Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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-----.---------------------------------------------------------~MINu'IE BOOK No. <strong>14</strong>, CITY OF OXFORD2571Jw=i.-'--__..__ .___• __ ~_-'_ .•.-'--_ c _ •.•.__.•.:=_.CC_._._· ='-:~-'-'-''--'~';:;;''''-.i:jr-'===1=~[i.TT C=Ll:]~,t~:~cz ~~r)Crl'=:'~G TI~~~: ~-.~=j,T}-lSiCl~ :~.~~D r.C]~?IC~\~IC2·~ (,7 ~~~~~ CI:.DIr;!.ITC~SC~;t TI!E CI'-'~: O? O:'::;'CT~D, O;~?C~J), ~rI;~3I.3SIFrI, !.. S F?O­',T~J:SD ~y S:C~~lIC!~ '7(; <strong>of</strong> I-Io1.1sC :3jvll ITo. 71 C7 T:':E ?,~CT.TLtS: 1()50.SESSICI' 0::' :-':Y:::'; :! 'I.SS I.SS IPPI LEG-ISLP.Tli3'::=.',D18reo.s, t!-:e l~[.yor c.nd S09.rc1 <strong>of</strong> Al::1err::'811 <strong>of</strong> the Ci t;-/ <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>,O:;:i'ord, 11iosissippi, did on Al~~U::lt 1, <strong>1950</strong> 2.c1opt 3. T8S0111tion 8::1-:'loy:in~ :-ond directiY'..'; Ci":' Attorney Thon.,:,s n. EthridGc to revi:Jo ').:;12codif;'/ +;2-0 ol'uiY'.anc8:J <strong>of</strong> T"-,e C:it;'i <strong>of</strong> O::~crc~; rnd,VIhe:ce'Ol.8, tl-.8 Cit~- Lttorney k!.s rn\rioed ::-.n~o" codifiec 1 . t.he s::d'iordinances as emplcyed o.n r 1 c1irec·f;ccl so te do "l~:;. nOH preGcnt:; thatrn~c'~_:;icn ['.l1d codific2tic·n te· this Govern:tr,[~ B'x~y, 2nd tl:..i:; GovernineBody "ind':":-:L the s::d.J rcv:lsien ".nd coc1ific::,.tion ?ccert3ble tc.it r.s cCD~·liD.:r.cc '.Tit}: :it::; :-:iil~nctive 'me:' ter't";}3 cf err:ploYli'ent 0= theCi t;,/ Htol'ne:' 7 ; nOH, tllel'e:~ol'e,i1OBe and :Lt :ls hereby oy·c18.inecl. b: rf' rj'TT:;: ",-'r;,v C·T,' OY":'C'l/T' PTc~~TC!C:·-lPpT •.... ..... _...- 1...1 __ ...... ,.J.. .t.:..._ J,..~' .l.l.,l.,UkJ_~.hJ .J..,the Hc'1.yor 'mel 00ard <strong>of</strong> AldermenSECT:CIT 1. That tl:c rn'tI:.s~_cr. ~~nd co(lii'ic~ti(l~"\ (f -:}~O crc:.2_TlanCCs0= The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> C:;:i'ord, I:ississipri, i:-:cludin:;:.he l\.ecol':1 HiGtorical31:etch <strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ozfor:1, J:i3si:::;sippi, bq;::: .. uO:'.nc uitI;. a Table <strong>of</strong>Con-tent;:; end .::n Indo:: ::mcl IJrocceu::ng from thence ttl'OU2h lx.ges nmnberec1scrially fro~~' 1 to 9J., ljoth incl17.sive, in or:.DIIYL=lCE lom: 1m. 2, df tl:e01'd.ir,o.nces <strong>of</strong> The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> O::forc., ~lissis:::;:ipr:!, bo 2.nc~ it is l-..ernbyClc1or-:ed s,:-j ~'~10 cffici2.1 Code <strong>of</strong> Ordin&nces <strong>of</strong> s2.id CUy-.SECTIC1T 2. Tl,at the Ci:'~! Clerl~ be nrd he 10 heroh:;,' directed :mdinstructed to ~.3:'1'JO :::. u:'rr'Cl'.t fortlm:.t', to 'l'hol"J.s.s '2. Et1n·}.c1ce~or his\101'1

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