Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford

Book 14 (January 1950 - July 1954) - City of Oxford


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MJNUJE BO.OK No. <strong>14</strong>, CLTY OF_OXfORD5P:')')5P:2158')/.5P:?558")65P:?'75p:?O583058:=n5P:'.I')1)~33581J..5~.351)83658371)818'J'hA <strong>Oxford</strong> EI1(11e, J11?inten!'lnce ronort~Metts Bros. H "'r(h-J~re, 1 bushin~<strong>Oxford</strong> Auto pprts Co., mi ~c. rn~t,PT':i,., 18St~ndprdOil Co.,~~~olineChoctl1H, Inc •. ~ ~r"'rninp ironsCO'l"inth H", ~}.:j n0.r~T Co., r'''' 1 v. n:i nn 1 p~,Tohn K. Ppmev , trench inn' on Tvler p. J3ckson Ave"'..Vikinp: Supnly Cornorption, cpuplin's, goosenec}cs, etc.Southern Supply Co., curb cocks0xf'nrn }1o+'o'l" Co., tr", ff'ic Ii n'rt lens"1_Ti' Comnpn'l'T, J.e8d joint r1llnFl'l"npvi~ Heter 'Pen..,j'l" f· Sunnl" Co., cm1n1 :1 ~~8Cr~.ne C0., 0'''' 1V. ni peEIJJ c,tt IJumbp", Co., P'''' 1 v. ironJqmes B. CloH 8, Sons, pipen.., 1 p~T lUmber Co., 2 bllp,s cementN. (\. Nelson Co., invo~cp '0-?P:-l9Ir~ C. :~:oJ8cl1 Ce., Croc1~_·t} ~~c;~-:c'. Jen.5165115")1)525t::l~5J 1511;.51051051'.1I)' ?1)105 1 0518513513~ 19.50.:::>513.3715.')63.2!c1.3~902.702!~7 .2037.97• .306.00150.~77!~.28.~O5,763.?02.00166.0?. ___ 100• 0 ;1TOTA.1J583958L~0563056~156761)077Ozburn-Abst.on F~ Co., ~rRpl~itePAtton-Courtne" Hqrchmre, J. crm oil, p]5"'rsCIRude H. Ropch, cTr>n. 8P1 p r'V}Jevt Vinp', ,Tpn. SF\lR~rT)u..Ylc~n pqrki ~ Neter Corporati0n, Dec. Co]Jectjor,sMrs. tTc~ n Forc'l, cJ eric'" 1 Hork~ 1.004.7511)(').00165.00715.57/'6.69-....-~-".--T(\rp~.lN. O. NeJflon Co., nil)e (~"'fl)R"''''n()lc'ls P. p. F. rmo. Elec. Service, nlmnbjn. N , l!'!bor E, rpn~:ir n,.,rtc;~ PI).62_ .. _23.'L~8tu p rt C. Irby Co., Invoice No. F73P: (li(1ht. fjx-i',ul'e)(n q j n bv ner~0n~ 1 ch"'c" <strong>of</strong> lIrs. i,!. 1·1. Eq flt., Sr. by Honl'!1.JoodHPrd):::>.19On motion made by ~Jderm"'n Comhs, sec0noen by ~1rlermr>n Avent lOme'! n"'s8eo unpnimouslv it vmsorder that Speci"1} Street ImnrovemFmt , Bondfl Nos. ;,n to /,.'7 nnd'3pecial street Intersect5 onBonns Nos. /,.? to 53 inc:Jusive be recql}8d, I'l.nrl that the <strong>City</strong>A.ttorne'T t'l]'e the neceSsqI;! stepsfor such recp11.On motion m"de by Alderman A.vent, ,geconded b'I'T A,lderT'1pn Hilbun "'nn pl'1ssed unanimouA1~.oraereo. th"t the <strong>City</strong> En(:'ineer advertise for seHer c1enning ec1tlipment.it W1FlOn motion m"'.de bv Alo.prmAn Combs, seconded by Alderm~m Sisk And passed unAnimously it vms orderedthpt t.re f01101,rj n!7 lJOTJCE TO BIDDERS be nublished in Tre Oxforn Eq~le:"Not.ice is hereby d.ven th'1t the Nayor pnr1 Boqrd <strong>of</strong> A lde""men <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Oxford</strong>, MissiMip~i,Hill recejve se.Jed bid.s for street, ~nd:inp" m"Avelinr, nqv5np:, spnitqr:r And storm sevTers810n~ i-1il1iRms and S18'1< Avem1.~s ... nc'! Ave:r..t. qnd Comh8 streets bet'Jeen lnl1i"l:rlS pnn SiskA.venues, in !~vent A.cres Subdivision +.0 the Citv <strong>of</strong> Ox-f'ord, Mi,ssiFlsipni, sRid bios to beb" sed on n] RnA a.nel 8necificRt 50'18 on fi' e in t.he Ci tv Enoin"!er' 8 <strong>of</strong>'fj.ce "no to bA submittedto the <strong>City</strong> Clerk at this <strong>of</strong>fice in the Cit~r fh1] At <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hississinni, on 0'" before7:30 P.B., li'ebruaI;r 23, <strong>1950</strong>. ThA ~~q"or "nel Boord <strong>of</strong> 1I1oermen <strong>of</strong>' <strong>Oxford</strong>, Hic:;siC:;Aippi,reserve the rirht to reject Rny !'!nc'l ,.,]] bid.s."

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