Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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I, ~==----_._-. OEMENT - MERIDIANMINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD87We11-648176C. D. H210ne, s~.la.!'y for A1'ril,'\2.80 tax HithheldHrs. Binnie Hartsfield, sqlary for AprilThe First National Bank, taxes withheld for l1archDuncan Betel' Corporation, March sharp. or colLlctionsThe <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle, suppliesTOTAL:')177.2027.002.80623.882.85:~833 .73----[ I52C. p. Fulmer, DeTmty Clerk, petty cash 1;/17/51';16.00~--,-TOTAL**~~*****~******************The follmJing petition was prescmted by Mr. and Itrs. E. 1. Hooker at a previcus meeting<strong>of</strong> the }1ayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen:,S'rtITJI: G? VISSI:33IPPJCCUI1TY Gil' L!'u 7 AYETTE April 10, 1951PET I T I 0 ITTC THE HONORA8LE HAYCn AND THE BOARD CF A:;-DE~;'J~l.TCITY C F m::7CRD, LAFAYETTE CClmTY, IHSSISSIFPI:CF THEComes nOH yoU!:' petiticmer, E. L. Hooker, Hho ':lo... ~ld ShOH unto t.he Board <strong>of</strong>~"ldermen and the Hayor the follovJing facts, to Wit:l. That your petitioner is the OVille!' <strong>of</strong> a lot <strong>of</strong> ground in the CHy <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong>, Hhich is Lot Numher 04 <strong>of</strong> the Amadelle sub-rlivision as that s"lction<strong>of</strong> the cit~r is sho'.m on the city l11.'lP on file the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the ChanceryClerk <strong>of</strong> Lafayette County, l c Li.ssissippi.2. Th~t your petitioner's O".mership <strong>of</strong> the snid lot is recorded inDeed Roole No. 119 at paGe 311 in the <strong>of</strong> rice <strong>of</strong> the Chancery CJerk <strong>of</strong> lafayetteCounty !'lississippi.3. That, '1.t S'YlC t.irr.e durinG or prior to the suruner J110nths <strong>of</strong> <strong>1950</strong>,the ci t~r <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> began construction <strong>of</strong> ., cot,re"'''-, ~811ed PRICE street '..]hichstreet your reti tioner understood [\n,-1 bel.i.eved to be the northermostbcundary line <strong>of</strong> the aforeScdd lot no. 64 <strong>of</strong> the I\madelle subriivision.!j.O That in the ::,rocess <strong>of</strong> street construction, the city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> didcnuse certain t!'oes to be cut from land ""hich your petitioner Ul1derstood 8.ndbelieved to belon[.; to him; and that in due COUTse a complaint Has m.'1.c1.e tothe Hayor ann. the Cit~r Engineer.5. That the Hayor and <strong>City</strong> Engine or did, at that time, S,lOW Y01'·" notionerthe aforesaid map and did st~,tr> th9.t the trees ,.,hich had been cut(lid not belon~; to your I,etitioner, bt"t vJere rather tIle property <strong>of</strong> the cityby virtue <strong>of</strong> the right-<strong>of</strong>-Hay rights rrovirled in the deed eranting HnCEstreet to the <strong>City</strong>.6. That tho <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> continued to do construction 1.rork on PIGCEstreet to the point <strong>of</strong> certain c:rading operations "'hieh resulterl in clearindications that if aJ.lowed to continue to cOP1rletion lIould effectivelydestroy any possible lot Gf} front'1[!e on N. L'lmar street. That this loss <strong>of</strong>frontage on N. Lamar street 'Hould cause comrlete and irrenara.ble dama7e tothe sr>.id lot and HOl~ld result in considerable financial damage to your Y'etioneror CQllSe the lot to be much less desirnble ':lS a site ",here the home<strong>of</strong> your petitioner might be cOl1:Jtructed.7. That, as soon f1.S this situation b8came apparent, on or ahout Au~.25, <strong>1950</strong>, your petitioner ?,gain comrlained to the Meyor and the <strong>City</strong> Engine'-··Hith reference to the Cll.I've <strong>of</strong> PhICE street uho!'e the .said rmc:::: STHEET intersectsN. Lamar strE\et. That this com-rlaint resulted in a con['erence bot'Vlcenthe \.]ife <strong>of</strong> you:", petitioner, the Hayor, the <strong>City</strong>. Engineer, and a brothnrin-1m., <strong>of</strong> your petitioner at the actu.91 site <strong>of</strong> complalnt.

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