Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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f1-:::1 ==,.,.,------- ----------D-EM~-=-;:;~-;;;;;;';:;;------"--~-'-'-'---MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>.#Pi)CITY Of OXFORD3131I--'---'--jf-- ------ -------------_.------------------------ --------.----- ===;;=~Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> construction ~lOrk on new streets. After adiscussion <strong>of</strong> the matter, Alderman Robert H. Hickey made a motion that no new street,not now under construction, be started without first getting bids on all materialsand supplies to be used on said streets, and also no contract for labor on streetsbe given until the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> had advertised. for bids on \lOrk' and:-materials. This motion was seconded by Alderman Ben J. Hilbun and passed unanimous~.********************~*~*****Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> paying H'mey Chevrolet Company for repairson Lt. D. G. Fleming's car damaged "Then said car got in rut on Price Street anda hole "!as made in radiator. After due discussion <strong>of</strong> the m...qtter, Alderman B. O.Elliott made a motion that the bill presented to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> by HaneyChevrolet Company be disallo,,,ed. This motion Has seconded by Alderman H. S. Siskand passed unanimously.**************************Dr. J. W. Rothchild appeared before the }fuyor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen with a requestthat each visitor who attended the Methodist Conference to be held in <strong>Oxford</strong> soon begiven a courtesy card which '·rouJd give said visitor permission to park free duringhis stay in the <strong>City</strong>. After considering the matter, Alderman H. S. Sisk made amotion that Dr. Rothchild's request be granted, and each visitor registering for theconference be given courtesy cards. Alderman 1:1. T. Chandler seconded the motionand it carried llilanimously.Hr. U. P. Haley a peared before the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen and as ked that hebe given a culvert for bUilding on South 18th Street and University Avenue. After adiscussion <strong>of</strong> the matter, Alderman Ben J. Hilbun made a motion that the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Oxford</strong> advertise for bids on materials necessl3.ry for culvert. Alderman Hilbun furthermoved that the <strong>City</strong> also advertise for Hork to be done on putting culvert in place.This motion was seconded by Alderman H. S. Sisk and passed unanimously and it is soordered.Came on for consideration the matter <strong>of</strong> advertising for necessary supplies and eqUipmentfor special street improvements. After a full discussion, Alderman B. O. Elliott ~~dea motion that the <strong>City</strong> Engineer, E. P. Lowe, make an outline for necessary improvementsand advertise for same. This motion was seconded by Alderman Ben J. Hilbun and passedunanimously, and it is so ordered.theCame on for consideration!, matter <strong>of</strong> 1m. water pressure at the home <strong>of</strong> :f.frs. DonnaHcLure and after a discussion, Alderman Robert 1-1. Hickey made a motion that the<strong>City</strong> take the necessary steps and proceed with whatever is necessary to increase thepressure. This motion was seconded by Alderman B. O. Elliott and passed unanimously,and it is so ordered.Came on for discussion the matter <strong>of</strong> conve:,'ting a part <strong>of</strong> t -e Bus Station on VanBuren Avenue into an Armory, and after considering the matter, 'Alderman B. O. Elliottmade a motion that the <strong>City</strong> make necessary repairs for converting same. This motionwas seconded by Alderman Ben J. Hilbun and passed unanimously, and it is so ordered.An application from Guy Cook to own and operate a taxi in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong> 10TaSpresented to the Mayor and Board <strong>of</strong> Aldermen, and after due consideration, AldermanBen J. Hilbun made a motion that this application be granted. This motion wasseconded by Alderman B. O. Elliott, and the application was unanimously approved.Mr. Cook was given 'I'axi Permit No. 95.****************************IiIIii IIi III jJJrI ·IIIi!I

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