Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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2951MINUTE BO.OK~o.<strong>14</strong>, CITY .·Of OXfORDDEMENT -MEA/DIANWARRANT NO. TO WHON ACCOUNT NO.Al10UNT8728872987308731873287338734873587368715873785428601867986S38~48tg5868986908691869286938694869587038707[5547elSe78686876687688769877087708771877287733774877587768777877887798780878187828783878487878786871i7878887898790879187928793879L,879538398877CORPORATION FUNDE. P. Lowe, salary for FebruaryMoody Nelson, salary for FebruaryBill Inmon, salary for FebruaryG. D. Parker, salary for FebruaryCharles G. stone, salary for FebruaryBeatrice H. stone, salary for FebruaryLafayette County Health DepartmentLafayette County Library - pro-rataChancery Clerk, Lafayette County, a110tment for rest roomC. P. Fulmer, salary for FebruaryJ. W. Price, salary for FebruaryC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Feb. 3, 1951C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payro11 Feb. 10, 1951C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Feb. 17, 1951David Nelson, Jr., Fire at Holly SpringsBill Inmon, fire at Holly SpringsJames Jackson, fire at Holly SpringsMrs. C. B. Belk, service on election dayMrs. H. D. Webster, services on Election DayHrs. Fred Wallace, services on Election Dayl'frs. Guy B. Taylor, Sr., three days workRoger S. :Hyers, three days Hork for Election CommissionW. W. Joor, four days work for Election CommissionJohn C. I·Tingo, refund on tax on carC. p. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk - petty cash Feb. 23, 1951C. p. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll, Feb. 24, 1951The First National Bank, tax withheld for <strong>January</strong>Helvin Anderson, fire at Holly SpringsIta Mills, fire at Holly SpringsTh~ <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle, <strong>of</strong>fice suppliesGrundy's Cafe, 6 dinne"s on Election Day<strong>Oxford</strong> Light and Water Plant, light bill for <strong>City</strong> HallSouthern Be11 Tel. and Tel. Co., Feb. billSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Feb. bi11United Gas eorporation, gas bill <strong>City</strong> HallS. C. To<strong>of</strong> and Co., <strong>of</strong>fice suppliesPARK CmillISSION BILLS:The <strong>Oxford</strong> Eagle, suppliesSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Feb. bi11Standard School Service, art paper and postage<strong>Oxford</strong> Electric Co., suppliesThe J. E. Neilson Co., suppliesNational Recreation Association, year's subscriptionCentral Company, Inc., janitor suppliesDixie Hanufacturing Co., janitor suppliesSouthern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Feb. billPatton-Courtney Hardware, 1 ax<strong>Oxford</strong> \fuolesale lrocery Co. , janitor suppliesRodent Control Fund, bait and paper plates for rat poisonMetta Brothers Hard"rare, 1 socket refillElliott Lumber Co., lumber, nails and suppliesHetts Brothers Hardvrare, glass and putty for <strong>City</strong> HallJ. p. Slade, balance on contract <strong>of</strong> repairing storm damageto ro<strong>of</strong>s at AirportJ. P. Slade 1temporary repair to ro<strong>of</strong> at <strong>City</strong> Hall<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto Parts, supplies for repairs - Fire TruckW. S. Darly, hose gasketsReynoJr1;; P. & H. and Elec. Service, supplies and serviceReynolds P. & H. and Elec. Service, suppliesReynolds P. & H. and Elec. Service, supplies and serviceReynolds P. & H. and Elec. Service, supplies and se~JiceThe J. E. Neilson Co., Buie Huseum billsTOTALOle Miss Alumi Association, one-half page advertisementSTREET FUHD117135135135178178136<strong>14</strong>81<strong>14</strong>111115Various<strong>14</strong>7 & 126Various135135135<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>0VariousVariousVarious135135<strong>14</strong>6<strong>14</strong>1<strong>14</strong>2135124123<strong>14</strong>6l78-Al78-Al78-Al7E~-Al78-Al78-A12712712/ ...151127153111-9l35-A135150155130135<strong>14</strong>9161135-A165<strong>14</strong>7166$300.00150.00150.0030.002<strong>14</strong>.6077.70162.5032.5015.00236.10100.0033.9027.0039.007.507.507.505.005.005.0030.0030.0040.004.2020.6687.50109.903.003.0012.106.~55.1915.503.75118.011.446.906.758.303.682.0010.0058.3441.0010.073.357.20128.52.6031.912.6553.252.50.756.20169.953.on73 ..$4,045.3535.00$73887398746g746854385468549860286058680'i.~69787048708G. D. Parker, salary for FebruaryR. L. Tidwell, salary for FebruaryIra Mills, salary for FebruaryIra Hills, salary for FebruaryC. P. Fulmer, payro11, February 3, 1951The First National Bank, note and interestThe First National Bank, taxes "Ii thheld for <strong>January</strong>C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll February 3, 1951E. N. L01"e, renta 1 on truck with driverC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Feb. 17, 1951John C. Wingo, refund <strong>of</strong> tax on carC. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, petty cash 2/23/51C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll 2/21/51235225223228Various203 & 264VariousVarious226Various266VariousVarious$160.00165.0026.8826.87519.0620,234.3020.00884.5539.00812.723.6039.45692.18;_ ___ ___ h ____ ~ ________ ~ _____ ~ _________________________________.u__

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