Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDDEMENT - MERIDIANRECESS, REGULA ... l1 l·:1EETIEG 7:30 P. H. ATRIL 10, 1951Pursuant to a recess order entered on April 3, 1951, the Hayor andmet at the-'<strong>City</strong> Hall at 7:30 P. H., Tuesday, A.prillO, 1951, ",henfollouing 11ere present:Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen2nd uhere theIR. X. 'Vlilliams, Hayor, PresidingB. O. Elliott, AlderoE.n at LargeBen J. Hilbun, Alderman Wr;rd OnevI. T. Chandler, Alderman Hard THOH. S. Sisk, Alderman Hard ThreeIJRobert T"J.Hickey, AldeI'l.1lan Hard Four*********************J. W. Price, AttorneyC. E. Harrison, Superintendent Lisht DenartmentC. P. Fulmer, Deputy <strong>City</strong> ClerkNe1.]t King,Na.rshalE. P. Loue, En:;ineer*************************After the meeting had been called to order, the folloHing business .... ms had, to-vlit:An application from Charlie E. Christman to m·m and operate a taxi ~n the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong> Has !lres8nted to the :·1ayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen, and after due consideration,Alderman Ben J. Hilbun made a motion that this application be gr8.nted. This motionuas seconded by Alderman H. S. Sis1\:, and the application Has unanimouslY approved.Hr. Christman ,·TaS given Taxi Permit No. 96,**********************Alderman B. O. Elliott moved the adoption <strong>of</strong> the follm,ring ordinance and AldermanBen J. Hilbun seconded the motion.\AN ORDINANCE I1AKING CEHTAIN STREE'rS ONE-H,1\,Y STREETS AIm PHOHIBITINGPAREIlJG OF VEHICLES ON CERTAIN SIDES OF CERTA.IN STREETS j?ORCERrrAIP DISTANCES "lITHHT THE CITY OF OXFORD, IUSSISSIPPI,INSTRUCTING TIC CITY EnGINEER TC Nll..:'1.1\ SAllE ACCORDIJJGLY, PRESCRIBInGP'~:l'TALTIES ~OR VIOLATION 1'HEREOF, PIWVIDIEG TH AT IT TAKE EFFECTIV}>'lEDI.\TELY, A?D FOR OT:1EH PURPOSES.Be it ordained by the Hayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen <strong>of</strong>the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, HississipIJi:No.1. That parkine: <strong>of</strong> automobiles and other vehiclesis l1ereby prohi'Jited on the follmJing parts <strong>of</strong> the follo1,ring streetsand avenues Hithin tho <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississippi:4-North side <strong>of</strong> Harrison from Tenth'3treet to South LamarSouth side <strong>of</strong> Tylr.r fron South Lamar to Tenth Street.No.2. That the <strong>City</strong> Eneineer is hereby authorized andinstructed to mark the foregoinG streets \lith yelloH lines so asto indicRte that parkinG is prohibited on said side <strong>of</strong> said streets.lIl~No. 3. That Harrison ane1 Tyler streets betHee'1 SouihLama.r and ':!:'onth Avenue are hereby designq.ted as one ·way streets,traffic to proceed East on II arrison and :Jest on Tyler.That anv violation <strong>of</strong> this ordinance shall bepunished by a fine <strong>of</strong> not exceeding One Hundred C: 100.000 Dollars,or by imprisoment for not long~r then thirty (30) days, or byboth such fine and imprisoment.No. I.,..

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