Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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._'-"~-'-'_. __ .,---=-=-,_' ____ ~'_.__.25~!'_--'-. __ ..-CC=. __ . '~'rllmnlT' ~ M'£RIDIANMINUTE aOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD•._._--'--'.'-'-._.c._·-'C._-'_._______. _.'_'_.,::.. ~_.____,'-_-=__..._,:T!.' .... r; (Ii' HTSSISSIPPI )CC'UlTTY ce L\? AY:STTE )CITY C~;' OX:i'cr(~) )vIe, tho Ul1l 1 er:J::ignod COl"Jnissionors <strong>of</strong> Election -:"or Tho Ci t~·<strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>,<strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississi:;:Ti, hereb~r C8l'tif:.c thnt HO have recoived~nc. c["nvasscd ":,1-:0 returns<strong>of</strong> the 1,12no.;:,:e1's 0.:1('. Clerks <strong>of</strong> EIGction :Lor the Gonernl IIun:tcil'£'.l EJectionheld :.11 Tho <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> OySord, <strong>Oxford</strong>, l;ississilTi, this tl:e 12th d['y <strong>of</strong> December,<strong>1950</strong>, nne. find th["t s[,i'l roturns nrc t.rue [.ne] corroct. Copy <strong>of</strong> sf'.id returns Rrehoreto 3.ttached.";Therefore, He declo.re the foll011ins to he.vc beon elected to the reopectiveo~:Lices <strong>of</strong> The Cit:' <strong>of</strong> Oyi'o~,(l, Ox.fcrd, !;ississippi, inGic2,ted:lfuyor n. X. Hillio,)"1s;J.furshal, Ne"rt King;Alc1errr..all at LarGe, P.O. Elliott;Alc1erml': vlnrc1 1, Ben J. Hilbun;Aldorr.o.n HO.rc1 2, Hiley T. Cr.[,ndler;AJ.derman ~Je,rd 3, H. S. Sis1:; ~ndAldeITlan Hard .If, Robert 11. Hickey;To serve the term cf <strong>of</strong>f:Lce l'rovic.ed [))' Section (,2 <strong>of</strong> House ::Jill Ho. 71,<strong>of</strong> the l'!i3sissippi un'Is <strong>of</strong> the Hegulnr <strong>1950</strong> Lo[;islati.v0 Session.Hitne:Js our h~'.nds, this tl:e 12th d2Y <strong>of</strong> December, <strong>1950</strong>.IsL HI'S. G. B. Taylor_~/..:::s...I---=E;:,,:.:.....;:.C.::..! _...:C~o:::.::b:..::::b_________._____lsi ~1. ~~e:Js 'i?r01Jl1 _Election Co~~issionersSTA'l'= C1" HDSISSIPPI)r('TTT'T":''' " l,~, ~ .• C":' L' h. ?~yri'TTE ;-;._"" )CITY C:;.;' O~~~i'O:;.D )I, T. E. CC1'1bs, CH;)' Clerl: <strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> cf <strong>Oxford</strong>, O~Sord, Hississirpi,hereby cel'tify thp.t the lmrd <strong>of</strong> Election COP1I'1issioners "f ssi.d <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oxforc.~,have certified to tho J.1'J.yor and JOG,rd <strong>of</strong> AlderTaon co:' The CH:, <strong>of</strong> Oxferd, 1!ississippi,that the foJ.lo1.1ing, beinz 211 2nd the only elec+,ive <strong>of</strong>c"icer::; <strong>of</strong> ::;::icl <strong>City</strong>,hO,Y8 been elected to serve in tho respective <strong>of</strong>'i'~.ces inrlicrted hereinholo','[ f'or e.ternl ci' <strong>of</strong>=~ ~e cO""T'onc:'nc on the first lIanday in Jannary (<strong>January</strong> 1) 1951 ~md endingon t!lC first 110ncby in <strong>July</strong>, 1953, as provided in Secticn 3764 <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong>191:..2 and Section 62 <strong>of</strong> House Bill No. 71 <strong>of</strong> tho llississippi L

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