Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MINUTE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD----~~-DEMENT - MERIDIAN-----::- ...TO \mON ACCOln-rr NO. AMOUNTSTREEl' FUND CONTINUEDB427 Rand HcNally and Co., set <strong>of</strong> maps 322 $32.75B42B Martin School Equipment Co., steel folding chairs 322 55.59B429 School Service Company, miscellaneous supplies 322 1.19B430 The J. E. Neilson Co., miscellaneous supplies 322 81.54B431 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Nov. bill 305 B.IOB432 Reynolds P. and H. and Elec. Service, service on plumbing 336 7B.70B433 Tayloe Paper Co., toilet paper dispenser 333 12.44B433 Tayloe Paper Co., janitor supplies 333 57.29B434 <strong>Oxford</strong> Electric Co., repairs to equipment 336 9.40B435 The Office Supply Co., supplies for instruction 318 36.5B$436 S'. C. To<strong>of</strong> and Co., lettering guide 318 3.358/+36 S. C. To<strong>of</strong> and Co., instructional ~~terial 3lB 7.35B436 S. C. To<strong>of</strong> and Co., material for instruction 3lB 30.07$437 Georgia School <strong>Book</strong> Depository, supplies for administration 307 4/;..B5843B Miss Hattie Richardson, petty c3sh 307 35.06Bl,,39 Neil A. Kjos Husic Co., band expense 312 15.508440 Scott, Foresman & Co., miscellaneous supplies 322 20.53B44l Bond Music Co., Inc. , band expense' 312 12.00B442 University High School, U. H. S. tuition for Nov. & Dex. 311 6,333.32B443 <strong>City</strong> Light and Water Plant, light and water Elem. School 334 L5.79$443 <strong>City</strong> Light and Water Plant, light and 1-later Colored School 334C 33.65$41Y4 <strong>Oxford</strong> Colored Masonic Lodge 322C 72.50B445 Elliott Hardware Company, plate glass 336 3.21$446 R. E. Keye, school administration meeting Jackson 306 36.61B447 <strong>Oxford</strong> Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaners 333 2.24$448 John Phillips, plastering (Elem. Building) 336 2$.00TOTAL $9,568.95LIC',HT FUNDB310 Elton Addington, salary for December 411 $97.<strong>14</strong>B3ll Louis Campbell, salary for December 4ll 107.40B3l2 Ira L. Crowson, salary for December 411 106.40B313 C. P. Fulmer, salary for December 412 56.25B3<strong>14</strong> C. E. Harrison, salary for December 410 226.70B315 Nona E. Woodward, salary for December 1;.12 40.318316 BeUlah Sharp Lyles, salary for December 412 37.50B3l7 G. W. Johnson, salary for December 411 133.26$3lB D. S. Ross, salary for December 411 121.538319 John Russell, salary for December 411 . 97.<strong>14</strong>B320 R. H. Winter, salary for December 411 <strong>14</strong>0.808321 Ira Mills, salary for December 423 26.BBB32l Ira Mills, salary for Deccm:Jer 433 26.$7$322 J. E. Hicks, salary for DecemJer 411 77.50$323 C. H. Roach, salary for Decem1)er 412 37.50B324 William N. U::lvelady, salary for December 412 175.00$1<strong>14</strong> C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Dec. 2, <strong>1950</strong> Various 174.99$163 The First National Baru(, tqxes withheld for Nov. Various 129.20$168 C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Dec. 9, <strong>1950</strong> 433 & 438 179.99B204 C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Dec. 16, <strong>1950</strong> 423 & 433 <strong>14</strong>.2.23B209 Electric Revenue Bond Redemption Fund, transfer 1,035.00B2(O C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, petty cash 12/19/50 Various 67.238269 C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Dec. 23, <strong>1950</strong> 423 & 433 156.$7$342 C. P. Fulmer, Deputy Clerk, payroll Dec. 30, <strong>1950</strong> 423 & 433 26.509 Hederman Brothers, <strong>of</strong>fice supplies 4<strong>14</strong> 49.3010 Dement Printing Co., supplies for <strong>of</strong>fice 1+<strong>14</strong> 7.5011 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Substation supplies 434 726.7712 The Hilliard Corporation, 17 bags hilite 419 25.5013 Nordberg Manufacturing Co., Hork on equipment ly2l 156.00<strong>14</strong> H. Blockman and Co., .. Ii ping cloths 422 32.0015 Electric Meter Service, meters and parts 431 B4.6416 The Filter and Injector Co., cellulose and filter paper 419 B2.0017 Tenn. Valley Elec. Supply Co., supplies Elec. Dept. 42B 205.B519 Graybar Elec. Co., Inc., hub~;ard pins - Substation l~34 25.$3lB Graybar Electric Co., Inc., electrical supplies 42$ 254.1020 The Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., 245 poles @ $1.00 430 245.0021 Stuart C. Irby Co., electrical supplies 42B 12.1622 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., Dec. bill Light Plant 442 10.9023 Southern Line Construction Co., material for Transmission line 435 1,094.5024 The Warren Corporation, <strong>of</strong>fice supplies 4<strong>14</strong> <strong>14</strong>.0425 Graybar Electric Co., Inc., electrical supplies 428 134.1926 The Texas Company, lu",ricating oil 419 lBl.4427 Pidgeon-Thomas Iron Co., mesh la\/n fence 432 25.542B Alcorn County Elec. Power CommiSSion, loading transformers 43$ 6.5029 Southern Petroleum Co., fuel oil 418 4,325.2429 Southern Petroleum Co., reimbursement for deductions 41$ 42.6830 Russell Fudge, S8.nd and gravel for Substation /+34 37.9531 Western Auto, electrical supplies /~$ 1.7032 Metts Brothers Hardware, supplies for electrical Department 42B 6.45

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