Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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----------------~---~-~~~-~----~----~~ -~ .. ~-.- .. -~-(310I~ ... ~ OEME;T:-M-~;;_D~N= -11 - .. _. ___ ._.89758976W)77897889798 C '808981gq828983898/1-8"8/.,.8985112333030MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORDTO \.JHOI·IStandard Service Station, IS' Dints <strong>of</strong> iramsmission'rease<strong>Oxford</strong> Li~ht and :later Plant, March bill Folice statirnSouthern Ben Tel. & Tel. Co., bill for Police OfficeHuggins and Hilbun Hot.or Co., gasoline for police carHetts Brothers HardHare, shop sUflpliesHansen !·fanufacturine Co., Inc., mot.or for traffic liGhtThe <strong>Oxford</strong> Ea[~le, sur-plies for Police OfficeUnited Gas Corporation, gas bin for roUce Office - HarchBoyce G. Bratton, care <strong>of</strong> prisonersRussell Fudge, gravel for stockpile for <strong>City</strong> Du..mpRussell FudGe, gravel for stockpile - <strong>City</strong> Dump<strong>Oxford</strong> Lir,l1t 2.nd lJater Der:artment, street liiShtingPa tton-Courtney HardHare, su},plies for equipment repairsPatton-Courtney H ardl13re, HedgesPatton-Courtney HardHare Co., supplios for repairs for shop11. R. Hall, sharpenin: picksH. R. Hall, sharpeninf~ exes Find S3HSStandard Oil Company, gasoline for service truckStandard Oil Company, gasoline for service truckTOTALACCOL~~ __ F~'.!.23821821622L:.2432602212182112392392592272382/a229239228238AHCl'E!C;6.6511.8819.2738.27.1016.952.506.2362.0021.5060.10M.l.60.77/: .• 503.751.206.90l21.7572!82C:;;4, 244. 20..89178759885588828870123446783391031112131/+1516171819SCHOOL fU .:::.",:.:.H:..D__J. D. Cole, salary for 1-brchC. P. Fulmer, De;:mty Clerk, payroll }f.arch 3, 1951C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll lvlarch 11+, 1951C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, Petty CashThe First National Bank, taxes Hithheld for FebruaryC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll 3/30/51Scott, Foresman & Co., test primerlvtlssissippi School Supply Co., chalkboardsAcme Paper Company, toilet tissueAcme Paper Company, toilet tissue. .....<strong>Oxford</strong> Sheet l1etal \>1orks, veni18.torsUniversity High School, U. H. S., tuitionR. E. Keye, expenses to H. E. A. meetingNississippi School Sup~'ly Co., 12 foldinG chairslvlississippi School Supply Co., material for instructionThe J. E. Neilson Co., fuel Colored School<strong>Oxford</strong> Colored Masonic Lodge, rent on hallHississippi School Supply Co., material for instructionThe National Education Association, material for instructionSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., bill Elem. SchoolElliott Hardwtre Co., janitor sUF~liesMiss Hattie Richardson, petty cashUnited Gas Corporation, bill for MarchUnited Gas Corporation, bill for }iarch<strong>Oxford</strong> Light and \tJater Plant, bills for March:Hiss Hattie Richardson, travel eX}Jcnse HE!\, meetingS. G. Gooden, petty cash301 ":;52.00332 3/+096332 101.903L~5 10.00Varicus 555.53332307332333333336311306322318334C322C318C31830533330733/1-334334306307-C128.877.7856.7027.0081.0011+.253,166.6641./+260.21<strong>14</strong>.20100.8540.0055.Q/+11.255.559.3916.76G.Le2136.7392.1516.91We. 54;;;;4,961.473LEC'rru CAL DEI' ARTjfE~IT217218to226227229230through240241thrcugh25/tJ. D. Ivy, haulinG <strong>of</strong> polesPayroll for period Harch 1 through}larch JJI-th, 1951Southern Petroleum Co., fuel oilUnion Planter's Nat. Bank - payment <strong>of</strong> bonds and interestand collection chargesNrs. T!. Ivy, salary <strong>of</strong> ext.ra <strong>of</strong>fice helpPayroll for moth <strong>of</strong> Barch, 1951Payroll for period H:"I.rch 15, to 31st, 1951<strong>Oxford</strong> Sa'H Hill, 10 cross tiresSouthern Bell Tel. 8: Tel. Co., phone billThe i>larren Corporation, billing sucplies131-11/13.1131.2229.12502V+3.l11+3.1100.31502502·;~30.00302.<strong>14</strong>3,932.0810,517.5022.502,367.90595.0/e15.0017.8089.35

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