandto be received up until 7:30 P. H., Mas 1, 1951, the followinG bids were received:CONCRETE GRAVEL ?JT RUN GRAVEL Hi\SHED CONCRETECUBIC YARD CDBIC YARD SAHDCnBIC YARDRussell Fudge :'~2.55 $1.60 ;,?1.65N. H. I1cGonagill ~j2. 60 ~;l. 58 r:>2.30COl,lHONS~JmCUBIC YARD:)1.50~1.75After due consideration <strong>of</strong> the foregoing bids, Alderman B. O. Elliott mD,de a motion thatall bids be rejected and the <strong>City</strong> Engineer be authorized to re-advertise for bids onsame. This motion ,·TaS seconded by Alderman Robert H. Hickey, passed unanimously, andit is so ordered.**************************Pursuant to an advertisement in The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle for bids on asphalt to be receivedup until 7:30 P. H., May 1, 1951, the follo'Hing bids were received:~.SPHALT ASPHALT ASPHA.LT ASPHALT TREtrCHING TRENCHINGPRDIER H. V. GRADE COLD NIX COLD HIX 18" :>lIDE 24" (,!IDEGALIDN G!l.ILON PATCH NIL p~.Vllm LINEAL FT. LINEAL PI'.SQ. Yfu."WAmerican Bitumuls Co. ~;:;0.1262 ';0.1112Bitucote Pr00ucts ~;;'0.1192 ::?0.1060<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Go. ~~8. 50 T :;;;1. 40 1~0.30 ~0.35Birmingham Slag Co. ::~8.62 TAfter due consideration <strong>of</strong> the foregoing bids, Alderman Ben J. Hilbun made a motion that thefollowing bids from the follo'lt,ing companies be accepted:American Bi tumuls Co. , Asphalt Primer per gallon :)0.1262, asphalt H. V. grade per gallon ;:~O .1112<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt Co. , Asphalt cold mix patch mil ~?8. 50 per ton, asphalt cold mix paving perSquare yard (?1.40, trenching 19" wide per lineal feet (~0.30 per foot,trenching 24" wide t;0.J5 per lineal foot.This motion Has seconded by Alderman B. O. Elliott and passed ,.,ith the folloHing vote:B. O. Elliott voted YeaBen J. Hilbun voted YeaH. S. Sj_sk voted Yeaw. T. Chandler voted nayRobert 'H. Hic}.:ey voted NayPursuant to an advArtisement in the <strong>Oxford</strong> Erl11e for hids on motor grader hire, truck hire and30" concrete pipe to be received-l,1p until 7:30 F. H., Hay 1, 1951, the follm.Jing bids werereceived:<strong>Oxford</strong> Asphalt CompanyRussell FudgeHCTOR GRADER HIREHC.URLYDUHF TUCI< HIREHOrELY30" CONCEEI'E PIPELIN. FEETMoore Lumber CompanyChoctavT, Inc.Mid South Fipe Company$4-.90:;~4. 90~:rLI-. 90

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